American Republican Candidates - How To Choose One?
Hello All
There are still many good candidate running for primaries to select a good Republican candidate. How do you select one?
Firstly let me tell you a story. When I was young my older than average father would often try to guide me on major decisions in my life. He, on occasions said to me "when you get older you gain knowledge that is hard to explain" I immediately thought " That's because your mind has dulled and you can't explain something that is simple" But I know realize I was wrong to think this. The truth is that when you get older, your knowledge goes to such a high level that the younger person would not have the life experience to understand it.
So now, when talking to my children I find myself in a similar position.
With the candidate's in the U.S. primaries, you have a very good field and most people, if the could, would take the best of all candidates and craft their super candidate. Unfortunately you cannot do this you must chose one.
But what if one candidate was much more intelligent than the rest, a real genius who could not explain to you how good he was. How would you recognize this?
Well if I was able to choose a taxi cab driver at the rank; firstly I would ask a few questions, like; how long have you been driving cabs? Do you know this area? Do you charge the standard fee. can your taxi cab accommodate a disabled person or a blind persons dog etc
Now say they all gave satisfactory answers...
Well I would choose the person who had been driving in that area for the longest. Why because there are unrealized advantages. Like; He would know the shortest route, He would drive at a speed that would give you a smoother ride and catch all the green traffic lights.
He would avoid roads with high accident or crime rates. He would know where hospital or emergency services were, just in case I became ill, and a lot more.
You see now that there are many things that you have not thought off, right.
So think a while before you vote.....
Choose a candidate who is anti war and who said .... WAR is a last resort.