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Jim Allen

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RE: My Libertarian Side
10/10/2013 2:54:03 PM
Almost worth weathering the winters to lie there. They have too high taxes for me to consider moving there but, I sure wish all cities and states would enact this legislation.

Victory in Albany: Anti-NDAA Measure Passes Unanimously, Local Law Enforcement Will Stand Against Feds

At the end of September, I told you about Albany, New York introducing possibly the strongest legislation against the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) indefinite detention provisions in the United States. While many states have passed nullification acts,this one had teeth in it. It would not only forbid local law enforcement from helping military or federal law enforcement, but would call upon them to openly oppose with force those that seek to enforce such provisions against Albany citizens. Well New York’s capitol has passed that resolution!

Dan Johnson with PANDA (People Against the NDAA) writes:

On October 7, 2013, the Albany, NY Common Council unanimously passed Resolution 80.92.13, becoming the first city in America to prohibit indefinite military detention without charge or trial, specifically under the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, to declare it is not a “battlefield” and resolve that its citizens and residents are not subject to “detention underthe law of war.”

Unlike in California, Alaska, and other states that purported to block the NDAA, but only require the state to stand down and allow Federal officials to implement it nonetheless, Resolution 80.92.13 recognizes the application of the Law of War to residents/citizens of Albany to be unConstitutional. Now that they know this is unConstitutional, every peace officer, elected official, or other person who takes an Oath to the U.S. Constitution in the City of Albany is required to interpose against those attempting to implement military detention or the “law of war” in Albany.

Under the Constitution, instead of mere noncompliance, this resolution requires interposition to protect the rights of the people and stop the Federal government from implementing military detention in the city. Period.

According to 11th Ward Councilman Anton Konev, who introduced the resolution, “Indefinite detention for any reason is unConstitutional and cannot be allowed. At least here in Albany we believe in those liberties our armed forces fought so hard for.”

stop-the-ndaaTeam Leader Emiritus for PANDA New York Kelley Citrin added, “I have never been more proud to be from the State of New York than I am today, because today reminded me that politics can still be noble, and government still responds when the cries of its people are loud enough, and persistent enough.”

Patriots, this demonstrates that grassroots efforts can still make a difference when you are persistent.

The resolution was a collective effort of various organizations, including PANDA, the Patriot Coalition, Project SALAM, Jesse Calhoun, the Occupy Albany Civil Liberties Initiative, 518 Liberty Action Alliance, Campaign for Liberty New York, many other organizations.

Additionally, it was the citizens of Albany and even citizens who supported the effort from around the country that made the difference.

While this is a huge step ahead in nullifying and actually calling the federal government’s bluff on this issue, New York needs to deal with the unconstitutional SAFE Act. Without your arms, you are sitting ducks. The same people need to make the same push and oust tyrannical governors, mayors and elected officials who opposed their ability to keep and bear arms to defend themselves.

This is most definitely a major step forward. Well done Albany!

Don’t let this tidal wave stop with Albany. Download your packet here:

Tim Brown is the Editor of Freedom Outpost.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: My Libertarian Side
10/10/2013 2:59:15 PM

Conservative Elitists Make All Out Push to “Amend” the Constitution

September 2, 2013

- Richard D. Fry, General Counsel, Patriot Coalition

Recently, Sean Hannity held a special “town hall” program featuring Mark Levin discussing his new book , The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic. The program was complete with a handpicked audience of “conservatives” many associated with Fox News.

It was reminiscent of a Ron Popeil pocket fisherman infomercial. A few of the audience raised straw issues with one of Levin’s proposed amendments which of course actually turned out to be a big plus before the script was played out. Yes nothing is more stimulating and convincing than “simulated debate.”
Keep in mind the fundamental problems (symptoms) we have in the Republic which are our elected officials:
1. No longer follow the Constitution,
2. Treat their oath to support the Constitution as a mere ministerial act, and
3. Neither represent or response to “We the People”.
These elitist constitutional revisionists use the devils own logic to confuse us. They mix truth (all the symptoms of our fundamental problems as noted above) with lies and then propose an illogical disjunctive as a solution:
”If our public officials will not follow the Constitution and honor their personal oath we will simply amend the Constitution.”
Perhaps instead of the eleven amendments Mark Levin proposes we only need one new amendment. “Thou shall follow this Constitution.” I assure you such would be every bit as effective as all eleven amendments proposed by Levin.
The uninformed take comfort from the “conservative” credentials these talking heads have and allow these members of the elitist establishment to be their surrogates on all matters political. This is the root problem of our woes i.e., uninformed, apathetic and yes lazy citizens who will not take up their duty to be even modesty informed and determined to hold our public servants accountable when they put on the majestic mantle of supreme authority.
Two historical quotes come to mind:
“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Truer word have never been spoken.
One needs to understand there has been an ongoing effort to “rewrite” our constitution since at least the 1960s. The fact that this objective has been the darling of both the Progressive elitist and the “conservative” elitists should give us great pause when listening to anyone making such a proposal. I will provide this history in another post.
What are the lies they use?
1. A “state convention” is not a “con con,”
2. The ability to amend does not include the ability to replace or rewrite completely,
3. The topics of a “states convention” can be controlled by the states,
4. The fact that three fourths of the states have to approve any changes is a foolproof safety net.
Levin’s response to the concern that the statists will control any such convention and rewrite our constitution is the assertion that the statists already have the system open to them and they can push for such. Yes they do and yes they can. And, I submit they are through these talking head “conservatives”. What Levin, Hannity and others are proposing is to open the door and invite the statists in so the statists can legitimize their plunder of our Liberty and wealth.
Recall Hitler took over Germany and set up his fascist dictatorship legally. Takeovers always go smoother if you are acting under the cover of law rather than by an outright coup. “Let no crisis go to waste.” The end result is the same.
A “state convention” is not a “con con”
(Constitutional Convention)
False: First, there is no “state convention” as in originated and controlled by the states. The process laid out in Article V is a federal process under the auspices of the federal government.
As such process involves and deals with “political questions” it will be under Congress’ authority and only very rarely open to review by the Supreme Court. The Court has addressed this issue before.
Congress calls any such convention, not the states, who merely request such call be made by Congress. Article V provides in part:
The Congress… on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments…”
This point is extremely important.
As any parliamentarian can tell you, he that calls the convention controls the convention, at least initially. It is the caller that decides the qualifications of delegates, how they are chosen, the initial rules of the convention including how the current rules are changed or supplemented and the convention’s agenda.
No matter what you want to call it an Article V “convention” is what it is and does what it does. These folks are trying to bamboozle the public with distinctions without a difference.
It is convincingly argued that legally such a convention is a super legislative body of the people themselves and as such once it is formally started it need not follow the directions of Congress or anyone else for that matter. This is what has happened historically.
The ability to amend does not include the
ability to rewrite completely
False. First, Common sense defeats this absurd assertion. One might define an amendment as anything from the change of one period to the change of everything but one period. These folks are playing word games with the public.
Second, we know the Philadelphia convention, from which we received our current constitution, was convened only to amend the then current Constitution. In fact, the focus and limit of the convention was supposed to be on interstate commerce issues. It was not convened (at least publicly) with the purpose to form a more perfect Union”.
Under our prior Constitution any amendments required agreement by all thirteen (13) states (100%). However, our current constitution required only agreement of nine (9) of the thirteen (13) states or less than 70% agreement. (See U.S. Const. Article VII) The convention did not even follow the then current Constitution.
In fact, the convention was only attended by twelve states as Rhode Island did not send delegates. So much for unanimity.
Third, the current Constitution would not need to be completely rewritten to fundamentally and substantively alter the Republic. The proposed Constitution that was shown to retired Supreme Court Chief Justice Burger in 1988 did away with the sovereign states and created federal provinces in their place.
Doing away with the autonomy of the states is consistent with the effort within the federal government over the last thirty years to set up regional governance councils to implement Sustainable Development, an effort supported by Governor Brownback in Kansas. Some have proposed that the Governors should be the delegates to any such convention. Thanks, but no thanks.
Regional governance counsels were called “soviets” in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R. (Russia).
What the federal government has been doing in setting up these “soviets”, with a lot of help from state politicians, is in violation of Article IV of the Constitution. You can be sure such would be legitimized under any newly amended constitution.
It is likely global / United Nations’ definitions of our rights would find their way into any amended constitution. We would not have Freedom of Religion but rather Freedom of Worship. Freedom of Worship has been noted on numerous occasion by Hilary Clinton and President Obama. It is an incomplete bundle of religious rights which is basically summed up as “don’t ask don’t tell.”
The topics of a “states convention” can be
controlled by the states
As noted above in the A “state convention” is not a “con con” section, an Article V “convention” is inherently a federal process set up under the federal Constitution and is called and controlled by Congress. It is not controlled by the states and the states cannot limit the topics covered in an Article V convention anymore than the states were able to control the topics discussed in the Philadelphia Convention 226 years ago.
Some say that the states can control the topics by limiting their call for a convention to a particular topic. If you read Article V you will find that there is no requirement whatsoever for a state to specify a topic. Legally any such designation is superfluous and meaningless. Remember the Philadelphia Convention. Article V itself refers to “Amendments” plural.
Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach held the position that a convention is not controlled by the states the last couple of years and even publicly expressing it at various Liberty group meetings (some of which were recorded). Then he changed his position this year after he pushed a Kansas call for a “con con” at the last minutes of the legislative session. He acted through Representative Brett Hildabrand and Sen. Pilcher-Cook.
I debated this with Kris on his Sunday talk show and he backed down on his new position. A couple of weeks later at a meeting to discuss Kris’ push for a “con con” he again backed down saying the states could not control the issues but that it “did not matter because Congress would never call a convention” so we did not have to worry about a “runaway” convention.
His then-stated purpose for supporting a “con con” was to fire a shot across Congress’ bow. The only shot those folks listen to is the ballot box or lots of persistent public pressure.
The fact that three fourths of the states have to approve any changes is a foolproof safety net.
False. Really? What about the XVI, XVII, XVIII Amendments which were all approved “by the states” although Levin wants to change some of them. I guess the fail-safe is not so fail-safe.
Again Congress is in control. It decides whether the ” legislatures of the states” will be asked to approve the amendments or whether it will be done by “conventions in” the states. Who do you think gets to make up the rules for these conventions?
Also, there is a big difference between “of” as in belonging to the states and “in” as in merely located in a state.
Historically, we know that Congress has manipulated this process to get the results it wanted.
We must recognize that this push to “amend” the Constitution has been going on for decades and is part of the elitist agenda, both Progressive and “conservative” elitist. Such has been sponsored by big foundations and their stooges such as the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the National Governors Association (NGA), that also sponsors and promotes national Common Core educational standards, and Progressive NGOs. These folks have their self interest in mind and not that of “We the People”.
Arm yourself with knowledge or pay the price of your ignorance.
Richard D. Fry
Founder, November Patriots
General Counsel, Patriot Coalition

[ii]U.S. Constitution, Article V, ”The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress;”
[iii] C.J. Warren Burger, Correspondence to Phyllis Schlafly ( April 8, 1986, ) Eagle Forum (See Corresponded of 06/22/1988, 08/25/1986, 04/08/1986)

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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As an American, isn’t it your duty to own an AR-15?
10/12/2013 3:46:16 PM
I believe it is... Do You?

As an American, isn’t it your duty to own an AR-15?


A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state

For some reason, the debate over the Second Amendment seems to hinge on the later half of the 27 words ratified by Congress that focus on the unalienable and pre-existing individual right to own arms for self defense. There is aCitizens Committee for the Right to Keep And Bear Arms, for example, but no corresponding Citizens Committee for a Necessary and Well Regulated Militia.

That’s a rather absurd picking and choosing of which part of the Second Amendment to emphasis, almost in exclusion of the equally important proceeding clause. If we are to value the Second Amendment, we must value it in its entirety as the Founders constructed it, and with their explicit original intent.

While the Founders recognized a pre-existing individual right to arms, the Founders yoked that right to service of the community and the nation.

I keep falling back to the words of Tenche Cox, Pennsylvania delegate to the Continental Congress, first writing in The Pennsylvania Gazette, on Feb. 20, 1788.

The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous and irresistible. Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American … the unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people.

Coxe commented on the purpose of the Second Amendment again in “Remarks On The First Part Of The Amendments To The Federal Constitution,” in the Philadelphia Federal Gazette, June 18, 1789.

As civil rulers, not having their duty to the people duly before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow-citizens, the people are confirmed by the next article in their right to keep and bear their private arms.

Our private arms protect our individual homes and lives, but are to also serve a public purpose.

When you carry a concealed weapon, you are protecting your own life, but you also serve the public good by acting as a deterrent to violent crime. As concealed carry has been adopted across these United States, violent crime has declined. Career criminals prefer to live, and as a result have turned from violent crime to property crimes because they would prefer not to become a feature story in Guns Saving Lives.

In the same vein that handguns serve a role in ensuring our domestic tranquility, so do long arms in the hands of the militia.

According to 10 USC § 311 – Militia: composition and classes, there are two forms of recognized militia under federal law:

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

Many Americans would be shocked to learn that they do, in fact, belong to the unorganized militia, and are both legally and morally required to serve the Republic in times of peril.

At this moment, in the early part of the 21st Century, no long-arm exists that better serves the Founder’s concept of long arms for contemporary militia service by the unorganized militia than the AR-15 platform chambered in 5.56 NATO.


All branches of the United States Arms Forces use a variant of the M4/M16 platform, which are selective-fire assault rifles (and yes, by definition for a rifle to be an “assault rifle” in military terms it must be selective fire).

The cyclic rate of fire for these assault rifles is 700–950 round/min when fired in burst-fire mode.

The most popular centerfire rifle sold in the United States today is AR-15, which was once a brand (“AR” stood for Armalite which was the company that designer Eugene Stoner worked for when he created the rifle), but which now is used as a generic term for the family of rifles, in much the same way we use “Kleenex” when talking about tissues, or “Jell-O” when talking about gelatin-based desserts.

There are now an estimated 5 million AR-15 self-loading rifles in the United States today, making it the single most important and ubiquitous rifle in the Republic (There are twice as many AR-15s in civilian hands than there are active-duty service members). The AR-15 has 80-percent parts commonality with the military M4/M16 family of weapons, but is not capable of being fired as a machine gun.

In addition to sharing many of the same parts, an AR-15 chambered in 5.56 NATO can use the same ammunition as that used by the military, the same magazines, and same accouterments, such as cleaning kits, magazine loaders, magazine pouches, sights, etc.

If we are the unorganized militia (and we are) and we serve a role in the defense of the Republic (and we do), doesn’t every citizen that is part of the militia have an obligation, if we are financially able, to purchase AR-15 carbines, ammunition, and accouterments to serve our roles in the militia?

Further, since the most important role of government is to provide security, shouldn’t federal and state governments set aside part of the annual budget to train and equip the unorganized militia with AR-15 rifles, magazines, ammunition, and accouterments?

This could come in the form of direct supply, financial aid (grants) to those who qualify as part of the unorganized militia, and as tax credits to those who have purchased their own firearms, ammunition, and accouterments with their own funds. Government land should be set aside in each community, in order to develop firing ranges on which the unorganized militia would be expected to practice, with ammunition and training provided once again by taxpayer dollars.

All of this is in keeping with both the spirit of the Second Amendment, and will the letter of the law which insists that “a well regulated militia” (well regulated meaning in proper working order) is necessary to the security of the free state.

From where should such funding come?

Obviously, as the current government “shutdown” has shown, there are many non-essential programs and personnel within the federal government that could easily be done away with entirely. There is no constitutional mandate for government-provided cell phone service, medical care, housing, or education.

There is, however, a constitutional mandate for the security of the Republic, and I look forward to seeing you at the range.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: My Libertarian Side
10/14/2013 3:30:34 PM
There are quite a few more that should have the same actions drawn against them

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  • South Carolina Tea Party drafts resolution calling for ouster of Lindsey Graham

    See also

    September 2, 2013

    On Monday, Breitbart News reported that South Carolina Tea Party activists have drafted a resolution calling for the replacement of Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., citing 29 points against the Republican senator.

    In August, the Chesterfield County GOP passed the resolution with 98 percent of those present voting to approve the measure.

    "This reflects the continued frustration of many in the party with officials who are elected as Republicans and then seem to forget the doctrine of the party when they assume office," Joshua Cook wrote.

    “The Chesterfield County Republican Party upholds traditional conservative Republican principles and we expect those who are elected under its banner to also adhere to this same standard,” said Chesterfield County GOP Executive Committeeman Glenn Gulledge. “Lindsey Graham has committed a long series of actions that we strongly disapprove of and hold to be fundamentally inconsistent with the principles of the South Carolina Republican Party."

    "The 29 points documented in this censure clearly illustrate this trend and make it clear that he is not consistently representing some of our most valued, time-honored tenets,” he added.

    Cook posted four of the major points of contention the county has with Graham:

    • Senator Graham’s attempt to reward those who break the laws of our country with amnesty.
    • The continued support the Senator offers in the arming of elements of Al Qaida, sworn enemies of the United States, in the Middle East.
    • His belief that government spying on American citizens without due process is an acceptable practice.
    • The disregard he showed for other Republicans in their attempt to prevent further erosion of our Second Amendment rights.

    The resolution also highlights some of Graham's record.

    In August of 2007, for example, Graham supported a Democratic bill granting amnesty to illegal immigrants even though it did not prevent new illegal immigration. Graham even thanked former Sen. Ted Kennedy for his work on the bill and said he was “going to tell the bigots to shut up."

    The resolution also says that in May 2005, Graham was one of the infamous “Gang of 14” who voted with Democrats to prevent Republicans from overriding Democrat blockage of Republican judicial nominees, and Graham criticized the South Carolina GOP for defending the Republican Party platform in October 2009.

    "We're not going to be the party of angry white guys," Graham said, according to the resolution.

    Recently, Graham said he was "glad" the NSA was snooping on millions of Americans, and said he would suggest censoring the mail if it would help national security.

    He also suggested limiting free speech after a Florida pastor burned a Koran.

    "I wish we could find a way to hold people accountable. Free speech is a great idea, but we're in a war," he told CBS' Bob Schieffer.

    The resolution said Graham "supported granting members of the Muslim Brotherhood high level positions in the US government" and criticized Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., for raising the issue.

    He also "supported giving foreign aid to terrorist governments in the Middle East," the resolution adds, and supported efforts to subordinate American sovereignty to the United Nations.

    Matthew Boyle characterized the resolution as "arguably the most comprehensive document ever compiled about Lindsey Graham."

    The resolution “condemns the actions taken above by Lindsey Graham as fundamentally inconsistent with the South Carolina Republican Party Platform," arguing that “as a result of the actions taken by Lindsey Graham he has lost the confidence of this body, which resolves that he should be replaced as Senator for the State of South Carolina at the earliest possible electoral opportunity.”

    Three people have so far stepped forward to challenge Graham: State Senator Lee Bright; Richard Cash, a former Congressional candidate; and Nancy Mace, the first female graduate from the Citadel.

    While the New York Times heaped praise on Mace,'s Steven H. Ahle endorsed Bright, calling him the "next Ted Cruz."

    "Bright has a 100% score from the South Carolina Club For Growth and a 92% conservative rating from the conservative union," Ahle said. "He has been consistent in his conservative beliefs and does not shy away from battle, even within his own party."


    May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

    Jim Allen III
    Skype: JAllen3D
    Everything You Need For Online Success

    Jim Allen

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    RE: My Libertarian Side
    10/14/2013 11:36:56 PM
    You didn't hear about this one did you? I wonder why not? Was it not newsworthy that the Tea Party was cleaning DC?

    “We have to be the people who show the new way”: Glenn joins Tea Party leaders in effort to clean up D.C. monuments

    In Washington DC this morning, Glenn joined Mike Lee, Matt Kibbe, and leaders and members of the Tea Party Patriots and Freedom Works for a gathering on Capitol Hill.

    The National Day of Service kicked off with a few short speeches, with Glenn delivering the last address to those who came out to pick up trash on The Mall. In his speech, Glenn focused on the lack of trust between the American people and the progressives running Washington DC, and he made a point to criticize both the Republicans and Democrats for causing the problems facing the country.

    “It’s about being authentic, it’s about being real,” Glenn said. “That’s the problem with our country. Who trusts us? Our own people don’t trust us.”

    Glenn wondered how anyone could even begin to negotiate a deal that would end the government shutdown when the President and his administration wasn’t acting in good faith. He pointed to reports that President Obama had “essentially rejected everything offered by House Republicans leaders in their proposal.”

    Despite the tough times currently facing the country, Glenn said that things were going to be fine and that we were at a pivotal point in history.

    “We’re at an amazing point. The whole world is going to change, the system doesn’t work,” Glenn said. “We’re not doing anything worldwide on principle so the West will reset.”

    He emphasized that there was nothing to be afraid of as long as we all stick together, paraphrasing Benjamin Franklin’s “: We all better hang together or we’ll certainly all hang separately.

    Glenn then told the story of the origins of the Republican Party and the end of the Whig party. The old Whig Party fell apart over the issue of slavery, with a small group of anti-slavery members disrupting the Whigs and forcing many of the party leaders out of office. Many of the anti-slavery members ended up joining the newly formed Republican Party, led by Abraham Lincoln.

    Today, Glenn argued, America is at a very similar point in history. A small group of principled politicians in the House and Senate are standing up for what they believe in, and as a result they are disrupting the progressives who are at the head of both the Republicans and Democrats.

    “We have a virtual one party system,” Glenn said. “But it’s all coming undone.”

    “Today I bring you good news. This things over,” he continued. Glenn said that the leaders on both side know that common sense is starting to kick in and people are recognizing the failure of leadership coming from the progressive.

    “We have to be people who show the new way, a better way, where we treat people with respect,” he said. “Let’s live like free men. Let’s live like decent Americans.”

    As the speeches wound down, the gathered crowd headed to the Mall to clean up the monuments. Since the beginning of the government shutdown, the Mall and the monuments have been closed to the public because the government cannot maintain them and pick up the trash that comes with tourists.

    The clean up effort was inspired by South Carolinian Chris Cox who has been mowing the lawn and picking up trash around the Mall to keep it from falling into “a disgraceful state.”

    Check out photos from the clean up below:

    May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

    Jim Allen III
    Skype: JAllen3D
    Everything You Need For Online Success


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