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Jim Allen

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RE: The BUZZ2YA Presents Your Daily Dose Of Insanity USA Style
12/28/2013 1:28:05 PM
No matter which statistic you bring up, the 'GUN GRABBER' crowd will argue that stricter gun control is necessary to control violence. Why can't they just open their eyes and see it in plain print? If they did, they'd have to admit they're wrong! Come on... REALLY? It's not that hard to understand; cities with the highest rates of gun violence, occur in states with the strictest gun control legislation in place or cities with massive population density. You can't control the violence by controlling the law abiding public... it's NOT the law abiding who are creating the violence. Stricter laws on those who commit the violent acts... the ones who are using firearms to commit those violent acts, just might be the place to start! **If New Orleans were a country (with a rate 62.1 gun murders per 100,000 people) it would rank second in the world. **Detroit's gun homicide rate (35.9 per 100,000 people), Baltimore's rate (29.7), Newark (25.4), Miami (23.7), Washington D.C. (19) has a higher rate of gun homicide than Brazil (18.1/and Brazilian population has been disarmed), Cleveland (17.4) Buffalo (16.5) Chicago (11.6), Phoenix's rate (10.6, a state with Constitutional Carry laws in place). Gun Up and Carry... the more we do, the less violence there is! Patrick James The Gun Girls CHARITY calendars are in and the new year is fast approaching. GET THEM WILL THE LAST, HERE: Take a test drive of our new store and tell us how you like it: Check out our brand new American tradition T-Shirt! Find it here: Check out our new vinyl decals here: If you want a good conspiracy/thriller read, check out: A Frail New World - Digital Conspiracy at follow us on twitter here @colddeadhands1 TIRED OF FACEBOOK CENSORSHIP? SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSPAPER; THE 2ND AMENDMENT SENTINEL at:

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The BUZZ2YA Presents Your Daily Dose Of Insanity USA Style
1/2/2014 1:49:38 AM

The Year Government Lost Its Grip on Information

While the Internet can be regulated, and information can be controlled, it can only be done on an increasingly small margin, and at an increasingly high cost.

Lest you think most columnists are lazy, you should know that most of us have it stipulated in our contracts that our last article of the year must be some kind of retrospective. So, in lieu of an original, forward-thinking piece, I’m duty-bound to share the top-three moments that mark 2013 as the year the state began to lose its grip on control over information.

Snowden Leak

At the top of the list, of course, are Edward Snowden’s revelations about the depths of the NSA’s unconstitutional surveillance programs. It’s at the top not because of the debate and the likely reforms they unleashed, which are momentous, but because of what Snowden’s revelations tell us about the state’s ability to keep information secret. It increasingly has to operate under the assumption that it cannot keep secrets.

Chelsea Manning’s leaks were the first to shed light on the fact that scores of disaffected twenty-somethings have access to the government’s top secrets, and that these secrets are stored in digital form and are therefore eminently reproducible. As I wrote in June, “There are also over 4.2 million persons with security clearances, and over a million of those can access top secret documents. Contractors, like Snowden, are an indispensable part of the system, and there are almost 2,000 private companies working for the government on programs related to homeland security and intelligence.”

The more all-encompassing a surveillance state is, the more secrets it has to keep, but the more complex it is, the more people it must entrust with those secrets. Analysts, coders, security experts, and system administrators, who tend to be millennials like Snowden and Manning. More than any cohort, millennials embrace the “Anonymous” ideology of radical transparency and freedom of information, and it just takes one to expose what the state most wants kept under wraps.

If the state can’t trust the thousands of millennials it needs to keep the gears of surveillance and control turning, then the machine might to slow down or even seize up. As important as the information contained in Snowden’s leak, therefore, was the act of leaking itself. It was sand in the gears.

Silk Road

The year 2013 was undoubtedly the year of Bitcoin. Having been at the edges of mainstream awareness since its creation in 2009, the virtual currency exploded into the public consciousness this year, culminating in two days of Senate hearings on its licit and illicit uses (at which yours truly testified). Bitcoin is a revolutionary technology with many far reaching implications, but one of the most important—it’s censorship resistance—was on full display in October when federal authorities shut down the anonymous online marketplace Silk Road.

Despite its (temporary) demise, what Silk Road demonstrated is that online transactions can no longer be easily controlled by the state. As Ross Ulbricht, the imprisoned alleged proprietor of the marketplace, can attest, it is certainly still possible for the state to punish you after the fact for your online dealings. But, prior restraint is no longer possible by simply pressuring the handful of online payment processors like PayPal or Visa. Silk Road showed that two consenting parties can now transact online whether the state likes it or not.

The fact that a successor site, Silk Road 2.0, as well as other competitors, have taken the place of Silk Road is a harbinger of the future to come. The state can no longer prevent transactions from taking place; it can only choose to devote ever more resources to deter them. As one marketplace is shuttered, another one will launch because the technological foundation that make them possible—the intersection of Tor and Bitcoin—can’t easily be shut down.

Defense Distributed

The final moment of 2013 that highlights the state’s declining ability to control information is another government takedown. In May, days after it posted online CAD blueprints that for the first time let anyone with a 3D printer make their own handgun, Defense Distributed was forced to take down the files after receiving a threatening letter from the State Department’s arms exports control office. You can see where this is going.

What looks like a victory for the state actually highlights its growing impotence. As Cody Wilson, Defense Distributed’s creator, told Betabeat, “I still think we win in the end. The files are all over the Internet, the Pirate Bay has it. To think this can be stopped in any meaningful way is to misunderstand what the future of distributive technologies is about.” No court order or raid can put that genie back in the bottle.

In 1996’s “Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace,” John Perry Barlow gave in to utopian overstatement when he wrote of the Internet,

I declare the global social space we are building to be naturally independent of the tyrannies you seek to impose on us. You have no moral right to rule us nor do you possess any methods of enforcement we have true reason to fear.

Among other things, Barlow claimed that on the Internet “identities have no bodies” so that persons acting there are immune to “physical coercion.” More to the point, he wrote, “Cyberspace does not lie within your borders,” implying an insurmountable lack of jurisdiction, and thus coercive power.

As Edward Snowden’s exile, Ross Ulbricht’s arrest, and Defense Distributed’s capitulation attest, such a view is just plain wrong. But what 2013 showed us is that as Internet technology advances, the direct and indirect costs that the state must incur to maintain a same level of information control continues to increase. This means that the margin on which information can be effectively controlled is also shrinking continuously.

As a result, while the Internet can, no doubt, be regulated, and information can be controlled, and those who speak and transact can be punished, it can only be done on an increasingly small margin, and at an increasingly high cost. This dynamic is inherent in, and determined by, the nature of the Internet, and it can only get stronger in 2014.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The BUZZ2YA Presents Your Daily Dose Of Insanity USA Style
1/2/2014 2:03:35 PM
Let's start a club!

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The BUZZ2YA Presents Your Daily Dose Of Insanity USA Style
1/2/2014 11:03:04 PM


2 days ago | Technology, US | Posted by Joshua Cook

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Leaked documents now show what we all suspected: the NSA can turn your iPhone’s microphone and camera on and off without you knowing.

According to Der Spiegel’s website:

“The NSA’s ANT division develops implants for mobile phones and SIM cards. One of these is a spyware implant called “DROPOUTJEEP” — designed for the first generation of iPhones — which was still in development in 2008, shortly after the iPhone’s launch. This spyware was to make it possible to remotely download or upload files to a mobile phone. It would also, according to the catalog, allow the NSA to divert text messages, browse the user’s address book, intercept voicemails, activate the phone’s microphone and camera at will, determine the current cell site and the user’s current location, “etc.” ANT’s technicians also develop modified mobile phones, for use in special cases that look like normal, standard devices, but transmit various pieces of information to the NSA — that can be swapped undetected with a target’s own mobile phone or passed to informants and agents. In 2008, ANT had models from Eastcom and Samsung on offer, and it has likely developed additional models since.”

See leaked document below:


As we reported previously, ANT specialists at the NSA’s department for Tailored Access Operations can remotely access, monitor, and manipulate data in electronics around the world.

According to the report, the NSA intercepts shipments that are ordered online and spyware is manually installed on their target’s iPhone.

The NSA claims a 100 percent success rate when it comes to implanting iOS devices with spyware, reports The Daily Dot.

Journalist and security researcher Jacob Appelbaum asks important questions in the video below.

Is Apple helping the NSA?

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The BUZZ2YA Presents Your Daily Dose Of Insanity USA Style
1/3/2014 1:41:15 AM


My organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) tried to place pro-Israel ads in Boston, countering anti-Israel ads that ran there. Our ad read, “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat jihad.”

The ad was rejected, and we sued. Last week, U.S. District Court Judge Gorton ruled against us in our preliminary injunction against Boston’s Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA). No surprise here, during our hearing Judge Gorton said that he did not have the authority to rule on matters out of his jurisdiction. Still, Gorton dropped the ball on the question of “reasonableness.”

This is Boston, after all, site of the most recent jihad bombing in America, so Gorton’s ruling is sad and regrettable. We will, of course, appeal.

A couple of weeks ago I headed to Boston to cover a hearing concerning our pro-Israel adsthat had been barred from running by the MBTA. Such abusive violations of our freedoms have become catalysts for historical resistance and actions in the defense of freedom. And these dangerous restrictions on speech must be fought.

It was the MBTA that invited the debate on this issue by accepting anti-Israel ads. And then they turned and said that our ad was objectionable. They accepted an ad on the same subject that was so genuinely demeaning and disparaging that it had to be taken down after numerous complaints, only to be restored later, and then they had the audacity to reject our ad. That is viewpoint restriction and unconstitutional (even under the Ridley decision).

The jihad against Israel is savage. Any war against innocent civilians is savage. That this is “controversial” or “demeaning” illustrates just how far down the rabbit hole we have gone.

My lawyers at the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) filed a motion for a preliminary injunction and accompanying brief, requesting that the court order the MBTA to display the pro-Israel advertisement. David Yerushalmi and Robert Muise represented AFDI in our lawsuit against the MBTA.

We knew going in that overcoming the Ridley decision was an enormous hurdle. The Ridley case is the Dred Scott of free speech decisions. During our hearing Judge Gorton specifically stated that, being a district judge, he did not have the authority to rule on or alter the decision in that case.

Judge Gordon ruled against us. But in reading his extensively thought out, well written opinion, it appears that he did so reluctantly. He did not want to hold against us, even going so far as to say that he personally views jihad as violent war, but in his view, Ridley as his binding precedent tied his hands.

Here is the most interesting (and perhaps telling in that Judge Gorton agreed with us, but had to follow Ridley) part of the opinion:

Nevertheless, the Court agrees with the plaintiffs that the most reasonable interpretation of their advertisement is that they oppose acts of Islamic terrorism directed at Israel. Thus, if the question before this Court were whether the MBTA adopted the best interpretation of an ambiguous advertisement, it would side with the plaintiffs. But restrictions on speech in a non-public forum need only be reasonable and need not be the most reasonable. See Ridley, 390 F.3d at 90.

We are appealing. Contribute here. We must fight this all the way.

Expect the enemies of freedom to crow and howl. This is what they do: invoke the freedom of speech to kill freedom of speech. Free speech is for them, and them alone. It speaks to the heart of matter and the reason why we fight. Those who applaud free speech restrictions expose who and what they really are.

These enemies of freedom mean to destroy the founding principles of this nation. You won’t like what comes after the Constitution--not if the jackboots have their way.

Pamela Geller is the President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of and author of The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter here.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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