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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/6/2012 9:16:17 PM

I thought some of you that had never seen the honey gathering process might enjoy this video I found.

Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/6/2012 9:40:24 PM
Hi Evelyn

That is the neatest video ever! I saw it a year or two ago and I bet I watched it over a dozen times since that time.



I found this video in my archives and I thought everyone would enjoy it as much as I did.

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/6/2012 9:44:26 PM

Yes it is Helen, and that is probably why I saved it way back when. I love watching that little guy sing and especially the way he pronounces the word "you". Makes me smile and chuckle. He is the cutest little thing.

Hi Evelyn

That is the neatest video ever! I saw it a year or two ago and I bet I watched it over a dozen times since that time.



I found this video in my archives and I thought everyone would enjoy it as much as I did.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/7/2012 12:32:03 AM

I thought some of you that had never seen the honey gathering process might enjoy this video I found.

Honey gathering is very interesting. I Can understand why it is so expensive I think how hard those little bees work, to give us the good honey, it is well worth the money for their honey.
Michael Caron

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
1/7/2012 3:57:43 AM
Hello Mike,
We do a lot of our shopping and listing of surplus on Craigslist because it is the biggest free online listing. Look under Free and you will be surprised at what people are giving away and you can also put in your own free ad for a keyboard in the wanted section.
You would probably have other free classifieds in your area too or maybe farmers markets - maybe a note at some of your local shops with a bulletin board.



Hello Mike

If you lived near me I could give you a keyboard. I bet there are some who live around you who recently got a new computer and they probably got a new keyboard with it and would be happy to give you their old one. Some of the old ones are better than the new ones.

Just planting an idea....


10_1_136.gifThank you Myrna,
I have also just learned that my question mark is no longer working on my keyboard. I don't have my capital p either. That's going to cause problems because I p a lot. Once I'm able to find another keyboard (which I can't afford right now) I should be able to get some more videos up.
10_1_136.gifThank you Helen. We had two extra keyboards that worked fine, but on two occasions we had friends that needed one, so we gave them to them. It wouldn't bother me so much, but I download a lot of videos as I promote singers and now I won't be able to. I will be requesting one at Indy Recycle. I'm not sure if you have this in Canada, however there is a recycle program on the internet. If you have something that is still in working order, rather then throwing it in the trash you offer it to someone that can use it. Also, if you need something, you post what you need and if someone has it they get in touch with you. There are a few states that are in this program so it is narrowed down to states, and then regions such as Indianapolis North side, South side, ect. Actually, it would be nice if there could be a program like that in Adlandpro Community such as a Recycle forum with threads for each state, and then expand that to Canada, England, Australia, and so forth, having people from each country helping by co-ordinating areas, provinces, parishes, and so forth. Imagine if we could develop a program like that By the end of 2012 we could boast as being the only online community that did our part in solving at least some of the growing waste problems in the world by sharing our unwanted items with (friends that are in need of those items) and as we would be focusing our offered items and wanted items in a local format we would also get to meet our friends face to face.
10_1_136.gifHi Amanda,
Thank you for this information. Yes, I have advertised on Craigslist in the past. When I have seen Craigslist show up in my mail, I would get excited. When I open the mail I would get something like "Is this the product that you are selling?" and a link to click on. When I click on the link it leads to a sex site. Plus, there have been many reports of people that have had bad experiences from Craigslist. There is that one, plus E-bay Free cycle and many others. The point is, you are dealing with complete strangers and as Craigslist also has a section for Sex for sale (I'm not sure how it is listed) those people are continuously trolling the ads in all categories looking for easy marks. Right now, on AdlandPro Community there are 176,022 people listed. I don't know how many of them are active members, but if they knew that there was a place where they could get an item that they needed or if they have useable items that they wanted to put to good use, I'm sure that they would start to get a lot more active. As an example, how many people are there that are members of AdlandPro Community that live within a five mile radius of you that may have nodded at you at the grocery store or sat next to you at church or on the bus, that never knew that you both belonged to the same community? This is a chance for someone to do something good for their community and at the same time get to meet their neighbor. Lets say you are offering several pairs of women's shoes size 7 or size 14, and someone has just put up a request for women's dresses petite and notices that you have shoes to offer. First, if she wants the size 14 and wants petite dresses, chances are you may not want to meet her anyway. Basically what I am saying here is that you can click on her profile and see what she is all about. You can't do that on Craigs-list. There may have to be some rules set down. I'm not sure if I want to have people offer a stack of Playboy magazines, however if they are listed as miscellanious magazines that may or may not be appropriate. I also don't want, "I am lonely tonight, how about you?" I want to keep it clean and help each of us help someone else. By keeping it in the community, we at least have the chance to see what the person looks like and get an idea of what they are like. It makes for a much safer way to help one another.

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.