Donald Trump is the only presidential candidate politically incorrect enough to suggest withdrawing from the United Nations. We have finally found a leader with the cojones to say it!
It is more refreshing than a summer swim on a sweltering day to see an American politician (misnomer in this case) kick political correctness to the curb, which Donald Trump does daily. Political incorrectness is the only speech he knows. It is the only speech he understands. It is as New York as the five boroughs.
At the recent AIPAC conference, Trump provoked a roaring response with his description of the UN: “the utter weakness and incompetence of the United Nations,” which drew enthusiastic applause from the crowd.
The Donald continued, “The United Nations is not a friend of democracy. It’s not a friend to freedom. It’s not a friend even to the United States of America, where as you know, it has its home. And it surely is not a friend to Israel.”
The Donald routinely discusses topics the empty suit beltway cowards avoid like a room full of lepers. He speaks freely about the very subjects Mom and Pop America discuss around the kitchen table, and in the same plain and politically incorrect language. He is a regular guy, who also happens to be a genius with a net worth most of can only imagine and dream of.
It is well past time to flush the UN. Get the parasitic fascists out of our country. Trump is spot on. By all appearances the UN hates the United States, and we are by far its leading funder. The UN only takes money, it does not make money. Its primary function appears to be to rob America of its wealth and spread it around the world. No, thank you!
Go, Donald!
It was the type of speech that made you want to stand up and cheer within your own home, and I did. It was just my wife and I but it felt so good for somebody in politics to finally say it. Donald Trump while speaking at the AIPAC Policy Conference in Washington DC on March 21st 2016 trashed the United Nations especially in reference to enforcing safety for the nation of Israel. I have been saying for years that the United States should withdraw support of the United Nations because of the lack of personal sovereignty that it intends to apply toward our own history—and given the amount of financial resources that America provides just to keep that token government operating with any kind of authority—it is clear that the UN has not appreciated it, and it has instead embolden them to believe that they are equal to the United States in global respect.
Most of the countries within the United Nations are functioning from a position of socialist or communist economic systems and thus bring very little to the table regarding financial input leaving the United States alone in providing the foundation that the entire concept rests upon. Without America, there would be no United Nations and many believe as I do—that Roosevelt and Wilson should have left the whole concept alone and listened to the electorate way back to the two World Wars and stayed out of European affairs and their reckless warlike escapades. The United Nations does very little good for anybody and has become a giant wealth distribution scam mainly consuming the resources of America just to survive.
You might remember dear reader the anger I felt when comic book writers proposed that Superman was going to give up his citizenship to fight for the United Nations instead of American ideals such as “truth, justice, and the American way.” Progressive artists of the new 21st century had decided that Superman needed to be more global and that the new fight for planetary survival needed to focus on the United Nations—as if that would be our next governmental body. I have additionally said often that the Clintons were positioning themselves to be leaders with the United Nations ushering in a new era of global government led by the socialist participants at the UN who shared membership with Socialist International. There have been attempts by the United Nations—such as Agenda 21 to impose themselves into American sovereignty with crazy ideas like how to steer communities back into urban environments, degrading the value of private property through increased taxation, and imposing the will of the ‘state’ into the families of our youth through multiple methods, both at home and within their public educations. The United Nations has been a joke and I urged over six years ago my congressional representative, John Boehner to withdraw American support to teach those presumptuous European aristocrats that without us, they’d be nothing—to learn their place in the global marketplace to position us for a better deal, and more sovereign respect. I’m all for helping the world so long as they copy America and our system of capitalism. To weaken American interests so to prop up socialist and communist nations has never been an option to me.
There are essentially three phases which defined the concept of American freedom. The first was of course the democratic invention of a pirate republic as established between the years of 1650 and 1710. For really the first time in known history people threw off the cloak of state ownership and declared themselves a free people as they made the hard decision to become pirates. There was a lot of debauchery that took place, and a lot of blood spilled, but the concept of pirating as it evolved in Port Royal, Jamaica caught the eye of John Locke who wrote down his thoughts which later inspired Thomas Paine and many others to break from England during the American Revolution. Without the Pirates of the Caribbean—literally, there would have never been a Declaration of Independence. Pirates had shown the colonists how a free country of sovereign citizens might throw off the tyranny of a king for the opportunity to live as a free people.
By Thomas Madison March 26, 2016
Posted by Pam Pope