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Top Ten Richest Liberals that Have Given Away Their Fortunes to Achieve Income E
6/21/2014 2:49:09 PM
Top Ten Richest Liberals that Have Given Away Their Fortunes to Achieve Income Equality With the World! This is an Amazing List
Remember when?


Hundreds of Obama’s sons and daughters fight in downtown Berkeley

Berkeley, California, is one of the most leftist cities in America. Although blacks comprise only 8% of the city’s population, they approach 50% of the city’s public schools because — get this — the schools import blacks from neighboring cities, especially crime-infested Oakland.


Federal money, of course.

Last Friday afternoon, May 9, 2014, hundreds of Obama’s sons and daughters from twopublic schools converged in downtown Berkeley for a street fight, which necessitated the deployment of 22 police officers, at great cost to city finances and tax payers.

It was not the first such incident. According to Lt. David Frankel of the Berkeley Police Department (BPD), there have been two previous Fridays of what he described as “rambunctious” behavior.

Only in cowered Amerika is street-fighting (by BLACKS and blacks only) casually minimized as mere “rambunctious” behavior.

In the following report by Lance Knobel for Berkeleyside, whenever you see the words “high schoolers,” “students,” “youth,” “teenagers” and “kids,” just substitute those words with “blacks” because, as you can see with your own eyes in the photos (by Siciliana Trevino) and a video taken at the scene, the rioters were overwhelmingly “African American.”


Berkeley3Berkeley4Berkeley1Berkeley5The police had received reports that some confrontations were expected between Berkeley High and B-Tech students.

Today’s confrontations, however, spiraled into a series of fights and other disruptive behavior by students.

Two Berkeley High students were arrested and released to their parents, one for punching someone, the other for resisting arrest and disturbing the peace. A student from an Oakland charter school was also arrested for battery via pepper spray, Frankel said. He said Berkeley High staff had been helping police.

There was no information of property damage.

“This turned into groups of people wanting to fight each other,” Frankel said. It wasn’t, he explained, a riot where property damage was an aim.

Frankel said the police had several uncooperative victims of pepper spray.

Berkeley police deployed 22 officers to handle the incidents this afternoon and evening. No pepper spray or batons were used by Berkeley police. Frankel said the cost of the police deployment was “sucking the city dry.”

Frankel said that police are encouraging parents of Berkeley high school students to “come home directly after school.” Even students that were spectators to the incidents contributed to the difficult atmosphere, he said.

Update, 7:20 p.m. Berkeley Police reported the presence of a group of 40-50 youthdowntown, with a fight reported in the area of Shattuck Avenue and Blake Street. Police are responding. The incident is on-going.

Original post, 6:39 p.m. A series of fights and scuffles broke out in Berkeley’s downtownFriday afternoon between groups of teenagers. According to some eyewitness reports, the incidents were largely fights between students from Berkeley High School and Berkeley Technology Academy, also known as B-Tech.

“I saw extreme chaos,” said Erin Griffin, manager of NextSpace, a co-working facility on Center Street where Berkeleyside rents space. “There were hundreds of kids.”

A large contingent of Berkeley Police officers responded to the violence. Some people were pepper sprayed as police tried to quell the chaos. (Update, 10:50 p.m., The pepper spray was used by someone involved in the scuffles, not by the police.There was an arrest made for the use of pepper spray.) At least one juvenile was taken into custody and transported to the station, according to unconfirmed police scanner traffic.

“It was real mayhem,” said Siciliana Trevino, an advertising executive on Berkeleyside, who was downtown in the midst of the violence. “There were kids running, some with their shirts off. There was a girl crying. I overheardsomeone say there were chairs flying. It looked like some people were still looking for a fight.”

According to Trevino, Berkeley police were filming all the kids coming out of thedowntown BART station. Some eyewitnesses said there had been fighting inside the station. Trevino and Griffin witnessed the chaos from around 4:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m., when they said things seemed to have calmed down, at least temporarily.

Griffin used her iPhone to shoot a video of some of the disturbances on the corner of Shattuck and Kittredge:

A reader initially alerted Berkeleyside to the fracas just before 4 p.m.: “My 11th-grader told me that there was supposed to be a large fight between BHS kids and some kids from another high school,” he wrote via email. “Not sure if it happened, or if there was fallout.”

Police said at that time that no altercation had been found, though there had been a rumor that students from Berkeley High and B-Tech would fight. Authorities deployed a “heavy police presence” downtown to keep an eye on the situation.

About half an hour later, Trevino said she saw apparent problems brewing outside Berkeley High, where she watched police separate a girl from another group. Officers were also recording people in the area.

Dr. Eowyn’s article first appeared at Fellowship of the Minds.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Liberalism Has to be a Mental Disorder, It's the Only Explanation Plausible IMO
6/21/2014 3:09:04 PM

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) found its way to the front page by declaring the word “Redskins” was offensive and therefore unworthy of trademark protection under a 1946 law that proscribes trademarks for “immoral, deceptive, or scandalous matter.”

MSNBC anchor Joy Reid reported this news with an obscenity warning before airing a clip of Harry Reid: "And I just warn people, he does use the name of the team. So, I'm just going to warn you guys about that in advance." She’s not alone. Liberal sports writers refuse to type the word in their columns.
Welcome to the latest controversy where the Left, which has removed every moral objection to traditional understandings of profanity, continues its own crusade to ban words that violate their sensitivities on race, gender, and sexual preference. A quick review of the PTO’s record shows this was an overtly political decision – surely aimed at or requested by the White House. Why?
Try and find an example in eight years of the Bush presidency where the PTO made a controversial decision about an allegedly offensive trademark. It’s nowhere to be found in the Washington Post archives, and certainly not touted on the front page and the top of the editorial page of the Post, as this was, as a "victory for tolerance."Bozell & Graham Column: Patently Absurd Activism on 'Redskins'
By Brent Bozell and Tim Graham | June 21, 2014 | 08:31So are we to believe that with a new regime calling the shots, the PTO has cracked down on racially charged names? Last summer, it approved the phrase “Dago Swagg,” despite the insult to Italian-Americans, as well as “Uppity Negro.” Where “racial” is concerned, it depends on what “is” is.
An article by Jerome Gilson and Anne Gilson Lalonde in the September/October 2011 edition of Trademark Reporter laid out a broader history of the PTO’s inconsistency in trademark approvals and refusals. Exhibit A is the acronym MILF, for “mothers I would like to [blank].” Twenty applications using this term were refused a trademark as immoral....and twenty of them were not.
Nine uses became registered trademarks, including “Diary of a MILF,” “MILF Magnet,” MILF Next Door,” “Backroom MILF,” “MILF Workout,” and even “Fat MILF.” The PTO found insufficient evidence that the term “Cumbrella” for condoms was scandalous, while refusing other variants of the term. “Big Pecker Brand” was approved, since it came with an illustration of a bird with a large beak, giving it an "alternative, nonvulgar meaning."
Also approved was “Old Glory" condoms, complete with the flag in the shape of that item. The maker pitched it as patriotic, not offensive. The back of each package carried an “Old Glory Pledge” that “We believe it is patriotic to protect and save lives.” The agency agreed that the company’s brand sought to “redefine patriotism to include the fight against sexually-transmitted diseases, including AIDS.”
Medical terms for genitals aren’t offensive, apparently. These are registered trademarks: “Penis Parody” and “I Love Vagina” clothing and “Vagina Guitars.”
Drug use isn’t controversial. “Cokaine” is a registered trademark, and “Cocaine” has been approved for several companies over the last twenty years. So was “Paris Heroin,” registered from 2003 to 2010. Even “God Loves Marijuana” was registered for shirts and hats in that same time frame.
The Left doesn’t oppose disparaging terms when the cause is leftist. “Dykes on Bikes” was successfully registered by lesbian “pride” activists in 2007. A woman named Ava Watkins received approval for a “Twatty Girl” trademark for caps, jogging suits, and women’s underwear.
But say the word “Redskins” and the Left collectively faints. In the case of the “R-word,” a majority of the community has never been offended. Even a majority of the Indians have never been offended. But the Left’s crusade, using Obama’s PTO, continues.

Top Ten Richest Liberals that Have Given Away Their Fortunes to Achieve Income Equality With the World! This is an Amazing List
Remember when?


Hundreds of Obama’s sons and daughters fight in downtown Berkeley

Berkeley, California, is one of the most leftist cities in America. Although blacks comprise only 8% of the city’s population, they approach 50% of the city’s public schools because — get this — the schools import blacks from neighboring cities, especially crime-infested Oakland.


Federal money, of course.

Last Friday afternoon, May 9, 2014, hundreds of Obama’s sons and daughters from twopublic schools converged in downtown Berkeley for a street fight, which necessitated the deployment of 22 police officers, at great cost to city finances and tax payers.

It was not the first such incident. According to Lt. David Frankel of the Berkeley Police Department (BPD), there have been two previous Fridays of what he described as “rambunctious” behavior.

Only in cowered Amerika is street-fighting (by BLACKS and blacks only) casually minimized as mere “rambunctious” behavior.

In the following report by Lance Knobel for Berkeleyside, whenever you see the words “high schoolers,” “students,” “youth,” “teenagers” and “kids,” just substitute those words with “blacks” because, as you can see with your own eyes in the photos (by Siciliana Trevino) and a video taken at the scene, the rioters were overwhelmingly “African American.”


Berkeley3Berkeley4Berkeley1Berkeley5The police had received reports that some confrontations were expected between Berkeley High and B-Tech students.

Today’s confrontations, however, spiraled into a series of fights and other disruptive behavior by students.

Two Berkeley High students were arrested and released to their parents, one for punching someone, the other for resisting arrest and disturbing the peace. A student from an Oakland charter school was also arrested for battery via pepper spray, Frankel said. He said Berkeley High staff had been helping police.

There was no information of property damage.

“This turned into groups of people wanting to fight each other,” Frankel said. It wasn’t, he explained, a riot where property damage was an aim.

Frankel said the police had several uncooperative victims of pepper spray.

Berkeley police deployed 22 officers to handle the incidents this afternoon and evening. No pepper spray or batons were used by Berkeley police. Frankel said the cost of the police deployment was “sucking the city dry.”

Frankel said that police are encouraging parents of Berkeley high school students to “come home directly after school.” Even students that were spectators to the incidents contributed to the difficult atmosphere, he said.

Update, 7:20 p.m. Berkeley Police reported the presence of a group of 40-50 youthdowntown, with a fight reported in the area of Shattuck Avenue and Blake Street. Police are responding. The incident is on-going.

Original post, 6:39 p.m. A series of fights and scuffles broke out in Berkeley’s downtownFriday afternoon between groups of teenagers. According to some eyewitness reports, the incidents were largely fights between students from Berkeley High School and Berkeley Technology Academy, also known as B-Tech.

“I saw extreme chaos,” said Erin Griffin, manager of NextSpace, a co-working facility on Center Street where Berkeleyside rents space. “There were hundreds of kids.”

A large contingent of Berkeley Police officers responded to the violence. Some people were pepper sprayed as police tried to quell the chaos. (Update, 10:50 p.m., The pepper spray was used by someone involved in the scuffles, not by the police.There was an arrest made for the use of pepper spray.) At least one juvenile was taken into custody and transported to the station, according to unconfirmed police scanner traffic.

“It was real mayhem,” said Siciliana Trevino, an advertising executive on Berkeleyside, who was downtown in the midst of the violence. “There were kids running, some with their shirts off. There was a girl crying. I overheardsomeone say there were chairs flying. It looked like some people were still looking for a fight.”

According to Trevino, Berkeley police were filming all the kids coming out of thedowntown BART station. Some eyewitnesses said there had been fighting inside the station. Trevino and Griffin witnessed the chaos from around 4:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m., when they said things seemed to have calmed down, at least temporarily.

Griffin used her iPhone to shoot a video of some of the disturbances on the corner of Shattuck and Kittredge:

A reader initially alerted Berkeleyside to the fracas just before 4 p.m.: “My 11th-grader told me that there was supposed to be a large fight between BHS kids and some kids from another high school,” he wrote via email. “Not sure if it happened, or if there was fallout.”

Police said at that time that no altercation had been found, though there had been a rumor that students from Berkeley High and B-Tech would fight. Authorities deployed a “heavy police presence” downtown to keep an eye on the situation.

About half an hour later, Trevino said she saw apparent problems brewing outside Berkeley High, where she watched police separate a girl from another group. Officers were also recording people in the area.

Dr. Eowyn’s article first appeared at Fellowship of the Minds.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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White House's Valerie Jarrett dines with Rupert Murdoch to plot immigration stra
6/21/2014 3:28:09 PM
The Iranian muslim Brotherhood associated Chief of Staff or something meets with Murdoch? Seriously?


White House's Valerie Jarrett dines with Rupert Murdoch to plot immigration strategy

BY |

President Obama's longtime senior adviser Valerie Jarrett confessed to breaking bread this week with conservative media titan Rupert Murdoch, a new White House frenemy of sorts on immigration reform.

The two dined at the posh Blue Duck Tavern on Tuesday night in Washington's Foggy Bottom, and Jarrett described the evening as “very enjoyable.”

“Good policy sometimes makes strange bedfellows,” she told reporters at a breakfast hosted by the Christian Science Monitor Friday, adding that she was impressed by Murdoch's passion for passing comprehensive immigration reform.

“He is an immigrant himself and he understands from a business perspective how important immigration reform would be to our economy,” she said. “... Sometimes decisions are tough but it's time for Congress to step up and act now — and that's something he said privately to me, and I was heartened to see him express it publicly.”

The next morning, Wall Street Journal readers awoke to an editorial by Murdoch, the paper's owner, calling on Congress to take action and pass comprehensive immigration reform and stressing its benefits to the business community and the economy.

Jarrett followed her private dinner with Murdoch with a breakfast the next day with the Business Roundtable, whose members were in town to press the case for immigration reform on Capitol Hill.

She said Republicans shouldn't be spooked by former Majority Leader Eric Cantor's stunning primary defeat, which Washington quickly attributed to his support for a middle-ground approach to some aspects of immigration reform.

“Having heard from someone like a Rupert Murdoch [on the issue],” Republicans shouldn't feel scared of it, she said.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Top Ten Richest Liberals that Have Given Away Their Fortunes to Achieve Income E
6/21/2014 3:39:16 PM

5 questions to ask a liberal progressive


Greetings from our nation’s Capitol where I am to speak this afternoon at the Faith and Freedom Coalition. And as always, I enjoyed a nice early morning 5-mile run from the bat cave over to the D.C. mall — doggone it is more humid up here than South Florida.

As I was pounding the pavement, I came up with a list of questions I’d like to pose to a liberal progressive. Well, for every mile it seems I came up with one — glad I didn’t try running 8 miles this morning!

Here you go:

1. If former President George W. Bush was un-American for adding $4 trillion to the national debt, then what is President Barack Hussein Obama who is on his way to adding $8 trillion — and still has two more years to go? Yep, under Obama the national debt has risen from $10.67 trillion to almost $17.5 trillion.

2. If as Obama states, “we leave no man behind,” then what of Marine Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi, Pastor Saeed Abedini and Kenneth Bae — not to mention still-imprisoned Meriam Yahia Ibrahim – who had her chains removed after giving birth to her daughter, Maya? (And by the way, she is still under a death sentence under Sharia law for marrying a Christian). Nah, those folks don’t help Obama’s political agenda and certainly aren’t as important as recognizing illegal immigrant children “dreamers” at the White House.

3. When the average price of gasoline hit $2.50 a gallon, liberals and their media accomplices went apoplectic (you may have to define that word to a liberal friend) on George W. Bush. Why so silent now, when it’s $3.67?

4. If the late and former President Richard Nixon resigned over a bad case of “breaking and entering” (and the liberal media made a big hoopla over that), what does it take for Barack Hussein Obama to consider the same? Or does the color of skin trump content of character in America now? By the way, I’m planning on my computer crashing next year around tax return time.

5. If it is racist to disagree with the proven failed policies of Barry Soetoro, oops, I mean Barack Hussein Obama, then what is it when liberal progressives disrespect, dismiss, denigrate, demean, disparage, discredit and seek to destroy black conservative Republicans? Funny, all those “D” words come from the Democrat party. Don’t believe me, just look for the responses to this post from liberal progressives (so predictable).

Now, just so you’re aware, be careful when asking these questions to be outside the range of spittle and frothing of the mouth. As well, stand clear so as not to be struck by a liberal progressives wild arm-flinging tantrums as they throw themselves on the floor in a mad rage. These are the telltale symptoms of liberals exposed to the truth — similar to exposing vampires to light. But know that this reaction affirms you are right on the issues and confirms the liberal progressive inability to intellectually respond.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Liberalism Has to be a Mental Disorder, It's the Only Explanation Plausible IMO
6/21/2014 3:55:11 PM

5 questions to ask a liberal progressive


Greetings from our nation’s Capitol where I am to speak this afternoon at the Faith and Freedom Coalition. And as always, I enjoyed a nice early morning 5-mile run from the bat cave over to the D.C. mall — doggone it is more humid up here than South Florida.

As I was pounding the pavement, I came up with a list of questions I’d like to pose to a liberal progressive. Well, for every mile it seems I came up with one — glad I didn’t try running 8 miles this morning!

Here you go:

1. If former President George W. Bush was un-American for adding $4 trillion to the national debt, then what is President Barack Hussein Obama who is on his way to adding $8 trillion — and still has two more years to go? Yep, under Obama the national debt has risen from $10.67 trillion to almost $17.5 trillion.

2. If as Obama states, “we leave no man behind,” then what of Marine Sergeant Andrew Tahmooressi, Pastor Saeed Abedini and Kenneth Bae — not to mention still-imprisoned Meriam Yahia Ibrahim – who had her chains removed after giving birth to her daughter, Maya? (And by the way, she is still under a death sentence under Sharia law for marrying a Christian). Nah, those folks don’t help Obama’s political agenda and certainly aren’t as important as recognizing illegal immigrant children “dreamers” at the White House.

3. When the average price of gasoline hit $2.50 a gallon, liberals and their media accomplices went apoplectic (you may have to define that word to a liberal friend) on George W. Bush. Why so silent now, when it’s $3.67?

4. If the late and former President Richard Nixon resigned over a bad case of “breaking and entering” (and the liberal media made a big hoopla over that), what does it take for Barack Hussein Obama to consider the same? Or does the color of skin trump content of character in America now? By the way, I’m planning on my computer crashing next year around tax return time.

5. If it is racist to disagree with the proven failed policies of Barry Soetoro, oops, I mean Barack Hussein Obama, then what is it when liberal progressives disrespect, dismiss, denigrate, demean, disparage, discredit and seek to destroy black conservative Republicans? Funny, all those “D” words come from the Democrat party. Don’t believe me, just look for the responses to this post from liberal progressives (so predictable).

Now, just so you’re aware, be careful when asking these questions to be outside the range of spittle and frothing of the mouth. As well, stand clear so as not to be struck by a liberal progressives wild arm-flinging tantrums as they throw themselves on the floor in a mad rage. These are the telltale symptoms of liberals exposed to the truth — similar to exposing vampires to light. But know that this reaction affirms you are right on the issues and confirms the liberal progressive inability to intellectually respond.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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