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Jim Allen

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RE: My Libertarian Side
9/22/2013 9:41:41 PM

Facebook Blocks Freedom Outpost for Telling the Truth About Obama

I am one that recognizes that websites are considered personal property and therefore, the owners can pretty much do what they want. They can allow comments or not allow them. They can ban people if they desire to or let every troll and spammer post on their site. I have no problem with that. So what I’m about to write is not about personal property rights, nor is it about the First Amendment, since the First Amendment is about limiting the Federal Congress. This is about Facebook and its clear disregard for its own rules, applying them differently based on whether people are upset about something or not. Recently we posted a picture, seen below, and were blocked for twelve hours. There was no threat made, it isn’t hate speech, but is filled with truth.

Following the posting of the picture, sometime about mid-morning on Thursday, Facebook decided to punt us for 12 hours. Obviously this was the result of a couple of people who didn’t like the picture.

However, notice a few things. First, the guy in the picture obviously couldn’t hit what he would be shooting at. I mean look at that aim! Pitiful. He doesn’t know anything about gun safety either. I’m guessing the guy taking his picture should be careful since he has his finger wrapped firmly around the trigger.

Second, notice the truth of what is stated. In the minds of the jihadists Americans are infidels. There is no debate over this. It is the truth.

Third, Barack Obama isn’t going after jihadists guns. He’s actually arming them and doing so illegally by waving a ban on arming terrorists.

Obama doesn’t seem to believe the 35 terrorists camps in the United States operated by Jamaat Al-Fuqra, aka the Muslims of America, founded by Pakistani Sheikh Mubarak Ali Gilani is a threat to national security and they sit in our own back yards. I wonder why that is.

Barack Obama is after our guns, despite the rhetoric he has given claiming that he supports the Second Amendment.

In fact, immediately after he and the Democrats were smacked down over their blatant attacks on the Second Amendment, it was a priceless treat for fun owners to watch him act like a two year old who didn’t get his way. However, we were promised that they would be back and attack the Second Amendment again. We saw that this past week, following theWashington Navy Yard shootings. There wasn’t a wait or a pause, like with Newtown, when it was children who were the victims. No, it was immediate.

Not only did the media wrongly cite that an AR-15 was used, but Barack Obama andSenator Dianne Feinstein both started up the anti-gun rhetoric.

Finally, with respect to the picture, Islamists are undeniably being armed for jihad and Barack Obama wants them in the United States. A Pew Research report issued a couple of months ago show that there is a significant rise of Muslim immigration to the US. In fact, he has authorized tens of thousands of them to enter the US already and wants hundreds of thousands more every year to come into the States.

Even under George W. Bush, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement whistleblowerindicated that the agency wasn’t that concerned about the threat of many members of al-Qaeda crossing the border into the states, and when she notified her superiors and the FBI, she was treated as a terrorist.

Additionally, the newly approved United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power, who is clearly anti-Israel showed her true colors several years ago when she suggested taking aid away from Israel, actually invading them and instead helping Palestinian terrorists. I don’t have time to list the various Muslims who are now in positions of power in the Federal government, but I have in previous articles.

Message from Facebook that Freedom Outpost received following block.

Message from Facebook that Freedom Outpost received following block.

With that said, the picture portrays the truth. It doesn’t violate any of the Terms of Service of Facebook, so why was it banned? Dr. Sharon Schuetz, an administrator at Breitbart and manager for Lady Patriots, contacted me to inform me the same things had happened to the Breitbart Facebook page due to the same photo being posted.

She writes:

There is little doubt that Mark Zuckerman [SIC] of Facebook and his social media owning friends from LinkedIn, Microsoft, PayPal,google, etc., who are committing so much of their own resources to immigration reform through their website (leaving the southern borders open for their jihadist friends) are aware of Obama’s treason so they couldn’t have been too surprised by Tom’s revelation in the graphic.

So, why did Facebook get so upset about the picture and the simple phrases Tom Francois posted at the bottom? Why did they come after the Breitbart page when the same picture has been posted on another Facebook page, and they have never said a word, and allowed it to stay on the other page?

When Facebook deleted the page Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children”, I wrote an article explaining how they use algorithms with much of their interactions with people. Most of their moderation is done outside the United States by people paid as little as $1 an hour. Facebook uses algorithms to determine who to ban, when, and why. Logically you would think they would be fairer by using these algorithms; however, they still lean a little to the left even if it is machines that do much of it. Though, that doesn’t explain why they would go after the admins at Breitbart and leave the other page alone. Does it have something to do with the size of the page? After all, Breitbart has over 125,000 followers, and the other page has 15,000. I doubt that any of us will ever know since Facebook doesn’t respect its members enough to treat us like people, and have a real conversation with us.

Someone suggested that they came after us because they didn’t like a picture that so clearly exposed the connected dots to so many people. It’s one thing to know that Obama’s friends consider us foolish American infidels. It’s something else to point out that Obama is coming for our guns while arming his al Qaeda friends. Though to point out that Obama is arming them for the Jihad is a powerful statement. It’s a true statement, but it’s a connection that is still supposed to be a secret. After all, we foolish Americans are still letting him throw us out of the White House and turn it into only God know what. We have foolishly allowed him to fill his administration with American hating Muslim Brotherhood jihadists. I can see where Facebook would get upset that someone would mention Obama and jihad in the same sentence. They’re not ready for us to figure that out yet.

Granted, we could stop using Facebook, but in all honesty, it is a great means of marketing. I’m not one that likes to throw out a lot of personal information on Facebook. I think that is unwise, but I don’t mind posting articles. However, if Facebook establishes rules, then they should follow them. While many controversial articles have been posted from our site, our Facebook page has not been taken down, it does lead me to believe that Dr. Schuetz’s analysis about algorithms is correct. She raises the valid point: Why deal with one page one way and another page that has the same photo another? I’ll let the reader decide since Facebook seems incapable of responding to my messages.

Tim Brown is the Editor of Freedom Outpost and a regular contributor to The D.C. Clothesline.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: My Libertarian Side
9/27/2013 2:59:53 AM

First Honest Marijuana Public Service Announcement

I saw the following video come across the Drug Policy Alliance’s Twitter feed and figured I’d pass it along. Some of the footage is perpetuating stereotypes about marijuana users that aren’t always accurate, but for the most part it’s spot on!

“A Public Service Announcement about Marijuana Laws. Even though the recreational use of Marijuana seems quite harmless, it is still considered a criminal offense in most states. It is time for sensible Marijuana reform. Legalize it!”


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: My Libertarian Side
10/2/2013 1:47:31 AM
Is this what HOPE and Change and Forward means? Seriously? Are people this ignorant and uneducated that they cannot see what is really happening? Never trust your government of high paid bureaucrats to do the right thing. I don't and unfortunately I have been having the old familiar sixth sense warning. The hairs on my neck are raised, I have that sense that something is amiss and here comes another article adding coal to the fire. How about you do you feel it? Be honest and don't give me any liberal mental disorder diatribe. Let's talk!

These Are Not the Normal Activities of a Government Planning for Peace and Stability

police state These Are Not the Normal Activities of a Government Planning for Peace and Stability

photo: katesheets

Something is amiss. Most Americans know this – they can feel it deep down inside – even if they don’t know what it is, things just don’t seem right.

The signs are everywhere. The headlines are true.

The global economy is faltering. The United States has become wholly dependent on theFederal Reserve injecting nearly $1 trillion dollars a year into financial markets and the U.S. government just to stay afloat. Over one hundred million Americans are living in poverty and dependent on government disbursements just to make ends meet.

Across the world the cold war between the U.S., Russia, China and regions in the middle east is heating up. Just last month our President brought the entire planet to the very brink of what could have easily devolved into conflict on such a scale that even global leaders were suggesting that World War III was imminent. War mongers in Congress were so adamant about launching a middle east strike on Syria that one of them even suggested a nuclear weapon could be detonated over South Carolina if we failed to act.

On the domestic front, homeland security preparations and exercises have accelerated to the point that the government has now said that a cyber attack capable of taking down the national power grid is a 100% certainty. They’ve stocked tens of millions of emergency ration and supplies, and nearly 2 billion rounds of ammunition. They’ve trained for the last decade for scenarios that include economic collapse and the subsequent civil unrest that would follow.

These are not the normal activities of a government planning for peace and stability.

In the following interview with SGT Report, Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show connects the dots in a way that will leave most of our countrymen stunned.

There’s a plan in place and it involves political leaders, business conglomerates, the military industrial complex and a massive global agenda. And one day soon that plan will be executed. Once that day comes, look out, because everything you’ve ever imagined going wrong will, and the world will delve into one of its darkest periods in history.

“Anything is possible. I wouldn’t put anything past them,” notes Sean of SGT Report.


Pay attention to this amazingly insightful interview, because it details how the elite think, what their priorities are, and how far they are willing to go to accomplish their goals.

What are they preparing for?

Look at what’s going on today with regard to DHS and FEMA. There are no less than eight disaster drills planned between the period of time which started September 25th and goes through November 13th.

I suspect within one of these drills we will see a false flag drill, because it follows the old familiar pattern of having a drill and then having the event within the drill – 9/11, the 7/7 bombings, the Boston Marathon bombing, and so forth.

So, this is what I think is coming guys. I don’t think we’re going to wait long to see some dramatic shifts in our country.

There is a collapse that is coming.

The banks have been preparing for it for over a year now, and I go back to last year when the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that when you deposit your money in the bank that money belongs to the bank and they may do with it what they will.

An then you move forward and start looking at the Bank of International Settlements [the central bank of central banks] in which they most recently told the central banks around the world basically to stop loaning. They want to cut the amount of money in circulation dramatically.

If I was running a bank, and I knew a collapse was coming, I would want to gather all my nuts for the winter and store them, and I wouldn’t want them outside of my confines.

Well, that’s exactly what the banks are doing… The banks are gearing up for the collapse.


I really expect that, if this grid drill doesn’t attract more attention than it is currently receiving, this will be the false flag. But we have other possibilities.

In October… there’s a cyber attack drill involving 1000 banks… Well there’s another opportunity to take it down.

But my favorite here would be the Grid-X drill… This has to do with Syria and Iran. The globalists that support the Petro dollar need to make Iran stop selling their oil for gold to China, Russia and India; and now Brazil is threatening to get into this game, too.

The Petro dollar will crash. Now, the globalists are going to crash the Petro dollar and the Federal Reserve note at some point. But they want to do it at a time of their choosing.

Obama is under extreme pressure to get this war started in the middle east. This is why I believe in the month of May the globalist corporate controlled central media essentially ran five Watergate type scandals on Obama in a ten day period. That was orchestrated to get him off dead-center. He wasn’t able to get the job done.

So, they may be saying, maybe we can’t save the Petro dollar, so let’s go ahead and collapse the whole thing.

Let’s go forward to the Grid-X drill and see how this ties in… If you take down the power, by the third day people are going to be rioting in the streets, there going to have no food, and it’s going to be absolute and total chaos.

Within that false flag event could lie another one.

The globalists may have made the decision to collapse the economy at that point by taking down the banks.

And who’s going to be caring about how many digits are on your computerized bank account on the third day of a black out if you do not have food on the table?

This… is a likely possibility if Obama is not able to break the quagmire and attack Syria.

The difference with what will happen with the grid if they turn this into a false flag event and these isolated events like Hurricane Sandy, is the fact that there was still outside help being rendered.

If we have the entire grid go down across the country the cavalry will not come, there’s no 9-1-1- to call, the police will not respond, people are totally on their own.

As noted in the interview by SGT Report:

All of these things that we’re seeing in Cyprus, in Panama, in Greece… These things are essentially the model for what I think will eventually come here to our own shores. That’s why we want to rattle the cage and we want to inform as many people as we can about tangible assets, hard assets.

Hard assets. Those are the only things you’ll be able to depend on if the grid goes down, or if your bank collapses, or if the government rolls tanks down your neighborhood street.

You’ll need stores of food and access to water. You’ll need firearms and ammunition to defend yourself. You’ll need gold and silver as a medium of exchange. And you’ll need barterable goods and trade skills.

If you haven’t done so already, prepare a contingency plan for a long-term event that essentially destroys the life you have come to know in the consumer society.

How likely is it that such events will come to pass? Every century we’ve seen widespread war, famine, and destruction. Thus, the odds are pretty good we’re going to see it again in our lifetimes.

Give yourself and your family a fighting chance and prepare for the worst.

Mac Slavo is the Editor of

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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Another Useful IDIOT, Cher speaks out!
10/4/2013 4:31:04 PM
Okay Tea Party People we have been threatened by CHER! Cher feels that our representatives should be KILLED! Can you believe the canoles on this washed up songstress? Another Useful IDIOT, Cher speaks out!

Liberal civility, Cher style: Deranged diva suggests killing off Tea Party politicians

Earlier this week, Cher pounded out her all-caps belief that some members of Congress need a “good whipping.” But hey, why stop at drawing blood?

The perpetually mouth-frothing diva is just about ready to finish this. She concluded her latest Twitter diatribe from Europe with an oh-so-civil proposal for getting “TBAG” lawmakers out of the way: “MAYBE WE SHOULD DEEP 6 THEIR WEAK ASS’S.”

Yes! Joe to the rescue with his expertise! Unless … could “Joe” be the guy she hires to do her wet work?

Sure, she might encounter some old white man cooties during the deep-sixing of assorted “ass’s,” but that’s a chance she’s willing to take. It’s for the good of the whole freaked out world after all.

New tone, same as the old.


Full Twitchy coverage of Cher

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: My Libertarian Side
10/4/2013 5:23:33 PM

Tor anonymizer network among NSA’s targets, Snowden leaks reveal

Published time: October 04, 2013 15:04
Edited time: October 04, 2013 16:06

Top-secret national security documents disclosed to the Guardian by Edward Snowden show United States and British intelligence have long attempted to crack the Tor anonymizer network used by human rights workers, journalists, cybercriminals and others.

On Friday, the Guardian published leaked documents attributed to the former intelligence contractor revealing how the US National Security Agency and Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters, or GCHQ, have worked extensively towards compromising the computers of people who browse the Internet with Tor, a program that routes traffic through multiple nodes in an effort to help mask the identities of its users.

According to the Guardian’s James Ball, Bruce Schneier and Glenn Greenwald, the NSA’s “current successes against Tor rely on identifying users and then attacking vulnerable software on their computer.”

While it seems that the NSA has not compromised the core security of the Tor software or network, the documents detail proof-of-concept attacks, including several relying on the large-scale online surveillance systems maintained by the NSA and GCHQ through internet cable taps,” the writers add.

The Guardian has so far published three top-secret government slideshows used to discuss the Tor network and possible vulnerabilities that might compromise users if properly exploited.

In one document, the NSA notes that Tor, or “The Onion Router,” enables anonymous Internet activity to Iranian and Chinese dissidents, terrorists and “other targets too!” The software has become increasingly used around the globe by privacy-minded individuals of all sorts in recent months. However, previous documents disclosed by Mr. Snowden detailed how the intelligence community have made many successful efforts to compromise other would-be secure modes of communicating.

As RT reported previously, the number of Americans using Tor jumped 75 percent between June 1, just days before the first Snowden leak, and August 27, 2013.

One government document, “Peeling Back the Layers of TOR with Egotisticalgiraffe,” suggests the security of some Tor users can be compromised if the government or other malicious actor can exploit bugs in the Firefox browser and other vulnerabilities.

In another slideshow, “Tor Stinks,” the government claims it already has access to a select number of nodes which anonymized traffic is navigated through.

The “goal,” according to the NSA slide, is to “expand [the] number of nodes we have access to.” To accomplish as much, it’s acknowledged that GCHQ runs Tor nodes under a program of its own, and that other partners may be able to assist with further efforts to deconstruct traffic patterns to narrow-in on otherwise anonymous users.

Other tools used by the NSA involve collecting cookies from Tor users created when they are browsing the Web without the anonymizer software running. One technique, codenamed “QUANTUM,” exists to degrade, deny and disrupt Tor access, according to the documents. Another, “QUANTUMCOOKIE,” “forces client to divulge stored cookies” which could then further aid investigators attempting to hone in on targets otherwise protected by Tor.

Despite the NSA and GCHQ’s efforts, though, Tor itself has proved to be invincible to government attacks thus far.

Can we exploit nodes? Probably not,” reads one slide which cites “legal and technical challenges.”

Still, the government has considered disrupting traffic over the Tor network to likely draw users off the nodes and into a habitat where their actions could be more easily traced. In one slide, the NSA suggests they could “set up a lot of really slow Tor nodes,” disguised as high bandwidth, “to degrade the overall stability of the network.”

Tor documents, courtesy of Glenn Greenwald:

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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