The tricks being pulled are becoming more obvious and ridiculous.
James and I ate at a small cafe in our small town of Denton last Friday and it was real busy and no tables available so we sat at the counter on stools there. An older guy in his 70s sat beside me and we got talking. He was so aware of what is happening around him and has a computer which he shared the link of where he goes as well as he consults his bible.
Then yesterday I had to go into Denton to pay some bills and I got talking with some more people who did not have a computer for one reason or another. They were alert too and one guy had his gun strapped on his hip like the old western movies.
Many whom I have spoken with over the months are fully aware of what is happening in our neck of the woods and they apparently see through the lies of the Presstitude Media the their propaganda. This is reassuring that our town will stand firm against treason and tyranny that may try to come in and take over our area.
Quote: Hi Jim,False Flag Dirty Tricks Against Ron Paul Campaign Fully Exposed The Intel Hub January 17, 2012 In the last few months we have seen countless attacks on Ron Paul and his 2012 presidential campaign. Whether it be outright lies by the corporate controlled media or fake campaign videos made to look like Ron Paul is insane, the fact remains that there is an organized and concerted effort to disrupt and potentially destroy any chance Ron Paul has for a victory in 2012. Recently The Intel Hub published an article, contributed by The End Run, that documented the latest planned attacks on the Ron Paul campaign which involved dressing up as KKK members and pretending to be Paul supporters. Coming on the heels of last week’s dirty deception by the Huntsman campaign, several rabidly anti-Ron Paul political activists have been caught planning another vicious “false flag”-style dirty trick against the presidential candidate and his supporters, this time in South Carolina, where the next GOP primary will take place. The plot, which was being hatched over Facebook, involved dressing up in hooded Ku Klux Klan (KKK) robes, posing as Ron Paul supporters (complete with Ron Paul signs), and “follow[ing] Paul around South Carolina”, making “sure to get photographed by the media.” ***** The proposed plot against Ron Paul is similar to one that was carried out against his son Rand Paul during his Senate campaign, when a supporter of Democrat Jack Conway dressed up as a “Rand fan” to try to make Rand Paul supporters look crazy and racist in front of the media, but was later caught participating in a march for Conway. He was subsequently identified as Tyler Collins, a liberal activist who campaigned for Barack Obama. You can listen to the full podcast here or in the audio player above. You can also download the mp3 here. Note: If you support Ron Paul and want to help us expose these dirty tricks, please share this article and podcast with your friends and family as well as send this information to the numerous pro Ron Paul websites.