Hi Branka!
This topic is not too easy to explain in a foreign language.
What happens if the vector of desire coincides with the vector of will? (when they (will and desire) make agreements , we have what world conspiracy calls Illuminati, also known as bona fides - a state where vectors of forces of thymus gland and appendix work together )
What happens if the vector of will is opposite to the vector of desire? (in this case, we have The Holy See (and preceding to it - Jerusalem) having entire world as for counterpart or: pons varolli (located in brain stem) empowered to effortless manipulate over all others contributors of life. Pons varolli in fact is THE BRIDGE ACROSS THE RED SEA, at time of Jewish exodus from Egypt. )
What happens if the vector of desire is perpendicular to the vector of will? (We have atrocity described in parable of Sodom and Gommorah. When so called lust prevails, enormous quantity of energy of fire accumulates in atmoshpere and in our body electrical conductors: pleura, pericard and peritoneum, what simply causes explosion.)
Oneness (yet not well understand and explained concept) is the only solution in which WILL & DESIRE exists in CONCORDIA, TRANSPARENCY, HARMLESNESS and that concept enables eternal youth, and endless life. I am personally working on it and it is just amazing.

PS Lydia, things which I am sharing in this forum, were for centuries SECRETS (under nomentclature of OMERTA), strictly kept far away of publicity. I am authorized to talk about them also in public, just to enable to those, captured by light and dark conspiracy ("light" is religion, and it contributes to development of human society by parables and call on obedience, manipulating with enormous creative powers, and "dark"is theosophy, metaphysics, occult, esoteria, secret societies etc .... Fun thing is that each of them, light and dark, has their own light and dark classess. I am wondering how I didn't get a full insanity while was researching on it :) - it was too too complicated and I spent almost 15 full years until couldn't select what belongs to what and where.)
My aim is to enable to each level of understanding VALID AND COMPLETE INFORMATION. Broken information is more dangerous than total ignorance.)