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Jim Allen

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Pope Francis Lashes Out At Donald Trump While Promoting Illegal Immigration In A
9/29/2015 1:41:24 PM

Pope Francis Lashes Out At Donald Trump While Promoting Illegal Immigration In America

No doubt the Pontiff’s visit was welcomed my millions upon millions of Catholics and greeted by throngs of the faithful and even those not so faithful, with great anticipation. However his uplifting spiritual message of hope and peace seemed to quickly evaporate into a strident and harsh political discourse on America’s immigration policy, and then interjecting himself into the 2016 GOP Presidential Campaign with a thinly veiled swipe at front-runner Donald Trump during his speech to 40,000 followers in Philadelphia.

Apparently the Holy Father supports illegal immigration and open borders and sounds more like a politician rather than the spiritual leader of the estimated 1.2 billion Roman Catholics in the world.

Pope Francis called on migrants from Mexico and the rest of the world to “not feel discouraged by all the challenges and hardships” they face, saying they should never feel ashamed of their own traditions.

He continued saying; “Many of you came to this country at great personal cost, but in the hope of building a new life. Do not feel discouraged by all the challenges and hardships you might face. I ask you not to forget that, like those who came here before you, you bring many gifts to this new nation of yours.

However perhaps the most troubling to many Catholics (myself included), is this Pope’s view on terrorism by suggesting that Islam is “a peaceful religion”, and his betrayal of Christians in not speaking out forcibly against Islamic extremists, which actually mirrors back to another dark moment within the Vatican’s History…that of Pope Pius XII and his silence in not confronting the Nazi’s during WWII.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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GOP leaders won’t pledge loyalty to Trump
10/23/2015 5:03:09 PM

GOP leaders won’t pledge loyalty to Trump

- - Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Just last month, Republican Party officials scurried into Trump Tower to extract a loyalty pledge from a certain unpredictable billionaire real estate mogul turned presidential candidate.

Who knew that it should have been Donald Trump extracting just such a loyalty pledge from Republican bigs?

SEE ALSO: Hillary Clinton increases lead over Bernie Sanders in post-debate poll

In a stunning admission of just how wildly out of touch they are from actual, breathing human voters, GOP establishment insiders say that ifMr. Trump continues his unfettered march to the Republican nomination they will go to war to take him out.

Asked by the Washington Examiner’s Byron York to describe how they would greet a Trump candidacy, one “leading conservative” said: “Massive resistance.”

That is an unfortunate term for a Republican to be caught using in print, even anonymously.

SEE ALSO: 2nd amendment voters more passionate than gun control advocates

“Massive resistance” was the despicable tactic deployed by Democrats in Virginia to maintain their party’s ironclad, 90-year devotion to racial segregation. That particular case of “massive resistance” was the Democratic effort to maintain segregated public schools.

And now, in 2015, the term is embraced by an influential GOP establishment strategist seeking to doom a Trump presidential bid.

Is it any wonder that in the hands of these witless apes now running the GOP, the party of Abraham Lincoln has somehow become the “racist” party?

It is precisely this level of stupidity, of an inability to speak clearly or market ideas effectively that has created such a vast tundra of talentless mopes into which Mr. Trump wades so effortlessly and immediately takes total command.

The whole reason Mr. Trump left out there the threat that he would mount a third-party candidacy was to keep the GOP establishment on its toes. All he asked for was a promise that he be treated fairly.

Eventually, he got that promise. And then signed their pledge.

Not that Republican officials were, at any point in the process, operating entirely in good faith. The whole loyalty pledge was a gimmick designed to trap Mr. Trump, whom they figured would never sign such a thing and then lose support among Republican voters.

Of course, they bungled the whole thing and when it was all over there was Mr. Trump standing again before yet another sea of television cameras, waving the signed loyally pledge and announcing, “I will be totally pledging my allegiance to the Republican Party and the conservative principles for which it stands.”

That last part was a subtle, yet brilliant, jab about how the Republican Party “stands” for conservative principles, yet rarely adheres to them and almost never delivers on them.

Story Continues →

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Speaking of Donald Trump... . ... He believes all those who burn the flag
11/19/2015 4:10:30 PM
Well it has finally begun. The Mass Mainstream Media and the Progressive Liberal Agenda 21 agreeing establishment party. Whose candidates are "Old White Folks" but are trumpeted as the party of diversity. Put a half black half white guy in and then back comes the "Old White Folks".

Yet the worse part of this shows how divisive this clan of donkeys are and how nasty an animal they truly are, NAZI SERIOUSLY! You are ready to throw such stones at such a time as when "Grown Up" discussions are needed. Gimme a break! Exactly when does such "irrationality" solve anything? People we all know this was created by the vacuum, left by the 0bama administration in Iraq, his continued use of drones and disregard for any national borders or sovereignty. His mingling in gun running in Libya, and personal bad choices on who to arm and back in Syria. Or his planned thought out choices are coming to light and these yahoos want to talk about Nazis. What the hell do you think you have running things now? Gimme a break! JALLEN3D

Trump crosses the Nazi line: Maybe Muslims should

wear special ID badges

Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump reacts as he speaks at the 2015 FreedomFest in Las Vegas, Nevada July 11, 2015. REUTERS/L.E. Baskow/Las Vegas Sun

nald Trump stuck a toe across the Nazi line Thursday morning in the ongoing hysteria over Muslim immigrants.

The Republican presidential frontrunner refused to rule out requiring Muslims to carry special identification showing their faith — which the Third Reich required Jews to do with a yellow badge that resembled the Star of David.

“We’re going to have to do thing that we never did before,” Trump told Yahoo News. “Some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule.”

The Nazi policy was based on an anti-Semitic practice in Medieval and Renaissance European nations, and historians say it played a large role in paving the way for acceptance of the Holocaust.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Donald Trump Calls Union Leader Publisher a 'Lowlife'
12/29/2015 2:58:54 AM

Donald Trump Calls Union Leader Publisher a 'Lowlife'

In an exclusive phone interview with WMUR Political Director Josh McElveen, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump reacts to a New Hampshire Union Leader editorial critical of his candidacy

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Trump may be the only qualified candidate who can truly say he will devote all r
12/29/2015 3:32:26 AM
Trump may be the only qualified candidate who can truly say he will devote all resources necessary to make America great again and to bring back the American dream

Why Is Donald Trump Good for America?

The often ostentatious Donald Trump irritates Democrats, the liberal media, and the establishment Republicans for many reasons. They cannot understand how his popularity soars in the polls no matter what he says and what they do to unseat him, or what dirt, real or imagined, they try to dig up.

Donald Trump is a populist and a nationalist. He loves his country and does not like the path that the current administration and its supporters on both sides of the aisle have chosen for 320 million Americans, even though at least half have vociferously expressed their desires to seemingly deaf elected representatives and senators, to maintain our sovereignty, our Christian roots, our market-based economy, our traditions, and our exceptionalism.

Donald Trump is a successful alpha male, which Hispanic populations, with their cultural machismo, greatly respect. He is a billionaire who has experienced success and failure, yet has come back unscathed like a Phoenix bird from the ashes of bankruptcies, divorces, law suits, and other life-altering events. He is wise and knows how to manipulate and keep his enemies closer. He is brash and doubles down on his opinions which later turn out to be based on fact. He comes back with evidence to support his opinions.

Trump is not intimidated by media bullies, cyber bullies, and other individuals whose jobs are to take him down at all costs. He is loud, he is insulting at times, but he fights back. He does not roll over and play doormat to the ruling elites. He is a successful politician in his own right already. It takes guts and knowing the ropes to maneuver the mine-field of business in order to be so successful. He does not need the financial support of PACs even though political endorsements are beneficial. He does not have to compromise his belief system in order to receive money from big donors.

Unlike many politicians, Hollywood, and other assorted famous individuals, he has raised, in spite of his many divorces, a beautiful family with highly successful, intelligent, and educated children. He believes in the American dream built the right way and in the success of our Judeo-Christian nation.

Donald Trump understands well the threat of unchecked immigration, open borders, of Islam, and of ISIS. He sees the need to build a fence along the southern border where people who wish to do us harm are entering day and night, hidden among those who are mostly economic refugees looking for a better life which their countries have failed to provide. But we have to care of the needs of our own population first.

Trump’s background and history are well known - he is American born and raised in the United States to two American parents. His credentials are public knowledge and easy to access. He has America’s interest at heart and understands that we must preserve our Constitutional Republic if the country is to survive in the form that has made it the most successful nation on the planet for almost 240 years.

Because of his business acumen, Trump understands the damage that the many free trade agreements have wrought on the American manufacturing and on our trade imbalance: NAFTA, CAFTA, TIP, TPP. These trade deals are destroying our manufacturing sector, turning our country into a service economy, staffed with many foreign nationals who are brought here in ever-increasing numbers to replace American workers and professionals at half the wages, not the living wages liberals are advocating.

Someone said Trump took a $1 million loan and turned it into a $10 billion empire. Even though he may have inherited some money from his dad, Trump is a man who knows how to make money, how to make a corporation highly successful despite temporary setbacks. He elegantly and cleverly defined and redefined “the art of the deal.”

Trump is not a supporter of political correctness, a liberal-forced form of free speech self-censorship. “The big problem this country has is being politically correct. I don’t have time for political correctness.”

Trump would hire the best minds in the business to deal with whatever problems may arise. He is fair, measured, and deliberate, but is not afraid to say, “You are fired.”

Donald Trump supports things that hard-working, tax-paying Americans care about such as jobs; the right to bear arms; freedom of speech and assembly; freedom of the press, a press that reports the news not manufactures them to please the ruling administration; military strength; securing our borders; taking care of our veterans; ending crony government; enforcing the Constitution; and praising American exceptionalism instead of criticizing America on foreign soil.

Despite the media narrative, women and Hispanics love Donald Trump. Lobbyists are apoplectic because he has accepted no special interest money, like the other candidates. He is a great negotiator who knows how to win in order to build an empire, a skilled executive, an honest man who does not deceive the public with polished and clever rhetoric coached in lies. Trump knows how to make sound decisions and would thus help cut wasteful Washington spending.

In the face of so many vicious attacks from all directions from “friends” or foes, Trump did not lose his resolve, patience, or his courage. Speaking without a teleprompter, Donald Trump is himself and listens to his audience. He understands the dangers our nation is in, attacked by those who do not want to maintain our borders, our language, laws, and our culture. He understands that such a nation would become a global entity under the aegis of the U.N.

Donald Trump fearlessly speaks about the Christian persecution, the need to protect our gun rights, the need to curtail illegal immigration because it does not benefit the American citizens; it hurts those who are at the bottom of the pay scale and the legal immigrants who are already here and struggling to overcome their poor prospects. Trump understands the dire situation created by the true, two-digit unemployment, and our unpayable national debt approaching $19 trillion.

Trump may be the only qualified candidate who can truly say he will devote all resources necessary to make America great again and to bring back the American dream.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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