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Luella May

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RE: Green hedgehog
4/3/2013 8:07:12 PM
Oats........... Simply lovely. What for? I've got to continue working on my radio show tonight but I will be back to reply. Really in a rush right now. But if someone gets the answer....... Congratulations!
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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Green hedgehog
4/3/2013 8:46:47 PM
Here is another thing I found for Oat grass, but it is for cats

Cats just adore oat grass (cat grass). Having a ready supply of oat grass available will be thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated.

Oat Grass is packed with vitamins and minerals, which definitely add dietary benefits to your pet’s menu. And by their reaction you’ll know that they certainly consider oat grass a treat. Growing your own fresh oat grass will ensure your house plants will be safe from your pet and your pet will be safe from any potentially toxic in the plants. The same applies to outdoor grass which again can hide dangerous toxins.

There are many theories why our pets love cat grass so much; the main benefit being it naturally maintains the digestive system and aids the elimination of fur balls in cats; oat grass enables the fur balls to move easily through the digestive system.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Green hedgehog
4/3/2013 9:26:36 PM
I don't know what happened, but the last two over loaded on each other.
Here is the last one I posted.

If You're looking for a Super Food to boost your health then oat grass grown from seed is for you. Oats are very popular for humans, especially in foods such as oatmeal and oat bran. It's a natural holistic way to take in more vitamins A, B, C & E and nutrients, with added iron and potassium. You may also get extra energy and stamina when you eat oat grass. Some also claim Super Foods can lower bloodstream sugar levels and stop cancer.

The best way to get all the nutritious, whole food benefits of oats is to take it in its grass form juiced. Adding fresh fruit juice improves the flavour and will be much more pleasant.

Super Foods in a powder or supplement form are readily available over the counter, but if you’re looking to achieve maximum results you can’t beat freshly grown oat grass. Growing your own oat grass will also be considerably less expensive than purchasing manufactured products.

David Rowland

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RE: Green hedgehog
4/3/2013 9:28:48 PM
Oat grass is good for many things, but, a word of caution. Make sure that you get oat grass that is NOT genetically modified, which is NOT good for you, despite what some folks will try to tell you.
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Lydia Fokina

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RE: Green hedgehog
4/4/2013 6:31:05 AM


What for - it is the basic question. Waiting for your opinion.


Oats........... Simply lovely. What for? I've got to continue working on my radio show tonight but I will be back to reply. Really in a rush right now. But if someone gets the answer....... Congratulations!
