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RE: Truth tellers
12/31/2013 10:05:39 PM
Posted on

In years to come, you will look back on 2013 as the year in which you began to see clearly how you were being controlled and manipulated by those whom you now see as Archons; though they are presented to you as people to trust and look up to. I told you, my dear, that the MASKS would fall away and that the light would expose those masks that were their protection. They have always been there; just hidden from your sight, and presented to you in such a way that you would never suspect their true origins. Do understand, my dear, that not everyone can see. You learned this recently, when you showed what (to you) was clearly present, but because they were of a different frequency, the others could not see them. You took photographs to prove what you were seeing. Only in the photographs could your friends see, what you had seen so clearly. You are all at different levels of awakening. It is a gradual process and it cannot be rushed.

A lot of progress was made in 2013. It had to include every country, all of humanity. Some have done wonderful work and extensive research. Many have been greatly helped by the amazing work of the GALACTIC HISTORIAN, ANDREW BARTZIS. His work is unique. It must be studied in order to get a clear picture of your true history.

Veronica, I am so pleased you made his work available on our web site. The truth is being made available to everyone without cost. It is just a matter of taking the time to study it. It was no accident, my dear, that Andrew crossed your path. You will work together when the timing is right. When you have the Centres, Andrew will play a big part in educating humanity and guiding you forward. Yes, my dear, he is an extraordinary young man – unique.

May I take this opportunity to wish everyone enlightenment, protection, and of course, happiness, in 2014. Expect a lot, and work towards changing all that needs to be changed and exposed. When you all come together, miracles happen. It will be hard work at times but it will be rewarding in ways you can now only imagine. Leave your ego behind and go with your soul, as this will guide your path. Your families and friends in the world of spirit are all supporting and encouraging you to take the right steps to remove all that is dark and evil in your world, and to restore light and truth. Expect big changes, as you now have the opportunity to help create a world where justice and peace prevail: no more hidden agendas! Many will leave your planet; some out of necessity and some by choice. What you are about to do has never, in the history of your planet, been attempted before. There is no blueprint but you have us to guide and support you. We are available 24 hours a day and we do not need to rest.

The Cabal is playing a very dirty game to try to prevent your progress, even though they know, deep down, that they do not stand a chance of success. They intend to go down fighting, and to take as many of you with them as possible. Because you refuse to play their games and fight with them, they will be left with no option but to leave quickly. It will take all of 2014 to bring about the important changes, so you have to look to 2015 in order to be able to look back on all your good work, and see before you a beautiful world of plenty for all, where peace reigns supreme. Your hard work will have created what you would call “Heaven on Earth”, something that until recently, you never imagined, even in your wildest dreams. I ask you once more, to pray and send love to those whose lives are being made unbearable by the Cabal, because of the work they came on Earth to do. These people need your assistance to enable them to escape the torture that is being inflicted on them. The Cabal has had thousands of years of practice in the control of humanity, in the infliction of torture and mind-control, and in the use of surreptitiously-given drugs and sleep deprivation, etc, on their unsuspecting victims. Always remember those who are less fortunate and reach out to them whenever possible.

It is interesting to see how different factions of the Cabal are now fighting amongst themselves to try to gain the upper hand. There is no loyalty among thieves. Each faction asks you to trust and follow it, when, together, they were the architects of the destruction of the Earth and the killing of huge sections of humanity. It does not matter which mask they hide behind, they are still a part of the Cabal and will always be so. Your world cannot afford to go down that path again, irrespective of the promises made and the guarantees given: the leopard cannot change his spots. The Cabal does not belong in your world. There is no place for them. It is time for them to leave.

It is heartening to see so many good people uniting, who want to work together for the common good. Everyone has something to offer, to help bring about the required changes. This has to be a team effort. All nationalities and all creeds are welcome to work as one. Everyone wants peace and harmony, and everyone wants the killing to stop, so all must come together and work towards this goal. Then, and only then, will the paedophilia practiced by those who need fear and torture in order to survive, be removed. They do not live lives like you do. They have needs that would horrify you. They use your children without fear of exposure. Yet, the protection of children should be paramount. There is so much that is hidden which is evil in the extreme. This must be addressed in order to remove it. You have taken on an enormous task. You chose to return to Earth in order to remove the dark control system, and this you will do!

We, in spirit, have prepared for every eventuality. Our Centres will give assistance and all the information required on how to survive the chaos that is unavoidable when the changes are brought in. The greatest minds who ever walked the Earth are working alongside me, and will be able to show themselves, and talk you through all you need to know in order to create a better and more just world for all. Our plans are great and workable. Once peace is restored and the killing ceases, the provision of food and shelter for all is our number one priority. The removal of all toxins from the air, the food, and the water, must begin immediately.

Believe in what you are doing and trust that you will be guided. Know that you will succeed. Your time has come. Nothing can stop this now. Start this year of 2014 with love in your hearts. Make peace your goal, and vow that you will be true to yourselves. Work to create a world that you can be proud of, and that you helped to create.

May the beautiful energy of love surround you and yours, and let it be your guiding light. That is my wish for your world in 2014. Look at everything with the eyes of love and you will create harmony and peace.

Veronica, my dear, 2014 will be hard work for you at times, but it will be fruitful . . . you know that.

Forever at your side. Your adoring, Monty
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RE: Truth tellers
1/4/2014 1:33:38 AM
I have the following many times, now it is time to put it out for all to see.

Great News!
The moment has arrived, that every
American - and indeed, every person
with half a brain cell has been waiting
for, over these past 12 years!
The only way for America to be what it
was intended to be and for us to return
to being ourselves is for the truth to be
This will do the rest of the world a load of
good, as well.
"The truth shall set you free." - John 8:32
I'm loving 2014, so far (please read the
very intense article, below).


Veterans Today
by Gordon Duff
December 28, 2013
[NB: Emphases are
my own. - AB]

Recent revelations published on the
Press TV website, the New York Post
and Veterans Today have changed

The story was simple, two American
Congressional Representatives were
allowed to read the Congressional
9/11 Investigation Report, this time
including the areas President Bush
had ordered removed.
Both Congressmen clearly state
that the redacted pages of the
report place full responsibility
for the planning and execution
of 9/11 on one or more foreign
intelligence agencies, not

What is also clear is that President
Bush's personal role in covering
this up protected the real
perpetrators of 9/11 and pushed
the US into - not just two insane
wars - but draconian moves
against America's government.

The NSA and the Bush 9/11 Coup

Nine eleven was a coup against the
Constitution. Additional reports released
this week make clear some of the reasons
Bush lied to the American people, to
Congress, our military and our allies:
"Obama's Director for National Intelligence,
James Clapper, has declassified new
documents that reveal how the NSA was
first given the green light to start collecting
bulk communication data in the hunt for
Al-Qaeda terrorists after 9/11.

"President Barack Obama's Administration
has for the first time, publicly confirmed
'the existence of collection activities
authorized by President George W. Bush,'
such as bulk amounts of Internet and phone
metadata, as part of the 'Terrorist
Surveillance Program' (TSP). The disclosures
are part of Washington's campaign to
justify the NSA's surveillance activities,
following massive leaks to the media about
the classified programs by former NSA
contractor, Edward Snowden.

"Clapper explained on Saturday that
President George W. Bush first authorized
the spying in October 2001, just weeks after
the September 11 attacks."

We can prove Bush was fully criminally
culpable in covering the tracks of those
responsible for 9/11.
AIPAC Threw Bandar and Bush "Under a Bus"

More frighteningly, the articles published this
week in Rupert Murdoch's New York Daily News,
written by Hoover Institute fellow and AIPAC
member, Paul Sperry, now not only blame
Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia as the 9/11
mastermind but tie in Bush (43), as well.

In fact, the entire AIPAC apparatus, the
largest lobbying organization in
Washington, is currently engaged in a
"full court press," to stop Congress from
pushing for the release of the real report.
Is this because the real report accuses
Israel, not Saudi Arabia, and AIPAC
wants the Murdoch/Sperry story to stand?

Bin Laden Myth "Crashes Down"

The real report, called "shocking" by the
legislators, who have called for President
Obama to declassify the entire report,
proves that there was no al-Qaeda
involvement, no reason to invade
Afghanistan or Iraq and no reason to
hunt CIA operative, Colonel Tim Osman,
also known as "Osama bin Laden."

In fact, Ambassador Lee Wanta, a former
White House Intelligence Chief and Inspector
General of the Department of Defense under
Reagan, has cited meetings between key
government officials and "bin Laden" that he
attended, meetings held in both Los Angeles
and Washington DC - while the US was
supposedly hunting him.

From Wanta, who was present during these
meetings: "In early 1990, bin Laden, suffering
from advanced kidney disease, was flown to an
American facility in the Persian Gulf. From
there, bin Laden flew to Los Angeles, landing
at the Ontario, California airport, met by
Albert Hakim, representing President Bush (41),
Ollie North (free on appeal bond), Admiral
William Dickie, attorney Glenn Peglau and
General Jack Singlaub, one of the founders
of the CIA.
Hakim was the personal representative of
President Bush and in overall charge of the
project. 'Bud' McFarlane, an Iran-Contra
figure pardoned by President Bush in 1992,
was also a part of the group.

"Bin Laden then left Los Angeles for
Washington, DC. There he stayed in the
Mayflower Hotel. Meetings were held at the
Metropolitan Club in Washington. Attorney
Glenn Peglau stayed at the Metropolitan.
While there, Peglau's room was broken into
and "items" removed. At no point is there
any record, classified or public, that this
'working group' was ever dissolved nor
is there any record that Osama bin
Laden's status as a security operative
working for the US government ever
"In 2001, Osama bin Laden's last public
statement denied any involvement in the
9/11 attacks. There are no classified
documents tying bin Laden to 9/11 or citing
him to be a 'rogue CIA operative.'"

Which 9/11 is Real?

In 2007, the FBI flew a team to Bangkok
to interview former Soviet nuclear
intelligence specialist Dimitri Khalezov.
Khalezov told the FBI that, in the morning
of September 12, 2001, he attended a
breakfast gathering with Mossad Operations
Chief Mike Harari and his son, along with
other Israeli operatives.

Khalezov reported to the FBI that this
gathering was to celebrate the 9/11
attacks - not, as Netanyahu had stated
publicly, as a "fortunate happenstance
for Israel" but as a Mossad attack on
the US.
At that meeting, Harari also claimed credit
for a role in the Oklahoma City bombing.
According to Khalezov, Harari was courting
him to join their group for an upcoming
operation: a bombing attack on Bali,
scheduled for 2002.

On October 12, 2002, a huge explosive
device devastated nearly a square mile
killing 202 people. An Islamic group was
blamed - just as with, not just 9/11 but,
initially, Oklahoma City, as well.

Khalezov told FBI agents that Harari
claimed nuclear weapons were used to
bring down the twin towers on 9/11.
Harari also said he got a "Cruise-type"
missile, a Soviet "Granit" for the
Pentagon attack, purchased through
Victor Bout, the "Lord of War" played
by Nicholas Cage in the film of the
same name.

Bout, residing in Bangkok with
Harari and Khalezov, was extradited
to the United States, based on a
highly-classified indictment, accusing
him of supplying the guided missile
used to attack the Pentagon on 9/11.
Bout was arrested in Bangkok in 2008, not
long after the FBI visit. He was officially
convicted of supplying arms to rebels in
Colombia, an activity Bout had long been
engaged in on behalf of the CIA, his arms
dealing partners for many years.


Thus far, the initial report to Congress on
the Bush falsification does not qualify as a
leak. Only Bush stands accused; the 9/11
perpetrators are still safe, their
identities still protected by security
protocols maintained by President
Obama, despite Congressional

"Claimed" leaks reported by Sperry in the
Washington Post blame Bandar and Saudi
Intelligence for 9/11. Sperry cites the CIA
as a source but, quite suspiciously, seems
to be attempting to deflect the possible
fallout against Israel when or if the real
report is made public. The Sperry story,
coordinated with AIPAC's moves to quell
Congress's demand to declassify the report
may well be an indication that Israeli
intelligence, as Khalezov indicates, worked
with Bush to plan and execute 9/11.

From the Press TV Article:

"This week, Congressional Representatives
Stephen Lynch (D-MA) and Walter Jones
(R-NC) have officially requested a
Congressional Resolution demanding
President Obama declassify the heavily-
redacted Congressional Investigative
Report on 9/11.
"The two Representatives had just been
given authority under penalty of 'national
security secrecy' to read the censored 28
pages of the 800-page report that had not
been seen.
"What has been made clear is that
President Bush was fully aware that
neither Afghanistan nor Iraq were
involved in 9/11 and that military action
against those two nations was done to
cover involvement of his Administration
in 9/11 - involvement that included
support from foreign intelligence

"The Representatives, while reviewing
the report, came to the portion titled
'Specific Sources of Foreign Support.'
"A 28-page section here had been
'butchered' by the White House on
the personal orders of President Bush.
On the original report given to
Congress, an estimated 5-10,000
words were omitted from this section,
with page after page of dotted lines
replacing text."

This is only the most recent of
revelations that AIPAC has managed
to suppress through pressuring
Congress and its powerful assets
in the press. What is increasingly
clear is that many of AIPAC's allies
in Washington had access to the
non-redacted report.
An entire Administration, leaders in
Congress and the Pentagon, the CIA,
NSA and a dozen other organizations,
all knew what was in the Congressional
Report. They all lied to the 9/11
They all ordered measures
to suppress
freedom at home and to
butcher hundreds
of thousands around
the world, kidnap
and torture thousand
more, all based
on lies.

Countries were virtually wiped off the
map on a whim. Often we hear it asked,
"How could thousands be involved in a
conspiracy so heinous?" We now stand
ready to answer. The time has come to

[NB: Once again, I reiterate that the
author of this article is a Jew; is NOT
anti-Semitic and nor am I - FAR from it!
By the way, "Semitic" denotes a
linguistic group, of which Arabic is
the most widely-spoken; so when I
say I am not "anti-Semitic," I am
definitely also saying that I am NOT

What I DO have big problems with are any
fundamentalist groups of ANY "religion",
that are Hell-bent on bringing an Apocalypse
upon our beautiful planet and the peoples
of Earth, ahead of any astronomically-
designated scenario, some of which may
well even be avoidable with weapons
currently in existence. Even more: I am
against foreign powers and criminal
members of the US government who
have manipulated US and "coalition"
troops to sacrifice life and limb, in
order to illegally destroy defenseless,
poverty-stricken Middle Eastern
nations, *against US and planetary
Further, in order for the People of the
United States and other participants of
"Operation Iraqi Freedom," "Operation
Enduring Freedom" and the illegal Drone
attacks throughout the Middle East, to
***protect themselves from the liability
associated with our Tax Dollars being
used to cause the wanton destruction
of innocent nations and people, the
ACTUAL perpetrators of the illegal
hijacking of the US and other militaries
must be held accountable and brought
to justice***].
If Mr. Obama has any "Hope" of securing
a desirable plot of real estate in History,
let alone be to worthy of holding the title
of President of the United States, he must
de-classify the FULL Congressional I
nvestigative Report on 9/11 - and NOW.

The video below is short - but it does give
some insight into how some of the heinous
events that took place on 9/11 were pulled off.
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RE: Truth tellers
1/6/2014 6:30:32 PM

Montague Keen 1-5-14…

by kauilapele

montague_keen_veronica17There's a lot of information here that seems to align with a lot of other pieces coming out... But bottom line, I have no idea what's ahappening overall, and how (if) this currency, etc., revaluation, reset, or whatever you call it, is going to happen. So feel free to use whatever discernment you have access to... and use it.


Message from Montague Keen - January 5, 2014

You are being flooded by information from all quarters. Be aware and alert, because hidden amongst the revelations, there is much misinformation. It is deliberately placed in order to classify all the information as bogus. The Cabal has followed this practice throughout its existence. They do not change their formula; it has worked in the past, so they believe it will continue to work for them. You are sufficiently awake now to be able to decipher for yourselves what is truth and what has been planted, though it will always have a modicum of truth in it, to draw you in.

Try to see everything with a clear mind, without judgment, and remember, they too, are fighting for their existence. They are now frightened of you, for there is a great number of you, in comparison to them. They need your input to survive. They have played this game for generations and they are experts at it. You, on the other hand, have not learned to come together and work together as one, as they have done.

We are now seeing splits amongst them. Each faction is trying to take control. For us, it is necessary to be of one mind, leaving our petty differences, like race and religion etc, aside. You are the human race and you are refusing to allow yourselves to be wiped out. When you seriously consider all the methods they are using to destroy you, you'll see that everything they do is designed to destroy the quality of life, and to create illness and suffering for the masses.

You must understand that your suffering, anger, fear, and distress, is their oxygen. Why do so many of you, through fear, still live such miserable, helpless lives? When you take control of your own life and make considered decisions, and refuse to believe the propaganda with which you are bombarded, only then will you taste freedom of choice. You must decide what is best for you. Your heart will guide you. You have not been taught the truth, and this is what you are waking up to realize; it throws a completely different light on everything.

You now see clearly that the downfall of the human race was carefully planned, and until recently, you were completely unaware of this, so you can be forgiven for taking a little time to get your heads around it. This is a critical time in the history of man. It is time to wake up and take responsibility. Stop acting like sheep, for time is of the essence. The Cabal has great plans for 2014. They believe they will implement these plans without hindrance from you. This is why it is important that you take heed and act as one.

I have talked, many times since my passing, of the great importance of LEY LINES, and why the natural energy of the Earth has been deliberately blocked from you. Many of you understand this fact and are willing to take steps to remove the blockages that were strategically placed in order to prevent the Earth’s natural energy from pouring forth to energize mankind and your planet. I asked for a special email address to be created, so that people from every country in your world, would act together as one, to reclaim that natural energy. I ask you now, to offer your services for the good of humanity and your planet, and to take whatever steps you are advised to take, in order to create a better world for all.

Mark, who is a scientist, and an expert in the field of ley lines, has created a strategy to follow. He will guide and advise you on this subject. It is time to be active, in order to release this wonderful energy and renew your connection to the universe. This exercise does not cost money, just a little of your time and effort.

I have asked Mark to write a quick résumé of what is required.

“The time has come to continue and complete the work started by the likes of Watkins, Guichard, Lockyer, Thom, Hawkins and Michel et al, as ley lines are fundamental to every soul’s spiritual being. There can be no further hesitation to embark on the quest to re-recognize, re-cover and thus re-chart the sacred pathways and telluric energy centers amid our local landscapes. Furthermore, once identified, there is a need to cleanse and re-purify these routes and sites for the time that is to come. It has to be a global task as no part of the Earth is no less significant than any other in terms of the ultimate outcome – the light of love, peace and prosperity for all mankind.

This announcement is an invitation to participate in a project of unprecedented scale yet having conceivable proportions in its effect. The potential to share and coordinate our individual findings is as immense as the results themselves. Through such dissemination comes the union of the nations by virtue of the re-unification of the ley line network of the Earth.

The Foundation looks forward to your interest and participation in the near future.”

This is a wonderful opportunity for all the people of the world to work together as one. You will be amazed at the results that await you. Together, we will rescue your planet and humanity. Every effort, no matter how small, counts. Every soul matters and needs your help. Let us begin 2014 by taking action, peacefully, and in the sure knowledge that our efforts will produce results that will be enjoyed for generations to come. You are being asked to create a better present and future for all.

Thank you for arranging this, my dear, as it is most important.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

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RE: Truth tellers
1/6/2014 7:11:02 PM
This is so wonderful, truth to hold onto

Message from Matthew 1-5-14…

matthew14[From Stephen Cook:] Stephen: WOW! Matthew reveals he is SAINT Matthew in this important message…Plus, there’s lots of updated info and detail about stories ‘retold’ (and re-written) about Jesus’s life and the ‘disciples’ in The Bible.

Matthew Ward as received by Suzy Ward, January 5, 2013

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. With the December solstice came another powerful influx of light, as if to salute the year nearing its end and greet the new with a rousing cheer. And, if indeed a salute, how well deserved it is! Every time you acted upon a soul-level inspiration—something you considered only a nice gesture or “the right thing to do”—you added light to your world.

You may wish to review the message wherein we mentioned some of the many ways your society has been generating light in abundance. Feeling grateful for the myriad contributions to the betterment of your world sends forth its own light in grand amount. [The referenced message is August 15, 2013.] Yes, a great deal still is to be done and shall be. The energy momentum keeps strengthening the forcefulness of all thoughts and feelings, so we repeat our guidance to not think of needful conditions with a heavy heart; instead, envision Earth within golden-white light so this image and your desire for benevolent changes go out into the universe and return with additional light. Although some closed minds and hearts are trying to keep the status quo, changes toward peace, cooperation and sufficiency for all are solidly underway, and the more light energy they receive, the sooner they will be manifested.

Please continue being discerning about all information, including articles and channeled material on the Internet. Mainstream media still are controlled to a large extent, with emphasis on the negative and scandals; but it is heartening that more and more stories of kindness, sharing of resources and successful endeavors from grass roots upward also are being featured.

Reporters are among the majority of your populace who have no idea that members of our universal family would prevent the talked-about possibilities, such as North Korea may detonate nuclear warheads and wipe out vast areas or radiation from Fukushima eventually may kill millions. They don’t know that it isn’t Gaia’s desire for oceans to become so warm that all marine life dies and all coastlines move inland hundreds of miles, so those will not happen either. Most of Earth’s residents don’t know that prevailing frequencies are conducive to national leaders choosing to talk instead of do battle, or economic and diplomatic discussions are going on behind the scenes, or many millions of souls are experiencing what they chose to balance other lifetimes and evolve.

You do know that, beloved family, so surge forward throughout this new year with uplifted hearts and positive thoughts and keep expanding the light in your world. You ARE the changes you want!

Now I am speaking as Matthew only. I asked my mother to copy a response to our December message: Your message was lovely except for leaving out that Jesus’ birth is the reason for this holy-day season. I think I am open-minded and intuitive, but what you have said about Jesus not being crucified is NOT believable. How can someone as evolved as you make yourself out to be not know something that important?

The writer is one of the many, many people who believe the biblical story about the crucifixion. Knowing at conscious level the truth you know at soul level is a vital part of evolvement, and holding fast to beliefs based on falsehoods deters advancement. That’s why I felt it could be helpful to tell you how I know the Bible differs dramatically from the truth. God said “Yes, it is the time,” and so I shall.

Always I have spoken from personal knowledge as Matthew the apostle—it is the best known today of my lives on Earth—and the thousands of other lifetimes that began when Archangel Michael’s powerful energy manifested its first personage in this universe. The cumulative knowledge of all my personages has enabled me to speak about things I didn’t consciously know during the lifetime that became known as Matthew, the apostle; however, I shall call upon that knowledge as I tell you about my years with Jesus.

My mother has known about that lifetime since our earliest conversations, twenty years ago, and when she asked if I would ever mention it in a message, I told her perhaps, someday, but the apostle identity isn’t important. What is important is that the information she received from me and the others be respected for itself. Readers of the books and messages need to intuitively know the truth of the information, and offering guidance to help them hear, trust and heed their “inner voice” in all life circumstances is one of the primary reasons for our mother-and-son collaboration.

Now then, many people believe everything in the Bible is true because they have been taught that it is the “word of God” written by God-inspired individuals. That is not so. The innumerable erroneous parts of the Bible include mistakes in translations of Aramaic and Greek records—one is “babe in a manger”—along with translators’ alterations that fit their personal beliefs. Those were compounded by more of the same in later translations; however, the most serious departures from authentic records are the omissions and additions that were deliberately meant to deceive.

Parts of the Old Testament came from the early leaders of church and state. Individuals had a closer relationship with God then, and to make the populace conform to the leaders’ desire for control and wealth, they needed to distance the people from God. They concocted a wrathful, fearsome God who told some of the people that others were their enemies, go forth and slay them; and told a father to kill his son as proof of his obedience to His commands.

During the ensuing centuries, principals in the Catholic Church wrote religious rules and called them “God’s laws” so as to cement their control over the masses and acquire ever-vaster fortunes. To put more distance between the people and God, they added a layer of saints; and to exalt themselves, they instituted papal infallibility and established the Vatican as an independent state. They came up with an immaculate conception, whereby Mary was conceived, and made her the virgin mother of Jesus to convince the masses that he is the “only son of God.”

I shall tell you from whence Jesus came. The soul that eons later embodied as Jesus originated in the Christed realm, the cosmic realm closest to Creator, where the first souls, the archangels, came into being. At some point, they made the next angelic realm and the highest gods and goddesses. These souls were given the choice to remain as the pure love-light energy essence of Creator—that was the choice of the Supreme Being of this universe that many call God—or to incarnate. One of the souls that chose the latter is known in this universe as Sananda. This soul has had lifetimes in civilizations throughout the cosmos and is the “parent,” or more properly, the cumulative soul of the person you know as Jesus.

To continue about the Bible, much of its most deceptive information is ascribed to the four apostles, and somewhere along the line we were given saint status. Some scholars think Luke and I copied parts of what Mark wrote in his gospel and added them to ours, but I’m curious as to why they left out John—the blatant lies that were put in our gospels were put in his, too. Some modern versions of the Bible dropped our sainthood; however, in my mother’s old, well-worn King James edition, it is the Gospel According to Saint Matthew, and she will accommodate me by copying the parts I request.

First, though, I shall describe Jesus and Mary Magdalene so you can imagine them as I speak about them. Jesus was outgoing, not as vivacious as Mary but always pleasant of temperament. He was what I would call a commanding figure—taller than most men and slender but strong and muscular, with erect posture. His fair skin had tanned from years in the sun and his gray eyes sometimes had a tinge of blue; his hair was light brown and long, as was the style, but he kept his beard and mustache closely trimmed. Mary was an extremely pretty and delightfully personable, gracious young woman. In appearance she was petite, fair-complexioned and had sparkling brown eyes and cascading brown hair.

Both of them were born into respected upper-class families, intelligent, well-educated for the times, and the finest of friends for many years before they married. They had a large, happy family, and after long, full lives, they left their bodies and moved on to lifetimes of service to God in other places in this universe; however, the power of their love-light energy always is with souls on Earth, just as elsewhere.

But I’m getting ahead of myself and way ahead of the gospel of St. Matthew. As a young man I started keeping a journal of interesting encounters and, like my notes before I met Jesus, those afterwards were meant to serve only as reference and reading enjoyment in my old age.

My records did not begin with the lineage from Abraham to Joseph, Jesus’ father, but since St. Matthew does, I shall speak about that. Several months after I met Jesus, the genealogy was shown to me by a man who copied it from someone’s record who copied it from another’s record and so on and so on. I tucked into my journal the list I wrote with the note that I’d been told its accuracy couldn’t be verified. It was not a broadly literate society, thus lore and legend were handed down from one generation to the next, and it was commonly understood that often the accounts were embellished or details forgotten by successive storytellers. Yet, it became biblical “history.”

Next in St. Matthew comes: “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, was found with child of the Holy Ghost.” …. “Joseph knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name Jesus.” None of that was in my records, and why would it be? I didn’t meet Jesus until many years later, and neither he nor his parents ever told me anything like that. Nevertheless, it was attributed to me and written similarly in the other gospels to substantiate the Catholic Church’s version of Jesus’ birth.

Furthermore, all of my notes were about Emmanuel, the name everyone called him. I don’t know why it was decided that in the Bible, his name should be Jesus, and it’s odd, or an oversight, that this also was put into that chapter: “… and they shall call his name Emmanuel.” It’s because you know him as Jesus that I always have referred to him by that name.

Those were indeed harsh, cruel times. The slaughter of infant and toddler males is true—however, I didn’t note that in my journal—and so is the flight of Jesus’ family to Egypt and return to their homeland when it was safe. I recorded what they told me about their experiences then as well as numerous other family highlights during the many enjoyable evenings I spent with Jesus, his siblings and their parents. Often Mary Magdalene was there too, and conversations were lively. We spoke Aramaic, occasionally lapsing into Greek for an apt expression, and there was much laughter because we didn’t always talk about serious matters. Jesus listened attentively to whomever was speaking, and many a time I saw his eyes twinkle when Mary was excitedly chattering about something or other.

As a part-time teacher of elementary and advanced students—there was no word for tutor then—the closest I came to the tax collection profession was meeting Jesus on a street where men were busily engaged at the collecting and counting tables. I recognized him from a small group I had chanced upon the previous evening, so I greeted him, he invited me to accompany him, I did, and we talked as we walked along. That’s how I wrote about our meeting, along with discovering that we both enjoyed water sports and had a mutual acquaintance and Jesus said he recently started speaking in public. That was the point in my journal where my notes about our friendship started, and I wrote about it in first person—it was my experience.

However, according to St. Matthew: “And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him.” Evidently it didn’t occur to whoever changed my notes that folks might think it strange that Matthew would write so awkwardly and briefly about a life-changing experience and very strange that our meeting came after the “sermon on the mount” that previously “I” had written in St. Matthew. It does explain, though, why I am thought of as the tax collector who became a disciple.

Jesus didn’t call us disciples. After he became known for his teachings, some in the Sanhedrin started referring to people who attended gatherings where he spoke as “his disciples.” As for the twelve the Bible gives that designation, Jesus met each of us in his travels around the Sea of Galilee and friendships were formed, but he didn’t ask any of us to forsake our livelihoods and “follow” him. I had the good fortune of living near him, which afforded me the enjoyment of his company far more often than the other “disciples” could spend time with him.

According to St. Matthew: “These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them:… “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils.” That endows us with abilities none of us had! But we did know Jesus’ abilities and how he had come by them, so when I was along on a boat outing, I had no reason to put in my journal, we “marvelled” that “even the winds and the sea obey him!” and I didn’t.

In St. Matthew, after Jesus met two men “possessed with devils,” he cast them out and put them in a swine herd that “ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters.” …. “And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts.” As Jesus recounted the incident to me, after he ushered into the light the entities that were tormenting the men’s minds, he continued on his solitary way until he and I met up, and that’s how I penned my account of it.

The gospel’s version of Jesus spending forty days in the wilderness, where he refused to be tempted by the devil, is a dreadful elaboration of the short note in my journal: Jesus liked to spend time in solitude with Nature, where he could talk with God or muse without distraction and, like the others who knew him well, I honored that by keeping my distance.

What became known as “sermon on the mount” was someone’s compilation of my copious notes at numerous small gatherings where Jesus would speak, people would ask questions and he would answer—there was a lot of interaction early on. But as word of his teachings spread and crowds grew, people listened without interrupting and he spoke about many of the things that became the “sermon.” I didn’t call it that. Jesus wasn’t a preacher, he was a teacher who was passionate about sharing his knowledge. He knew it was what he was meant to do, and that was the great difference between him and everyone else—his conscious mind always was connected with his soul and he lived accordingly.

The sermon does preserve much of his wisdom and enlightenment and of course I’m gratified about that, but it doesn’t include some of his important teachings noted in my journal, like the purpose of multiple lifetimes; inseparability of all souls; God is everything that exists in the world—all people, animals, plants, the waters, air and earth are parts of Him and sacred to Him. Jesus didn’t make any notes about his teachings and he was glad that I did.

But anything in my journals that might undermine the corrupt leaders’ authority was left out of St. Matthew and most of what is in that gospel didn’t come from my records. I never heard Jesus say that anyone “…shall be in danger of hell fire” or “…whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.” He talked about how godly thoughts and deeds benefit lives, not “shameful” behavior—that would have been judging and contrary to what he did tell people, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” I never heard him talk about sins being forgiven—he said “sin” was an error in values or deeds and he told listeners many times over the importance of their forgiving others. He wouldn’t have said, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword”—that was in conflict with all of his teachings.

The “parables” sound as if Jesus was speaking in anger—never during the many times I was present at gatherings, large or small, did he do that. And, unlike the parables, he spoke forthrightly and clearly so listeners would understand—he wanted to enlighten, not perplex. It is fortunate—or more likely, unawareness of what he meant—that those who so drastically changed my notes left in “Ye are the light of the world,” “Let your light shine…” and many of his other references to light.

Mentioning all the disparities between my records and St. Matthew would require my comments throughout that gospel, but the most critical additions are the “last supper” and Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. It’s possible that the supper may have derived from my notes about one of the rare times that Jesus and all twelve of us were in the same place and we had a splendid celebration dinner. It was after he and Mary Magdalene had married and she was there too, but it was many months before the crucifixion is claimed to have happened. Jesus didn’t perform the service that became known as “holy communion” or say: “Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me,” and everything from that point on in St. Matthew also is fabricated falsehood.

Months later I recorded what I overheard two men discussing near the temple: The Sanhedrin thought that crucifying Jesus would make him a martyr and give impetus to his teachings, so they decided to have him flogged and ordered out of the country—that would discredit him in the eyes of the people and they soon would forget him.

When I told Jesus, he said he couldn’t avoid being beaten and banished—as I noted in my journal, I sensed he felt it was important to let that happen. It did, and shortly afterwards, he and Mary Magdalene left for the Far East, where he knew they would be welcomed. In several of our early talks he had told me about his younger years there, where he learned from the masters how to perform what the Bible calls “miracles,” but as Jesus told the multitudes, everything he could do, they could, too.

Through the years we kept in touch with occasional letters and when one came from him, I tucked it into my journal—by then there were dozens. Finding new students required my moving from time to time, which offered ample opportunity to meet people who heard I knew Jesus and wanted to hear about his teachings. Now and then I saw Luke, who sometimes had news about one or another of the other “disciples,” but our common link was Jesus, and after he left, it was natural that we all would continue along our separate ways.

After my death in old age, the innkeeper sold the chest in which I kept my journals. Eventually they fell into the hands of someone in government and, before being burned, led to the Gospel According to St. Matthew.

In no way what I have told you diminishes one iota the power of Jesus or his accurate teachings! The truth of his life—he had a wife and children, and he had desires, ideas, hopes, friends, opposition, disappointments, heartaches and joyful times like other people—far more honors his teachings than religion’s false claim that he was the “only son of God.”

Nor does anything I have said mean that people who believe the Bible is God’s word are diminished in goodness of heart—they only are misinformed. Every soul has its own journey into the light of truth and there is no time limit—the life of the soul is eternal. If persons you love dearly aren’t on the same pathway as you, confidently continue on yours and respect their divine right to choose theirs.

And now, beloved Earth family, I speak again for all of us at this station. In every moment, we are alongside you in spirit and unconditional love.

Suzanne Ward

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RE: Truth tellers
1/21/2014 7:08:48 PM

Montague Keen, January 19, 2014

Charles de Montesquieu

As humanity continues to awaken to what has been done to subdue and control people, and what is planned in order to keep them under that control, vicious attacks are now being made on those who took it upon themselves to awaken others to the light of truth.

My own dear wife is under such attacks from two quarters. They are using sleep deprivation, nightmares, and stress. This is being done with microwave and scalar technology.

Her possessions are being tampered with. Water is leaking from the house, there are electrical problems, car problems, and of course, the computer has been hacked. This is used to prevent Veronica from replying to emails by making it impossible to forward information. Instead, a message appears on screen to warn her of a spurious threat. The computer refuses to print certain letters and the printer does not work. In the house, the heating goes off, the lights switch themselves on, and more and much more.

Part of their plan is to produce sceptics, in order to condemn the work my wife does with me. They will use the usual sceptics that are always wheeled out on these occasions. Veronica and I, once heard R W tell C F that “Being a sceptic is very lucrative, you know.” That tells you everything you need to know about such people. They intend to use the same tactics on Veronica that they used on David Icke. Icke knows only too well, what they are capable of. Sadly, they infiltrated “THE PEOPLE’S VOICE” into which he had put so much energy. Now, it is up to all those who stand for TRUTH to ensure that it will survive.

Please forgive me but that had to be said. Now, down to our own issues.

The response to our request for volunteers for the Ley Line Project continues to amaze us. Magnificent is the only word to describe it. It has broken all barriers. This is most certainly a first. This will PROVE that when people come together, everything is possible. Mark has laid out how we will proceed. It has taken time and effort to come up with a plan of action, but this we have done. We will very soon notify you of the date that we in spirit have chosen, to carry out the cleansing and restoration of the energy of your planet. You will do it. Have no doubt about that. It is meant to happen and you are the people who were chosen to carry out the actual exercise. There is a large number of people who will do this through MEDITATION: this gives everyone an opportunity to be involved in this historic task.

The timing is right. Spirit waited until the right people were in place and sufficient numbers were awake in order to guarantee its success. In the future, you will be able to tell your children and your grandchildren that you took part in freeing humanity and restoring light and justice. Stick rigidly to truth and do not be swayed by threats of repercussions, for there are too many of you and they did not expect this. Your strength is in the numbers that are now awakened. The Light that you are creating is revealing all the secrets that have enslaved you. Every day since 2014 began, revelations occur that shock and disgust you. Sadly, this has to be taken on board and dealt with. You have to know the truth about what is going on all around you under the veil of secrecy. It is only when all this is faced that you will be able to establish a society that is safe for everyone. Then, all the false barriers will come tumbling down and peace will be restored.

You are living in very exciting times. We are watching your every move and guiding you forward. Your world has not known peace for such a long time that you have come to accept that wars are inevitable. Now, you understand the real reasons for creating war situations. Right now, they are trying to create “A NEW PEARL HARBOR” TO SCARE ENOUGH OF YOU INTO BELIEVING THEM AND AGREEING TO WORLD WAR 3. But they will not be successful this time. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. False flag events are now so obvious. But, as you know, they stick rigidly to the same old formula, every time.

Soon, they will have to come to terms with the fact that their time is up, their reign is over, and it is time for them to leave Planet Earth in peace. Humanity has suffered enough at their hands.

Consider what you have to look forward to when the energy is flowing freely for all mankind, enabling people to live life on Earth as it should be lived, with clean air, good wholesome food to eat, and uncontaminated water to drink, with a sky which is clear of chemtrails. Banks will never again hold humanity to ransom.

Your actions will bring all this about, peacefully. Should you encounter problems, then you can achieve all this ENERGETICALLY. Remember, it is the intention that counts.

Believe in yourselves. You can do it !

Mark is laying out our plans before you today. Do study them. A lot of thought and effort has gone into them. It is important that you understand fully what is expected of you. We will all work together on this project.

Veronica, my love, you chose this path before you returned to Earth. You have undertaken such paths in many lifetimes. I never leave you. I constantly prove this to you. These attacks are just the last effort to hold on to power and control. Good people will stand by you, and be there for you. Just as I am, my dear.

Forever, your adoring, Monty.

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