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RE: Truth tellers
10/21/2013 4:12:27 AM

Message from Montague Keen – October 20, 2013

imageAs I read through this Montague, I found much that aligns with the work we’ve been doing here in the Northeast US. And it also highlights the constructive things that are occurring as the old systems fall.


Message from Montague Keen – October 20, 2013


Ponder on these wise words. It is important that you fully understand them. You are creating your future. Do not be alarmed at the bodily changes you are experiencing. They are preparing you to become the Beings of Light that you are. Like the butterfly, you are emerging from the chrysalis, awakening to who and what you are. Do not be alarmed when you experience EXTREME HEAT or COLD, DIZZINESS, alterations in your way of dealing with life, sleep, eating habits, etc. See each change as a stepping stone to fulfillment. There is no need to feel alarmed or seek medical help. It is a natural process. Welcome it.

Everything is happening at a pace that is acceptable to each of you. All will become clear in the fullness of time. The chains that bind you are falling away. You are becoming free of all restrictions. Go forward with confidence, as this is your true path.

The exposure is expanding at a rate of knots. Those at the top of the pyramid, know that they cannot hold on much longer. We promised that the corrupt structures would crumble and fall. Good people are coming to the fore and they are preparing the way for the 99% to take control. Such people are in place all over your world, ready and able to take the reins and so keep humanity functioning on an even keel. You have become so accustomed to taking orders and obeying laws, but this is your opportunity to make a more just world for all humanity. Do not be tempted to make hasty decisions. Keep calm and consider carefully the plans you are hoping to put into operation: they must benefit all of humanity. You must ensure that never again will it be possible for a minority to plunder and control your world. You have waited a long time for this moment, for mankind to be free and for the killing to stop forever.

It is important to educate the young, and to remove all the dumbing down practices that are in force. Open the minds of the young to all possibilities. Ensure that your TRUE HISTORY is taught by freeing their minds to explore without restriction. Every kind of prejudice must be removed and left in the past. It may take time, but I assure you, the people of the world will learn to celebrate their differences and share their knowledge. When ancient knowledge from all over your world is shared, the greater understanding of your world will benefit everyone.

You have so much to look forward to. Think how exciting it will be, to be able to freely explore the far reaches of the Earth without hindrance of any sort. All the laws that serve to make life on Earth a real struggle will be removed.

FREE ENERGY is a Number 1 priority. We have guided many to research and explore this, so that they are ready to take the necessary action when the timing is right. ORGANIC FARMING plus HYDROPONICS must be researched and readied for action. The land that was used for genetically modified crops is contaminated. It will need about 100 years to recover before it is safe to cultivate once more. We will guide you at every stage along the way. Everything that is done must be for the benefit of all mankind.

The laboratories that we are planning will be a major part of the Centers that will be in every country of the world. These will help to eliminate most of the illnesses that are causing concern, which are mostly man-made so as to keep you in fear and under control. All the ancient remedies are now being researched. They are safe and are producing amazing results. What is important here is that they are all NATURAL, so they cannot harm. They can only benefit. Veronica, herself, has benefited greatly from one such remedy that was kindly given to her by a fellow researcher, D.M., to whom I am extremely grateful. His work is just beginning.

When people come together everything is possible, People power can achieve so much. Take courage from what the people of Ireland are doing *). They are showing the way forward. The corruption that was used to imprison the people must be challenged. You are only now realizing that it can be challenged through the Law Courts. Banking is a corrupt institution. It was designed as such. It has been extremely successful in controlling your world. Their control must cease, and with your help, it will. You will be shown how to proceed. It can be done legally and openly. This is the way ahead. This is how you take control of your lives. Remove all the control from the Vatican and the banks. The people have found their voice, and now they are being listened to.

I would like to extend my thanks to all who sent their good wishes and advice to my wife during this stressful time.

Thank you all for your good wishes and advice regarding the accident that resulted in my car being written off. It meant a lot to me. I was so very stressed. It was a shock. I would like to thank AVIVA INSURANCE LTD. Everyone there was so helpful. They were kindness itself. They made the whole ordeal of losing my car as stress-free as possible. I am very grateful to them. Unfortunately, finding a replacement car has proved a problem. So many blocks have been placed in my way, so at the moment I am still without a car. A dear friend is trying to help me. Your good wishes are really appreciated.


My dear, we in spirit are watching things unfold. It is an exciting time. We walk alongside you.

Your adoring, Monty.

*) Here’s an example of the action that the Irish people are taking:
The Irish Banking Revolution – October 2013 – GC″>iQFFK20wOD0

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RE: Truth tellers
11/4/2013 3:32:32 PM
Message from Montague Keen - November 3, 2013
The veil is being lifted from all that had been hidden from you. Designated people are coming forward to reveal and explain what is happening so that you may be prepared when the shift happens. The next few months will completely expose the illusion and all the institutions involved in creating it. The restrictions that have kept you locked into it are being removed every day. You have lived in an hypnotic trance that has served to control the whole of your lives from birth to death. You now see the propaganda for what it is and you no longer buy into it. Those within the Cabal, know that it cannot survive in its present form. They have failed !
You will quickly become aware of the infighting as they compete for power in a world that no longer recognizes them. Their power is melting away and there is no currency on Earth that will buy them forgiveness. It has to come from the heart, if they truly repent and plead for forgiveness. The people will decide (with guidance) which course of action should be taken. You must prepare to make such decisions.
Those who have done the most damage to mankind will have to face the consequences of their actions. The people will decide and this will be done in an orderly fashion. You need to show that you are now in control and will consider all applications for forgiveness. By studying the true history of your beautiful planet and disregarding all the so-called history which you were taught, you will then be equipped to deal with each case on its own merit.
As the first signs of surrender become obvious, you must insist that all chemtrails cease forthwith, all fluoridation of the water is stopped, and all vaccinations are destroyed. Humanity will never again have to face such evil manipulation of life on Earth. There will be a mass return to nature and all things natural.
It is time to make all the necessary preparations in order to be ready to proceed without delay. A whole new way of life will open up. All the stress that was carefully manipulated to keep you down and in control, will be removed. You have friends from other planets, all in position, and ready to come to Earth in order to share their technology. They will help you to understand what needs to be done as you take over your planet. They will help to guide the Earth on its rightful path to peace and harmony.
These are the End Days: the end of all that is corrupt, controlling, and evil in its darkest sense. The pollution of Planet Earth and the removal of all human life in order to prepare it for other species, has been halted. Pedophilia and mind control have been used extensively to create fear and to destroy the minds of the innocent. Those involved in such activities will be exposed and they will be faced with the true horror of their actions. All those who were involved in the cover-up of the pedophilia and murder are as guilty as those they were protecting. This is a time for the truth to be faced in order that such activities will never again be tolerated. There is never a just reason to hurt another. The depraved minds which have reveled in the torture of innocent children cannot be allowed to continue on Earth without a complete overhaul of what they believe to be acceptable. Man will quickly learn to live in peace and no barriers will be acceptable in the future. The family of Man will thrive and a future will be created which will embrace all the so-called differences, whether of creed or race.
You will be faced with a clean slate: ensure that the things you desire will benefit all. Never again think of us and them. Soon, all divisions will disappear and the nightmare that was life on Earth for hundreds of years, will fade from memory, in order to create the best future at this great time of change. Everything is in place for this to happen, so when the timing is right, it will all just fall into place as planned.
Be prepared, my friends ! This is what we ask of you. Know what is expected of you and take action at the moment it is required. You should be making plans now; but do not write them down, as everything is intercepted and reported. You are not fully aware of the extent of the control system that operates in your world. Even your thoughts can be intercepted, and they often are.
This is your opportunity to free mankind and your planet and this is why you are on Earth at this time. Many approach you with false promises, all designed to trick you into revealing private information. Your controllers are very clever. They would not have succeeded otherwise, so be aware that they will use every trick possible to entrap you. Every time you are attacked, it reveals the desperation they are experiencing. It will not be long before they run out of ideas.
The light cannot be stopped. It was written that at this time that the light will triumph over the dark and peace will return to an Earth that is suffering from all the wars that are being waged at this time.
Look at the REAL REASONS for such wars and you will be shocked. You will wonder how you could ever have been foolish enough to trust those who instigate these wars. As I have said many times, nothing is as it seems.
Just realize that you are being lied to. Do your own research, as nothing is hidden from those who have the desire for truth. Soon, even your television and so-called newspapers will have to adapt to the truth, as people refuse to accept the lies anymore. You will experience the triumph of good over evil. How exciting is that !
Enjoy this transition. Come together and celebrate your success with laughter and good cheer, all as one, happy to be part of a future that will surpass all your dreams.
Together we will do it.
My love, try to relax. Rest whenever possible, and be prepared.
Always, your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation
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RE: Truth tellers
11/5/2013 5:10:46 PM
Hi Myrna, I guess this thread of yours is the place to post the below report.

Scary finding on supplements

Herbal-Supplement Scam: Tests Reveal Fake and Dangerous Ingredients

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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RE: Truth tellers
11/5/2013 7:00:45 PM
Hi Myrna, I guess this thread of yours is the place to post the below report.

Scary finding on supplements

Herbal-Supplement Scam: Tests Reveal Fake and Dangerous Ingredients

Hi Miguel,

Thanks for the post on the herbal supplements. Yes this is scary, but what really is behind it?

I guess they think the FDA gets away with all the poisons they but in the drugs, so they just joined them.

How can the FDA say anything, with all the poisons they have been giving to people for years.
All medication have side effects.

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RE: Truth tellers
11/11/2013 5:54:56 AM
Hi Everyone. I just think Monty is about the best of telling what is happening. I love his posts.

Message from Montague Keen – November 10, 2013… “We Are on the Cusp of Something So Great”

montague_keen_veronica13In the last paragraph, when Monty states, “There is one who has been entrapped by the Cabal in order to prevent him from completing his mission. He needs your love…”, I presume he could be speaking of Obama, however there are also many others, in similar political (and other) situations, who could use our Light as well.

“…The next four months should bring about some of the changes that need to happen. It would cause too much disruption for you to cope with, if everything happened at once. That would cause chaos and you don’t need that. We will try to do everything in an orderly fashion so as not to confuse you. Have no doubt, your world is about to change out of all recognition. It will become a joy to be on Earth. All the false prophets who have preached hellfire and damnation, will disappear into oblivion very quickly. The only religion you will choose to acknowledge is the “religion of love” as was taught in ancient Ireland. This was condemned and silenced by the Church of Rome.”


Message from Montague Keen – November 10, 2013

We talked about Project Bluebeam some time ago. Governments are now making decisions as to whether to go ahead with it. They are trying to buy time but I can assure you, it will backfire on them. The majority of people are aware of Project Bluebeam and they will see through it, no matter how impressive they make it. The way the governments see it, desperate situations require desperate measures. Your friends from Andromeda are fully aware of what is happening and they are planning to arrive on Earth to expose what the governments are doing in order to try to hang on to control. The Andromedans have prepared everything that your world could possibly need to free you from the domination and control of the Cabal.

You have nothing to fear from the Andromedans. They are fellow beings of light. They want to reunite with you once more. Be prepared for the many changes that you will have to quickly adapt to. When you are fully in the light, you will wonder how you ever survived in the extreme darkness of your controlled imprisonment. You have not yet begun to understand just how controlled you are. You have always just accepted it as the norm. It is time to look at the small print: you do not own your house, your car, or your children. You are charged taxes on every conceivable thing and you accept it without question. Now, as you begin to see with unblinkered eyes, you will wonder how you could ever have accepted this control as normal.

Freedom is precious, my friends. You will value your newfound freedom to think, to act, to believe, to go, and to be whatever you choose to be. A whole new way of life is opening up before you which will be the greatest adventure of your lives on Earth. Your world will come together as one and you will notice, my dear, that suddenly you’ll receive emails from many different parts of the world, from people who are all experiencing the same thing. Take note of this as it is an important step forward. The synchronicity will confirm the TRUTH . . . that HUMANITY HAS STEPPED INTO THE LIGHT !

This is what you have been working towards for quite some time. The next four months should bring about some of the changes that need to happen. It would cause too much disruption for you to cope with, if everything happened at once. That would cause chaos and you don’t need that. We will try to do everything in an orderly fashion so as not to confuse you. Have no doubt, your world is about to change out of all recognition. It will become a joy to be on Earth. All the false prophets who have preached hellfire and damnation, will disappear into oblivion very quickly. The only religion you will choose to acknowledge is the “religion of love” as was taught in ancient Ireland. This was condemned and silenced by the Church of Rome.

All will be happy to say goodbye to the banks. They are responsible for such misery and suffering. This is what they planned in 1913 when the then-US President Wilson, sold out to the Federal Reserve. He condemned every human being on Earth to slavery and corruption. But their time is up. They will no longer be able to operate in an enlightened world. You will find that there are people in place who are prepared to deal with any problems that may occur during this massive changeover. Everything is in place to make it as smooth as possible.

You know in your souls that everything will be just fine. Do not allow your logical minds (your CONTROLLED MINDS) to cause you anxiety of any sort. You were all taught to have a logical mind because such a thing is so much easier to control and manipulate. Do not worry, for you will quickly forget all that you were taught in schools and universities. You will joyfully explore the TRUTH of who you are, and your connection with the universe. You will become the beings of light that you were prevented from becoming for so long. Never again will you suffer the electronic interference, the pollution of your water, food and air, and the killings and the wars, as everything negative will be removed.

Many of the really dark beings will be removed from Earth. Some may even have the darkness removed from them, to be replaced by what you call “walk-ins”, who will take over in order to help the Transition. So, if you suddenly see someone, who until now, you had believed to be totally negative, suddenly behaving reasonably, this may be the cause. For we will have replaced that individual; they have not had a change of heart.

We will keep you informed of our actions at all times to avoid confusion. Be positive and know that you are on the right path. Do not be swayed by whatever the Cabal does to confuse or frighten you. Trust me, those within the Cabal are more frightened of you than you could ever be of them. Their house of cards is tumbling down around their ankles. It is time for them to go.

Try not to buy into the Christmas hype, as it only serves to make the Cabal richer. Treat it as a family get-together. Christmas, as depicted by Rome, never happened. Jesus was so much more than they want you to believe. The truth of this will be explained when the timing is right for us to do so. You have been lied to for such a long time, so this subject will have to be dealt with, when everything settles down, and you are in a position to listen and accept the truth.

There is one who has been entrapped by the Cabal in order to prevent him from completing his mission. He needs your love, prayers and protection, as he struggles with the attacks that are viciously made on him. He is of the light, and so he was targeted. He struggles to free himself, and with your help, he will do so. By working together, we will make things happen more quickly. Try to understand that we, too, are impatient. We want to see the light revive your world as soon as possible.

My love, we are on the cusp of something so great. Just know that we will succeed.

My love surrounds you always. Your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation


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