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Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/3/2012 10:27:10 PM
Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed both videos, although the reunion to me was better.


Here's something that I got in my inbox this morning from a good friend and I think a lot of you will enjoy it.

If you were alive in 1957, and old enough to enjoy Rock and Roll, you will probably remember the group, "The Diamonds" who had just launched their super hit "Little Darlin' ". This should bring back a few memories. Ahhh yes, the good old days. I remember it well. Nice to see some things getting better with age!

In 1957, The Diamonds had a hit with "Little Darlin". 47 years later, they were requested to perform at Atlantic City .. Here are both performances.

Watch the first one then scroll down for the new one 47 years later.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/4/2012 1:02:24 AM
Hello Michael.
A very interesting video on vitamin B17 found in apricots and products that you can obtain readily enough.
I was very interested when they talked about the Hunzakuts in the Himalayan's, because years ago I use to be a consultant with Nutri Metics which their first product was Apricot kernel oil. I met Milford J Nobs known as Nobbie, the founder and CEO one time when he flew to NZ to do some speaking meetings with fellow consultants. He realised the beneficial significance of apricots from the citizens when he travelled to the Himalayan's and lived there for a time before he started the company. His booklet every new consultant got in their kit he had printed with photos of the people said that many people lived into their 100 years and they looked no older than maybe 80 years old, very fascinating.
Hello Mary Evelyn All

I think most people who watch this will be impressed, it may be a real cure for all types of cancer
. I think this video is really worth sharing with friends

G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17

Helen Elias

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/4/2012 1:20:45 AM

Hello Everyone

Yesterday I posted an article from Natural News about Monsanto. It turns out there was a mistake.

The following is what I got from Natural News today ... :(( There actually is awful news about Monsanto in the UK and Europe. Monsanto is even gloating about it ..see where I have highlighted the part in pink. :((

Dear NaturalNews readers,

We have a depressing correction to make this morning. Our "victory against GMOs" story about the UK turns out to be old news rather than good news. We had ran a search for "Monsanto" on the Daily Mail website, and it turned up our source story, dated February 3, 2012. But as it turns out, that was some sort of date glitch on the Daily Mail website, and that article was actually published in 2003!

We have a captured screen shot from the Daily Mail's own search engine, showing the incorrect date on the article. View it here:

(For those of you in the USA looking at this photo, remember that in the UK, the day and month are reversed, so 03/02 means February 3rd, not March 2nd.)

Monsanto contacted us this morning and insisted they had not retreated from the UK at all, and in fact they had made great strides in the UK and across Europe. We have also since confirmed with Daily Mail that this story is from 2003, not 2012.

So, my friends, I regret to inform you that things are far worse than we had hoped. GMOs have not been defeated in Europe, and our optimism was mistaken. This is a lesson in misplaced optimism, it seems...

I truly regret the confusion this has caused, but of course it was not intentional on our part. We thought we were quoting an article from today, February 3rd, 2012.

On the side of actual good news, it is true that an anti-GMO rally is scheduled for February 21 in Hawaii:

And regardless of the situation in the UK, NaturalNews will continue to fight for food freedom, food safety and the protection of non-GMO crops against what I call "seed imperialism" being conducted by Monsanto and other companies.

We've also posted a new video today about new science showing the dangers of GMOs, this is a video of me on the Alex Jones Show recently:

We will continue our grassroots efforts to demand GMO labeling on foods, to protect farmers against GMO crop contamination, to inform consumers about the dangers of GMOs, and to protect the enviornment from the devastating destruction caused by GMOs.

end of letter from Mike Adams

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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/4/2012 3:35:27 AM
Hi Evelyn and friends,
Looks like you folks are having a good time in here. I have been busy the last few days. I sure enjoyed seeing The Diamonds and Little Darling have always like that song. I just enjoyed the first and the last. Both sounded great to me.

Remember this guy:

Helen Elias

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/4/2012 11:52:32 AM

Hello Peter

I think what I was trying to say that we have been doing nothing over the last 50 years about anything and the Occupiers are doing something about what bothers them which may or may not be the debt and other issues. Everything I was saying was meant to be a generality. I did tend to lump it all together and I should have clarified that.

I saw a few Occupiers interviewed and generally it was conceded that not all of them had the same issues that they wanted addressed but some of them made a lot of sense. A few didn't and of course, I understand that the liberal-biased media would slant the stories.

People keep mentioning the redistribution of wealth as some sort of sin. When it comes to distributing wealth, I think a lot of these people who want wealth distribution are calling it the wrong thing. A lot of them DID work for it and the vultures (so-called elite) came along and stole it and all of us have the right to have what was ours if it is stolen from us, right??? It should be called wealth repayment. I wonder how well-off most of us would be it the money had not been stolen from us.

It wasn't right that the CEOs were being paid several millions per year and bonuses on top of that. No one can convince me that they weren't stealing from us. There is only so much money to go around in a corporation and if it is grabbed by the few at the top, it sooner or later will make the company go down the toilet. They steal these millions in salaries and bonuses and then when the company is going under they are stealing MORE from us in the way of bailouts. The first thing they did is not only pay themselves salaries but ALSO BONUSES. I demand that some of that stolen money be redistributed back to me and the rest of the people.

Another example is the central banking systems. The US and Canada's central banks at one time belonged to us, the people. Then a few already-wealthy people got together and stole these central banks from us and then instead of us paying interest to our own central bank that we owned, we are now paying interest on our respective governments debts to these vultures. They didn't do this for our good. They did it for their interests of getting more and more money and more than that, getting control of us and our government. I don't blame people for wanting that money back.

Do you know that we would have to pay around 75% to 90% less income tax if we had not given our banks away?

Don't tell me that this wealth should not be given back to us. Also a lot of the Occupiers do have jobs and professions. They are sick of pay, pay, pay while the rich pay less (percentage wise) than their secretaries. They are having a tough time making ends meet because taxes and fees are skimmed off of the top. Even before they pay their rent or mortgage, before they even can buy groceries for their families and before they buy shoes for their kids, the government takes theirs first mostly from the middle class while the rich are paying less and they are paying more and more and more. Even Warren Buffett says he gets away with paying less tax than the people who work for him. To his credit, he does not think this is right. It would be interesting to know what, if anything, is he doing about it. What is stopping him, for example, from paying his people bonuses?

The elite vultures are also responsible for creating a dam of the money. Instead of it being spent and circulated and kept flowing, it is hoarded and held back like a dam. When a dam is built, it holds back a big reservoir of the water so the rivers below it are drying up and fish don't live there (they are all in the reservoir and not allowed to get past the dam and downstream where the people live). This hurts everyone downstream. In the same way, the vultures hold back the money from going downstream from them. I shouldn't call them vultures. Vultures have more usefulness than these putrid elite.

Yes, if I became wealthy I would not like someone telling me I have to share it with others. However, it is exactly what I would be doing. My wealth would be kept flowing. I would not just be giving handouts. My goal would be more to help people get to where they can help themselves ...a handup. But that is another story.

We are given to understand that these big corporations know better than we do how to invest the money and yet it has been proven over and over again that it is the small businesses that provide more jobs but the corporations cannot stand the competition you know.

I realize this is not a political forum and I do not think these are political issues. At least, in my mind it is non-partisan issues that all should be interested . I also admit that I have not been following the Occupy Movement as much as should if I want to comment on it so now I am going to shut up.

I began to realize that maybe our talks were taking a political turn ,however, so I posted some videos to "change the subject" if you will.

Have a good day!


Hi Helen,

I read your post about debt and the occupiers being the only ones talking about reducing the debt and I was a bit surprised.
Who dreamt we would have the debt we now have and everyone is still more or less silent except for the Occupiers.
The occupiers couldn't care less about the debt and it's not even on their agenda. The only people talking about reducing the debt and the size of the government is the Tea Party.

The main cause of the occupiers is the redistribution of wealth. A totally communistic approach of getting their fair share of your dime with out working for it.

I refrained from posting about this and other political issues here since this isn't a political forum but sort of a no mans land where people of different political beliefs can come and discuss all sorts of topics excluding politics. There are enough threads dealing with politics and conspiracy theories and I was happy to see this thread bringing every body together from opposite sides of the political spectrum and having fun with each other.

I've written extensively on the occupy movement with accompanying articles and I invite you to read my latest post today about the occupy movement rejecting their religious supporters and left wing Christian groups and Churches that support the occupy movement. You can read it here.



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