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Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/7/2006 5:53:02 PM
hi there from fellow 12 daily member thanks for that info i pulled the plug on my debit card few days ago when storm pay voided a transaction to 12 daily and kept sending blank emails with void in subject line, then said they refunded it when it put my account in - so i quickly removed my debit card strange hope every who is in storm pay gets out quick this is exstreamly unnerving makes me wonder who to trust for payment processing i take it egold is still ok yours sincerely jason
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Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/7/2006 5:53:32 PM
You're welcome Marilyn.

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Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/7/2006 5:56:37 PM
Hi Felicia, I was laughing mightily yesterday because SP had frozen my ISP from accessing their site. I had only 64 cents in my account. Today, I decided just for the heck of it to go to the site to send someone I know some info that I could get through just the front page without signing in. Also, just for the heck of, I decided to sign in and found that my account was no longer frozen! Lo and behold, they showed that I had $5.39 in my account, but there was nothing in the history about where it came from. I closed my account and, like you, hope that now that they have my debit card we won't have any problems after this. Something tells me that they are getting way too far on the desperate side and we really need to keep a very close watch on all of our accounts!
Flag of Holly Goodyer

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Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/7/2006 5:57:05 PM
Thankyou for all that info Felicia, i just logged into my storm pay account and they have charged back the balance I had in there. it wasn't much only $8 but its gone. i have a 12 daily pro pending to storm pay for $36 so I guess that is gone too. Don't know what else to do. i might take your advise and close the storm pay account all together, will have to have a look at 12 daily and see if i can put in my e-gold account no instead. Thankyou again. Cheers Holly
Flag of David Ellison

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Re: * * * RUSH * * * Storm Pay News!
2/7/2006 6:03:00 PM
Got this in my mail This is an automatically generated message.You have subscribed for the following thread: Class Action Lawsuit against Stormpay Here is the new message in this thread: Hi, The Better Business Bureau of Middle Tennessee today issued an alert regarding, an online payment processing business, in response to over 180 complaints filed since the end of January. “A review of complaints filed by users indicate that the company is holding in excess of $460,000,” explains BBB chapter President/CEO, Kathleen Calligan. The BBB said it has requested the assistance of federal authorities. Steve Girsky, StormPay owner, and John McConnell, president of the Clarksville-based business, are diverting the blame for the situation to a Web merchant with whom they’ve been associated, called “12dailypro,” which they say is being investigated by law enforcement. For more on the story, see tomorrow's edition of The Leaf-Chronicle.