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Michael Caron

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RE: UFO Revelations
11/29/2015 4:15:35 AM

Hi all,

After the holidays are over, I will be back to post more videos. I am going to try to post one now.

Hostile UFO Encounters in Colares

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
RE: UFO Revelations
4/15/2017 4:07:00 PM

Michael Caron

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RE: UFO Revelations
4/17/2017 4:23:14 PM
Hi Jan,
That would be a real tall order. I don't believe there has been intelligent life on Earth for centuries, and as I am of the white race of human's and I say that I believe that Jesus was black, many feel that I am betraying my race. However, the studies that I have done in the past and the fact that the Vatican has left a lot of facts out of the bible, and condensed it to the point of allowing only the points of referrance that the Catholic Religion wanted people to believe in, solidifies my beliefs. I have always felt that the truth is not always something that we want to believe in, however it is and always has been fact. Ancient cave drawings dating back to ancient times have always included drawings of aliens, and saucer shaped vehicles, plus when the fiery chariots came down from the heavens and landed on the tower of Babel, and when the skies cleared those that were working on the tower abandoned their project because there was much confusion and others on the tower were speaking in strange tongues making it impossible to understand one another. So, in my opinion, we have not been the only race living on Earth for quite some time. Here are a couple of videos that I hope will shed some light on the subject.
The Hidden History of the Human Race
(Origin of the White Race) Why are white people so diverse?
Alien Races of Fallen Angels
Only one came up, perhaps I did not have the right URL on the other two.
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Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Michael Caron

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RE: UFO Revelations
5/19/2018 2:33:43 PM
Hi all. I am going to try to revive some of my forum threads in hopes that I may spark some interests. Some may believe, some may think that my thoughts are completely insane while others may disregard this topic altogether. At any rate, I would like some feedback on my thoughts just to know that you are still breathing. Communication is still welcome and opinions are just that, opinions. If you do not agree with my opinions that is quite alright. After all, it is just an opinion. I am not going to send the tall greys after you.
I am going to attempt to put some videos up that I found quite credible.
On the video with Hillary, I can believe that that was real because for his full time in office, Bill Clinton investigated everything pertaining to UFO's and aliens.
~ Mike ~
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Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Michael Caron

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RE: UFO Revelations
5/21/2018 3:55:09 PM
mike1.jpgHello once again. I honestly don't believe we are alone on Earth or have been for quite some time. Also, the weather patterns around the globe is getting a lot more severe then it has been, destroying more property and lives then ever before and I believe we need to find out who or what is behind this destruction and find out what we need to do to prevent it. Many people do not want to believe the obvious, however I believe that it has come to a point where we have to understand that this is our planet and it is up to all of us to protect it against outside forces. Here are some videos that may help you change your mind. If anyone has some home videos that you would like to share, please do.
Please remember something very important. The days of putting two pie plates together and placing a candle in the middle are gone. If all of these sightings are the works of tricksters, they are much more talented then the earlier pranksters. There has always been a percentage of sightings that have been able to be explained, however if you check the status that percentage is now much lower than it used to be. Think about it. Please. Some people explain it as celestrial beings or falling angels, but please remember that those would also be beings from other planets.
~ Mike ~
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Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.