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RE: The BUZZ2YA Presents Your Daily Dose Of Insanity USA Style
12/17/2013 9:34:29 PM

16 Signs That Global Warming Was A Lie


We Have Now Entered A Period Of Global Cooling

Global Warming Was A Lie

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Back in 2009, Al Gore boldly declared that “the entire north polar ice cap during some of the summer months could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years.” Well, it turns out that was a lie along with almost everything else that Al Gore has been peddling. The truth is that the polar ice cap is actually growing. It is about 50 percent larger than it was at this time last year. And as you will read about below, a shocking UN report that was recently leaked shows that the planet has actually not been warming for the past 15 years. So if you are breathlessly anticipating that “global warming” will soon bring on the apocalypse, you can stop waiting. On the other hand, there is rising concern about what “global cooling” will soon do to the planet as we suffer through the beginning of the coldest winter in decades. Thanks to an unusually quiet solar cycle and an unusually high number of volcano eruptions, global temperatures have been falling. And if this cold weather persists, that could lead to massive global problems. Periods of very low temperatures throughout history have resulted in mass crop failures and widespread famines. Could that soon happen to us? The following are 16 signs that “global warming” was a lie and that we have now entered a period of global cooling…

1. According to a leaked UN report that absolutely rocked the “global warming” believers, the earth has not gotten any warmer for the past 15 years.

2. The amount of ice covering the Arctic is up by 50 percent compared to this time in 2012.

3. In just one week in late November, a combined total of more than 1000 new cold temperature and snowfall records were set in the United States.

4. In just one week in December, a combined total of more than 2000 new cold temperature and snowfall records were set in the United States.

5. On December 15th, 53 percent of the United States was covered in snow. That was the highest level on this date in 11 years.

6. A snowstorm that spanned more than 1,000 miles slammed into New England on Sunday.

7. Some areas of upstate New York were hit with about six feet of snow a few days ago.

8. Chicago just experienced that coldest temperatures that it has seen in December in nearly 20 years.

9. On December 7th, Eugene, Oregon recorded the lowest temperature that it has seen since December 11th, 1972.

10. A few days ago, three feet of snow closed roads in Jerusalem. It was the worst snow storm in Israel since 1953.

11. Heavy snow also fell on parts of Saudi Arabia. That was considered to be extremely unusual.

12. The recent snowfall in Turkey was so bad that it closed 900 roads.

13. Temperatures have dropped so low that some Syrian war refugees are actually dying from the cold.

14. Cairo, Egypt just had the first snowfall that it has experienced in 100 years.

15. It was so cold in Canada recently that the Arctic Winter Games biathlon trials were forced indoors.

16. According to NASA satellite data, a temperature of minus 135 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded in Antarctica back in July.

So why is all of this happening?

Well, the number one factor affecting our climate is the giant ball of fire called the Sun that our planet revolves around. As I detailed in a previous article, solar activity has dropped to a 100 year low. The following is how a article recently described what we are currently experiencing…

Read more at Freedom Outpost.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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RE: The BUZZ2YA Presents Your Daily Dose Of Insanity USA Style
12/20/2013 11:50:55 PM

Here is another sign that the Insanity Levels in the World are rising.

NYS Parents Who Fight Common Core Face Government Retaliation

December 17, 2013

Parents on Long Island and Upstate New York are banding together to opt-out of Common Core testing, but the state is considering possible avenues of retaliation if they do.

Parents who do opt-out are being told they could be charged with ‘educational neglect’and have the powerful Child Protective Services descend upon them. They could also face having their child retained or kept from honors placement, according to the state attorney’s association. School districts could suffer their own repercussions.

When California pushed bill AB 484 through the assembly, a bill which would only delay the testing for one year, Arne Duncan notified them that he would cut off their federal aid. New York could look to meting out their own punishments with parents, teachers, and districts in the crosshairs.

Instead of listening to parents and teachers, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) is looking for ways to force compliance.

In the you tube video below, you can hear Bob Aloise, State Ed’s PTA Coordinator, encouraging the use of child neglect charges and CPS as a weapon to force parents into having their child tested, testing that is hurting many children.

video via freedom outpost

The only thing California accomplished in AB 484 was to replace the standardized testing with a Measurement of Academic Performance and Progress (MAPP) for one year – only one year – and they drew this visceral reaction. The MAPP is an outstanding measure.

Getting back to New York. According to Huff Po, Governor Andrew Cuomo wants to be president and is lining up corporate sponsors, one of whom is Pearson, a company which is profiting enormously from Common Core. He might make it difficult for anti-Common Core advocates.

rotten to the core

Check out the excerpt from The New York State Attorneys’ Association below. They claim they can go after districts and they are talking about hurting student’s opportunities for promotion and placement in honors:

Consequences for refusals and options for school districts

Contrary to the claims of some anti-testing advocates, there are potential consequences for students and districts when students fail to participate in state testing. First, in accordance with NCLB, New York State requires each district to have participation of at least 95 percent of a school as well as subgroups of students that are evaluated in the state’s accountability system. If a district does not reach this level of participation, it will not make “Adequate Yearly Progress” (AYP), and a district’s Title I funding will be affected. In addition, there may be intervention consequences for districts that fail to meet AYP.

Furthermore, districts’ policies and procedures for determining enrollment and promotion may be triggered. For example, a district’s procedures for promotion to the next grade may be based on a student’s level of achievement on a state assessment. In addition, districts may make determinations for enrollment into honors courses/programs or gifted and talented programs based on students’ performances on state assessments.

Finally, under newly adopted Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) plans, student achievement on state assessments will be a portion of a teacher’s performance evaluation. Specifically, student achievement comprises 40 percent of teacher and principal evaluations, with part of that percent dependent on student growth on state assessments or comparable measures. However, it is unknown whether student refusals to take any state assessments will be considered in this calculation under APPR. Without SED guidance on these open issues, districts face the unknown should a significant number of students refuse to participate in state assessments.

After these paragraphs, the association goes through a stress-inducing list of strategies the district might employ to bully parents into giving over their rights which the state insists they don’t have.

I have personally spoken with school administrators who told me that they are supposed to call the students who opt-out into the office, question them as to why they are opting out, and then tell them why they must not. One local high school administrator said the school was threatened with being placed on a list as a school in need of supervision if too many opted-out.

Hopefully any approach like these will have the opposite effect and strengthen parent resolve.

If you don’t think some of this will be nationwide, remember the parent in Maryland who questioned Common Core and was arrested? Read about him on this link.

Update: 18:00: The Sentinel fully supports opting-out and believes the state will have a firestorm if they try to retaliate.

NYSED announced today that they are taking ‘decisive’ action to improve the implementation of the standards. They plan to increase funding and job training, among other things. None of the actions listed will address the problems. The main problem goes well beyond the implementation. Read more at

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The BUZZ2YA Presents Your Daily Dose Of Insanity USA Style
12/21/2013 2:55:37 AM

'NSA ruined it!' Brazil ditches Boeing jets, grants $4.5 bln contract to Saab

Published time: December 18, 2013 20:10
Edited time: December 18, 2013 22:15

Saab JAS 39 Gripen fighter.(Reuters / Patrick Tragardh )

Saab JAS 39 Gripen fighter.(Reuters / Patrick Tragardh )

Brazil has rejected a contract for Boeing’s F/A-18 fighter jets in favor of the Swedish Saab’s JAS 39 Gripens. The unexpected move to reject the US bid comes amid the global scandal over the NSA’s involvement in economic espionage activities.

The announcement for the purchase of 36 fighters was made Wednesday by Brazilian Defense Minister Celso Amorim and Air Force Commander Junti Saito. The jets will cost US$4.5 billion, well below the estimated market value of around US$7 billion.

Saito said the development of the fighters will occur in conjunction with Embraer and other unspecified companies.

The 12 Mirage aircraft currently in use by the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) will be retired at the end of this year. They were acquired by Brazil in 2005. As it waits for the new fighters, the FAB will use the F5 style, which will stay viable up to 2025.

During a visit in Brasilia last week, French President Francois Hollande was accompanied by an entourage that included the president of Dassault Group, stirring speculation that the French jet manufacturer had the edge over Saab and Boeing.

Competition over which company would win the right to supply Brazil with the fighter jets began in the late 1990s during Fernando Henrique Cardoso’s administration, continued during Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s time in office and into current President Rousseff’s term. A FAB report in 2010 indicated a preference in Saab, though then-President Lula leaned toward the cheaper Dassault jet, Rafale.

Saab Jas 39 Gripen.(Reuters / Dominic Ebenbichler)

Saab Jas 39 Gripen.(Reuters / Dominic Ebenbichler)

Boeing was considered to have the inside track to win the contract earlier this year, yet revelations of intrusive surveillance of global officials’ communications, including those of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, by the US government’s National Security Agency led to distrust of the American company.

“The NSA problem ruined it for the Americans,” a Brazilian government source told Reuters.

The Chicago-based Boeing’s bid was rejected because of Saab’s better performance and cost of its aircraft as well as "willingness to transfer technology," defense minister Celso Amorim said, as cited by Bloomberg.

'Economic espionage' fallout

Brazil is currently probing reports released by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden that the spy agency monitored the personal communications of President Rousseff and hacked into government ministries to gather information. Among the institutions targeted by NSA espionage were state oil giant Petrobras and the Ministry of Mines and Energy, contradicting claims by Washington that it did not engage in “economic espionage.”

Rousseff lambasted US spying on her country during the UN General Assembly in September, calling it a “breach of international law.” She further warned that the NSA surveillance, revealed since June, threatened freedom of speech and democracy.

“Meddling in such a manner in the lives and affairs of other countries is a breach of international law and as such it is an affront to the principles that should otherwise govern relations among countries, especially among friendly nations,” Rousseff said.

US President Barack Obama (R) kisses hello Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff as they arrive for the family photo during the G20 summit on September 6, 2013 in Saint Petersburg.(AFP Photo / Jewel Samad)

US President Barack Obama (R) kisses hello Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff as they arrive for the family photo during the G20 summit on September 6, 2013 in Saint Petersburg.(AFP Photo / Jewel Samad)

Just before her address at the UN summit, Rousseff canceled a state visit to Washington, scheduled to take place in October, because of indignation over spying revelations. Rousseff has stated she wants an apology from US President Barack Obama.

Snowden has promised to aid Brazil in a probe into the NSA’s spying program in the country.

“A lot of Brazilian senators have asked me to collaborate with their investigations into suspected crimes against Brazilian citizens,” said Snowden, in an open letter published by Brazilian paper Folha de S.Paulo. Snowden hinted in the letter that he may ask Brazil for asylum.

“The American government will continue to limit my ability to speak out until a country grants me permanent political asylum,” wrote Snowden.

The whistleblower is currently under temporary asylum in Russia. Brazil plans to host a global summit on internet governance in April 2014.

Brazil resident Glenn Greenwald, the former Guardian journalist renowned for publishing Snowden’s leaks, criticized on Wednesday European Union governments’ muted response to the revelations about the NSA’s mass surveillance apparatus. He also contradicted Washington’s claim that no economic espionage is involved amid NSA spying.

“What a lot of this spying is about has nothing to do with terrorism and national security. That is the pretext. It is about diplomatic manipulation and economic advantage.”

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The BUZZ2YA Presents Your Daily Dose Of Insanity USA Style
12/21/2013 10:49:22 PM
20 December 2013 Last updated at 06:36 ET

China rejects US corn on fears over genetic modification

Grains of corn in the palm of a handChina's Ministry of Agriculture has begun a publicity campaign in support of GM foods

China has rejected 545,000 tons of imported US corn found to contain an unapproved genetically modified strain.

An unapproved strain called MIR162 was found in 12 batches of corn, China's product safety agency said.

China backs genetically modified crops to increase food production, but has faced opposition from critics who question their safety.

The agency called on US authorities to tighten controls to ensure unapproved strains are not sent to China.

China allowed its first imports of a genetically modified crop, soybeans, in 1997. Authorities are trying to develop others that produce bigger yields or can resist insects without use of pesticides.

China has already approved 15 varieties of genetically-modified corn for imports and MIR162 is awaiting approval.

"The safety evaluation process [for MIR162] has not been completed and no imports are allowed at the moment before the safety certificate is issued," said China's vice agricultural minister, Niu Dun.

The Ministry of Agriculture has recently launched a publicity campaign to allay concerns over GM foods and says the criticisms are unfounded.

The first batch of corn was rejected in November after authorities detected MIR162.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The BUZZ2YA Presents Your Daily Dose Of Insanity USA Style
12/22/2013 2:30:37 PM
Liberal Logic 101:

Call for the firing of a TV star because his Faith teaches him that homosexuality is immoral.

Invite the President of Iran, who has ordered the hanging, stoning and burning to death of 1000's of people for being homosexual, to Columbia University as a keynote speaker.

And you wonder why we think you're all idiots....

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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