Mike as I read your story about your childhood it made me sad. There were five of us older ones when my two younger brothers came along, just 19 months apart, but us older ones thought they were the grandest things and really, we spoiled them. I don't ever remember any of us resenting them or not happy they were there. Being the oldest a lot of the duties in taking care of a baby fell to me and I think that is one of the reasons I miss my brother, that died in 2000, so much. He was more like my own child instead of a brother and I can still hear his voice when he would call me on the phone. When I answered the first thing he would say is "watcha doin". I can hear him saying that as if it were yesterday. Mike I am keeping my fingers crossed in respect to your friend Karen Rechtzigel and I certainly hope this means better times are ahead for you and Shirley. That is great that you've found a laptop for Shirley!!! They're handy, I bought one just to have when I'm traveling, but I much prefer my desktop but then I'm able to sit at my desk and use it. Have a wonderful day and thanks for sharing with us. :) Quote: Hi Mary Evelyn, Thank you. I was the youngest of ten children. My sister Irma had told me once that there were supposed to be thirteen, but my mother had three miscarriages. She wouldn't tell me if I was one of them however. Irma was the youngest to me being six years older than I. I was always pushed aside, not able to do things with them because I was just in the way. I always felt like an only unwanted child. I loved my parents and my brothers and sisters but could never understand why they didn't want me around. I did not want to be better than them. I didn't even want to be as good as them. The only thing that I wanted was to belong. Therefore, I went through life with the attitude that if someone liked me, it made me feel good, but if someone did not like me, that was alright also. None of us can always have our own way, so we just have to make the best of what we do have.
Now, for a more pleasant subject. It turns out that the person that our friend Karen Rechtzigel introduced to us had a big part in the Star Search T.V. Show with Ed McMahn. When I told him that Shirley and I had put together about four Showcase Your Talent Shows in the Indianapolis area he laughed and said, "Your not finished yet. I am going to send you all the materials." Not sure quite what he meant by that. Along the same lines I received a call this evening from a young mad who lives in Indianapolis. He sings R&B and wants us to promote him. When I told him what we charged he said "No problem."
When we were discussing putting together an AdlandPro Community help line, several people suggested Craig's List and Free cycle. Although I still want to put the community one together, there is an item that I have wanted. You see, Shirley's birthday is January 24th and as she is not able to sit at the computer for any length of time, I have been wanting to get her a Laptop so that she can still be online in comfort. I put an ad on Craigslist but listed it in the wrong category and it got flagged. Therefore, I put the same wanted ad on Freecycle saying that I will walk to wherever it is to get it. I received a response this evening. The person said that he got a new Laptop for Christmas and is willing to give us his old one that is in real good condition and as soon as I got back in touch with him with directions he will bring it over. So, even though things are a bit rough it looks like some things are starting to to turn around for the better. Believe in yourself, believe in forgiveness, and believe in GOD and your whole life will be much better.