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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/10/2012 12:46:35 AM
Hi Mary Evelyn, here is just what a friend needs, an adorable puppy to love and care for at home. Isn't he or she cute? Best Wishes, LaNell
OMG it is adorable. I would love to hold it.

I got this today, it too is cute
This is one of those times when it will not go into the YOUTUBE block

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/10/2012 1:00:07 AM

Each day I get an inspirational quote in my inbox and this is the one I got today. :)

Inspirational Quote of the Day (Mon, 09 Jan 2012)

Any change, any loss, does not make us victims. Others can shake you, surprise you, disappoint you, but they can't prevent you from acting, from taking the situation you're presented with and moving on. No matter where you are in life, no matter what your situation, you can always do something. You always have a choice and the choice can be power.

Blaine Lee

Hi Mary Evelyn,

So far I have not missed any post here, this forum is clearly becoming a great favorite for many in this community.

Here is an article that caught my eye this afternoon. It suggests a likely way out now that things are turning pretty difficult worldwide. I have been following recent discussions here and in other forums, and I guess Mike, Myrna, Pat and probably others might be inspired by it.



German Grandmother Lives Money-free and Has Never Been Happier

Most of us could go a day without spending any cash. But a week? How about sixteen years? That's how long 69-year-oldHeidemarie Schwermer, grandmother of three, has lived without money.Schwermer's odyssey is the subject of adocumentary film, Living Without Money, by directorLine Halvorsen, which is screening internationally and is also available on DVD.

Related link: Swap-o-Rama: Don't Buy if You Can Barter

In 1996, Schwermer, a former schoolteacher and psychotherapist, decided to try to live without money for a year as an experiment. As a child she had experienced deep deprivation as a refugee fleeing from Russian forces during World War II. Her family had escaped what was then East Prussia and ended up in Germany "penniless." She has always felt a sense of compassion and empathy for the homeless community in the city of Dortmund where she settled as an adult.

Two years before she began living completely without money, Schwermer had opened a swap shop where people could barter services and goods. It was such a success it gave her the confidence to take the leap of quitting her job, giving away all of her possessions except what could fit into a single suitcase and backpack, and moving out of her rental home. According to the Austrian Times, Schwermer says she "had become irritated by the greedy consumer society" she was witnessing.

She acknowledges that her friends were confused and her two grown daughters were initially shocked (she says they now accept her lifestyle). Schwermer lived nomadically, trading gardening, cleaning, and even therapy sessions for food and a place to sleep. She found it liberating: "Living without money gave me quality of life, inner wealth, and freedom."

Schwermer has written three books about her experiences. She says the first, "The Star Money Experiment" was quite successful and she passed out all the money she earned to people on the street, "in five mark coins," Germany's currency before the euro. She waived her advances on the other books and asked the publisher to give her royalties to charity.

Director Halvorsen told Yahoo! Shine, "Heidemarie's unique story made me want to create a film that challenges the viewer into questioning their own relationship to money and possessions." She explains, "The film does not teach you how to live without money, but is a portrait of a woman who has made a very courageous and inspiring choice."

Living without money in the United States

Schwermer's experiment is obviously extreme and Germany does have more of a social safety net than we do in the United States. But there are many ways to live with lessmoney here. You can get everything from a bicycle to kid's clothing without spending a penny by logging on to websites such as Freecycle. Craigslist also has a section devoted to giveaways. Apartment swaps and couch surfing are ways to travel on the cheap.Yahoo'sConscious Consumer blog has many other ideas for getting free stuff easily.

Related links:

Suzie Orman Talks Money Saving Secrets

No Groceries for a year: How one family saved money, lost weight and lived well

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/10/2012 1:32:52 AM

Hi Mary Evelyn,

People have the choice to let things get them down or to continually bounce back. I believe the human spirit constantly buoys itself up.

I read something a long time ago, I think it was by Denis Waitley (is that his name?) and he said something like...We need to act upon the positive, not react upon the negative. Also he had a line about...Habits begin as fragile threads of a web, and continue until they become strong cables. (So the things we choose to do on a consistent basis should hopefully be things that are good for us or lead us toward improving our lives and our goals, not ruining our health.)


Each day I get an inspirational quote in my inbox and this is the one I got today. :)

Inspirational Quote of the Day (Mon, 09 Jan 2012)

Any change, any loss, does not make us victims. Others can shake you, surprise you, disappoint you, but they can't prevent you from acting, from taking the situation you're presented with and moving on. No matter where you are in life, no matter what your situation, you can always do something. You always have a choice and the choice can be power.

Blaine Lee

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/10/2012 2:02:46 AM

That puppy is so cute LaNell but I'm not ready for another animal just yet. I'm not ruling it out in the future but taking care of a puppy is like taking care of a child and I just really don't have the time to take care of one right now, but maybe some day. :)

Hi Mary Evelyn, here is just what a friend needs, an adorable puppy to love and care for at home. Isn't he or she cute? Best Wishes, LaNell

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/10/2012 2:05:00 AM

Hi Myrna, yes the puppy is adorable, I agree, and I loved your goat video. Feisty little buggers aren't they? :)


Hi Mary Evelyn, here is just what a friend needs, an adorable puppy to love and care for at home. Isn't he or she cute? Best Wishes, LaNell
OMG it is adorable. I would love to hold it.

I got this today, it too is cute
This is one of those times when it will not go into the YOUTUBE block


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