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David Rowland

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RE: Composting
4/11/2013 3:56:10 PM
Oh, and if you can get some Chamomile flowers, and put a bit of them in with the compost, that helps speed up decomposition also.

You want the compost to reach 185 degrees Fahrenheit, that is the optimum temperature. It can be off a little bit, but that is the goal.
Daves Wire Creations --- Handcrafted wire wrap jewelry
Branka Babic

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RE: Composting
4/11/2013 4:17:06 PM
This is excellent forum. For me, so much to learn!
Thanks Dave!

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Composting
4/11/2013 7:26:59 PM


Make sure that if you are just composting in a bin that animals can't get to the waste. In a composter there's no problem.

A good accelerant is human urine but don't overdo it or get caught by the neighbours doing this directly.

Myrna, An easy composting method is to collect fallen leaves slightly damp. Put the leaves into plastic sacks and make a few holes. By next year you will have great leafmould. Medium sized leaves are best, some large sycamore/maples can be a little strong.


David Rowland

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RE: Composting
4/11/2013 8:46:37 PM
The problem with most methods of composting, without using a composter, is that you can't effectively turn the compost, or mix it up. That slows down the decomposition process and it can take several weeks to several months to have your compost ready to use.

Using a composter, if done correctly, means that you can have compost ready for your garden in as little as 2 weeks. Otherwise, to turn the compost, you have to use a shovel or pitchfork, and it can be strenuous, especially if you have a bad back.

Different leaves decompose at different rates. The best leaves for composting are from the decidious trees. Pine needles take several years to decompose, so do Magnolia trees.
Daves Wire Creations --- Handcrafted wire wrap jewelry
David Rowland

194 Posts
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RE: Composting----- JUNK MAIL
5/10/2013 7:09:39 PM

We all love junk mail, NOT! At least not to read or clutter up our mailboxes, right.

Think about this. The junk mail that you get that is black and white is generally safe to compost.

Junk mail that has a lot of coloring in it is generally not safe to compost because of the composition of the inks used.

This not only gives you more composting material, but cuts down on the waste sent to the landfills......
Daves Wire Creations --- Handcrafted wire wrap jewelry