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11/22/2012 12:02:43 PM

Happy Thanksgiving Kathleen. You are welcome to post in reply to someone at any time and there's no need to wait on me. Yes, true it is my forum but I can always reply too and I don't have a problem with anyone posting a reply before I do. :)


Hi Steve,

I saw your post last night but thought Mary Evelyn would like to reply first here in her forum!

The my opinion...even though I've used it daily for 15 years and will continue to use truly the "golden calf" idol as mentioned in the Bible, people worship the internet as if it's their god, and don't have time for the true God, and forget the true God, or don't want to learn about the true God.

Being Christians, we're obligated to use the largest platform possible to share His word, and the internet IS the largest platform.

GOD gave the skills and intelligence to people, to the people who created the internet, to the people who install phone lines, to the people who learn to type, to the people who learned to read. All our abilities were given to us by the one true God.

The internet is a tool we use, it's not a god itself, it's a communication device.

We need to communicate the truth of God, and not allow non-believers to overwhelm and overtake the internet with their messages of nonbelief.

We also need to question all messengers, too many people are just repeating what their friends write, or what's repeated most often, or "Liked" most often.

Too often, like/dislike is a stronger influence than the truth, especially online, where tons of people are constantly in cliques or trying to be liked, so they just agree with those they like or the people they want to like them.

Truth isn't about like/dislike. Christianity and belief in the true God isn't about like/dislike. God doesn't try to curry favor with those who don't believe or don't like His word.

The book of Ecclesiastes says there's nothing new under the sun, all that's been done has been done before, and all that's been said has been said before. Sometimes online, we see people immediately copying someone else's words, and saying it's their own, even in Adlandpro forums within minutes right before our eyes, right after we've typed something, another person swoops in, retypes it and says it's their new idea. Is it or isn't it? Do words/ideas belong to people or is it just part of all that's been said before?

Question everyone, even ministers if they are saying things that don't sound quite right.

Scripture is the truth, everything is given by the one true God, and should be used to glorify the one true God, not to be used to compile groups to worship anything that didn't give us life and Spirit. The word of God is sharper than a double-edged sword and can cut between soul & Spirit. Our soul is within us, and so is the Holy Spirit, guiding our thoughts/prayers.

For those who don't pray, it will comfort you, and lead you to take better actions, God gives us shelter, we just need to look for it and go to it.

If America is the "Great Melting Pot, " then apparently she as a country is about to melt, she slowly bleeding to death. She was founded on Godly principles, but slowly and surely Satan is infiltrating every inch of her being. Most people don't even recognize the USA any longer. The rest of the world is laughing at her, not with us. That's the problem, most people don't recognize, they don't see it, they don't believe it, they're in denial, they are asleep, they are gullible, they believe everything they see and hear on TV and the Internet, they are foolish & too trusting!

Thx & don't forget to vote for the Person of the Week. Steve Runningman Martinezshopper
Kathleen Vanbeekom

13305 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
11/23/2012 12:06:42 AM
Happy Thanksgiving, Mark, Mary Evelyn, Stephen, Helen (happy Thursday in Canada!)

Everyone who's here!

Helen Elias

1370 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
11/23/2012 12:16:09 AM

Thank you, Kathleen

I hope you are having a happy thanksgiving today.


Happy Thanksgiving, Mark, Mary Evelyn, Stephen, Helen (happy Thursday in Canada!)

Everyone who's here!

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
11/24/2012 12:54:38 PM
Happy Saturday everyone, hope everyone has a fabulous day.
Over the years I have gained many, many friends and known lots of wonderful people, not to mention my large extended family, who send me many emails, skype messages and add to that, lots phone calls daily. Over the past several days with the Thanksgiving holidays and having house guests, I have gotten behind on lots of things but then that is the joy of having family visit.
As I was going through my inbox this morning I opened an email from a former co worker who is also a minister and it blew me away. As you watch and listen to this video with Ronald Reagan, you'll realize just how far we as a nation have regressed to this pitiful state we now find ourselves in with the worst anti God president in our history, elected by an electorate who, for the most part, now say right is wrong and wrong is right.
Want ‘goose bumps’? Watch this.
Want to be inspired? Watch this.
Want hope for the future? Watch this.
2nd Chronicles 7:14
Will America ever return to this ???
11/24/2012 2:11:47 PM

This is from one of my newer FB friends who is a straight talker and explains things so well and I want to share this that she posted today.

I just gotta say this...
We are TRULY living in a non thinking society. I just heard a soundbite for the 6 O'clock news and I have to share it with you.

"Looks like there will be a stalemate in Washington as the Democrats refuse to cut spending and the Republicans resist a tax hike!
Why the Republicans may make it harder for us to get out of the financial crisis....coming up at 6"

Now you notice the first 2 sentences say:
1) the Democrats don't want to stop spending money.
2) the Republicans resist raising taxes on the citizens of America.

But the CONCLUSION that the media comes to is the statement in the 3rd sentence....Republicans are the problem, they are the reason this country will not get out of debt.
Folks all most people heard was the last sentence as the media filled their heads with what they SHOULD think !
In the REAL world, a friend is the person that wants you to KEEP your money! And an enemy takes your credit card and runs up a bill that will take you the rest of your life to pay off!

But the Liberal will walk away from the TV set saying "Those damn Republicans need to bend, they need to be more flexible."

This is basic finance...YOU CAN'T SPEND MORE THAN YOU TAKE IN and THEN take MORE because you are running out!
It's like having 10 bucks and someone takes 5 and comes back and says...
"Look I gambled the 5 I took, give me another 5, this time I promise not to spend it badly."
Normally you would tell that person to kiss your behind.

And I will NEVER understand that "stimulus crap". How can you stimulate the economy by taking money FROM me and giving me back SOME of my money? TARDS...EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM ...TARDS!