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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/9/2012 4:03:30 AM

To help us get our week off to a good start, here's another song by Rhema Marvanne who is now 8 years old. As some of you may recall she watched her mother die after a three year battle with ovarian cancer. Her mother Wendy died in October of '08.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/9/2012 4:09:28 AM
Hi Evelyn,

Have you ever heard of the Pennsylvania Farm Show. This is week is the 96th annual show. I have been watching it off and on all day. Right now they are sowing the old wagons with 3 horses. I would guess the wagon are from the 1800 series. Some of them are dressed like that era too.Earlier it was 4 horses wagon and a six horse team. So cool
The horses are just so beautiful A few hours ago they had a Hearst from the 1800 , horse drawn. The Cinderella wagon, with 4 white horses, a wagon to transport people, and of all things a poop spreader. lol Yes. Of course it was clean.

They judged apples, nuts, bunnies, you name it, if is on the farm they judge it. Also clothes and food judging. The veggies were lovely, but they said they don't have many that are interested in that anymore. I would love that part.

Did you ever wonder what the animals are thinking? When I was watching the horses and they didn't look too pleased, I thought I wonder what is going through their minds. I have been told they live in the now, but if that is true they sure remember who treats them good or not good.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/9/2012 4:26:12 AM
Hi Evelyn,

I just got this in an email and it came from a lady in New Zealand. Talk about a round about way to get something about the shuttle. lol

For a look in the cockpit of the now grounded space shuttle Discovery, click on the link below..

Don't forget to look at the ceiling! So many buttons, so little time! This is a keeper …. For "history's sake".
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/9/2012 4:27:10 AM

How neat Myrna, this looks like a fun thing and no I had never heard of it but just had to go see what I could find on the net. Here are couple I like from last year, year 2011 and here is a slide show from this year's 2012.

"The 2011 butter sculpture at the Pennsylvania Farm Show depicts a dairy farmer providing milk to children engaged in physical activities like climbing on a jungle gym and playing catch with a football player."
Butter sculpture unveiled at 2011 PA Farm Show
Dancing Belgian Horse at the Pennsylvania Farm Show

Hi Evelyn,

Have you ever heard of the Pennsylvania Farm Show. This is week is the 96th annual show. I have been watching it off and on all day. Right now they are sowing the old wagons with 3 horses. I would guess the wagon are from the 1800 series. Some of them are dressed like that era too.Earlier it was 4 horses wagon and a six horse team. So cool
The horses are just so beautiful A few hours ago they had a Hearst from the 1800 , horse drawn. The Cinderella wagon, with 4 white horses, a wagon to transport people, and of all things a poop spreader. lol Yes. Of course it was clean.

They judged apples, nuts, bunnies, you name it, if is on the farm they judge it. Also clothes and food judging. The veggies were lovely, but they said they don't have many that are interested in that anymore. I would love that part.

Did you ever wonder what the animals are thinking? When I was watching the horses and they didn't look too pleased, I thought I wonder what is going through their minds. I have been told they live in the now, but if that is true they sure remember who treats them good or not good.

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/9/2012 4:29:12 AM

OH WOW!!! Myrna, that is fabulous. Thank you for posting this.

Hi Evelyn,

I just got this in an email and it came from a lady in New Zealand. Talk about a round about way to get something about the shuttle. lol

For a look in the cockpit of the now grounded space shuttle Discovery, click on the link below..

Don't forget to look at the ceiling! So many buttons, so little time! This is a keeper …. For "history's sake".

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