Hi Mary Evelyn and Amanda, While we're on the topics of reading and pets, Rita Mae Brown has had a fantastic ongoing series of mystery novels for the past 15 years or so, co-written with her cat, Sneaky Pie Brown. They are very entertaining, sort of comedy/mystery/common-sense stuff, with 2 cats and a dog solving mysteries long before the people do, and lots of southern hospitality and mentions of southern food for those of you from the South! Then a few years ago she started another series centered around foxhunting and hounds, all her books are excellent! Another of my favorite book series is by Alexander McCall Smith, his "No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency" series is great, funny, more common sense, and set in Botswana. He also has another series set in Scotland..."The Sunday Philosophy Club" (but I like the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series better!) More of my favorites, Dominick Dunne and John Sandford and John Irving.