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Jim Allen

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RE: Ron Paul 2012 - Wins Again
11/17/2011 6:08:06 PM
Hey Helen,

Could be ;-) that is the case. I admit that I did butter up my clients, many women so they would like me well enough to spend their dollars with me.

I have lived on straight commission sales all my life and when you find something that works you do it more often. Being a womanizer in that sense has fed my family and educated my kids and supports some of them today.

My wife knew she was marrying a salesman and also accepted the fact that being nice to the women always made for a fair paycheck at the end of the week.

Not many today know this way of working because everyone thinks they need a guaranteed income. You don't and I am living proof of it.


Hello Jim lll and POTW

You said " Give me a womanizer any day! Remember Clinton? Kennedy? Womanizers GET THE JOB DONE!"


It wouldn't be that it takes one to know one, would it?


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Ron Paul 2012 - Wins Again
11/18/2011 7:50:40 PM
Hello All,

I have read through the posts.

My ten cents worth on these debates and even on election day - the polls have been rigged as we have seen Ron Paul's scores get dropped off the charts or MSM do not even mention him and extol onto the next highest score... Then votes will be rigged once again to be a shoo-in for whomever the Elited Govt want to keep the status quo of destroying the United States Corporation (yes this country is a Corporation and has been for a long time without most people even aware of it) Socialistic country and the New World Order.

The general population will seem to have a say but they don't because their Elites chosen men are on both sides of the parties who look like they disagree in public but are buddies behind the scenes.

There will be nothing we can do about it while the masses still sit in their lazy-boys watching MSM channels as the Globals hold all the cards with latest technology, power/police/etc, their corruption knows no bounds and they are not afraid to use them

Sharing a catchy song from Ray Stevens.

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Ron Paul 2012 - Wins Again
11/22/2011 4:57:41 AM

$7Billionaire may decide to run if he thinks Ron Paul or anyone else can't defeat Obama:

Donald Trump was serious earlier this year and had his finances declared in case he still decides to run for President:

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Ron Paul 2012 - Wins Again
12/4/2011 6:15:37 PM

Ron Paul probably made the wrong decision on this...because Newt Gingrich already said Yes to this debate hosted by Donald Trump on Dec 27th. So what if Trump is what Ron Paul refers to as a "reality show host"? Ronald Reagan was an actor before becoming Prez! So why can't Donald Trump host a debate? He has the largest private-holdings in New York, over $9 billion worth of business holdings in 2010, he wasn't always a "reality show host", just for the past few years. If Ron Paul wants a chance to become President for a few years, he should be on every debate from now until the nominee is chosen.

From ...

<< Donald Trump’s organization is the largest privately held company in the New York metropolitan area.
The Trump Organization had estimated 2010 revenues of $9.2 billion, with 20,300 employees and interests in real estate development, hotels, casinos, golf courses, entertainment and product licensing, according to Crain’s New York Business.
The publication reported that it ranked New York-area companies that are “independent, privately held entities with no parent. Nonprofits, hospitals, mutual companies, travel agencies and partnerships — including accounting firms, law firms, and consulting firms — are excluded.”
The petrochemical firm Transammonia Inc. was second on the list with $8.4 billion in revenues last year. Also in the top 10 was business news provider Bloomberg LP (No. 4 with $6.9 billion). >>

Helen Elias

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RE: Ron Paul 2012 - Wins Again
12/4/2011 6:28:38 PM

Hi Barb and others

Most of the media are liberals, Democrats. They don't want Ron Paul to win because they know he could win over Obama. The Democrats want a Republican to run for president who is not as likely to win as Ron Paul. Snakes! The party system should be outlawed as Ralph Nader said a few years ago. No Democrats, No Republicans, Just Independents.



Hi Michael,

Thanks for putting this up. When people understand the truth they
can't be for anyone else but Ron Paul. The reason why the media
tries to minimilize him is that he is the biggest threat to the establishment.
No better example of this than the most recent debate where he was
given just 89 seconds out of 90 minutes. The only way to get back on
the right path is to elect Ron Paul so we can get back to real freedom
and liberty and abiding by the constitution.

Helen, Ron Paul is not against Israel. He is against foreign aid which
is not constitutional. Foreign aid to any country never gets to the
people that it really needs to go to. It is simply a bribe and a way to
control other countries. The best way to deal with other countries is
supporting good charities. That is what works best.

The only way we can save the US and in turn have a positive impact
on the world is by getting back to the constitution. Have a great day!

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»

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