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Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/7/2006 6:36:26 PM
You made a wise decision Felica. Mr. John Q. Stormpay is something I scrape off the bottoms of my shoes and flush down the toilet.
Douglas Grounds
Flag of Felicia Harris

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Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/7/2006 6:39:58 PM
Hello Holly, you're welcome. You don't have to be concerned about putting Egold in your back office for 12 Daily Pro. Right now all of us have Storm Pay information in the options, but once 12 Daily Pro is open for upgrades, then we'll be able to put our new account information, so far the only thing we know is that they'll be using EMO. They have a good relationship with EMO and EMO wants their business.

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Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/7/2006 7:04:38 PM
For everyone involved please take a few moments to file a claim with the Tennesee BBB, where StormPay resides. I have heard that they want to hear all of our cases. I have already filed my case and it only takes 5 minutes. Here is the direct link to do this.> If you want to know more about StormPay and their sham operations, please visit my website.> and Good Luck!! Remember to file YOUR claim. It only takes 5 minutes and we need to help bring these monsters down. EVERY CASE COUNTS!!
BIG John - Head Honcho * JustAskBigJohn.COM * If It Ain't BIG Bucks, It Ain't BIG John!
Flag of Chas Dougherty

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Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/7/2006 7:05:30 PM
Hi Felicia; Well it looks like there's a mad rush on StormPay to save what we can! I was jute there to get the rest of my $$ out, only $18 but guess what Its GONE~~ Show's up as a chargeback that went to 12DailyPro. Funny as I didn't have any recent transactions with them. Anynway now the site is frozen I cant get to my profile page to change anything or even close my account!! Guess I'll keep trying. How can Stormpay get away with this This place should have been raided by the FBI or FCC or somebody after the first outrage. Good luck all!! Chas.D
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Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/7/2006 7:15:21 PM
Wow StormPay is sure making a lot of enemies :) I also had a charge back on my account today to from ProfitsYouDeserve LOL Of all people they took me for a Deposite that I had made of $1000.00 It was done at the same time they were switching ISP's so It never got recdorded as a Deposite..Grrrrrr Now they have the nerve to take $500.00 out of my Stormpay account as a Charge Back. I just got a check from StormPay on Monday for 18,000.00 I got nervous and asked for my money. I just hope the check clears the bank soon. They are too much I went in today and took out all my banking information today. They left my account at 0.00 now so I dont see any reason to cancel it yet I will let this all unfold and see what happends. Dan L'Heureux

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