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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/11/2012 5:25:48 PM
Hi Roger,
I couldn't listen to your song 'due to licencing restrictions'


Just for fun I brought you this to wake you up for the day.

I recorded some time ago for fun and rediscovered it today.

Have a great day

click the picture

Flag of Helen Elias

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/11/2012 5:27:24 PM

Hi Evelyn

There were thousands of comments not just the one you read. Some were for him and some were for her. As far as bringing all this other stuff into it, I can only go by what I saw on the video and his comments and nothing more. I am not going to speculate about anything that I know nothing about.

If it had been me I would have handled it differently but it wasn't me. "Dad" had to do what he had to do, rightly or wrongly. She was the one who made her family life public so she can't say much about her Dad making his side of things public.

You said, "
Children can be so cruel even without a reason and now I wonder what Hannah will have to face at school from her classmates who will see this video." Why are you feeling sorry for her? She was wrong. Hannah should have thought of that before she posted her comments about her family on her wall. She's lucky he didn't put her picture in the video ...and by not putting her picture in the video, he once again shows his love for her.

I don't think, from what I saw in the video, that he was trying to be some kind of hero. He was just being a Dad, albeit an angry one. I am sure he is surprised more than anyone by all the hits to his video.

Do you know what made this video so famous? It was the gun. People want to see how he shot the computer. I don't think he was thinking about what a hero he was going to be or anything like that.

Do you realize that children want boundaries and discipline? This action by her Dad probably brought things to her attention about her Dad she didn't know before.

Let's pray for both of them.

If I have time later, I will give you my version of what I would have done if she were my daughter who did what she did. Now that is something I can talk about because I know what I would do. As far as all this other stuff is concerned that we don't even know ...well, we don't know any of it so there is no point in talking about it.



Helen in one of the comments I read, and it certainly did not sound like a teenager but sounded to me as though it was written by an adult and that comment was asking how the dad and everyone that thought he did the right thing, would feel if this caused this young lady to commit suicide. It happens all the time because a lot of teenagers can't handle the stress some of them are under and I still can't see how this is going to solve anything and as I said, it very well may make the situation worse. Children can be so cruel even without a reason and now I wonder what Hannah will have to face at school from her classmates who will see this video. I still say this should have been handled in private and not sensationalized like this father did by trying to make himself look like some kind of hero, regardless of how angry he was and too in his own words, this was not the first time it happened and maybe as a parent he should have gotten Hannah or the whole family some counseling to try to diffuse the situation.

My three had chores to do and they also got an allowance every week but the two were never tied together, in other words the allowance was not a payment for doing their chores.


Hello Evelyn

Maybe we have not heard the whole story and one thing is for sure, we don't stand in her Dad's shoes either. I don't think I would completely believe her side if I heard it. I've been around a lot of teens. I love them but I also know they will tell you anything to get something out of you this girl wants to get out of doing some work. She was probably angry because she wanted to spend more time on Facebook. She wants everyone to feel sorry for her.

How many of the viewer's comments came from the girl's friends and/or other teens taking her side. There were other teens, too, who said she was wrong to do what she did. Listen carefully to what she posted on Facebook. It sounds like "spoiled brat" to me.

If I had to only one choice to choose one side, I'd pick his. It's time for her to grow up. 15 years old is closer to being an adult than it is to being a child. Her letter on Facebook was all about "poor me" with no consideration for anyone else. She was rude and ignorant. The girl did wrong and it was up to Dad to discipline her, rightly or wrongly it is his job, not ours. I doubt very much that she is mistreated.

If she had some grievances she should have talked them over with her dad. He on the other hand should have taught her that she could come and talk to him about anything.

I think she was just being a smart alec to all her friends and may not even have meant everything she said but it was not right to do it this way and drag her family through the mud. He buys her a computer and she uses it to slam him and her family. She doesn't deserve a computer until she can pay for it with her own money.

It seems to me that her Dad is a decent sort of guy. He spent hours and dollars fixing her computer. He cared about her. He still does. You can tell from the way he was talking.

It sounds to me like she has a good life and she screwed up.



Helen, I still say we've not heard the whole story and if you go back and read where I edited my original post, I added the link where you can go and read some of the viewers comments and not all are agreeing this was a good idea, in fact a lot of people see this as the father not acting like an adult with his own temper tantrum. Here's the link again in case you or anyone else are interested in reading others opinions. There are comments for each side.

Hi Evelyn

I, too, would have handled it differently but he's doing it from a man's perspective. An attitude like hers often comes from being spoiled and doted on in my experience. He should have taught her consideration, respect and caring for others long before now but better late than never. She embarassed her family in front of the whole world so I don't blame her Dad for showing her what it feels like. I'm sure it will all work out in the end and it won't be more than a few years before she is laughing about it, too.


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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/11/2012 5:29:15 PM

Hi Mary Evelyn,

I didn't watch the video yet, but I was raised that everything in my father's house, was HIS, if he paid for all of it, and the same thing goes at my house now, anything that I've paid for, including the computers, are MINE, not belonging to the "kids".

My parents paid me a small allowance, small even for early 1980's standards when I was a teenager, $2 per week, and I had to clean 2 bathrooms, wash dishes every night, and help with yard work and other housework since I was the only kid still at home, so I was doing more than all my older sisters/brothers did, I was helping with the total combination of what we all did when the older ones had lived there, and my parents were getting older, 50-ish by that time.

My mom also gave me $1 for school lunch every day, that I spent AFTER school on video games at the arcade, 4 games for 25 cents each, LOL, and she knew that and was not happy about it!

Flag of Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/11/2012 5:53:06 PM
Hi Evelyn, Helen and all,

I went along to the link you posted Evelyn which also gave Tommy Jordan's link to his Facebook page and his interview with Toronto Star
You will have to scroll a good half way down his page to read.
I thought he sounds like a very loving and wise dad whom does have a good relationship with his daughter and they have discussed consequences good and bad to both of their actions, now and in the future.



Happy Saturday Helen and friends. I watched this video last night Helen, right after you posted it, and I have a very different perspective than most of you. As I listened to this gentleman talk I too, was inclined to heartedly applaud him until near the end when he talks about Hannah's mother and stepmother and then I began to take a different view. As someone who raised a stepchild I know there are scars that can never be erased. I feel as though we're only hearing one side of the story here. I in no way condone Hannah's posting on her facebook page but neither do I condone the actions of her father in destroying her laptop and posting it to the world wide web. Here we evidently have a child from a broken home and although it's not clear, it sounds a though she is probably living with the father and stepmother. As I said, we're only hearing one side of the story here and in all fairness I would like to hear the other side before I make a snap judgment.

I think the father was wrong in putting the video on the world wide web for everyone to see and with his daughter only being 15 years old, this may not have the desired effect he's looking for but just the opposite. In my opinion this is a case of airing your dirty laundry in public. Not good.

I would just like to add that my two moved out before my stepson did. He continued to live with us until he was able to buy his house when he was about 21 years old. We were blessed by having three who never gave us any problems.

PS: I just read some of the comments when I clicked to watch this on youtube, and seems I am not the only one who thinks this was not a good idea. Click this link and read them for yourself. You'll find some agreeing with the father's actions but there are a lot who don't.


I probably don't need to post this video because it is blazing across the world and sooner or later you all will see it. I decided to make it sooner for some who haven't seen it yet. :))

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/12/2012 2:03:17 AM

Amanda I bet some of your goat milk soap scented with roses would be heavenly or even lavender. I know there are dozens of fragrances in the oils so your choices are really unlimited. Keep us informed on how things progress. :)


My mother or I had never made soap, or even saw it being made so this was quite a new activity for me and James who was also new to this got right involved and after watching many videos and finding easy looking recipes, I decided on the video I will put on the bottom. At present I have halved the recipe as I experiment a little with the oils.
The first batch I used peppermint oil that has been cured and we are using and the second batch I made last week has Teatree oil. I am disappointed with my solo batch because I left it a little long to score and I should have cut the soap into bars then instead of waiting until morning because the bars broke when I cut them.
Yes, I saw several video's on lye making with ashes from the fire, it is handy to know this. I bought 100% lye from Lowes in their drain cleaner section.


Hi Amanda, sorry to be so long getting back with you.

I think it is wonderful that you and James are getting back to the basics. Both my parents lived to be 84 and I've always thought it was because of their life styles. My mother died in June of 2007, and always had a garden and froze and canned almost all their food. They had an apple tree too that she used to make dried apples for her wonderful apple stack cakes and fried apple pies and of course they had their bees for honey. They would also buy peaches by the bushel and canned and freeze them. My mom quit milking a cow and raising chickens after my dad retired because they liked to go camping for days at a time and a cow has to be milked twice a day and the chickens had to be fed and watered everyday. There are so many ways to be self sufficient, especially when you have the land space for it.

I find it so interesting to hear about your soap making. I've seen websites and also at craft fairs where people were selling hand made soaps they had made using goats milk. What scent of oil did you use to make your soap?

I can remember my mother making lye soap to do laundry with. She saved the ashes from the woodburning stove and poured water through them to get the lye, which she then cooked with the lard from rendering hogs fat. This fat was from the hogs they had raised and believe it or not the smell wasn't all that bad either, quite pleasant in fact. The soap was cooked outside in a big cast iron wash kettle. I used to love to stick pieces of wood under the kettle to keep the fire burning while the soap cooked. I was very young but this is one of the things I can remember from my childhood as if it were yesterday.

I've also hung my share of clothes on the outside clothes line too and in the winter when it was very cold they would be frozen by the time you got them pinned to the line and so would your fingers, or at least they felt like it.


James and I trying to get back to the more basics of life again. Chickens, quail, my worm compost that took quite awhile before the worms came to live and do their stuff. I reckon a milking goat would be nice to have next as I have been drinking powdered goats milk in my coffee instead of creamer or cows milk.
James and I made our first batch of soap and after waiting 3 weeks for it to cure I used a bar today in my shower and it soaped up nicely. I took a bar over to my neighbour to ask her to test and let me know what she thought of it too. I made a 2nd batch over the weekend changing some of the oil quantities and putting in powdered goats milk instead of butter milk. I am enjoying the experimentation's to see what will feel better.

You know Amanda, when we see living conditions like these people have to endure should make all of us more thankful for what we have. These are nothing more than hovels these people are living in and until this gentleman came up with an affordable solution, for the most part they lived in the dark almost 24/7.


Hi Helen, Evelyn and all
This video you shared Helen looked very intriguing and I hope that it works for these people for a long time - imagine being in the dark all day on a beautiful sunny day outside, because we all like sunlight coming into our homes which perks us up and also kills off bugs etc that like to lurk in the dark corners. UGH!
I had to do a search for the serene because I did not know what it was or heard of this word and found it was like a bleach / chlorine they put into the water, I guess so it does not go cloudy and loose the effectiveness of the light.

Hello there!

This a simple but amazing idea....

This could have applications even in the western world. Can you think of some?


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