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John Dilbeck

69 Posts
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Re: How To Get People To Your Blog ...
4/30/2006 2:33:44 AM
Hi, There's lots of good information in this thread and I thought I'd try to contribute a bit. Over the last few years, I've tried lots of things to get visitors to my various blogs. Some that have worked for me include: - a free service that lets you keep track of your "blog roll" or the blogs you recommend. I update my blog roll now and then with my own blogs and blogs I read on a regular basis. It's easy to publish my blog roll on websites and other blogs. Tagging my blogs and some of my articles at and I also publish my buzz cloud, or what calls a tag roll on various sites and blogs. An example of this is at: This easily can be added to websites and blogs that allow the creation of pages. Contributing to forums, such as this one, can be effective in bringing visitors to your blog, assuming that you are contributing to the discussions in a meaningful way. Sites such as are effective in providing ways to get involved in ongoing conversations and linking to your blog. Setting up a free blog at sites like can bring visitors to your other blogs. The community setting and links to recent posts on the blogs there can bring attention to you that would be difficult on a stand-alone blog somewhere off in cyberspace. Commenting on popular blogs related to your niche. I don't mean spamming the comments with your link, but providing feedback, critiques, suggestions, or praise on the author's post can get you a free link back to your site or blog. If you post relevant feedback or ask questions related to the topic at hand, your comments will be seen as constructive and will be welcomed - usually. Each of these sites/methods has brought visitors to some of my sites and blogs. Maybe they'll be effective for you, too. All the best. Act on your dream! JD
Re: How To Get People To Your Blog ...
5/4/2006 6:32:48 PM
Hello all, I came across today some info that addresses what Linda Miller was asking about; third party hosting vs self hosting. Let's all do an exercise here. Look at a listing I found by google. Go to google and type in: Now look at the numbers in the upper blue ruler. Results 1 - 10 of about 36,700 from for . (0.15 seconds) Now do the same with: site:www.[yoursite].com By needing to find your site first to find your blog it shows up but look at the numbers. Really small. With a group (3rd party hosting) we see much greater numbers and means you benefit from the whole better than on your own. Why do I say this? you will see some less frequent (less active) blogs getting listed just as well as those that are 'bizzy'. More overall content for search engines (they like this) and better for the group. Yes, there are other factors but don't overlook the power in numbers. __________ Some success blogs: Kenneth R Sword Jr Co-CEO - Bizzy Blogz New! Bizzy Blogz Community - like MySpace An Advertising Traffic Machine

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