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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/5/2012 5:03:42 AM
Hi Lydia,
It is so good to see you. I have thought of you often and hoped to see you back her on ALP. I always liked your post. Hope to see you soon again.

Hi all, I thank Mary Evelin for inviting me to this interesting forum.
I have long been absent from the Adland, it is interesting to see what's new.
I was just learning to work with a video camera and venture to suggest you look at a series of my first video - do not judge too harshly.
This is the video about the festival in our village in honor of Christmas and New Year.

Greetings from Russia, Lydia

Michael Caron

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/5/2012 7:16:04 AM

Helen I apologize if I misread your post, but I stand by what I said about life being all about choices and if you made all the right ones then I congratulate you because I certainly haven't and to correct some of my bad choices, took a lot of strength and courage on my part to stand up and make the needed changes. Sure, there are people who have had tragedies to face in their life but it is how they deal with those tragedies is again in the choices they make.

As far as anyone stealing money from me, I can't see that. Sure the government requires us to pay taxes and much of it is misspent, I agree, but I fail to see how banks and corporations have stolen money from me. I've never had a lot of money but I never thought it was because someone had stolen it from me and I still don't. I am far, far from being wealthy in money and material goods, but I do not envy or covet it from those that do. I've just never looked at it that way. That is life and life is not always fair, we just have to learn to deal with it and again how we deal with it is another "choice".


Hi Evelyn

You misread me, me thinks. I am not looking to get something "for free". Did I say that? I "worked" for it and then the government, the elite, the banks, the big corporations came along and stole it. It had NOTHING to do with my "poor choices". It has nothing to do with envy. Why would I envy thieves?

If someone earns his wealth fair and square, he owes no one anything and it's between him and God what he does with it. God does say to help the poor. However, most of the very wealthy did not earn it fair and square. They stole it ...from you, from me, from everyone they could.

I am going to go lie down now in some corner and let the thieves do what they will and when they want more of my money, I will just be a good taxpayer and give it to them. Then I will turn around and say it was all my own stupid fault and I'll just blame it on my "poor choices".

I hope you have a nice weekend, too.


Helen, I must say I was very surprised to see you supporting wealth redistribution, or as you prefer to call it, "wealth repayment", because as a Christian that is not supported by Biblical teachings. This is nothing more than envy, “a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another’s advantages, success, possessions, etc.” The Bible also agrees with this definition.
Each of us has arrived at this point in our lives by the decisions we've made, whether right or wrong, during our life time. I know personally that if I had made different choices, like getting a better education, I would most likely be in a much better position financially and otherwise. I can't blame my wrong choices on anyone but myself and never would I ask anyone, that has more than I do, to give me part of it. I was fortunate to have parents who instilled certain values in us and one of those values was to work for what we wanted. We never asked nor expected anyone to give us anything. Many people who think the world owes them the basics of life, have a history of making poor life choices with bad consequences, including poor choices regarding education.
The taxpayers of this land do not owe me anything and the vast majority of our government’s interventions in our lives robs us of a sense of our own personal responsibility. Neither I nor my children are entitled to a college education, free health care, free food, free housing, etc. In fact, as a Christian, I have promises from my God “to supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
Have a wonderful weekend. :)


Hello Peter

I think what I was trying to say that we have been doing nothing over the last 50 years about anything and the Occupiers are doing something about what bothers them <snip>
10_1_136.gifHi all,
GOD has given us a instruction manual, however not all the instructions are included. Twelve or more books from the bible have been locked away for years because the Vatican did not believe that we needed that information. Some of those hidden books have been released by the Vatican, but if you would like to buy a copy I believe each book costs around $5,000.00. It seams to me that the only people that could afford those books are the Elite. I always have and always will believe in GOD, however I do not know if I can ever believe in those that are suppose to be preaching the truth to us. I was born and raised Catholic and one day when I was a young teanager a member of our congregation was given a welcome home banquet by the church. I thought that perhaps he had just returned from the war zone, however one of my older sisters was paying a visit from California. I lived in Massachusetts at the time. After church, everyone was invited to the church hall to welcome Charlie Geer home. My sister had a mad look on her face and told my parents that she would meet them back at the house. My parents, one other sister and brother tried to get her to change her mind, but she was madder than I have ever seen her. As she walked off I ran after her and asked why she did not want to join us for the celebration. I mentioned that he must be a good man to fight for his country. She laughed. I was confused and asked what was funny. She explained to me that Charlie had worked for a company for ten years and was trusted with the companies money. He was also a Boy Scout leader. He made large donations to both the church and the Boy Scouts organization with money that he had been enbezzling from the company that trusted him with their money. It wasn't until he bought a brand new Cadillac that the company desided to investigate. When investigators went to the Boy Scouts organization and the church, both organizations denied that he ever made donations. He spent ten years in prison but got off in five for good behaviour. My parents told me to hurry up so we wouldn't be late. I told them that I wasn't hungry, took my sister by the hand and we walked home together. The Bible tells us that it is a sin to steal, however the two priests of our church was given a banquet for a thief. The reason that I am bringing this up is because there is good and bad in everyone.
None of us can retrace our steps and do things over, and I don't believe anyone enjoys being poor, however rather than denying that person , the bible says that you must help that person. In 1994 I was working as a cook for Kentucky Fried Chicken. I had to be there by 5:00a.m. and the busses did not run that early so I walked the one and a half miles each money. about the middle of June I began having chest pains that I attributed to having to lift trash cans weighing between eighty to one hundred pounds apiece because no one would help me, even though if the trashed weighted over fifty pounds, you had to get help. One morning, the pains were a little bit worse, but fortunely, someone was already taking the trash out when I got there. I clocked in, began preparing the flour to bread the chicken when the young man that I saw taking the trash out said that he would set it up for me. He had been sent over from another store because they had too much help. I thanked him, went up front and poured myself a cup of coffee, and began heading back. Suddenly, the cup in my hand felt like it weighed a ton and I began to shake and sweat. Instead of going back to my work station I went to the back break area. As I passed the man that was there to help me, I asked him to tell the supervisor to call 911. Instead, she came back and told me to go in the freezer to cool off and get back to work. I told her to call 911 or call the morgue because I was having a heart attack. She kept arguing with me and the young man went into the office and called 911. He came back and told me that he had called. She began hollering at him. I took my shirt off, and within minutes the medic was there. As they were examining me, she told them to hurry up so I could go back to work. The female medic glared at her and said, "Lady, he is not going back to work. He is in the middle of a heart attack!!" I learned later that as they were putting me in the back of the ambulance, the supervisor went into her office, deleted my name from the morning clock in and wrote a note saying that I had called in sick. About four weeks later, I had Triple-by-pass surgery. Shirley and I were not married at the time and she had not yet been approved for Disability, however she was at the hospital every morning and stayed till late at night. I learned later that there was not much food at home because we were not on food stamps and KFC would not release my paycheck to anyone but me. I am sorry this is long, however I want everyone to know what transpired. As Shirley was low on money, and never asked me for any, she would walk the eight miles to the hospital each morning, and walk back home at night. Even though both of her legs were burning, she did not fail to be there. Two people from our church offered to take her a couple of times, but many did not have the time. When I did find out from a friend that there was not much food at the house I asked to see someone that could help. We were put on emergency food stamps that day. Shirley had also contacted my brothers and sisters to inform them of my situation. A couple of my brothers sent a little bit of money. One of my sisters came to the house a couple of weeks after I had gotten out of the hospital. She couldn't come while I was in the hospital because she was too busy. She took Shirley to the grocers and bought us food. Quite a bit in fact. She also said that she was going to give us $500.00 to help us out. However, first, she wanted to visit with our priest. It still hurt me to move, but she insisted that I go with them. When we got there I introduced the priest to my sister. Shirley had given me her cane so that I could support myself. The conversation went well until my sister handed the priest $500.00 She told him that the way that she wanted to do it was that he put the money in the Saint Vincent DePaul account in my name. When I needed some money I was to inform the priest of how much I needed. If the priest felt that it was a good reason, he would either hand me the money or make a payment on whatever it was that I needed. In the next two months I had used about $200.00 of the money. I was able to walk by then but was still in pain. I was getting my medications from the VA hospital and Shirley was getting help with her medication. When I went back to the priest for a little more help, he said that the money was gone. I couln't believe my ears, and asked how it happened. He shrugged his shoulders and said that he didn't know. I asked him what I was going to do and he suggested that I get a job. I became aggitated and Shirley calmed me down and let me to the door. She told me that we would make it somehow. Even though she was in no shape to work, she went out and found a job in telemarketing. She was doing okay for awhile, but her boss started pressuring her to do more. She finally had a Grand Mall Seizure and when her episode was over, she told her boss that she could not do it anymore.
As I had said before, Shirley and I have always depended on each other, and most of the times that we have asked for temporary help from those that could afford it, they have turned us down. The people that have helped us over the years did not have much more money than we have had, but they shared what they had. Those with money won't give you the time of day. If you see someone with no shirt, give him the shirt off your back. If you see someone who is hungry, feed him. If you see someone without shelter, invite him in. For what you do for others you do also for me.
Many people say that if they could go back in time, they would correct their mistakes. I would not. I would not because if I were able to undo what was done in the past, I would not have my three grown children, and above all I would not have met Shirley. You cannot know what love truly is until you have experienced what love is not.

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
Helen Elias

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/5/2012 9:19:49 AM

Hello Evelyn and all

I just want to clarify my stand on the Occupy Movement.

I certainly do not agree with all that they are doing and/or saying. I do agree with some of it, however. When you get that many people together some things are not going to go too well.

What I am particularly impressed with is that they get out there and do something about it unlike 99% of the public who are too lazy to even write a letter or phone their representatives. That is the point, more than anything else, I am trying to make ...rightly or wrongly.

I won't be making any further comments on this subject. Composing these posts takes considerable time and I don't have time to spare right now. You can reply if you wish but I have some personal things that I simply have to attend to and until they are taken care of, you won't see much of me here unless it is something I can do in a minute :)) post a video or copy and paste an article.

God IS blessing you all ....those who are active and those who are just lurking in the background. Do you want to know how I know that? I prayed that He would bless each one of you and your families and friends :))



Helen I apologize if I misread your post, but I stand by what I said about life being all about choices and if you made all the right ones then I congratulate you because I certainly haven't and to correct some of my bad choices, took a lot of strength and courage on my part to stand up and make the needed changes. Sure, there are people who have had tragedies to face in their life but it is how they deal with those tragedies is again in the choices they make.

As far as anyone stealing money from me, I can't see that. Sure the government requires us to pay taxes and much of it is misspent, I agree, but I fail to see how banks and corporations have stolen money from me. I've never had a lot of money but I never thought it was because someone had stolen it from me and I still don't. I am far, far from being wealthy in money and material goods, but I do not envy or covet it from those that do. I've just never looked at it that way. That is life and life is not always fair, we just have to learn to deal with it and again how we deal with it is another "choice".


Hi Evelyn

You misread me, me thinks. I am not looking to get something "for free". Did I say that? I "worked" for it and then the government, the elite, the banks, the big corporations came along and stole it. It had NOTHING to do with my "poor choices". It has nothing to do with envy. Why would I envy thieves?

If someone earns his wealth fair and square, he owes no one anything and it's between him and God what he does with it. God does say to help the poor. However, most of the very wealthy did not earn it fair and square. They stole it ...from you, from me, from everyone they could.

I am going to go lie down now in some corner and let the thieves do what they will and when they want more of my money, I will just be a good taxpayer and give it to them. Then I will turn around and say it was all my own stupid fault and I'll just blame it on my "poor choices".

I hope you have a nice weekend, too.


Helen, I must say I was very surprised to see you supporting wealth redistribution, or as you prefer to call it, "wealth repayment", because as a Christian that is not supported by Biblical teachings. This is nothing more than envy, “a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another’s advantages, success, possessions, etc.” The Bible also agrees with this definition.
Each of us has arrived at this point in our lives by the decisions we've made, whether right or wrong, during our life time. I know personally that if I had made different choices, like getting a better education, I would most likely be in a much better position financially and otherwise. I can't blame my wrong choices on anyone but myself and never would I ask anyone, that has more than I do, to give me part of it. I was fortunate to have parents who instilled certain values in us and one of those values was to work for what we wanted. We never asked nor expected anyone to give us anything. Many people who think the world owes them the basics of life, have a history of making poor life choices with bad consequences, including poor choices regarding education.
The taxpayers of this land do not owe me anything and the vast majority of our government’s interventions in our lives robs us of a sense of our own personal responsibility. Neither I nor my children are entitled to a college education, free health care, free food, free housing, etc. In fact, as a Christian, I have promises from my God “to supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
Have a wonderful weekend. :)


Hello Peter

I think what I was trying to say that we have been doing nothing over the last 50 years about anything and the Occupiers are doing something about what bothers them <snip>
Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/5/2012 10:00:23 AM

Michael, your story is an example of why the government has to help the less fortunate. I don't see how else it can be done.

When you are down and out and sick, people should want to help you but most people would give you nothing. Those that would help, might give you $10 or $20 once every few months. This is not enough to live on. The problem with the government doing it, there are always those taking advantage of the system. I know that but I don't know how else it can be done.

Most of the people who complain about people being on welfare are usually quite well-off themselves and have had the fortune of not being sick. They are often the most selfish people on earth. Until a person has been there, they know nothing about your problems. Anyone who works at sweat shops like KFC and McD for lousy wages is trying and deserves my attention when they get sick.

Another thing that gets me about those that complain about welfare, they make it sound like these people are getting so much money. They need to try and live on it themselves. I had a friend who had 4 children (her husband had an affair with someone at work and left her). He never paid a dime of support and frankly I don't see how he could have done it on his wages. My friend had no alternative but to go on welfare for the time being. I remember the struggle it was for her each month. One week after her monthly cheque came she was broke ...after paying the rent and buying food. It is not fun. People don't want to hear these things because it makes them feel guilty about not helping out a bit.

There I go again. I said I would not compose any more letters and then I go do it again ...and probably get myself in more hot water.

I am glad you and Shirley have each other. God IS blessing you both and your families and friends. Look up!

Below is a video for you ..... for other great miracle videos, go to, click on It's Supernatural tab and then click on the Archive of Past Shows. It will keep you busy for a long time.

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Peter Fogel

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/5/2012 10:28:06 AM
Hi Lydia,

So good to see you here again. It's been ages and you've been missed.

Your village looks idyllic and a lovely place to live. Thanks for sharing th video with us.



Hi all, I thank Mary Evelin for inviting me to this interesting forum.
I have long been absent from the Adland, it is interesting to see what's new.
I was just learning to work with a video camera and venture to suggest you look at a series of my first video - do not judge too harshly.
This is the video about the festival in our village in honor of Christmas and New Year.

Greetings from Russia, Lydia

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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