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Jim Allen

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RE: One Reason Why No Republican But Ron Paul Will Be President
11/10/2012 3:44:13 PM
Thanks for sharing Michael. We must strive for excellence and freedom everyday otherwise you get what we got. Only 32% of Registered Republicans showed up to vote. That should tell us something, the candidate offered up SUCKED. Two elections in a row they offered up weak candidates. The folks that could have won were shunned and shut out. The Republican party has been overrun by progressives and it is time to end this duopoly that is now been taken over by the Communist Progressive Movement. It will be a long time before we reverse the damage the past two elections have caused. It can be traced back to 2006 when the Dems took over congress and forced many bad bills through congress. We were sold out by the Republican Party in my view, they didn't want to win.

Along With Ron Paul

We must all keep fighting EVIL
... AS

The End of All Evil Is Near

Some tools to help us achieve our objectives Go watch this video

Join Freedom Force International (from link under video)

Go download and read this book End Of All Evil

The pdf may take a little time to load.

We must make this happen, no-one is going to save us, but us.

Regards Michael

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: One Reason Why No Republican But Ron Paul Will Be President
11/15/2012 2:29:53 AM
Hello Jim

Yes Ron Paul supporters did no vote for Romney. So now here is a view of the Obama future

What will wake people up? maybe the picture.

How Obama Will Force You Into the Stack’n Packs Agenda 21

Russell Scott said:

The real brains behind the coming Agenda 21-inspired mass migration from the suburbs to the inner cities is Mike Krulig and his new group of community advisors, ''Building One America''. Their secretive agenda has been mostly achieved by Obama’s appointment of like-minded community activists to his staff. In fact, Krulig was one of Obama’s original community organizing mentors from the President’s Chicago Southside days. The word stealth applies because a damning photo depicting Krulig and Obama meeting at the Whitehouse in 2011 which appeared on the Building One America website. However, this type of publicity would not have been good for the swing voters living in America’s suburbs. Obama’s people had the video scrubbed as well as the search engine links. However, the Breitbart people retained a copy of the picture. This begs the question, if the Building One America plan is so good for America, why would the Obama people conceal his affiliation with Krulig and his group of Agenda 21 social engineers?

Kruglik’s Agenda 21 friendly group, Building One America, proposes the creation of a regional tax-base sharing revenues in which suburban tax money is directly redistributed to nearby cities and economically depressed concentric zones of inner-ring suburbs. Building One America also seeks to move the poor out of cities by imposing mandatory low-income-housing quotas for middle-class suburban developments.


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