Wow Alain, I was so glad and excited to read your post. You have made me feel that keeping this forum alive and active is absolutely worth the while. Not that I don't enjoy the task of course, it becomes a delight at special moments; for as I was recently telling Mike, it is actually I who enjoy the most from it. But your post, and especially the selection of works that you have made - all special favorites for me too - have multiplied that special feeling a centerfold.
A million thanks,
Hello Miguel! This is an awesome thread full of amazing information. It seems to me that you outdid yourself this time... this is really outstanding work. And, though I am not much of an artist myself and do not have much knowledge about it either, I must say that even though most of his work is very weird indeed, there are some extraordinary pieces that I love very much. And, here are some of them... Salvador Dali - Las Meninas (The Maids in Waiting) (oil on canvas, 1977) and  Salvador Dali - Transformation of 'Antiques' Magazine Cover into the Apparition of a Face (1974) and Salvador Dali - Equestrian Fantasy - Portrait of Lady Dunn (oil on canvas, 1954) and Salvador Dali - Actress Betty Stockfeld Is Metamorphosed into a Nurse (gouache on the "Pour vous" programme, 1939) and Salvador Dali - Mysterious Mouth Appearing in the Back of my Nurse (gouache on paper, 1941) And Salvador Dali - Madame Reese (oil on canvas, circa 1931) And, I must add that I regret not having been here more often... I will try to be here more often. Again, Congrats for an awesome job My Friend! Much Blessings, Alain