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Winston Scoville

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Re: Stormpay, 12 DP and Rampant Stupidity Online.
2/7/2006 6:47:28 AM
Very good post Linda. I fully agree with everything you've said. A little bit of research will go a long way if one just takes the time to do it.
Re: Stormpay, 12 DP and Rampant Stupidity Online.
2/7/2006 7:13:37 AM
Hi Linda, I was wondering what was up with all the noise going on about Stormpay and 12DailyPro. Thanks for taking the time to write this. I had never even heard of 12DailyPro before coming to Adland and I did check it out to see what was up. I just couldn't see where the money was coming from and didn't get involved. Glad I didn't. Martha
Re: Stormpay, 12 DP and Rampant Stupidity Online.
2/7/2006 8:51:05 AM
Hi Linda, Glad to see you back. I missed you. :-) I am not a member of StormPay nor 12DailyPro but I have spent some time reviewing both companies, for two reasons. One, a close friend and business associate invited me to check them out and second was my natural desire to understand how things work with the hope that I would uncover the reason for the popularity. I don't believe in the concept of autosurf and we have thoroughly covered this subject in your other forum. However, being an investor I always enjoy the thrill of making a profit. So I looked closer at how 12DailyPro could possibly payout the high returns that are promoted and since they claim they are not a High Yield Investment Program then logic points to using upgrade fees from members to cover the payments to members. It's one thing to be an insurance company and using policy premium plus investment returns to payout claims but saying you are not one type of company to avoid regulations is not acceptable business practice to me. What I do know is there is an extremely high demand for people wanting to make a fast buck. So, once a company has demonstrated that it can payout consistently to some members then that is the catylst for more people to take the gamble. If people could take a little more time to avoid the hype and get to know the business that they support they would realize there are much safer and established methods to make all the money they need. When anyone or entity gets my money for a product or service, I always see it as if I'm supporting their business. So, if that person or entity wants my money they better be clear about following good governance. To get back to the answer of my two questions. 1) A couple of weeks ago, I told my friend that I would not join 12DailyPro because the company claimed to be an advertising company but their behaviour was clearly something else. If a one member can pay $6.00 to upgrade and another can pay $600.00 for the same upgrade process and the only reason to do so is to get back more money then they are not what they say they are. From what I can determine, paying more money doesn't appear to be indicative of getting better advertising. 2) Now that I have a better understanding of the autosurf companies and the payment processors that are willing to work with the more questionable merchants, I say this. There will always be a gambler with a story to tell. By the way, I did read the article that Bob posted and it is well written but still seems to support autosurf and I still don't. Jack
Bryan Backstrom

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Re: Stormpay, 12 DP and Rampant Stupidity Online.
2/7/2006 9:54:41 AM
Hi Linda, Very good subjects. Now do not get mad at my comments, I am also trying to make money on the Internet with an online business, and just trying to give you some points to ponder:-) Now lets take a bank!! You put your money in and they give you 2.5% on your investment. Now what do they do with the money?? They loan it out at a higher percentage rate, and make money. They also invest in high yield investments, because they have enough money to even invest. Some investments have a limit on both minimum and maximum that can be invested. Can they make 12% per day I do not know. But they have to make a lot of money per day to pay all of thier expenses, employees, utility bills, services, and thier investors , plus dividends to shareholders. In September I invested $75,000.00. In 5 months it has increased to $119,790.00. That works out to $8598.00 per month, $298.60 per day. Wow that is the first time I figured that out!!! Good investment??? Legal??? Yes on both counts!! I invested in one companies stock and it has increased by that much. Banks and investment firms are doing this on a daily basis, making millions of dollars per day. We will have to wait and see how they rule on 12dailypro!! I have asked these questions of others. Every one says that it is a scam. 12dailypro paid its members on time every time. Every one says Ponzi. You did not have to refer people to make money. You received hits to your web sites for surfing. No surfing; no hits and no money. Every one says Pyramid. 12dailypro paid a 12% commission on one level. Now I may be way off on things, but they are things to think about. The next time you see an Internet business opportunity look at thier commission plans, they all rely on refering others to make a residual income. Stormpay's own affiliate program shows a pyramid and an unreal number at the bottom when the pyramid gets full. All this for referring others to use Stormpay. So that makes any Internet business that says you sponsor 2, that sponsor 2, that sponsor 2, and so on, a pyramid and illegal. YES or NO And yes the business that I have in my signature has that kind of commission plan. Bryan
Bryan Backstrom Extreme Team Leader Enviro-Max Plus
Jay F

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Re: Stormpay, 12 DP and Rampant Stupidity Online.
2/7/2006 11:53:16 AM
Great post Linda! While I feel for those who have lost money, I happen to agree with you completely. This whole thing is rediculous if you ask me. PayPal had the exact same issues until they froze the accounts of vendors. It's nothing new. Instead of facing the truth and moving on, EVERYONE is looking for someone to blame and claiming to be an authority lately. It's like people would rather look for someone to blame before even trying to understand the problem at hand. Again.. nothing new. Rather than help Katrina victims, everybody seemed to be spending all their time looking for what someone might have done wrong, or in some cases trying to get ahead. And that was a natural disaster!!!! But, there is definately wierd things happening on both sides (autosurf vs. stormpay). At one point, Stormpay posted something in their member's area saying that if someone was to cancel a payment made to the autosurf with their bank that it would be illegal..? Can anyone explain to me why that would be the case? If I had been affected by this, I probably would have been running up to the bank right away..

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