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Michael Caron

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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
1/31/2013 7:06:34 PM

10_1_136.gifHi Miguel,

I'm not sure which one or group I would say that I like the best. Each time that I see one that I really like, you seem to come up with one that's better. I am like the dog with a bone in his mouth that sees his reflection on the water. He drops the one in his mouth to retreive the one in his reflection.



Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
1/31/2013 9:21:17 PM

Hello Miguel!

This is an awesome thread full of amazing information. It seems to me that you outdid yourself this time... this is really outstanding work.

And, though I am not much of an artist myself and do not have much knowledge about it either, I must say that even though most of his work is very weird indeed, there are some extraordinary pieces that I love very much.

And, I must add that I regret not having been here more often... I will try to be here more often. Again, Congrats for an awesome job My Friend!

Much Blessings,



You have been captivated by one of history's greatest artists.

Not only was he brilliant at what he did but because of his strange mind he left us with many puzzles to mull over but with a whole world of discussion and fun.

If Miguel has triggered an artistic interest then that's just what he did for me. I had much less knowledge than I now have so we both owe him something.


Myrna Ferguson

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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
1/31/2013 11:47:08 PM
While I enjoy art, I have to confess that until I came to your forum Miguel, I never quite realized the brilliance of Salvador Dali...on the other hand, I love finding out about people and when I saw this YouTube video, I just had to share with everyone... I hope this is appropriate and in itself says a lot about the man....

This video, goes right with Salvador Dali. He really is a mystery man too, with a great sense of humor. cool.
Michael Caron

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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
2/1/2013 1:10:16 AM

10_1_136.gifHi Miguel,

It seems that What's My Line was not Salvadore Dali's only T.V. appearence.

I've Got a Secret Part 1

I;ve Got A Secret part 2



Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Diane Bjorling

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RE: The Surrealist Phenomenon - SALVADOR DALI
2/1/2013 1:17:27 AM
10_1_136.gifHi Miguel,

It seems that What's My Line was not Salvadore Dali's only T.V. appearence.

Thank you Michael, I have been sitting here off and on all day wondering if I should delete that video, in some ways it did not seem fitting, but I have to say it was still pretty funny and shows another aspect to this great artist!

On a more scholarly note, I found this biography on Salvador, which is both interesting and I have to say I learned alot about this man so (again) if no one minds will put here

Salvador Dalí biography


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