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Bob Shoaf

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RE: Let's Talk In the Kitchen Gets Social - Feel Free to Post ~ No Affiliate Links~
6/11/2013 2:45:37 AM
Laughter is the Best Medicine

The Health Benefits of Humor and Laughter

Humor is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze.

When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy.

Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body.

Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress.

Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.


Bob Shoaf

I teach Network Marketers how to Brand themselves, generate Leads, build Relationships and Grow Themselves & Their Teams! All for Free in your company! Bob Shoaf (575) 415-8671 Cell Anytime A Mentor with a Servants Heart
Jim Allen

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RE: Let's Talk In the Kitchen Gets Social - Feel Free to Post ~ No Affiliate Links~
6/11/2013 11:47:12 PM

5 Facebook Insights Metrics to Pay Attention to

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We attended the AllFacebook conference here in San Francisco last week, and one of our favorite presentations came from 155385811Emeric Ernoult ofAgora Pulse. Ernoult's french accent was easy on the ears, as was his knowledge of Facebook Insights.

Ernoult said business of all sizes should focus on these 5 Facebook Insights metrics:

  1. Reach
  2. Engaged Users
  3. Stories Generated
  4. Clicks
  5. Negative Feedback

If you're just getting started, you can find your Facebook Insights on the left hand side of your business or fan page. Let's break down what each metric is, where you can find it in Facebook Insights and why it matters to your biz.

1. Reach

What is it? Facebook defines Reach as “the number of people who have seen your post. Figures are for the first 28 days after a post's publication and include people viewing your post on both desktop and mobile.”

Where do you find it? Within Facebook Insights you have the option to Export Data (as seen in the screenshot below).

Facebook Insights

Why does it matter? According to Ernoult, Reach is the only metric that gives you the quality of your fan base. If yours is low, you may have lost fans along the way due to poor quality content, or you may have acquired them through a Like campaign. These campaigns can bring in fans but not ones that sought you out to Like in the first place, garnering less interest in your business.

2. Engaged Users

What is it? According to Facebook, Engaged User is a measurement applied to individual posts. It's the number of unique people who have clicked on a individual post.

As a percentage of your total fans, this number also gives you an idea of the reach of your posts.

Where do you find it? In the Engaged Users column (see screenshot).

Facebook Insights Engaged Users Example

Why does it matter? Ernoult explains that the Engaged User metric is important because Reach only shows that fans were exposed to your content; Engaged Users shows they actually paid attention to it because they clicked on it. They may have liked it, commented, shared, or viewed a picture or video. Plus, it has a direct impact on your EdgeRank and future visibility. In short, it's the real barometer of the effectiveness of your content.

3. Stories Generated

What is it? Stories Generated according to Cindy Ratzlaff is, “A story is generated when a fan likes, comments on, shares your post with his or her friends, answers a question or responds to an event.”

Where do you find it? Within Insights you'll see How People Are Talking About Your Page. You can also see likes, comments and shares (see screenshot).

Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights

Why does it matter? Ratzlaff shares,”This is an important number because it reflects the ability of your content to cause a second action. Your fans actually read what you wrote, they were compelled to share, like or otherwise amplify your content, creating a story or action in their own news stream that subtly tells their friends they “endorse” you or at least found what you wrote to be engaging enough to make them take an action.” Ernoult confirms, “Storytellers are the cream of the crop of the Engaged Users.”

4. Clicks

What is it? Clicks= link clicks+ photo views + video views

Where do you find it? In the downloadable file from Insights you'll see Lifetime post consumers by type.

Why does it matter? If engagement is the barometer of interest in your content, clicks are the real thing. These fans want to see, hear, and view your content. These are the folks actually interacting with your content. By examining what is getting clicked, you can judge what type of content is most popular and resonated with your fans the strongest and create more content like that.

5. Negative Feedback

What is it? Ratzlaff tells us that Negative Feedback is “how many people hid your content in the news feed or otherwise gave it negative feedback, perhaps by blocking you, or reducing the number of posts they see from you by choosing ‘only important.'”

Where to find it? In the downloadable file you can view the Negative Feedback From Users column.

Why does it matter? If you start to notice this number increasing, you'll want to look at the types of content you're sharing that's getting the negative reaction. From there you'll need to examine if you want to share this type of content going forward as it may not be hitting that mark for your fans. The good news is, according to Ernoult that most people will choose to hide a single post versus hiding all, un-liking your page or reporting the post as spam. The bad news is, higher than average negative feedback (0.1 is acceptable level of negative feedback says to Ernoult) will hurt your reach over time.

Using these 5 Facebook Insights metrics can provide you information about the effectiveness of your content and allow you to make the most of each and every post.

Learn more about using Facebook for your business in our Definitive Guide to Getting Started with Social Media Marketing ebook here.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Let's Talk In the Kitchen Gets Social - Feel Free to Post ~ No Affiliate Links~
6/14/2013 1:37:33 PM

Social Media Strategy in 8 steps – an infographic

though social media continues to thread its way into the fibre of more and more organizations, my experience is that many small to mid-sized companies are still lagging behind when it comes to the development and implementation of their social media strategies.

A recent study by the Altimeter Group might suggest otherwise, stating that “most companies feel they have fairly coherent social strategies”, but given the advanced nature of the sample i.e. social strategists, large organizations, etc. my sense is that the findings may not represent the experiences of the majority of companies that are using social media.

As far as this infographic – It was inspired by Jay Baer’s “tool-agnostic” take on how to develop a social media strategy.

What are your thoughts about this strategic approach? Does your organization have a social media strategy in place? If so, how does it differ from the one represented in this infographic? The comments are yours.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Let's Talk In the Kitchen Gets Social - Feel Free to Post ~ No Affiliate Links~
6/15/2013 10:49:00 PM

Create An Expert Blog In 13 Steps

Great Looking BlogIf the mere idea of online blogging makes you break out in a sweat, it’s time to reconsider your perception of what an online blog is really all about. Blogging is merely a way to communicate effectively and casually with those who do business with you. Below is a list of the skills necessary to be a master blogger.

13 Steps To A Great Looking Blog

1. Always make sure you have subheadings marked as H1, H2 and H3 tags.

2. A blog should not be less than 500 words. Try and make your blog at least 500 to 1000 words long. Keep in mind that a blog is a much more informal medium than certain other types of websites. Blogging is fun and social and shouldn’t be rigid and structured. Keep this in mind as you write your blog posts. Your reader will want to find content which sounds like it’s coming from a friend, not an Associated Press journalist.

3. Always have your keywords in the title and in the sub headings.

4. Make sure that the keyword phrase is scattered through the content of your blog. You should have a keyword density of at least 2%. That’s means that your keyword phrase should appear at least once every 100 words.

5. When you set up your blog, it may be wise to buy a domain name instead of utilizing a free site. It is not expensive to do this, and it will assist you in looking more professional. Visitors will have less trouble remembering the blog if its title includes your business name.

6. Always bold, underline and italicise your keyword phrase at least once.

7. Make sure you have one internal link to your blog. Use a lot of links in what you post. Your links can lead to older posts that you have made as well as to other websites and blogs that you believe are relevant. Links can also be included back to news sites or university sites that support the claims you may have made in any of your posts. These links will increase the credibility of content on your site.

8. Always post your blog with purpose and have a call to action. If you don’t tell your readers what to do they probably won’t do it. Write about things that people are always going to want to know about. Try blog about subjects that will remain current for many years.

9. Use video content to increase the quality of your blog. In addition to videos, you need to make sure you are still adding quality content. It is always good to write descriptions to accompany your video elements. This will allow you to use key words to describe your videos.

10. Always have at least one picture in each blog post. Remember to fill in the alt tag with your keyword phrase as this will give you increased SEO Optimization.

11. Use social media networking links in order to assist your readers in following you. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter will make your blog more successful and help you gain notoriety. These portals allow you to communicate with your blog’s readers and allow you to promote your blog to other Internet users.

12. Make sure you have relevant tags associated with your blog and categorise accordingly. The longer your posts are, the more you need to make sure that you are separating the article appropriately, and using subheadings. Your blog will look much better, be easy for people to read and understand, and give a wider viewership. By utilizing this simple step, you boost your blogging skills to a higher level.

13. Always make sure you post original content in your blog. Google is a lot cleverer than you think and will know if you are copying someone else’s content.

A Great Looking Blog

I’m sure you will find these tips useful, especially if you are using WordPress. There are many different types of blogs with different styles and results, however if you stick to the basic guidelines I have provided you will have a healthy looking blog.

Together we can achieve more,

Gordon Robinson

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Let's Talk In the Kitchen Gets Social - Feel Free to Post ~ No Affiliate Links~
6/18/2013 9:42:11 PM
Free Download: the Science of Twitter

A Chapter from Dan Zarella's New Book: The Science of Marketing

Learn the Science of Twitter with this free chapter.

Twitter isn't all unicorns-and-rainbows. It's numbers, data, hard facts and science. Learn how to get more out of your Twitter efforts with this free excerpt chapter on Twitter from Dan Zarrella's upcoming book The Science of Marketing.
In this chapter, you'll learn:

How to get more followers.
The data behind retweets.
What behaviors get more clicks.
How to setup your profile for success.
Why content is more important than conversation.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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