That was a great profile of Dali, the person, and Dali the artist in just a few lines - plus an insightful opinion regarding Dali's place among other great artists. Just wonderful.
I guess Dali's arrogance or, rather, the form it adopted had a lot to do with the special, crazy times in which he lived. In fact, they influenced each other. Curiously enough, this flaw in his character did not alienate the people's affection for him. At any rate, the fact that he really was a great artist (his more than 3,000 works, many of which really were masterpieces, attest to it) preclude, in my opinion, any ridiculing him or his attitudes.
As to the below mural, it is only one of several works by him that I considered posting on this thread, but somehow did not find their way into it. Who knows, maybe it was waiting for you to correct my omission.
These are so beautiful in their own ways.
Dali was a show-off but not just for the sake of it.
By experimenting with styles he created altered copies of other artist's works, he created modern works with modern materials and he saw, like all good artists, opportunities to create a moment or personal event instantly.
Like most artists or indeed aspiring artists like myself, Dali liked people to notice his work. he didn't really care if they liked the work as long as they had an opinion. if somebody says that they like my work then I'm delighted, if they say that they dislike it I don't defend it, BUT, I try to explain why it is like it is and then accept their opinion. Sometimes people say that they like a painting that I'm not happy with, then tell me why.
All of these things are part of being an artist.
Firstly, a personal need to produce an image or to capture one, or even try to copy one.
Secondly, a desire to achieve a particular standard which you are happy with (or if it's a comission then the client).
A desire to experiment.
A desire to please (yourself, others or both).
A pride in work well done or a lesson learned.
I could go on, but, even Dali would have felt these things but a big difference was that he had developed an arrogance that told him that whatever others said it was good. This sets him aside from most of the other great artists.
I think that this mural is special.