Ahhh, well, Felicia....you can either laugh or you can cry and, for the life of me, I will not give them the satisfaction of crying!!
I do, however, like to fight back...just a little when I can. I forwarded a whole bunch of links/info about all of this to my nephew who has connections in the broadcasting world. This is the reply I got back:
>>Hey, sorry I couldn't answer sooner. Been busy at work tonight. This
is a very interesting story. I sent it on to the news director for both stations here, and on to a couple other stations I have good connections to. It's a good "on your side" or consumer affairs report. And there is the fact that we are in the middle of the ratings sweeps period, so they
are looking for high level stories like this.<<
I didn't want to say anything until I heard from him. He's a local stringer for one of the major networks (I believe it's Fox, but I don't remember for sure), plus a producer/director for their own local station. So, this is good......this is all very, very good.....sleep well Steve & John, hopefully the big guns will be shoving their mikes in your faces very, very soon!