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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/11/2012 2:17:19 AM

Hi Amanda, sorry to be so long getting back with you.

I think it is wonderful that you and James are getting back to the basics. Both my parents lived to be 84 and I've always thought it was because of their life styles. My mother died in June of 2007, and always had a garden and froze and canned almost all their food. They had an apple tree too that she used to make dried apples for her wonderful apple stack cakes and fried apple pies and of course they had their bees for honey. They would also buy peaches by the bushel and canned and freeze them. My mom quit milking a cow and raising chickens after my dad retired because they liked to go camping for days at a time and a cow has to be milked twice a day and the chickens had to be fed and watered everyday. There are so many ways to be self sufficient, especially when you have the land space for it.

I find it so interesting to hear about your soap making. I've seen websites and also at craft fairs where people were selling hand made soaps they had made using goats milk. What scent of oil did you use to make your soap?

I can remember my mother making lye soap to do laundry with. She saved the ashes from the woodburning stove and poured water through them to get the lye, which she then cooked with the lard from rendering hogs fat. This fat was from the hogs they had raised and believe it or not the smell wasn't all that bad either, quite pleasant in fact. The soap was cooked outside in a big cast iron wash kettle. I used to love to stick pieces of wood under the kettle to keep the fire burning while the soap cooked. I was very young but this is one of the things I can remember from my childhood as if it were yesterday.

I've also hung my share of clothes on the outside clothes line too and in the winter when it was very cold they would be frozen by the time you got them pinned to the line and so would your fingers, or at least they felt like it.


James and I trying to get back to the more basics of life again. Chickens, quail, my worm compost that took quite awhile before the worms came to live and do their stuff. I reckon a milking goat would be nice to have next as I have been drinking powdered goats milk in my coffee instead of creamer or cows milk.
James and I made our first batch of soap and after waiting 3 weeks for it to cure I used a bar today in my shower and it soaped up nicely. I took a bar over to my neighbour to ask her to test and let me know what she thought of it too. I made a 2nd batch over the weekend changing some of the oil quantities and putting in powdered goats milk instead of butter milk. I am enjoying the experimentation's to see what will feel better.

You know Amanda, when we see living conditions like these people have to endure should make all of us more thankful for what we have. These are nothing more than hovels these people are living in and until this gentleman came up with an affordable solution, for the most part they lived in the dark almost 24/7.


Hi Helen, Evelyn and all
This video you shared Helen looked very intriguing and I hope that it works for these people for a long time - imagine being in the dark all day on a beautiful sunny day outside, because we all like sunlight coming into our homes which perks us up and also kills off bugs etc that like to lurk in the dark corners. UGH!
I had to do a search for the serene because I did not know what it was or heard of this word and found it was like a bleach / chlorine they put into the water, I guess so it does not go cloudy and loose the effectiveness of the light.

Hello there!

This a simple but amazing idea....

This could have applications even in the western world. Can you think of some?

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/11/2012 2:28:29 AM

Amanda I am so happy you're now having better luck with your dogs and maybe the bad luck streak with your dogs is now gone for good. I hope so anyway. I know they must be a lot of company for you with James on the road so much.


Back in New Zealand we only had cats and I have never been much of a cat lover, yet they always seem to like me..
I did not have much to do with dogs either cause Dad always had working dogs that stayed outside and were not pets and my ex the children and I lived in town on a small lot and I had always thought you had to have plenty of space to have a dog - I know differently know.. so we did not have one.
It took me quite a few years to bond or seem to keep the dogs James and I adopted, we had a long bad time, with running away, or we had to adopt them out because they just did not fit in with our neighbours whom made it difficult for us to keep them when we were renting the space or renting the home. I think I was nervous because of the neighbours and the rules that I passed on my insecurities onto our dogs that they acted up and barked / howled dug up the yard, fighting other dogs out on walks etc . It wasn't until we got our own land that I relaxed more. Then I bonded with our 3 dogs that fit in with our lifestyle and moved here that they one by one got stolen. We got 3 more over a period of months, Roxie adopted as a puppy from the shelter, Leo was given to us as a 4 year old and I was told he did not like to come indoors - he loves being indoors with me and will hog the bed! Moppet is one of the puppies born here from her stray mother whom we adopted out after trying unsuccessfully to find her owners with her 4 other puppies all to different people. I love these 3 and they live in an fenced back yard and I put them on a leash just to come inside at night or take them outside. They are within sight and sound and they are travelers in the pickup altogether or one at a time. James will be taking one of them with him on the truck when he goes owner operator again soon. They are great company and bark when anyone comes around.

Amanda, I almost missed this post. This was my first time hearing this gentleman sing and yes he does have a wonderful voice.

As you probably know, I don't have a pet right now but I've always had dogs and cats ever since I can remember. My last dog was a little red dachshund who had to be put to sleep because she had cancer. We had her about 14 years. When the kids were growing up we had a cat named Baby who lived until she was about 17 years old. She was the best cat. She loved to sleep in our bedroom on top of the chest of drawers and so I kept a folded towel there for her to sleep on.

I love animals and may eventually get another one but right now that is not in my plans. I don't want the responsibility especially when I travel back to Tennessee. They're like a child and have to be taken care of like one. I know they're good company and as I said, I may eventually get another one.


Hi Evelyn,
I had heard this man sing in another forum last year (I think) and I enjoyed hearing him sing the 2nd verse again, he has a wonderful voice.
The doggie meeting his master was just precious, she could hardly contain herself and didn't know where to put herself for the best closeup contact to him..
At night when our 3 come in and they sleep on the bed with me, I have them all crowd up to me as close as they can for several minutes until they settle into their places to go to sleep. Roxie (my girl) hardly lets me get into bed before she is all over me.. and Leo is like a huge lump of rock and will not move, he weighs over a hundred pounds and dead weight when he gets on the bed beside me. It is even more crowded and funny when James is home! LOL

Hello everyone, my brother sent me several really good videos today and here are the last three he sent. The first two are about how happy a soldier's dog was to see him come home and the third one shocked me. I never knew there was a fourth verse to the "Star Spangled Banner" until I watched this Marine sing it. As they say, we never get too old to learn. I hope everyone enjoys these three videos. I am also posting them in one of Peter's threads HERE.

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/11/2012 2:41:47 AM

Kathleen I think the love of reading has to be instilled in the very early days of a child's life. Most people who love to read have always been readers for the most part but now there are too many distractions. My daughter and daugher-in-law and son and son-in-law too, started reading to their children before they were even old enough to understand what was being said to them. My daughter-in-law signed my youngest granddaughter up for Dolly Parton's book a month club. She'll get a new book once a month and that's not counting all the books her parents and grandparents have bought, until she's five years old, which won't be long now as her birthday is in July. I started buying books for my oldest, my grandson, when he was just a few months old and have continued buying for all four. By watching the sales you can get some really good bargains and no one loves a bargain more than I do. :)

In my opinion there are too many people out there who have no interest in reading anything, unless it's some way for them to find out something that might be to their advantage. (No I am not going there) :)


Hi Mary Evelyn,

Unfortunately, lots of voters don't even have a library card and probably haven't read an entire book since they left school.

Know what I always think about during elections when tons of people are driving other people to the polls, to make sure their candidate gets tons of votes?

Where are all those drivers all the other 1,460 days of the 4 years between elections, offering to drive people to the library? They don't!

It's unfortunate that USA public libraries have to have summer reading clubs and offer prizes to people who read a lot.

I've always thought it would be a good idea to only allow library-card holders to be able to vote, only people who check out at least 12 books per year, 48 books per every 4 years should be able to elect our officials. That might help.

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/11/2012 2:46:36 AM

What a GREAT job you did with this song Miguel. Thanks so much for bringing it here so we could listen to it. I throughly enjoyed it.

Happy weekend to you too. :)


Hi Evelyn and friends,

I hope you like this very romantic classic.

Wishing you a happy weekend,


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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/11/2012 3:26:56 AM

I probably don't need to post this video because it is blazing across the world and sooner or later you all will see it. I decided to make it sooner for some who haven't seen it yet. :))

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