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Jim Allen

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RE: Let's Talk In the Kitchen Gets Social - Feel Free to Post ~ No Affiliate Links~
9/24/2013 9:29:13 PM

Barack Obama is political king of the fake Twitter followers, with more than 19.5 MILLION online fans who don't really exist


Fakest of the fake? Barack Obama's Twitter following includes 19.5 million people who don't exist, and the first lady has 1.9 million nonexistent fans of her own

Fakest of the fake? Barack Obama's Twitter following includes 19.5 million people who don't exist, and the first lady has 1.9 million nonexistent fans of her own

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Among influential U.S. political tweeters, President Barack Obama is the undisputed king of the fake followers. A MailOnline analysis ranks his sizable Twitter following as the most deceptive total among the 21 most influential accounts run by American politicians: More than 19.5 million of his 36.9 million Twitter followers are accounts that don't correspond to real people.

The four phoniest accounts in the sample, which included Democratic and Republican Party leaders in Washington, D.C., were those belonging to President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, first lady Michelle Obama and the White House communications shop.

Of the president's 36.9 million Twitter followers, an astonishing 53 per cent – or 19.5 million – are fake accounts, according to a search engine at the Internet research vendor Just 20 per cent of Obama's Twitter buddies are real people who are active users.

Overall, the five most influential accounts linked to the Obama administration – the first lady has two
– account for 23.4 million fake followers.

Biden's nonexistent fans make up 46 per cent of his Twitter total, with 20 per cent being 'real' followers. The White House's followers are 37 per cent fake and 25 per cent active; the first lady's primary account is 36 per cent fake and 29 per cent active.

The Daily Caller reported on Tuesday that Michelle Obama's Twitter followers included nearly 2 million nonexistent people, a number that lines up with MailOnline's findings.

Fake Twitter followers seem to be chasing U.S. politicians on both sides of the aisle, but Barack Obama is the undisputed champ

Fake Twitter followers seem to be chasing U.S. politicians on both sides of the aisle, but Barack Obama is the undisputed champ

A matched ticket: Vice President Biden's fake-follower ranking was 46 per cent, with just one-fifth of his supposed Twitter audience consisting of human beings who are actually listening

A matched ticket: Vice President Biden's fake-follower ranking was 46 per cent, with just one-fifth of his supposed Twitter audience consisting of human beings who are actually listening

Michelle Obama's complaints about Americans' diet and exercise are falling on deaf ears, at least among the 71 per cent of her Twitter followers who aren't tuning in

Michelle Obama's complaints about Americans' diet and exercise are falling on deaf ears, at least among the 71 per cent of her Twitter followers who aren't tuning in

The difference between fake followers and 'real' ones is comprised of 'inactive' accounts, which may relate to real people but no longer send tweets with any regularity.

Did he? One report determined that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's social media staff purchased a raft of Twitter followers to boost his online credibility

Did he? One report determined that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's social media staff purchased a raft of Twitter followers to boost his online credibility

There are several reasons why so many followers of a given Twitter account might be considered 'fake.' In some cases, direct marketers and other spammers follow influential accounts en masse, hoping to be followed in return.

Twitter's own CEO, Dick Costolo, has a personal feed followed by 1.1 million people, but 31 per cent of them are fake.

There is also the possibility that prominent politicians are buying blocks of Twitter followers. Such an accusation was leveled at Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2012.

The digital security company Baccardua Labs told The Guardian that Romney's surge of new followers at the time 'are not from a general Twitter population but most likely from a paid Twitter follower service.'

'Romney's newest followers could have been paid for by himself, his associates or by his opponents. So far, there is not a feasible way to confirm who is responsible,' said the report's author, Jason Ding.

No such report about Obama's social media accounts was published.

Up, up, up! Vice President Joe Biden is second only to his boss in the fake follower department

Up, up, up! Vice President Joe Biden is second only to his boss in the fake follower department

Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich has made a name for himself among conservatives with nearly 1.5 million Twitter followers, but more than 400,000 of those don't appear to be real

Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich has made a name for himself among conservatives with nearly 1.5 million Twitter followers, but more than 400,000 of those don't appear to be real

When the White House tweets ... only one-quarter of its followers are receiving the message. About 37 per cent of them aren't real, and another 38 per cent aren't active on Twitter

When the White House tweets ... only one-quarter of its followers are receiving the message. About 37 per cent of them aren't real, and another 38 per cent aren't active on Twitter

One British company called Buy More Followers advertises online that it offers 'a wide range of packages,' providing as many as 100,000 artificial but 'real looking' Twitter followers for a relatively modest £189.99. The company also offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.

The most genuine follower totals in MailOnline's sample were those of the four congressional 'whips' – the second-in-command members in each party who enforce discipline and count heads before votes are called.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, boasts a Twitter account with only 11 per cent 'fake' followers, a number matched by Minority Whip John Cornyn, a Texas Republican.

'Twitter is a great medium for Sen. Cornyn to stay in direct contact with Texans,' press secretary Megan Mitchell said.

GOP House Majority Whip Rep. Kevin McCarthy of California was second-best among Republicans, with 12 per cent of his followers having pulses, names, and active Twitter accounts. Democratic House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland came next with 13 per cent.

Near the other end of the scale, however, four of the most prominent House and Senate leaders – from both major parties – gave the Obama administration a run for its money.

U.S. Senator John Cornyn
Sen. Dick Durbin

Playing it straight: GOP Sen. John Cornyn (L) and Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin (R) had the best records, with just 11 per cent of their Twitter followers regarded as phony

Grass roots? About 29 per cent of Sen. Marco Rubio's 431,000 Twitter followers don't appear to be living, breathing people

Grass roots? About 29 per cent of Sen. Marco Rubio's 431,000 Twitter followers don't appear to be living, breathing people

House Speaker John Boehner had the worst record among members of Congress whose Twitter accounts MailOnline sampled. One-third – 33 per cent – of his speaker account's followers are fake, which is a greater proportion than the 30 per cent who exist and are active tweeters. Boehner has a second account with a 24 per cent 'fake' rating.

Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid followed with 29, 29 and 28 percent fake followers, respectively.

The White House offered no reply to messages seeking comment.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: Let's Talk In the Kitchen Gets Social - Feel Free to Post ~ No Affiliate Links~
10/5/2013 3:36:52 PM
There is a place for you fellow geek/nerd types

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Geeks vs. Nerds

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In the ongoing battle between geek and nerd, one must take sides, but how can this be done without a solid argument for both personas? We here at Masters In IT (a mix of nerds and geeks) decided that it's time to lay all the cards on the table to determine which is better and answer the question some fear to know: Are you a geek, or a nerd?


The terms geek and nerd may sometimes seem synonymous, but they have very different roots in history:

Nerd: This term was coined from Dr. Seuss in 1954 in a line that read "A nerkle, a nerd, and a seersucker too!" - So really nerkle and seersucker are synonymous with nerd

Geek: While used as a derogatory term originally, the word "geek" gained popularity in the circus. Circus performers that performed amazing feats were Geeks

Nerd Traits:

  • Extreme interest or fascination with academics
  • Introverted
  • Socially Inept
  • Diverse and sometimes impractical skillets due to broad interests in games, movies, science, computers, etc.
  • A PC
  • Interest might include: Battlestar Galactica (BSG), LARPing, SecondLife, Physics, Chess, Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Computer programming

Likely nerd jobs:

  • Rocket scientist
  • Reclusive and renowned professor
  • Computer programmer
  • Engineer
  • IT professional
  • Inventor
  • Or work at a video store

Nerd Talk:

You know you're talking to a nerd when they insert obscure references into a sentence:

"There are 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who don't."

"I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code."

"The box said 'Requires Windows 95 or better' so I installed LINUX."

Nerd Love: nerds marry other nerds, it's the natural state of the universe."

Geek Traits:

  • Someone with a specifc niche interest/lifestyle that they have become the expert on
  • A fan of gadgets
  • An early adopter
  • A Mac
  • Wears ironic t-shirts
  • Can be pretentious and longwinded
  • Knowledge can range from mundane to "living encyclopedia" status
  • Interests might include gaming, film (both artsy and anything Will Ferrel stars in), collecting, gadgets/tech, computing, coding, hacking, techno music, screen printing, etc.

Likely geek jobs:

  • Web design/development
  • IT professional
  • Marketer
  • Graphic designer
  • Game designer/developer
  • Barista at an indie coffee shop
  • Entrepreneur
  • Record store
  • Bartender

Geek Talk:

You know you're talking to a geek when they remind you of their "hip" lifestyle by discussing their "cool" habits or dropping pop culture references:

"There's nothing like kicking it to some crunchy bass while enjoying a good Malbec"

"60% of the time it works all the time"

[while pulling out their iPhone] "Let me pull out my pocket iPad"

Geek Love: geeks can fall for and marry non-geeks


  • 17% of Americans identify as geeks
  • 65% of video game designers identify as geeks
  • 50% of technology engineers identify as geeks
  • 37% of bloggers identify as geeks
  • 87% of people prefer the word "geek" over "nerd"
  • 66% of millennials think "geek" is a compliment
  • 45% of people believe geeks are early adopters
  • 31% of people believe geeks have a higher chance of being successful
  • On average, self-identifed geeks have a better view of themselves than others view geeks
  • 41% of people would be comfortable called a geek while only 24% would be comfortable called a nerd
  • A geek would rather be called a geek over a hipster (23% are OK with being called hipster while 41% are OK with being called a geek)


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Let's Talk In the Kitchen Gets Social - Feel Free to Post ~ No Affiliate Links~
10/8/2013 4:40:47 PM

Picture an image of a robot. You may be thinking of an industrial-sized arm assembling large metal pieces into a new car. You might even be visualizing a being with the likeness of California’s 38th governor, or perhaps a faithful, unintelligible companion who always seems to be saving his human friends from the evil Galactic Empire.

In reality, robots are truly our heroes! Robots have placed themselves in environments and situations seen as impossible or too dangerous for humans. They’ve enabled some to have what they would consider superhuman powers. While some may argue that robots are beginning to take away people’s jobs, in the area of healthcare, robotic technology is greatly enhancing life for both patient and doctor.

So why should we entrust our health to robotic technology?

For one thing, the science of robotics is allowing doctors to work more productively. Surgical robots, for example, can perform many difficult and complicated procedures that require extremely precise skill on the surgeon’s part. Unlike the surgeon, however, robots aren’t affected by factors like too little sleep or too much caffeine that can lead to shaky hands. Doctors are also using telemedicine robots to work remotely with patients, allowing them to extend their range of care to a greater number of people. As a result, patients benefit from lower costs and a greater quality of care.

Robots are also allowing people to live better, more independent lives. Later in this series, you’ll learn the remarkable story of a quadriplegic woman who was able to control a robotic arm to feed herself with just her thoughts. Robotic arms themselves are also becoming smarter; a few universities are developing prosthetic arms that can even restore a user’s sense of touch. Robots could someday allow more freedom for the elderly by assisting and encouraging them to take their medicine, do their rehab exercises, or perform tasks around the home.

Finally, robotics helps us learn more about our bodies and the diseases that plague them. One group of scientists in Europe is developing an anthropomimetic robot that moves like a human to help scientists explore the intricate details of what makes us mobile. Other companies are using robots to create better treatments and therapies for diseases, such as cancer and autism. Yet another team of researchers in England has developed a robot to study how the highly contagious norovirus spreads through emesis, appropriately named “Vomiting Larry.”

As the need for increased healthcare continues to grow, robotic technology will only become more important. As you’ll see in upcoming articles, the future is looking pretty bright for these tireless, electronic helpers.

Ever since he had an atresia surgically repaired at age five, Scott has been fascinated with the field of medical science. Combining his love of consumer electronics and technology with medicine, he studied biomedical engineering at the University of Southern California and graduated in 2009. By day, Scott is a Technical Services Engineer at St. Jude Medical, but moonlights as a senior editor at Medgadget, a leading medical technology and innovation blog. Scott is always searching for the next big thing in medical technology and digital health and looks forward to sharing these life-transforming innovations with iQ by Intel's audience.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Let's Talk In the Kitchen Gets Social - Feel Free to Post ~ No Affiliate Links~
10/8/2013 5:26:58 PM
I came across this FB about this documentary MAAFA21 and just wonder if you have seen or heard about it?

They were stolen from their homes, locked in chains and taken across an ocean. And for more than 200 years, their blood and sweat would help to build the richest and most powerful nation the world has ever known.

But when slavery ended, their welcome was over. America's wealthy elite had decided it was time for them to disappear and they were not particular about how it might be done.

What you are about to see is that the plan these people set in motion 150 years ago is still being carried out today. So don't think that this is history. It is not. It is happening right here, and it's happening right now.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: Let's Talk In the Kitchen Gets Social - Feel Free to Post ~ No Affiliate Links~
10/10/2013 5:31:50 PM



A must read article here and fits into several discussions on the proper use of social networks. The words are :
  • Community is No Longer a Single Destination
  • Balance Investment in Social Networks
  • Listen, Engage, and Integrate

In just one year, two-thirds of the Fortune 100 lost nearly a quarter of their website traffic, while at the same time, Facebook's traffic increased by more than 50%.

Consumers are flocking to social networks in droves because they want news and updates about the people, brands, and topics that they care about in real time. Marketers have subsequently invested in programs that reach audiences where they spend their time, frequently at the expense of their own digital properties by pushing consumers away from their online assets to third-party platforms.

Investing time and resources into a platform like Facebook with constantly changing features that ultimately, will never be in your control--sounds like a risky business. However, we all understand the extreme value that platforms like Facebook bring to our brands--awareness, customer engagement, and mobilization.

Brands and publishers have found value in creating a social presence through platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, andPinterest to drive traffic back to their sites through links. However, what they’ve learned is that while you can direct traffic back to your site, without building on that social experience, consumers don’t stay on the brands’ sites very long and ultimately end up heading back to the social platforms to express their opinions and interact around content.

Listening and reacting to users and driving audiences to external social networks like Facebook is only half of the social marketing equation. Today most brands and publishers stop there.

Marketers should continue using social networks for awareness building, viral impact, and new customer acquisition. However, 360-degree social means completing the loop by surfacing the best social content on their owned properties. The next step is making it dead simple for users to interact with each other on the brands’ sites so that they are as engaging and social as the networks their users flock to.

Businesses are beginning to figure out ways to leverage the value of social media platforms. Socializing your online presence allows you to better control and build brand cohesion through messaging, design, and experience, while giving companies the ability to grow deeper consumer relationships and brand affinity.

How is this possible?

Companies like mine are offering ways to make a business’s site more social. Instead of only sending your customers to a third-party site to engage, the conversation can happen directly on your site and mobile apps--in your control, but with the benefits of top social platforms. Through making their websites and mobile apps just as engaging as a social network through a combination of real-time experiences and curated social content, brands and publishers are building communities around their content and products and are able to build a complementary social marketing strategy around these owned properties.

When transitioning to making your site a social hub, here are some things you should consider:

1. Community is No Longer a Single Destination

Consumers are no longer engaged at a single site, message board, or forum. Whether they are making a purchase through your mobile app or reading a blog post about their favorite TV show on your site, they expect to be social at every customer touch point. The common denominator for the consumer’s experience is your brand. The brand is the community.

2. Balance Investment in Social Networks

While creating a social experience through your online presence should be a top priority to any company’s digital strategy, utilizing other platforms should still be a part of that strategy. Companies should maintain a balanced approach to external social networks such as Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter, with their own communities to achieve the right mix of user acquisition and brand loyalty.

3. Listen, Engage, and Integrate

Creating a social brand presence isn’t the final step in bringing them back to your site. The most effective strategy requires that once a brand receives feedback from a consumer, it engages him or her in real time through an integrated social experience on its site. Reacting immediately to a tweet about your brand creates a positive experience for your brand. However, complementing this by engaging them through conversation on your own site builds a longer positive relationship outside the bounds of one social channel.

Brands that are ahead of the curve and embracing the new social model benefit through longer engagement on their sites, the ability to see and react to feedback in real-time, consumers sharing direct content more, and strengthening of brand loyalty. In return, you’ll reduce the risk of missing the conversations happening about your brand online or putting all your eggs in one social platform basket that can change anytime.

No one can predict what the next big social network will be, so rather than investing in driving consumers to Facebook, a longer-term approach is to build a complementary social marketing strategy and aggregate what people are saying across all social networks into an engaging experience on your site or mobile app, making your owned properties the best destination to learn what's happening about your brand in real-time.

--Jordan Kretchmer is the founder and CEO or Livefyre, a leading provider of real-time social software, based in San Francisco, CA. Follow him on Twitter at @jkretch.

[Image: Flickr user Psyberartist]



You should view it here and maybe subscribe to Fast Company a premier News source IMHO.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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