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Dave Cottrell

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Re: Stormpay, 12 DP and Rampant Stupidity Online.
2/7/2006 2:03:10 PM
Hi Linda, Yes, it is sad, but it's also doggone interesting!! :) I'm sorry people got so caught up in this thing, but it's playing out like a really good mystery novel. The latest now is that 12DailyPro is doing chargebacks on all the money that they've recently paid members, and Stormpay is paying them! (I had $13.85 in my Stormpay account and they just sent it to 12DailyPro as a chargeback!! :-) ) Maybe the movie will be a blockbuster and all the members will get their money back in royalties.... :-p God bless, Dave
Re: Stormpay, 12 DP and Rampant Stupidity Online.
2/7/2006 2:42:55 PM
Studinator, ---------- Chant along with me. Come on - all together now... "I'm gonna get somethin'for nuthin', I'm gonna get somethin'for nuthin.' I'm gonna be rich! I'm gonna be rich!" Er, how? A guy on the internet is gonna do it for me. He's gonna make me RICH! Yippee!!! ---------- Boy, oh boy do I miss you!!!! As much as this little tangent made my eyes tear with laughter, it's also so very sad.....because it's so true.
Re: Stormpay, 12 DP and Rampant Stupidity Online.
2/7/2006 3:13:14 PM
THANK YOU 12DP!!!! I was(?) a member of 12DP for several months. And i must say, i'm happy I was! Of course if you use common sense then you know that 12DP will be short term. Come on, +44% after 12 days. Sooner or later things like this must collapse. So what???!!! I invested money, when 12DP paid me (& they always did!) i took my invested money back & re-invested the rest. Meaning: i have not lost one dollar! But i won many! Now 12DP is gone(is it?), so what??? BUT... I'M ANGRY AT STORMPAY!! Why? Because i also have a real business, that makes me good money (i'm an affiliate) & they use Stormpay. So i have money in my Stormpay account (not from 12DP) & they do not want to transfer my money anymore since this 12DP thing started. They do not reply anymore when i post a ticket, asking why i can't get my well earned money anymore! And you must agree that many programs & famous names are using Stormpay! Now this is really bad! Does anyone know more about the current situation regarding Stormpay? --- Want to know more about my business: visit
Kurt Naulaerts International Marketing Consultant TEL: 003216695622
Bryan Backstrom

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Re: Stormpay, 12 DP and Rampant Stupidity Online.
2/7/2006 10:21:44 PM
Hi Linda, The Stock is Nucor Corp. NUE I worked for them for 28 years, and watched the stock go up and down. It was up $5.18 yesterday and down $5.70 today. Should have sold yesterday and bought today. Hindsight :-) Bryan
Bryan Backstrom Extreme Team Leader Enviro-Max Plus
Bob Needham

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Re: Stormpay, 12 DP and Rampant Stupidity Online.
2/7/2006 11:12:35 PM
Hi Linda, Good to see you, and the rest of the gang too! I've missed you all! Thank you for your undeserved generosity. ----------------------------------------------- Bob Needham has a good post about the pay to surf industry. It's here. ------------------------------------------------- I can't take credit for the article, I found it uncredited on another forum, but it did ring true. I admit the 12DP frenzy got to me too, and I earned about $2000 of vapour money, which is no longer in my Stormpay account. I didn't really work for it, just pushed a button everyday to start my autosurfing, so if it's gone, so be it. I don't want to participate in the speculation of what is/was/will be going on, time will tell. But I do want to clarify that e-gold was investigated and found clean and clear. Well, according to their website anyway. Who knows anymore? Let's also remember that bad investments happen outside of autosurfing, "International Galleries Inc." (an mlm company) also burnt a lot of people recently. And let's not forget Enron and others, too many to mention. Life goes on... kiss your mate! Bob