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Jim Allen

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RE: My Libertarian Side
10/5/2013 1:00:24 AM

Gov. Scott Walker Defies Obama’s Order to Shut Down State Parks

The Obama administration has openly been trying to make the shutdown as painful as possible. They’ve shut down hundreds of privately funded parks, spent money barricading the WWII memorial, even threatened the vets, and a park ranger has explained that he was explicitly ordered to make it as “painful as possible” for people. It’s really disgusting.

The latest example of Obama’s overreach is when it comes to the state parks in Wisconsin. Obama’s federal government tried to order him to shut down the state park. Gov. Walker’s response? He’s defying the order, because he believes that since most funding comes from the state, he shouldn’t have to shut it down. Good for him.

It’s time we beginning encouraging and supporting governors and state governments that push back against the feds. It’s their responsibility to do so — the states are the final defense against federal tyranny and bullying.

From the Washington Times:

National parks facing federal furlough orders may be shutting down around the nation, but not so in Wisconsin.

Republican Gov. Scott Walker said he’s not closing the federal lands to visitors, in blatant defiance of the National Park Service’s demand, reported. The federal agency had specifically ordered park officials in Wisconsin to close doors on Kettle Moraine, Devil’s Lake and Interstate parks, as well as sections of Horicon Marsh — sections that were owned by the state, no less — but Wisconsin authorities shunned the demand.

The state Department of Natural Resources said most of the Wisconsin’s parks identified by the federal agency for closure get most of their money from local taxpayers, not federal coffers. Park authorities said they’re not complying with the federal order.

Good for him. Whenever the federal government goes against its own people, it’s the responsibility of the states to stand up for them and fight back.

If you agree, please support him publicly by sharing this article on Facebook and Twitter. We need the public behind people who push back.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: My Libertarian Side
10/7/2013 5:16:28 PM

Aaron Russo's "America: Freedom To Fascism" **Great Quality**

Controversial and throught-provoking are two words that describe one of the most talked-about documentaries of 2006.
Determined to find the law that requries American citizens to pay income tax, producer Aaron Russo (Bette Midler'sThe Rose, Trading Places) set out on a journey to find the evidence.
Neither left nor right-wing, this startling examination of government exposes the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America since 1913 when the Federal Reserve system was fraudulently created. Through interviews with two U.S. Congressmen, former IRS Commissioner and former IRS and FBI agents, tax attorneys and authors, Russo connects the dots between money creation, federal income tax, and the national identity card, which becomes law in May 2008 and will use Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. Could this be a precursor to an impending police state in America? Watch the film and make your own conclusions.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: My Libertarian Side
10/8/2013 5:37:01 PM

Police Arrest Vietnam Veterans at NYC Memorial

BRIAN FELDMAN13,559 Views12:43 AM ET

Veterans of the Vietnam War were arrested earlier tonight at the New York City memorial after staying on the premises past the curfew time of 10 p.m. Police gave multiple warnings as veterans continued to read from a list of names. Video from the event shows that not only veterans were loaded into the paddy wagon, but also younger participants in the vigil as well.

The gathering took place in part to protest the twelfth anniversary of the war in Afghanistan. A similar protest and set of arrests occurred last year at the memorial. In the video embedded below, a veteran tells police that they are there to bring awareness to the "immense atrocities" committed in Vietnam, and that "some of you are so much younger, and history has been denied you, so you just need to know why we are here."

Other spectators recorded the arrests as well. It is not yet known exactly how many people were arrested at the site.

Want to add to this story? Let us know in comments. You can share ideas for stories on the Open Wire.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: My Libertarian Side
10/9/2013 6:25:56 PM
I sense some skullduggery here and not sure I trust this new math. Its like printing monopoly money to keep the game going instead of resetting the board. Who really wins and who loses? This will affect generations to come. Think of the inflation if that flood of money were to come to market?

Everyone's Talking About This Sneaky Solution To The Debt Ceiling That Might Be Even Better Than The Platinum Coin

Jack Lew

REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew.

UBS interest rate strategists Mike Schumacher and Boris Rjavinski say issuance of "super premium Treasuries" is "the most attractive stopgap solution to the debt ceiling crisis" in Washington, D.C. that is roiling markets.

"Better than a trillion dollar coin," even.

In a nutshell, the idea is that the Treasury would issue 10-year or 30-year notes that yield higher rates than those in the market. Investors would have to pay up for the ability to hold these premium securities.

Schumacher and Rjavinski say they discovered the idea in a Time Magazine piece by Christopher Matthews, who in turn cites Bloomberg View columnist Matt Levine.

Levine provides a simple, clear explanation of how super-premium Treasury issuance could help the Treasury Department to get around the debt ceiling:

  1. The U.S. government takes in $277 billion in tax revenues each month, and spends $452 billion each month, for a monthly deficit of around $175 billion.**
  2. It also has, on average, call it $100 billion of Treasury notes coming due each month.***
  3. Instead of just rolling those Treasuries -- paying them off at 100 cents on the dollar by issuing new Treasuries at 100 cents on the dollar -- it should pay them off at 100 cents on the dollar by issuing new Treasuries at 275 cents on the dollar and using the extra money to pay its bills. The 10-year yield today is around 2.6 percent, so you could sell a 10-year with a 23 percent coupon for 275 cents on the dollar.**** The 30-year is about 3.9 percent, so a 14 percent coupon should get you there. Etc. Math here.
  4. That's it. You aren't adding debt, so you never hit the debt ceiling, but you keep getting more money.

"The overwhelming positive is that Treasury could issue bonds through somewhat normal channels, although with decidedly abnormal coupons and prices," say Schumacher and Rjavinski. "Another plus is that default would be off the table."

But how does this allow the Treasury to get around the debt ceiling?

"The debt ceiling applies to the face amount of bonds, not the amount raised, so selling a $100 bond for $275 only counts $100 against the debt ceiling and gets you $175 in debt-ceiling-free money," says Levine. "There are rules against issuing premium Treasury bonds, but the rules are just Treasury rules and they can be changed unilaterally by Treasury with no notice and no Congressional approval."

The UBS strategists run through a hypothetical scenario:

Treasury could announce a series of special auctions. It would maximize relief room under the debt ceiling by focusing on 30-year bonds, but might want to issue some 10s to minimize yield curve distortions and reduce costs.

In our view, these bonds would appeal almost solely to total return buyers. We are not accounting experts by any stretch of the imagination. Still, we think it is reasonable to say that investors such as banks and insurers who operate with accounting constraints would pass on bonds trading at vast premia.

The viability of the auctions would be a function of how cheaply the bonds are priced versus on-the-runs. It is impossible to say whether 20 [basis points] would be a large enough concession. Investors might gain a nice fillip in addition to picking up a liquidity premium.

Treasury could decide to buy back these bonds in a few months, when the politicians presumably have raised the ceiling. Naturally, Treasury could not guarantee a buyback on auction day. Still, imagine for a moment that the buyback did happen, at say +5 [basis points] to on-the-runs. The investor would stand to gain 15 [basis points] of spread tightening. The 20% 30-year bond has a duration near 14 years, so 15 [basis points] equates to a bit more than 200 [basis points] of incremental total return. Not bad. Some observers have suggested that Treasury simply reopen a bond, rather than create a new issue with an extremely high coupon. Treasury issues normally can be reopened for up to one year, subject to restrictions on original issue discount.

One more reminder – we are not accounting experts. The highest-priced Treasury security that was issued within the last year trades a bit below 101, so that does not help. If Treasury figured out a way to reopen an old issue, it could choose among a dozen issues that trade in the 140s. These bonds’ coupons range from 6.75% to 8.75%, and they mature between 2020 and 2026.

How much would issuing super premium Treasuries cost?

"For the 30-year bond, the 20 [basis point] premium combined with a duration around 13.5 years equates to cost of 2.7% of proceeds," say Schumacher and Rjavinski. "The average monthly budget deficit for fiscal 2014 appears to be around $60 billion. If Treasury decided to fund it entirely with super premium 30-year bonds, the monthly cost would be about $1.6 billion. Using 10-years instead of 30-years would reduce the cost to roughly $0.8 billion."

"The program would not be free, but a price of $1-1.5 billion per month seems like a compelling bargain compared to a U.S. default."

Read more:

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: My Libertarian Side
10/10/2013 2:16:24 AM


Glenn Beck shared a story with viewers on Wednesday that he’s been keeping close to the vest since before the 2012 election, explaining that he’s been waiting for the right time to say what exactly happened, and what it means for the country.

It all began, Beck said, in what he believes was late August when he was getting ready to do a number of events with FreedomWorks.

“It’s about 4:00 in the afternoon and I get a call from the president of FreedomWorks, Matt Kibbe, and I can hear the distress in his voice,” Beck said. “[Kibbe said], ‘Glenn, I’ve just been escorted out of my office by armed guards and told not to come back.’”

Kibbe added that he wasn’t the only one forcefully escorted out, and that they had been hijacked, so to speak, by the “old guard” GOP establishment.

“There was a coup during the election, and it was powerful,” Beck said. “They were trying to get rid of the libertarian, Tea Party-minded power players, and first and foremost on that hit list was Matt Kibbe and his allies. They didn’t like the fact that FreedomWorks was cleaning house in the GOP…that they were targeting people like Orrin Hatch. It didn’t sit well with the Karl Roves of the GOP world…”

Glenn Beck Reveals FreedomWorks Coup & Parallels With Senate Conservatives

(Photo: TheBlaze TV)

Beck said that shortly thereafter he got a call from the man inside FreedomWorks who had “ordered the hit,” who explained how the whole situation was “really good” because now he was the face of FreedomWorks and people trust him.

“His face never saw the light of day on my program,” Beck said. “I hung up the phone with him, the next day I called board members of FreedomWorks…and we said we support the libertarian voice, and if you allow this coup to sit, we’re done and we’ll expose it.”

“It wasn’t even a week later the board took a vote and decided to reinstate Matt Kibbe as president,” Beck said. “Put in the half of the staff – all the libertarians that had been escorted out – reinstated all of them, and then escorted the leader of this coup and his cronies out the door for good.”

Beck spoke about the ramifications of the move for the 2012 election, and said now is the right time to share the story because “the exact same thing, the same people really, are doing this now in the GOP.”

“Anyone in Congress or the Senate who associates with FreedomWorks, the Senate Conservatives Fund, the Tea Party, anybody, anybody is being targeted by the same class of establishment Republican progressives,” Beck said. “They do not like it when you organize. They do not like it when you choose the candidates that you actually want.”

Beck said it’s the same reason why lawmakers are not truly pursuing the persecution by the IRS, because progressives on both sides “want that tool in place…to come after people like you.”

“This has never been about left and right,” Beck said. “This is about freedom, freedom, and tyranny.”

Beck has said multiple times that he has no desire to see a third party, and reminded how the Republican Party began.

“Before the GOP was in existence, it was a two party system – the Democrats and the Whigs,” Beck said, noting that many Whigs and a fair number of Democrats were frustrated that both parties were offering much of the same.

“Charles Sumner was one of the most hated people by the Whigs and the Democrats…so much that he was literally beaten within an inch of his life on the House floor because no one stepped in to stop it,” Beck continued. “Within four years, Sumner wasn’t the most hated anymore — he was the most beloved man in theRepublican Party, and the Whigs were extinct. I’m telling you that’s what’s coming if we stand.”


Beck said men like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul may be the “Charles Sumner” of today, and he has no doubt that someday soon they will be “the most beloved members of the new Republican Party…”

Watch his subsequent interview with Texas Senator Ted Cruz (R) below:


The full episode of The Glenn Beck Program, along with many other live streaming shows and thousands of hours of on-demand content, is available on just about any digital device. Get it all with a FREE TRIAL.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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