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* * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/7/2006 5:02:50 PM
All of us are just on the outside looking in and so everything I say is just my opinion and gut instincts, but I've never felt for a minute that Storm Pay froze funds in 12 Daily Pro and other programs because of a pending federal investigation. I might have been inclined to believe that if 1) Storm Pay hadn't demanded these programs to drop all other payment processors less than a week before the freeze and 2) The explanation email came way too late after the deed was done. Even though this action cost me thousands in profits I was ready to continue on with Storm Pay with a few subscriptions that I had for a few marketing resources. I figured I wasn't at risk by doing this because I'm not making serious money with any of those resources. Now today I'm seeing alarming evidence that had made me decide to cancel my Storm Pay account. Here are a couple of updates I've received today from two different program owners. This first one is not an auto surfing or HYIP program but they are a program that monitors the auto surfing industry. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This is an Important announcement! Felicia, Stormpay has begun unauthorized drafting of money out of their Stormpay member’s checking accounts. I have just contacted by bank and they informed me that if I set up my checking account through Stormpay and authorized Stormpay to withdraw money from my checking account. Then there is no recourse if funds are withdrawn by Stormpay. (Authorized by me or not) I am writing to inform you that your checking account is in danger of being accessed by these thieves! Please take the necessary measures to protect yourself! We will keep you informed on this situation. Matt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The above announcement got my attention but I was still working on other things and didn't stop to do anything about it. But the following announcement scared the living daylights out of me. The Affiliate Adverstisng Networks is not in any ways associated with auto surfing and HYIPs, it's an advertising program that enables members to be able to send out solo ads to their members and place advertising on the website. Another thing that made me sit up and take notice of this email is that earlier today (or maybe it was yesterday) the Owner had sent out an email where he said there was no cause for alarm about Storm Pay because all that had happened was because of the goverment investigation of HYIPs and auto surfing. He said most of the things floating around about Storm Pay were not true. He went from an email of that tone, to the following email, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * AAN Update: URGENT - Get out of StormPay RIGHT NOW StormPay just started removing (stealing) money from just about everyones account. They are doing chargebacks like crazy, mostly for 5 Day Funds and 12DailyPro funds received. Plus they are charging a $75 chargeback fee to your account for EACH transaction that they initiated the chargeback for. Now I'm not an attorney but I'm pretty sure this is illegal activity. I think it's time someone filed a class action suit against them. StormPay just cancelled all my withdrawals that had not gone through yet. Then they REMOVED $22,000 from my account. If you can login you need to go in and cancel any subscriptions you have, try to withdraw anything you can, remove any credit cards from your account, and basically get out as quick as you can. Yes, this is going to kill AAN. They already removed so much AAN money from my account that I am now WAY below the RESERVE amount they set on my account. That means I won't have access to what's left, can't make any payments to anyone, and can't withdraw anything. First INTGold and now this! I am literally sick to my stomach right now. AAN Admin ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ That pretty much was like having a fire alarm go off in my brain. I logged into my Storm Pay account, there isn't a way to take my checking account information off my profile, I have to contact Storm Pay to have them do that. (like I'd trust them to do that) Also my credit card on file is really a debit card which is just like having my checking account as well. I cancelled all subscriptions and then after a few minutes hesitation I pulled the plug and closed out my Storm Pay account. There was a notice that said that once done I can never open up another Storm Pay account again. I can't tell you what to do, I don't know if I needed to take the drastic action that I took today or not. I basically went with the saying, better safe than sorry. Fortunately because of my dear 12 Daily Pro sponsor I originally started with Egold when I joined 12 Daily Pro. When 12 Daily Pro decided to leave Egold I took the option to take the pending transaction money and have it sent to me in an EMO money order. I'll forever be grateful that I took that option because I received that money order last week. So I've never received any money from 12 Daily Pro through Storm Pay, so I don't think I'm at risk for any charge backs. But any of you that received 12 Daily Pro money from Storm Pay, beware. I also presume that since I've closed my Storm Pay account that Storm Pay can't hurt me anymore. What Storm Pay is doing is way worse than anything PayPal has ever done. And in the light of what has gone down, I'm actually excited about the prospect of working with Egold again. Anyway I thought I owed it to you to give you the latest. Again I don't know rather it's a wise decision to go and close your Storm Pay account. All I know is that I don't like the way they do business and I'll be able to live and survive without them. I'm going to contact 2 programs I want to continue in and see if they have any other option since I cancelled my Storm Pay subscriptions today. I also want to state that I still LOVE auto surfing as a way to work from home and earn a full-time income. The only thing I'm going to do differently is to create a portfolio of several auto surfing programs that pay different percentages so that the risk is different and I'm not earning from just one income stream. I'm also going to further diversify by joining several HYIPs programs. The only thing I've walked away from this with is the decision that I in no way want to be associated with Storm Pay again. And further more I won't even join a program that I want to make money from, that offers Storm Pay as a payment option because I don't want to go through this again or have this hanging over the program's head. There are other options out there. Fortunately they don't have a monopoly! Good luck folks! Oh and I'll be sending out an announcement in my Profit4you forum sometime after midnight about a new HYIP that I'm excited about.

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Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/7/2006 5:23:07 PM
Hi Felcia, Thnaks for the update! I checked my SP account I have 3 chargebacks and they cancelled my withdrawal. I had requested a check and they have cancelled it. I terminated my account with them and tomorrow I am going to my bank to put a stop on anything from stormpay. They are such crooks. Thanks again Michelle
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Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/7/2006 5:32:51 PM
HI Felicia, I had heard yesterday, or the day before, that StormPay had starting taking money from people's checking accounts. They are really terrible these people, it is a good thing that your people forewarned you and you closed out your account! Thanks so much for sharing! Marilyn
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Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/7/2006 5:46:36 PM
Hi thanks for the invite heres more info I put in my forum Looks like stormpay is cleaning out everyones account and banks account luckly mine is on hold im in the process of opening a new account I sugest you take your money out of stormpay if your still able to login.
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Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/7/2006 5:50:54 PM
Hi Felicia Thank you for the updated forums. Well, I thought I was OK as I opted to request a cheque last week when Stormpay skuldugery first start appearing in my e-mails. The request went through and I was thinking that it would arrive sometime this week. Well just after I started reading your post I decided to go log into Stormpay and make sure that I did indeed take off my debit card details which I only put on 10 days ago. Stormpay has cancelled my cheque and has given me a chargeback and sent my money to Alien Trust, whom we are members of, and upgraded and waiting for Alien Trust to start up their site again - They (Alien Trust) have had some problems since they moved servers then they decided they would not start up again until the trouble with Stormpay had been settled (a wise decision). I am going to have to write Alien Trust now with a copy of the chargeback details for their records, so they can either credit me further upgrades or something.... Stormpay is indeed working in an extremely illegal, unethical, immoral manner. I wonder if they sleep well at night. Kind regards Amanda Martin-Shaver

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