The Donald is being asked the wrong questions, “How are you going to get Mexico to pay for the wall… How are you going to deport millions of illegal immigrants [Fusion Media Network] … Are you really going to deport the parents of anchor babies … How are you going to bring jobs back from China… How are you going to replace Obamacare [Forbes] …
Obama has proven that a bad President, an incompetent buffoon who doesn’t understand business can nearly destroy a country. Trump, when elected, will show how a President who is pro-business can make America great again.
I was 12 years old when I first saw Sputnik rolling across the dusky sky like a tiny effervescent bowling ball (it appeared to be a bit larger in size than a typical star). I remember the conversations among adults about how frightened and shocked they were that it was the Russians that launched the first satellite into space. I should mention that although the tiny satellite was officially called Sputnik 1, I only recollect it being called Sputnik by the average person.
Four years later, on 12 April 1961, cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space – a very devastating and embarrassing blow to American pride.
We had to do something, anything, so a month and a half later, on 25 May 1961, President John F. Kennedy announced to a Joint Session of Congress the decision to send an American safely to the Moon and back before the end of the decade. If he were Donald Trump making that announcement in 1961, the Huffington Post, Salon magazine, CNN, and all other left-wing journalists would have been mocking him. How are you going to do it? What is your detailed plan? Are you going to use rockets? What kind of fuel will you be using? How will you accelerate the rocket to escape velocity? Do you realize how big a rocket you will need?
The metal alloys needed to withstand the heat and stress haven’t been invented yet, what metal alloys are you going to use? Who will design the software for propulsion, guidance, control, and communications? How will they eat food in zero-gravity, how will they poop? What kind of fabric will the space suits be made of? We barely have the capability to put someone in sub-orbital space, let alone into orbit, let alone going all the way to the Moon, and back!!! Are you seriously off your rocker?
The truth is, these were not the right questions. The details were not important. The only important factor in reaching the Moon was our will to do so. We are goddamn f*ckin America and we can achieve anything if only we have the will to do so and if defeatists and obstructionists will just get the f*ck out of our way.
During an appearance on Friday’s “Tonight Show,” host Jimmy Fallon asked Donald Trump: “How are you gonna create great jobs in this country?”
“I’m just gonna do it,” Trump replied.
One could have asked John F. Kennedy how we could possibly land a man on the Moon before the end of the decade. His answer would have been, “We’re just gonna do it.”
On 20 July 1969, with less than 6 months to spare before the end of the decade, Apollo 11 commander Neil Armstrong stepped off the Lunar Module’s ladder and onto the Moon’s surface.
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Additional commentary by Lori Wallach Boxer on Facebook:
See that headline? It’s exactly right.
The reason Donald Trump is resonating with so many people right now, aside from the fact that he is outside the Washington cartel, is that he DOES have a huge ego. He’s a rich, successful, hard-working American business man and proud of it. He enjoys the best. He wants the best. And he surrounds himself with the best, and that includes knowing how to pick the best people to work with him.
As someone who, before coming into the family business my mother started 15 years ago, spent over 20 years in the corporate world, working in the so-called ivory tower, I know from what I speak. During those decades, I worked for two different Chairman & CEOs, powerful people in the cable television industry (when it was in its infancy) and electronic media/radio broadcasting, respectively. They were brilliant. They had vision. And when they spoke to their executive staffs about the ‘end result’ they wanted, the vision/idea they had, that they would settle for nothing less, and to start putting their minds/talents/experiences together and report to them daily on how they were progressing … IT HAPPENED!
One of those gentleman’s two ‘ideas’ went on to become what you now know as Showtime and Lifetime television networks. The third ‘idea’ was pay-per-view technology and the creation of Request TV, the first pay-per-view cable network.
The other of those gentleman went on to own controlling interests in resorts, restaurants, radio stations and sports teams, and started, among many companies, the company that you now know as Clear Channel Communications.
The traits they both had in common: Their vision, work ethic, can-do WILL-do attitude, their love and devotion to the potential of their ideas, their leadership on exhibit every day by watching ‘ordinary’ people pushing themselves beyond their boundaries and comfort zones in their efforts to please them. In the end, their exceptional organizational, time management, administrative, operational and executive skills resulted in creating TENS OF THOUSANDS of jobs, perhaps more than that.
These executives knew how to deal with politicians, regulations and oversight; they were exceptional at cutting through bull**** and getting things moved along to completion … on time and within budget.
.. and this is why Donald Trump is resonating, and this is what he’s been saying about trading/making deals: Successful business executives, Chairmen & CEOs, Presidents of major companies, whether privately owned (whose partners have a vested personal interest in the outcome) or publicly traded (with reporting obligation to the SEC and shareholders), negotiate for the good of the company and their shareholders/employees, and they NEVER EVER NEVER NEVER put their signatures on ANY AGREEMENTS or deals with ANYONE before they are read, re-read, thrice read, marked, changed, and read yet again. It just doesn’t happen. Period.
Yet, we find ourselves having shoved down our throats and up our asses two of the most major ill-conceived, unwanted, secretive, detrimental bills in the history of this nation—Obamacare and Obamatrade—and both were signed into law over the objections of the majority of its citizens and by ‘signers’ who didn’t read the bills. We have elected officials who allowed the MASSIVE and WIDE SPREAD corruption of this administration, at every level and in every single department/agency, to get to the point where the president completely disregards them (and through them, us), and finds them (and us) so irrelevant, so impotent, that they entered into an agreement with Iran with no floor vote and, again NO SIGNATURES?! It’s outrageous.
Donald Trump may love Donald Trump … but Donald Trump LOVES THIS COUNTRY.
I don’t care about his attacking his competitors. They’re big boys and girls, and they need to put on their big boy and big girl panties. And, frankly, if they TRULY had any of the same strong feelings about immigration as he did before HE brought it up, well … obviously, then, they were silent and STILL playing the ‘p.c.’ political game, too fraidy-scared to speak their own minds until he forced them into it. Like it or not, Donald Trump was the catalyst that started several of the crucial discussions the entire nation is having right now.
The man who won’t take **** from his competitors in the race, is also the man who won’t let his enemies beat him either.
I don’t care about his not having the minutia of specifics for every goal he has or endeavors he wants to undertake IF he is elected president 14 months in the future. I want a president who believes in WINNING, in not settling for second place (unlike the un-American president we have now who purposely lowed our standards all across the board—scholastically, militarily, socially, you name it—to put us on course to be ‘just’ as mediocre as every other nation); and not a president who believes that everyone is equal—we’re not—or that the government can regulate ‘fair’—it can’t.
As for women … Trump is right: if he’s the nominee, he’ll get that vote … and he’ll get many Democratic women as well. Know why? I’ll tell you … using myself as an example and putting aside all other very important factors/issues (immigration, government waste and corruption, trade issues, banking issues, the behemoth tax code, health care, etc. and so forth). Know what I care most about (and I think you do too)? My family, specifically my only child … and, as relates to her, never more so than over the last 6-1/2 years. I’m a mom who just 3 weeks ago dropped her daughter off at college. I am scared to ****ing death of the kind of world she’ll graduate into in 4 years from now. Today, at this moment, I have more faith that Donald Trump will inject the infectious energy and American can-do spirit, entrepreneurship, creativity and vision into the business world, giving solopreneurs, small business owners and large corporations, the sigh of relief they need, the breathing room to start letting go of some of their dollars to invest in their dreams … giving my daughter and millions of other college graduates a better chance than they’ve had for a long, long time of getting started on their CAREERS as soon as possible upon graduation, rather than scrambling to settle on one or two or more part-time JOBS working at Wal-Mart or Target for years.
I’m an east coast, fast-talking, street-tough, pretty ****ing smart born-and-raised Brooklyn, New York broad. I know from Donald Trump. I know his type. Can he be a pompous a-hole sometimes? Yes. But, and again today at this moment, I have more faith in him than anyone else that not only will my daughter and your children have more opportunities as a result of his presidency, but that our military will be stronger, prouder and fiercer, and once again have someone who is in awe OF THEM and worthy of their salute.
Kennedy had a dream … he challenged the space program … he gave them a deadline … and inspired them to not let him and the country down. And this was a man who HAD NO track record theretofore of getting things done, of creating, of building businesses. Donald Trump does.
Believe me, while I do know the names of those for whom I won’t even get out of bed to vote for if they are foisted on me by the RNC, I’m not all-in for Donald Trump at this time. We’ve got a ways to go yet. I do know, this, however: Donald Trump is a person who can’t stand to fail. He can’t stand being #2. It’s what drives him. It’s what should drive all of us. I know I want a president who always wants to be #1, and who will not settle for less for America … and the American way of just ‘gettin ‘er done.’