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Jim Allen

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RE: Liberalism Has to be a Mental Disorder, It's the Only Explanation Plausible IMO
5/9/2014 9:55:41 PM

Holder Mandates Schools Must Enroll Children of Illegal Immigrants

Attorney General Eric Holder said Thursday that all schools must enroll illegal immigrants as students, citing “troubling reports” that some districts are discriminating against the children of undocumented parents.

“Public school districts have an obligation to enroll students regardless of immigration status and without discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin,” Mr. Holder said in a statement released Thursday by the Justice Department. He said the department will do “everything it can” to make sure schools meet this obligation.

Mr. Holder was joined by Education Secretary Arne Duncan in issuing the new guidance to school administrators, telling them to be more flexible in accepting some documents from illegal parents and not to require others that may prove a child’s age and residence. The guidance is an update to earlier guidelines the Justice Department issued to school systems in 2011.

Although schools have a right to establish a child’s residency in a district, they don’t need to require the parents to have state-issued driver’s licenses or Social Security cards to prove they are in the country legally, the new guidelines state. Parents can produce a utility bill or a lease as a substitute.

The guidance is based on a 1982 Supreme Court decision that says children of illegal immigrants have a right to a public education. In Plyler v. Doe, the court struck down a Texas statute that denied funding for education to the children of illegal immigrants and a school district’s attempt to charge undocumented persons an annual $1,000 tuition fee for each illegal immigrant student.


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Harvards Mothers Day Gift
5/11/2014 12:37:31 PM
Harvards Mothers Day Gift

The national epidemic of liberalism the mental disorder has reached our nation's schools of higher learning. Harvard, where our prez is a an alumni, is going to celebrate a Black Mass to Satan. What a wonderful Mother's Day gift for all their mothers.

goes satanic with Black Mass

According to Encyclopedia Britannica, in common usage the term “black mass” refers to “a blasphemous and usually obscene burlesque of the true [Roman Catholic] mass performed by satanic cults. The naked back of a woman often serves as an altar, and a validly consecrated host is generally used to intensify the mockery. The rite commonly incorporates other elements of satanic magic such as philtres [magic potion] or abortifacients.”

Below is a publicity flyer from a student group called the Cultural Studies Club at Harvard University’s Extension School, announcing “a reenactment of a satanic black mass” two evenings from today, on May 12, 2014.

The satanic black mass will be “performed” in Harvard University’s college bar, Cambridge Queen’s Head, “voted one of the 31 best college bars by Business Insider.”

Harvard Black MassPhoto source: Campus Reform

In an email, the Harvard Exchange “Cultural Studies Club” states:

We are hosting a reenactment of a historical event known as a Black Mass. The performance is designed to be educational and is preceded by a lecture that provides the history, context, and origin of the Black Mass. While a piece of bread is used in the reenactment, the performance unequivocally does not include a consecrated host. Our purpose is not to denigrate anyreligion or faith, which would be repugnant to our educational purposes, but instead to learn and experience the history of different cultural practices. This performance is part of a larger effort to explore religious facets that continue to influence contemporary culture.

But Elizabeth Scalia reports for Patheos, May 7, 2014, that Priya Dua, PR director for theNew York-based Satanic Temple, confirmed that they have obtained and will use a Consecrated Host during the black mass.

This is the same Satanic Temple that wants prayer in public schools to the Devil and is building a 7-ft tall statue of Satan to be placed next to the Ten Commandments outside the state capitol building in Oklahoma City.

The Archdiocese of Boston issued this official statement about the black mass:

The Catholic community in the Archdiocese of Boston expresses its deep sadness and strong opposition to the plan to stage a “black mass” on the campus of Harvard University in Cambridge.

For the good of the Catholic faithful and all people, the Church provides clear teaching concerning Satanic worship. This activity separates people from God and the human community, it is contrary to charity and goodness, and it places participants dangerously close to destructive works of evil.

In a recent statement, Pope Francis warned of the danger of being naïve about or underestimating the power of Satan, whose evil is too often tragically present in our midst. We call upon all believers and people of good will to join us in prayer for those who are involved in this event, that they may come to appreciate the gravity of their actions, and in asking Harvard to disassociate itself from this activity.

Despite the Boston Archdiocese’s request that Harvard University “disassociate itself” from the planned satanic mass, on May 9, Robert Neugeboren, dean of students and alumni affairs at Harvard Extension School, issued this mealymouthed “official response”:

Students at the Harvard Extension School, like students at colleges across the nation, organize and operate a number of independent student organizations, representing a wide range of student interests. The Harvard Extension School does not endorse the views or activities of any independent student organization. But we do support the rights of our students and faculty to speak and assemble freely.

In this case, we understand that this independent student organization, the Harvard Extension Cultural Studies Club, is hosting a series of events—including the reenactment of a “Black Mass”—as part of a student-led effort to explore different cultures.

We do not agree with the student group’s decision to stage an event that is so deeply disturbing and offensive to many in the Harvard community and beyond. While we support the ability of all our students to explore difficult issues, we also encourage them to do so in ways that are sensitive to others.

To that end, the Harvard Extension School has worked with the club’s student leaders to address specific concerns that have been expressed. For instance, we have ensured that no consecrated host will be used as part of the reenactment. Also, in an effort to help broaden the educational nature of this series, the Harvard Extension School has urged the Cultural Studies Club’s student leaders to reach out to Catholic student organizations on campus to foster a positive dialogue about the Catholic faith. The club’s student leaders have agreed to this proposal.

We hope these efforts and this dialogue will help address some of the most severe concerns about the event, while also helping students in the Cultural Studies Club better understand the perspective of many Catholics on these and other issues.

Questions about the event should be directed to the Cultural Studies Club at

I don’t, even for a second, believe that Harvard Extension School would be so tolerant (“we do support the rights of our students and faculty to speak and assemble freely”) if the Cultural Studies Club were to hold an event that Muslims find offensive.



Dr. Eowyn’s article first appeared at Fellowship of the Minds.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Jim Allen

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RE: Liberalism Has to be a Mental Disorder, It's the Only Explanation Plausible IMO
5/13/2014 6:00:35 PM

Green Energy Is Green Vandalism Driven by Greed

May 13, 2014


Renewable energy, also known as greed energy, is a wealth redistribution scheme, according to a recent article in the telegraph. Money is taken from the taxpayers and squandered, the author contends, for an industry created by subsidies and almost solely subsisting on subsidies as company after company goes bust.

Green jobs are not jobs. The industry raises the price of energy destroying jobs elsewhere. Green jobs only exist because of subsidies and at the expense of every producer.

For all the expense related to subsidizing wind turbines, there are fewer jobs being created.

Kenneth Green of American Enterprise Institute found that an equal amount of capital would create one job in the green sector and 4.8 – 6.9 jobs in industry or the economy in general.

Researchers have also found that the vast majority of green jobs created were temporary. Most of the jobs created (60%) end up being for installers or temporary work such as construction and disappear once the panel or wind tower is operative.

In Europe, according to the same article, “the anti-carbon and renewable agenda is not only killing jobs by closing steel mills, aluminum smelters and power stations, but preventing the creation of new jobs at hairdressers, restaurants and electricians by putting up their costs and taking money from their customers’ pockets.”

According to the Renewable Energy Foundation, the cost of the subsidies in the UK will in a few years equal 1% of the GDP, more than the EU economy grew this year.

By contrast, in the US, according to a report from IHS Global Insight, the gas revolution has created 148,000 jobs directly and 450,000 indirectly. By 2015, there will be 870,000 new jobs thanks to gas production.

The author of the telegraph article said this: “Let me explain, once more for their benefit, in very simple language why I have a problem with the man-made global warming industry: on the basis of little hard scientific evidence (only computer projections), trillions of pounds, dollars and euros are being pumped into projects which make energy needlessly more expensive, cause tremendous environmental damage, slow down economic growth, stifle liberty and destroy jobs.”

If a product is good, it doesn’t need outlandish subsidies, the free market will take care of it. Simply put, subsidies amount to increased socialism and less freedom.

The wind and solar farms are growing throughout the world, not because of their effectiveness, but because of the subsidies.

Some people are fighting back.

In a village in Orston, UK, the villagers are fighting plans for four wind farm developments. It’s a battle being fought throughout Britain.

Applications for these farms come at the rate of about one a month in the summer. The first was for a wind turbine five times higher than the tower of the local church, which would loom over the cricket pitch. It was taller than Nelson’s Column at 242ft.

The next was the same height and then came a solar farm with 50,000 panels. They are burying the town and the subsidies come at a great price.

Last year, the subsidies for wind turbine owners in the UK alone came to £1.2 billion.

In the UK, energy prices are skyrocketing with no end in sight. Taxpayers are seen as ‘green energy cash cows.’ Some are calling for the green energy taxes to be rolled back.

Wind farm corruption is rampant in the US.

In windy Wyoming, NY, wind developers moved in to the tune of $655 million with three projects. It was so lucrative that landowners received $8000 a year for each turbine and towns received direct payments, allowing three of them to give up collecting property taxes according to the Buffalo News.

This comes at a price. Everyone else has to subsidize Buffalo.

An investigation into whether the companies bribed or intimidated municipal officials to approve the projects compelled Andrew Cuomo to put a code of conduct in place. One local official voted for the project even though his brother-in-law had five turbines on his property.

While no one was prosecuted, the companies agreed not to hire town officials responsible for approving wind projects or pay off official’s relatives. There are fines of $50,000 to $100,000 if this is violated, according to Green Energy.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo investigated First Wind of Massachusetts and Noble Environmental Power of Connecticut because of accusations that they attempted to acquire land permit approvals for several projects in NY by bribing officials and using anti-competitive business practices.

The NY Times reported corruption in 12 counties in NY.

The corruption is worldwide, however, and it is rife throughout the EU, thanks to the overzealous demands of the Kyoto treaty, which Presidents Bush, Clinton and Obama have supported in part or in whole, and thanks to the subsidies.

Brussels has ordered all 27 EU nations to ensure that 1/5th of their energy is renewable by 2020 and has given out an average of 5 billion Euros in subsidies annually. Wind farmers can then claim generous premiums for every watt of electricity they generate. Italy sells power from wind farms for 180 Euros per kwh, the highest rate in the world.

From the Energy Tribune: “According to the US corporate security consultancy, Kroll, the Mafia and organized crime generally, have been skimming millions of Euros from the EU’s €6 billion ($8.7 billion) clean energy budget since 2007. Originally set up to fund green projects between 2000 and 2013, Kroll has detected increasing fraud and criminal activity, especially over wind subsidies in Italy, Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, as well as other parts of central and eastern Europe.”

Jason Wright, a Kroll senior director who is responsible for monitoring projects by legitimate clients, says, ‘The energy sector has always had a higher level of corruption issues, but EU pressure to meet lower carbon targets has undoubtedly created a gold rush mentality towards EC alternative energy subsidies.’”

Scams range from building wind turbines that stand idle to some left derelict.

The Mafia loves wind energy.

Italian police froze $1.9 billion in Marfia-linked assets of a Sicilian businessman Nicastri, called “Lord of the Wind,” who holds numerous wind and solar farms which he has allegedly used to launder money. He has direct links to the boss of bosses, Matteo Messine Denaro,” according to the Energy Tribune

Police wiretaps show extensive Mafia infiltration in the industry because the subsidies are seen as a windfall when money is tight. One Mafioso said, “Not one turbine blade will be built in Mazara unless I agree to it.”

One Mafia investigator, Eduardo Zanchini, says, “Anything that creates wealth interests the Mafia…Nothing earns more than a wind farm.”

Similar scandals are emerging in Corsica, the Canary Islands, Greece, Pakistan, Britain, and so on.

In one scandal in Greece, eight people were arrested in Operation Eolo, for bribing officials in the coastal town of Mazara del Vallo with gifts of luxury cars and bribes of 30,000-70,000 Euros. Another fifteen people were arrested on embezzling and fraud charges amounting to 30 million Euros in EU funds. This is the tip of the iceberg.

There might be health issues related to wind farms, most caused by distress according to one report.

A number of new studies describe “wind turbine syndrome,” health problems caused by those living near the giant, twirling machines. The research found that living close to wind turbines can cause sleep disorders, difficulty with equilibrium, headaches, childhood “night terrors” and other health problems.

The theory is that low-frequency noise and vibration generated by wind machines can affect the inner ear, triggering headaches; difficulty sleeping; tinnitus, or ringing in the ears; learning and mood disorders; panic attacks; irritability; disruption of equilibrium, concentration and memory; and childhood behavior problems.”

A British physician, Amanda Harry, describes a similar phenomenon. She studied ten families living close to turbines and eight eventually moved out of their homes. “All these problems were resolved as soon as these people got away from the turbines, got in the car and drove away from the house,” Harry said.

However, NHS (Britain’s Government Health agency) reported that health impacts are limited to annoyance and distress.

In Meredith, NY, some residents were bought off and allowed their property to be used for a wind farm in exchange for subsidies while other residents were saddled with the noise and the visual obstruction. The intent was not to disrupt neighbors – they just didn’t know better.

A filmographer, Laura Israel, produced a film about Meredith’s win farms that was received enthusiastically by audiences and panned by the wind farm producers.

The film, Windfall, features a colorful interview with Carol Spinelli, a fiery real-estate agent in Bovina, a town of about 600 people located a few miles southeast of Meredith. Bovina passed a ban on wind turbines in March 2007. Spinelli helped lead the opposition, and she nails the controversy over wind by explaining that it’s about “big money, big companies, big politics.” And she angrily denounces wind-energy developers “as modern-day carpetbaggers.”

The trailer from Windfall:

Wind farms are ‘green vandalism driven by greed,’ wrote one author in the telegraph recently.

In our frenzied unnatural pace towards renewables, we have improperly investigated the possible consequences. Bill Bishop, reporting on the dark side of wind energy, says that there are two sides to the benefits of the wind energy coin. It’s not all rosy and it’s not all clean.

If that isn’t enough, China is targeting GE’s wind turbine market. With $15.5 billion, China’s windmill maker, Sinovel Wind Group Co. and Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology Co. have won major business orders. They are the main competition to EU and US manufacturers who can’t compete because China uses slave labor.

These companies are the Chinese communist government’s companies and we are in business with them to squeeze out EU and US competitors.

While this is going on, Mr. Obama prepares to unleash his dictatorial pen-and-phone green energy fiats on a hapless nation.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Liberalism Has to be a Mental Disorder, Just Guess Which Obama Official Is I
5/13/2014 7:20:10 PM
Our state department is hosting this event and introducing George Soros as a supporter of a Free Society. This is an outrage to each and every American, as this asswipe has no business meeting with our employees.

Just Guess Which Obama Official Is Introducing George Soros at a Forum

Secretary of State John Kerry is set to introduce billionaire investor George Soros at a State Department forum Tuesday, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Soros Fund Management Chairman George Soros speaks during a panel discussion at the Nicolas Berggruen Conference in Berlin, Germany, Oct. 30, 2012. (AP Photo/Thomas Peter, Pool)

Kerry will make the introduction at 1:30 p.m. at the event sponsored by the George C. Marshall Center, a German-based security and defense institute operated by both the U.S. Department of Defense and German Defense Ministry.

A State Department spokeswoman confirmed to TheBlaze that Kerry will introduce Soros, but stressed that the forum is an in-house event for department employees only, not a public or press event.

Soros, who has an estimated net worth of $20 billion, wrote in his 2006 book, “The Age of Fallibility: The Consequences of the War on Terror,” that “the main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” He has been the key financier of various liberal organizations, including donating millions to groups that tried to get John Kerry elected president in 2004 and $1 million to the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA in 2012.

Soros’ Open Society Foundation has funded groups that support divesting from Israel and organizations such as the Palestinian Center for Human Rights, a Gaza-based group that has accused Israel of being an “apartheid state.” Kerry was sharply criticized for using the term “apartheid” in reference to Israel last month.

State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf told the Free Beacon that criticism sof Soros’ appearance are “wholly ridiculous and have no basis in fact whatsoever.”

“This is a regular secretary’s open forum event intended to inform and educate department employees,” Harf said in an email. “George Soros was invited to discuss his views on support of civil society.”

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Jim Allen

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RE: Liberalism Has to be a Mental Disorder, Just Guess Which Obama Official Is I
5/13/2014 7:32:46 PM
I haven't seen the muslims reaching out anywhere except to stir up crap.

Obama 'religious freedom' appointee: Shariah Law is superior to American Law

July 2, 2013

This is sure to re-open the debate over whether or not Barack Obamais a Muslim. The facts are, he was raised as one the first 11 years of his life, and his mom allegedly converted him to some variation of Christianity when they moved back to the United States. In that infamous interview with Charles Gibson of ABC News, Obama referred to his “Muslim Faith, I mean Christian Faith” when asked about it, and otherwise claims to be a Christian.

Barack Obama has appointed a woman named Azizah Yahia Muhammad Toufiq al-Hibri to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. It is reported in this article here. That's right, he's appointed an extremist Muslim to a commission on religious freedom. Imagine that. This would be like appointing someone to the board of the American Lung Association who is a three-pack-a-day chain smoker.

The story reports, “Obama has announced the appointment of Azizah al-Hibri to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. Al-Hibri (full name, Azizah Yahia Muhammad Toufiq al-Hibri) is a Muslim professor and the granddaughter of a Sheikh, who claims that the Koran inspired Thomas Jefferson and the Founders and that the Saudi criminal justice system is more moral than the American one because it accepts blood money from murderers.”

The article further makes this point, “Appointing a Muslim scholar to a commission on international religious freedom is only justifiable if that scholar recognized that much of the injustice in the world originates from Islamic law. But Al-Hibri has made her career whitewashing Islamic law and even presenting it as superior to American law.”

They call people like this “bridge builders” but the only way they know how to build bridges is to show at bridge openings with a can of gasoline and light a match. An appointment of a Muslim extremist like this to a religious freedom commission doesn't just raise question about Obama's judgment, it raises a whole lot more question than that. This seriously makes any thinking person wonder whose side is Barack Obama on. Does he side with us, and Americans, and civilization, or does he side with Muslim extremists, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc.

Let's make sure we elect a Pro-American president in 2016 who believes in freedom, defending our country, and once again promoting American Exceptionalism. And for an appointment like this, if I were president, maybe someone likeCardinal Timothy M. Dolan would be a good choice.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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