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Jim Allen

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RE: The BUZZ2YA Presents Your Daily Dose Of Insanity USA Style
1/3/2014 1:46:03 AM

Another Beloved Family Pet Shot by Cops at the Wrong House, Who Tell the Owner, “Don’t worry…the bill’s on us”

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: The BUZZ2YA Presents Your Daily Dose Of Insanity USA Style
1/21/2014 7:04:32 PM

America’s most popular prescription sleep medication linked to mass shootings

Published time: January 20, 2014 22:05
Edited time: January 21, 2014 12:59

A new report describing the bizarre and dangerous side effects of the sleep aid Ambien has once again raised questions about one of the United States’ most popular prescription drugs.

In a story by the Fix, Allison McCabe chronicled the numerous cases in which Ambien has caused individuals to commit unsafe, and sometimes deadly acts.

In 2009, 45-year-old Robert Stewart was convicted on eight charges of second-degree murder after he killed eight people in a nursing home. He was originally charged with first-degree murder, but by claiming his tirade was Ambien-induced he was able to have the charges lessened and sentenced to 142-179 years in prison.

In a similar case, Thomas Chester Page of South Carolina was sentenced on five counts of attempted murder despite his claims that Ambien was the cause of a shootout with officers. He received 30 years of prison on each count, to be served concurrently.

Although the Food and Drug Administration approved Ambien in 1992, its warning labels have changed significantly over the last two decades as evidence mounted documenting the drug’s ability to induce dangerous behavior.

“After taking AMBIEN, you may get up out of bed while not being fully awake and do an activity that you do not know you are doing,” the label currently reads. “The next morning, you may not remember that you did anything during the night…Reported activities include: driving a car (“sleep-driving”), making and eating food, talking on the phone, having sex, sleep-walking.”

In the courtroom, cases related to Ambien use have ranged from shootings to child molestation charges to car accidents. In one such case, flight attendant Julie Ann Bronson from Texas ran over three people – including an 18-month old who suffered from brain damage as a result. When Bronson woke up in jail the next morning, she could barely comprehend what she had done.

“It was surreal. It was like a bad dream,” she said in May 2012. “I did the crime but I never intended to do it. I wouldn’t hurt a flea. And if I would have hit somebody, I would have stopped and helped. We’re trained in CPR.” Bronson pleaded guilty to the felony charges, but also received lesser charges by citing Ambien as the reason for her actions.

While some drug companies work on sleep aids that do not induce the kind of unpredictable and risky behavior Ambien does, the popularity of the medication raises concern over America’s prescription drug culture. The market for sleeping pills is a billion-dollar industry, yet dangerous side effects continue to be reported.

Last year, a report by the Department of Health and Human Services highlighted about 2,200 doctors for suspicious activities such as over-prescribing drugs. More than 700 Medicare doctors were also flagged for issuing what could be seen as “extreme” and potentially harmful prescriptions.

Although the report noted that some prescriptions could have been effective, it added, “prescribing high amounts on any of these measures may indicate that a physician is prescribing drugs which are not medically necessary or that he or she has an inappropriate incentive, such as a kickback, to order certain drugs.”

Soon after that report was issued, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that roughly 18 women a day are dying in the United States due to prescription drug overdose, namely from painkillers like Vicodin and Oxycontin. With women making up 40 percent of all overdose deaths in 2010, these numbers marked a 400 percent increase compared to data from 1999.

The benefits of medication have also been placed under heavy scrutiny when it comes to other health issues, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In December 2013, RT reported that the authors of the primary study promoting medication over behavioral therapy in order to treat ADHD now have serious concerns over their original results.

“I hope it didn’t do irreparable damage,” said one of the stud’s co-authors, Dr. Lilly Hechtman of Montreal’s McGill University. “The people who pay the price in the end is the kids. That’s the biggest tragedy in all of this.”

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The BUZZ2YA Presents Your Daily Dose Of Insanity USA Style
1/24/2014 9:09:07 PM

First Ever Marijuana Superstore

It will be the Menards of marijuana, the Wal-Mart of weed, or maybe the High Depot; whatever the illustrious industrialists choose to call it, Colorado may soon be the birthplace of the first evermarijuana superstore.

According to a report in Vail Daily, a Denver-based developer has submitted a proposal for a $5 million marijuana mega-complex to be built in Eagle. The facility, which will operate under the name Rocky Mountain Pure Retail Marijuana, would consist of a 6,000-square foot retail storefront that would operate self-sufficiently with the use of a 22,500-square-foot indoor cannabis farm.

In addition, the super complex would also include a 45,000-square-foot green house facility, a 3,600-square-foot extraction lab, a 3,750-square-foot “prohibition museum,” and another 12,000-square-foot of “other commercial space.”

The Eagle Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the proposal earlier this week, and while there was some skepticism, they voted to approve it under a number of stipulations. Now, it must go before the Eagle Town Board for final approval.

“There was a lot of discussion about the size of the proposal. Some members felt it is terribly large,” said Eagle Town Planner Tom Boni. “This whole project is something quite different for the Western Slope and the some of the commission members felt it is not in keeping with the character of the town.”

However, representatives for Colorado Cannabis Company, the developers requesting permission to build the facility, say they fully intend to work with the town of Eagle to ease their concerns and create “the nation’s premier retail marijuana destination.”

“Rocky Mountain Pure will be a destination that Coloradans and visitors alike will come to know as the location to not only purchase the best available products, but to learn about the wonders of cannabis and the last 90 years of prohibition, to enjoy the facilities and to even gather together for a cup of coffee in our world-class botanical gardens,” said Ethan Borg with the Colorado Cannabis Company.

A public hearing on this proposal is scheduled for February 11.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The BUZZ2YA Presents Your Daily Dose Of Insanity USA Style
2/17/2014 12:33:29 AM

It turns out the 'Evil' Koch Bros are only the 59th biggest donors in American politics. Can you guess who is number one?

BY |

Charles and David Koch are the two most evil people in American politics, right? We know that because Jane Mayer proved it with her landmark "Covert Operations" tour de liberal force in 2010.

Well, it turns out that Mayer's aim was off just a little, by like 58 slots on the all-time biggest donors in American politics list, as compiled by tallied the top donors in federal elections between 1989 and 2014. Koch Industries -- privately owned by the Evil Koch Bros -- is on the list, to be sure, but doesn't appear until the 59th slot, with $18 million in donations, 90 percent of which went to Republicans.

Unions, unions, unions

So who occupies the 58 spots ahead of the Evil Koch Bros? Six of the top 10 are ... wait for it ... unions. They gave more than $278 million, with most of it going to Democrats.

These are familiar names: AFSCME ($60.6 million), NEA ($53.5 million), IBEW ($44.4 million), UAW ($41.6 million), Carpenters & Joiners ($39.2 million) and SEIU ($38.3 million).

In other words, the six biggest union donors in American politics gave 15 times more to mostly Democrats than the Evil Koch Bros.

Wall Street and Act Blue, too

Three of the remaining four slots in the top 10 were taken by AT&T ($56.4 million), National Association of Realtors ($51.2 million) and Goldman Sachs ($44.8 million).

So, if money is the measure of evil in American politics and the Evil Koch Bros only come in 59th, who is really the most evil donor ever?

Turns out it's Act Blue, with just short of $100 million in contributions during its lifetime, which only started in 2004, 15 years after the Evil Koch Bros in the compilation.

Any bets on when Mayer's "Covert Operations II: Act Blue" will appear in the New Yorker?

On today's

Editorial: Americans want Obama to work with Congress, drop the "pen and phone."

Watchdog/Richard Pollock: Inspector General to probe soaring costs of CFPB building renovation.

Watchdog/Michal Conger: Strange spending raises questions about North Dakota Republican super PAC.

Watchdog/Kelly Cohen: Government needs clearer guidelines on who gets security checks.

Columnist/Ron Arnold: Putting an end to EPA's "secret science."

Columnist/Veronique de Rugy: IRS scandal merely the tip of the tax agency's problems.

Columnist/Byron York: GOP should remember who Ted Cruz represents.

Columnist/Philip Klein: Tea Party still needed to prevent GOP lurch toward Big Government.

Beltway Confidential/Chuck Hoskinson: Obama's personality cult has turned U.S. into nation of enablers.

Legal Newsline/Jessica Karmasek: White Castle veep says patent trolls "have made us really gun-shy."

In other news

CBS News: $36 billion worth of Valentine's Day love.

The Washington Post: Federal judge strikes down Virginia gay marriage ban.

The New York Times: Brownback leads sharp right turn in Kansas.

New York Post: Snowden stole password from NSA employee.

The Los Angeles Times: Court tosses California's concealed-carry rules.

USA Today: China says "terrorists" killed in Xinjiang.

Righty Playbook

National Review: The Clintons are America's grotesques.

The Weekly Standard: An Obamacare report card.

The American Conservative: Crony agriculture.

Bonus must-read

The Federalist: How the West was won -- but "Western Civ" lost.

Lefty Playbook

The Huffington Post: Five ways the Comcast-TWC deal could ruin TV and the Internet.

The Progressive: How ALEC helps Big Telecom change the rules.

Utne Reader: The other TPP.

Bonus must-read

The Nation: From and friends.

Blog Right

Gateway Pundit: "Evil Koch Bros" rank 59th on all-time biggest donors list.

Jammie Wearing Fools: Senate Dems want IRS to step up the pressure on conservative groups.

Yid With Lid: Perhaps it's time for Ted Cruz to grow up.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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RE: The BUZZ2YA Presents Your Daily Dose Of Insanity USA Style
2/17/2014 12:43:31 AM

Just about any interest group you can think of has a presence in Washington-and spends money to maintain that presence.


Use these resources in's Influence & Lobbying section, which are also found at the left, to learn more about Washington's influence industry and its most powerful players.

Interest Groups

Just about any interest group you can think of has a presence in Washington-and spends money to maintain that presence. Here we've totaled all the campaign contributions over the years from more than 100 interest groups, so that you can see patterns that might have affected policies with an impact on your life. We also track how much interest groups have been spending on lobbying, which is the other side of the influence coin.


Professional advocates make big bucks to lobby members of Congress and government officials on the issues their clients care about. But the money that industries, companies, unions and issue groups spend on lobbying is often just a drop in the bucket compared to what they can reap in return if their lobbyists are successful. Here you can see who spends what on federal lobbying and where they focus their resources.

Revolving Door

You've heard it before - it's not what you know, it's who you know. In our nation's capital, success comes with a combination of knowledge and personal connections. This database tracks thousands of individuals who've spun through Washington's "revolving door", employing professional relationships and know-how accumulated through public service to advance the goals of their private employers.


In a campaign finance system where all the money originates from individuals, political action committees, or PACs, control the most "corporate" of money. Controlled by companies, trade associations, unions, issue groups and even politicians (a subset called "leadership PACs"), these committees pool contributions from individuals and distribute them to candidates, political parties and other PACs. PACs can also spend money independently on political activities, including advertising and other efforts to support or oppose candidates in an election.


Influence in Washington is created from many ingredients. Here we give you at-a-glance profiles of the political donations, outside spending and lobbying expenditures of more than 20,000 labor unions, corporations and trade groups, as well as the number of lawmakers who have personally invested in them. More detailed profiles are available for the 150 or so biggest all-time contributors since 1989.


For the longest time, campaign ads were almost exclusively produced by candidates and political parties, but in recent years outside issue groups have been getting in on the action. They often operate as so-called 527 committees (taking their name from the relevant section of the IRS tax code). Sometimes mysteriously named, these advocacy groups frequently have ties to labor, big business and super-wealthy individuals. Unlike political committees, they can accept unlimited contributions from just about anyone, and they deploy that money in various ways to influence elections. Keep an eye on these shadowy groups here.


It turns out the 'Evil' Koch Bros are only the 59th biggest donors in American politics. Can you guess who is number one?

BY |

Charles and David Koch are the two most evil people in American politics, right? We know that because Jane Mayer proved it with her landmark "Covert Operations" tour de liberal force in 2010.

Well, it turns out that Mayer's aim was off just a little, by like 58 slots on the all-time biggest donors in American politics list, as compiled by tallied the top donors in federal elections between 1989 and 2014. Koch Industries -- privately owned by the Evil Koch Bros -- is on the list, to be sure, but doesn't appear until the 59th slot, with $18 million in donations, 90 percent of which went to Republicans.

Unions, unions, unions

So who occupies the 58 spots ahead of the Evil Koch Bros? Six of the top 10 are ... wait for it ... unions. They gave more than $278 million, with most of it going to Democrats.

These are familiar names: AFSCME ($60.6 million), NEA ($53.5 million), IBEW ($44.4 million), UAW ($41.6 million), Carpenters & Joiners ($39.2 million) and SEIU ($38.3 million).

In other words, the six biggest union donors in American politics gave 15 times more to mostly Democrats than the Evil Koch Bros.

Wall Street and Act Blue, too

Three of the remaining four slots in the top 10 were taken by AT&T ($56.4 million), National Association of Realtors ($51.2 million) and Goldman Sachs ($44.8 million).

So, if money is the measure of evil in American politics and the Evil Koch Bros only come in 59th, who is really the most evil donor ever?

Turns out it's Act Blue, with just short of $100 million in contributions during its lifetime, which only started in 2004, 15 years after the Evil Koch Bros in the compilation.

Any bets on when Mayer's "Covert Operations II: Act Blue" will appear in the New Yorker?

On today's

Editorial: Americans want Obama to work with Congress, drop the "pen and phone."

Watchdog/Richard Pollock: Inspector General to probe soaring costs of CFPB building renovation.

Watchdog/Michal Conger: Strange spending raises questions about North Dakota Republican super PAC.

Watchdog/Kelly Cohen: Government needs clearer guidelines on who gets security checks.

Columnist/Ron Arnold: Putting an end to EPA's "secret science."

Columnist/Veronique de Rugy: IRS scandal merely the tip of the tax agency's problems.

Columnist/Byron York: GOP should remember who Ted Cruz represents.

Columnist/Philip Klein: Tea Party still needed to prevent GOP lurch toward Big Government.

Beltway Confidential/Chuck Hoskinson: Obama's personality cult has turned U.S. into nation of enablers.

Legal Newsline/Jessica Karmasek: White Castle veep says patent trolls "have made us really gun-shy."

In other news

CBS News: $36 billion worth of Valentine's Day love.

The Washington Post: Federal judge strikes down Virginia gay marriage ban.

The New York Times: Brownback leads sharp right turn in Kansas.

New York Post: Snowden stole password from NSA employee.

The Los Angeles Times: Court tosses California's concealed-carry rules.

USA Today: China says "terrorists" killed in Xinjiang.

Righty Playbook

National Review: The Clintons are America's grotesques.

The Weekly Standard: An Obamacare report card.

The American Conservative: Crony agriculture.

Bonus must-read

The Federalist: How the West was won -- but "Western Civ" lost.

Lefty Playbook

The Huffington Post: Five ways the Comcast-TWC deal could ruin TV and the Internet.

The Progressive: How ALEC helps Big Telecom change the rules.

Utne Reader: The other TPP.

Bonus must-read

The Nation: From and friends.

Blog Right

Gateway Pundit: "Evil Koch Bros" rank 59th on all-time biggest donors list.

Jammie Wearing Fools: Senate Dems want IRS to step up the pressure on conservative groups.

Yid With Lid: Perhaps it's time for Ted Cruz to grow up.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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