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Jim Allen

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RE: Ron Paul 2012 - Wins Again
11/14/2011 12:27:46 PM
These debates have become a laughing stock and they whole CBS poll you showed people whining about barely had 100,000 votes when it disappeared. Could this have been the reasoning for removing it?
So this debate was overshadowed because it showed up on CBS. Who the hell watches CBS? I don't! and Didn't watch this one either. Wished I had watched the last one for the comedy break but sleep seemed like a better option at the time.

Paul has been part of the same congresses that allowed much of this to happen for the past 40 years, like the rest it is time for him to go. Give me a womanizer any day! Remember Clinton? Kennedy? Womanizers GET THE JOB DONE!

Ron Paul 2012 - Wins Again - Nov 12th 2011 CBS Debate (MUST SEE) Corrupt Media Proof!!! See Youtube Video Below

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Barb Doyle

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RE: Ron Paul 2012 - Wins Again
11/14/2011 7:09:50 PM

Hi Michael,

Thanks for putting this up. When people understand the truth they
can't be for anyone else but Ron Paul. The reason why the media
tries to minimilize him is that he is the biggest threat to the establishment.
No better example of this than the most recent debate where he was
given just 89 seconds out of 90 minutes. The only way to get back on
the right path is to elect Ron Paul so we can get back to real freedom
and liberty and abiding by the constitution.

Helen, Ron Paul is not against Israel. He is against foreign aid which
is not constitutional. Foreign aid to any country never gets to the
people that it really needs to go to. It is simply a bribe and a way to
control other countries. The best way to deal with other countries is
supporting good charities. That is what works best.

The only way we can save the US and in turn have a positive impact
on the world is by getting back to the constitution. Have a great day!

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Ron Paul 2012 - Wins Again
11/14/2011 7:26:57 PM

Hi Barb, Michael, Amanda, Jim, Helen, and all...

What we're really seeing is...people vote on looks, unfortunately, since the dawn of television, putting Nixon next to Kennedy, putting Fred Thompson next to more attractive candidates a few years ago, and putting Ron Paul next to more attractive candidates for the past few years, the media is deciding what the public wants to look at, and for how long, and the media is deciding that the world may not want to look at Ron Paul for 4 to 8 years. If we were still in the days of radio, no TV, Ron Paul would have a much better chance of being much farther ahead.

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Ron Paul 2012 - Wins Again
11/14/2011 8:03:49 PM

CBS cut the debate to put on a TV show, that's how some American media outlets "think". Then the people who finished watching the final 30 minutes online had to put up with a choppy feed that kept freezing.

I wonder if CBS hosts another debate that has Ron Paul in it, if they'll give him an extra second and deduct a second from everyone else?

What sound could he have made in 1 second that would have made a difference?

I remember Ron Paul said waterboarding hundreds of war prisoners in the hopes of getting 1 to say something of value wasn't worth it. BUT HIS supporters think whatever sound he could have made in 1 second would have been extremely worthwhile. Is there any word that can be said in 1 second that will have impact on choosing from a field of several potential nominees?

Let's hope CBS gives Ron Paul an extra second, and hope that CBS doesn't cut anymore debates by one-third of the time and then send people to a choppy online finish.


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