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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/1/2012 1:14:43 PM

Good morning Helen, yes that is definitely an eye opener. This guy can really tickle those ivories. Thanks and have a wonderful day.


Here's something to wake you up!

RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/1/2012 8:40:41 PM

Inspirational Quote of the Day

Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody is watching.

Mark Twain / Samuel Clements

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/1/2012 8:55:54 PM

I'm very glad February is here so I can start practicing eating chocolates so I'll be perfect at it when Valentine's Day arrives! :)~

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/1/2012 9:26:24 PM
Hello Myrna,
Hot off the press, I wrote a poem while I am still composing my letter..

Fluoride the Silent Deadly Chemical Weapon

The FDA and American Dental Association approve and enforce
this fluoride cocktail into our water supply and tell us it is law!
because they say it prevents childrens tooth decay
This same FDA who approves dangerous drugs that kill and maim?

How can enforcing known poisonous chemical weapons be law?
this is assault and if you have a well they say they will put it in your bore
Treason and Medical Tyranny is the name of the game
Let's wake up and say to this New World Order - No Way!

There are tablets you can give to your child if you really prefer
putting in general water supply with no options is more than I can endure.
Fluoride is a deadly poison, and there are many facts
why they even use these ingredients to kill off Rats!

This is making our children into Fluoride Heads whom are dumbed down
surely we can not accept this farse, fraud, deception laying down
there are more adults than children, toothpaste should be enough?
it effects every human, animal, pet, in our food. Enough of this stuff !

America has the highest cancers on record and it is through the roof
obesity, diabetes, lung diseases, malnutrition is getting up there too
Fluoride, silently deadly has its lethel effects on every part of our bodies
Please, against this great travesty, we have to boldly lobby

Amanda Martin-Shaver ©
1 February 2012

Hi Evelyn,
Just dropped in for a minute, so behind, but saw this from Amanda.
Hi Evelyn,
Sulfur is clean and has lots of minerals, people pay lots to got to sulfur springs and bathe! *grin*
Well as a suggestion you could pour your drinking water into pitchers that are not plastic. Perhaps even glass bottles.
I have been buying more products in glass jars and bottles lately, even paying a little more so I can keep the containers to reuse.
I also decided after I did find that fluoride is in our water supply from searching online our water supplier and thought I might be able to start with information or lobbying at our local area.
I called them this morning and spoke with a guy at the water station itself and said..I want to report I am being poisoned from your water supply and I want to lodge a complaint..Then I went on to tell him about the ingredients in fluoride to which he replied he knew as he had done research online and found out too, but went on to say he had not choice or say.. I reminded him that when everyone whom knows something keeps quiet then they are condoning. We had a good talk although at one stage he tried the - distraction method..and asked me if I pump my own gas, which I replied I did (no one pumps gas at the stations for you like they do in Oregon whereby you are not permitted to pump your own) so he went on to say that the fumes from the gas harms other people nearby or if I am standing by the pump - which I don't. I put the nozzle onto automatic and move away. So I said, that was not a very good example because I do not fill my vehicle everyday or around gas all day and I have not choice about the contents of my water and cannot opt out. He gave me the phone number of the General Manager so I called him and spoke with him too, he asked me to write a letter to the board and perhaps I could come in and talk with them.
So I will compose a letter and some copies of ingredients and health problems etc and go to the library to print out as our printer is a hit and miss and often will not print very well.
I may be invited to go speak with them so I will have to think up some creative visuals to go along with my speech.
Thank you Amanda for getting this info out, and would you post a copy of what you write, I would like to use it too. You say things so well.

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Mary Evelyn's Koffee Klatch
2/1/2012 9:33:22 PM
LOL I have a chockie weakness too...we just got to make sure they do not have artificial sweetness that has aspartame.


I'm very glad February is here so I can start practicing eating chocolates so I'll be perfect at it when Valentine's Day arrives! :)~


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