I am doing my best to eliminate this image (pattern) from our lives AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
So called Sacred Geometry rules over all natural forces and over all spatial conditions. Considering this yin yang pattern (sacred geometry symbol) as originated for the sake to empower balance (between will and desire), we overlook it's, explicite and implicite, maintnance over duality.
Duality is model which humans are mature to leave behind.
It would be subsistuded with oneness, which does not mean monism (Descartes and Spinoza already tried to solve some "black holes" in reason (and ratio) but were not brave to search the whole thing to the fullest. Also, they didn't leave mind (reasoning) which they wished to explain and then to change, and it was biggest obstacle to find much better outcome (solution).
Oneness means: will and desire - as the same one (like hair and head) in serving ALL THAT IS. Here, what we humans considered as Higher Cause (God, creator) appeares as SERVANT (what He/She always was!!!!). Without Creator's service ... nothing would be able even to move!
All things in our existance ARE FINALLY COMING TO SOBRIETY.