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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Truth tellers
2/21/2013 10:49:09 AM
Hi Myrna, now it is doctors that warn:

Just say don't: Doctors question routine tests and treatments

By Sharon Begley | Reuters5 hrs ago

Reuters/Reuters - EKG technician Diana Goodie (R) performs an electrocardiogram on a patient in the hallway of the emergency room at Ben Taub General Hospital in Houston, Texas, July 27, 2009. REUTERS/Jessica Rinaldi

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Now there are 135.

That's how many medical tests, treatments and other procedures - many used for decades - physicians have now identified as almost always unnecessary and often harmful, and which doctors and patients should therefore avoid or at least seriously question.

The lists of procedures, released on Thursday by the professional societies of 17 medical specialties ranging from neurology and ophthalmology to thoracic surgery, are part of a campaign called Choosing Wisely. Organized by the American Board of Internal Medicine's foundation, it aims to get doctors to stop performing useless procedures and spread the word to patients that some don't help and might hurt.

"Americans' view of healthcare is that more is better," said Dr Glenn Stream, a family physician in Spokane, Washington, and board chairman of the American Academy of Family Physicians, which has identified 10 unnecessary procedures. "But there are a lot of things that are done frequently but don't contribute to people's health and may be harmful."

In a particular case, even a procedure that provides no benefit to the vast majority of people might be appropriate. That's why the physicians emphasize that they are only advising against routine use of the usually unnecessary tests and therapies.

For instance, the American Academy of Pediatrics says physicians "should question" CT scans for kids' minor head injuries or abdominal pains, which usually don't improve diagnoses and raise the risk of cancer. But if doctors suspect something unusual, a scan may be in order.

For the most part, the medical specialty groups did not consider cost when they made their lists. If their advice is followed, however, it would save billions of dollars a year in wasteful spending, said Dr John Santa, director of Consumer Reports' Health Ratings Center and a partner in Choosing Wisely.

One large medical group with 300,000 patients, Santa said, calculated that following the Choosing Wisely advice on just two procedures, superfluous EKGs (electrocardiograms) and bone-density scans, would reduce its billings by $1 million a year. Nationally, that translates into some $1 billion in savings.

The medical specialty groups each came up with five procedures to "question," but most of the items begin with an emphatic "don't." The targeted procedures range from the common to the esoteric.


Other specialists say no cough and cold medications for kids under 4, no oral antibiotics for acute infections of the ear canal ("swimmer's ear") and no use of drugs to keep blood sugar in older adults with type 2 diabetes within tight limits. There is no evidence that tight "glycemic control" - which is widely practiced - is beneficial, said the American Geriatrics Society. Instead, the diabetes drugs used to achieve tight control increase mortality, and tight control itself can cause low blood sugar.

Some recommendations, if widely adopted, would mean significant changes in patient care. The geriatricians, for example, recommend against feeding tubes in patients with advanced dementia. The tubes hurt and cause problems; carefully feeding the patient is better.

Anyone who has ever had surgery while in generally good health can sympathize with the recommendation against multiple pre-op tests: Ophthalmologists now advise against EKGs and blood glucose measurements before eye surgery, except for patients with heart disease or diabetes.

Physicians recommend against many procedures patients have come to expect, including imaging for low back pain (unless it has lasted more than six weeks) and any cardiac screening, including EKGs, in patients without heart symptoms.

The widely used "DEXA" X-ray screening for osteoporosis landed in rheumatologists' crosshairs. It should not be done more than once every two years, they advise, because changes in bone density over shorter periods are typically less than the machines' measurement error, which can cause women to think they're losing bone mass when they're not.


Other "don't's" may be hard sells to patients for whom any abnormality requires medicine's version of Defcon 1.

Take a finding of abnormal cells in the cervix. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says not to treat women whose Pap test for cervical cancer finds dysplasia unless the abnormalities persist for two years.

"Treatment damages the cervix and raises the risk in subsequent pregnancies," said ACOG Executive Vice President Dr Hal Lawrence. The abnormal cells are almost always the result of a viral infection that the body clears on its own, but women who think they mean impending cervical cancer will need convincing.

If doctors adopt the recommendations of their specialty, doctor visits for some chronic diseases would be very different. Patients with recurrent headaches would not get EEGs (electroencephalography); they don't improve outcomes. And rheumatologists would not use MRIs to monitor joints in patients with rheumatoid arthritis; a clinical assessment is just as good.

Women in particular would get quite different care. Those younger than 21 and those who have had a hysterectomy for anything but cancer should not get Pap smears at all, experts say. Other women should get the tests every three years, not annually, between ages 30 to 65.

"We did a great job training everyone, women as well as doctors, to get an annual Pap smear," said ACOG's Lawrence. "Now we have to untrain them."

That won't be easy. The first Choosing Wisely list of 45 procedures was released last April, too recently for there to be hard data on whether they're changing practice. But some of these battles have been fought for years, with scant success.

ACOG has been trying to reduce the rate of elective cesareans for decades, and its Choosing Wisely list tells obstetricians not to schedule elective cesareans or induce labor before week 39. The rate of cesareans in the United States was 33 percent of deliveries in 2009, up from 21 percent in 1996, federal data show.


The experience of Intermountain Healthcare, a group of hospitals and clinics in Utah, suggests why. The nonprofit recently cut its rate of inappropriate labor inductions and cesareans from 28 percent of births to 2 percent. That saved Utah $50 million a year in healthcare spending, mostly by reducing use of the neonatal intensive care unit, where many babies delivered in these ways wind up. But Intermountain also lost $9 million in annual billings.

"In our fee-for-service healthcare system," said Consumer Reports' Santa, "poor clinical outcomes for babies improve revenue streams for hospitals," and better care can reduce revenues.

Many business groups have signed on to Choosing Wisely, hoping it will reduce soaring healthcare costs. For instance, the National Business Council on Health, with 7,000 employer members, and the National Business Group on Health, representing Fortune 500 companies and other large employers, are distributing to their members educational material developed by Consumer Reports, a partner in Choosing Wisely.

They are careful to emphasize that the advice comes from doctors. "If employers say you shouldn't have all these tests or procedures, it'll inevitably be seen as 'my employer doesn't want to spend the money to cover them,'" said Helen Darling, president of the Business Group.

The pages and pages of lists raise an obvious question: How did so many worthless and even dangerous procedures become so widely used?

For one thing, there is no regulatory requirement that physicians prove a new procedure helps patients, as drug makers must do before selling a new pharmaceutical.

For another, "Americans want the latest, newest thing," said Dr Howard Brody of the University of Texas Medical Branch, whose 2010 challenge to physicians to identify worthless tests and treatments inspired Choosing Wisely. "Technological enthusiasm on the part of physicians and the general public makes them willing to adopt new things without rigorous testing. Only years later, and only if studies are done, do we see that it's no good."

(Reporting by Sharon Begley; Editing by Jilian Mincer and Prudence Crowther)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
2/21/2013 4:31:39 PM
Hi Miguel,

Yes, I love this article on health care. Oh boy, the tests that are done that are not needed. No wonder I don't trust doctors. I go to my chiropractor who takes care of my needs. I am not on any drugs, and am doing great.

The other week I was having a terrible time breathing. my Chiropractor suggested Allerplex and Antronex.(vitamins and herbs) My breathing is great after taking them for a few weeks. I think of all the tests and whatever a medical doctor would have put me on scares the begeebers out of me.

Thank God for the natural healing.
Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Truth tellers
2/21/2013 10:50:41 PM
Yes Myrna, I too am an adept to natural healing. But have you thought those symptoms you had could be Ascencion symptoms? I am having them myself. See below.

Ascension Symptoms, or “What is Happening to Me?” – Part 1/3

ascension symptomsHave you been wondering lately why you seem so tired – almost to the point of exhaustion, or feeling irritable, angry, lonely, sad, frustrated, or all of the above, and you can’t figure out why? Have you been asking yourself why you’re behaving in ways, or feeling things, that don’t seem to fit with who you know yourself to be, or that just don’t make any sense?

Or wondering why the people in your life seem to be reacting differently to you? Either they’re more excited than ever to be with you, or the complete opposite, they’re picking fights with you or being upset with you for no apparent reason?

Or perhaps in going through what you consider to be a normal day, at times you feel as if you simply cannot keep your eyes open, like sleep is simply begging you to come and be with it?

Does life at times seem empty and without meaning, even when you’re doing things that you used to love?

Welcome to the ascension process, and the symptoms that many experience along that path. The primary thing to know is that you are not alone, and things will get better.

For those folks who’ve been aware of and consciously involved with ascension, these physical and emotional experiences are all too familiar. Some of these folks have been experiencing the changes for some time, or may have even passed through them by now. For some this may go back a decade or two or even more.

For me personally, I experienced many of these symptoms years before I knew what was going on. No one else in my circle of family, friends, and associates was experiencing what I was. It was a frightening and lonely place to be. If I had known what was happening it would have been so much easier.

Fortunately, enough people have travelled down this road that now there’s a fair amount of information, and more being generated. With the knowledge gained through the trials and travails of those who’ve gone before, and as we continue to discover more of what the ascension journey entails on physical and emotional levels, we can offer each other support, understanding, and solace.

When confronted with these unusual and often unwanted experiences, the first thing we typically want to know is “why?”

Why are these things happening?

You may have heard it said that we’re shifting from carbon-based beings to crystaline-based beings. Perhaps you’ve heard that there’s more to our DNA than we have thought or that science has thus far been able to discover; that what we were told were the “junk” parts of our DNA are being reactivated. Maybe you’ve heard people talking about Pineal Activations and similar things.

These concepts are all very real, and even our physical sciences are beginning to be aware of them. It all has to do with the light energy that’s penetrating us, our world, and everything on it, easing us into the new world and a new way of being. So you could say that it isn’t just Nova Earth we’re building, it’s Nova Human as well.

The subject is far too complex to delve deeply into in this discussion, but here’s a smattering of what’s been said about the changes our bodies are going through:

Matthew tells us that “it is the light within a body that transforms its carbon-based cellular structure into the crystalline form that enables the body to live in the high vibrations of energy planes beyond third density.” (1)

Steve Rother and the group add:

“If you would see one of your periodic charts, you would know that the carbon-based structures you currently have and the silicon structure are actually only a few molecules away. With a few re-arrangements, you have a shift from one to another. That is happening not only throughout all of Earth, but also the plant, insect and animal kingdoms are taking on crystalline structures.” (2)

Archangel Michael and St. Germain commented:

“You eventually will not have the carbon-based bodies you have now; they will evolve into crystalline bodies and further along the path, light bodies, with less and less need for physical food to sustain you. Your energy will come directly from Source light and love. You have the ability to tune into this energy now as well. It is just that many of you are not aware of it.” (3)

And this from Mira the Pleiadian:

“As time progresses you will feel like you don’t fit very well into your earthly garments and ways of being. You will be spending your time differently and you will even begin to look different in your human forms. We are merging together into the oneness of who we are and were intended to be. This can appear a little like a checkered pattern that flickers in and out of time and space. However, it is a pattern of sacredness, and change that manifests in a blend of harmony and peace. What does not fit and adapt to the new pattern will find itself on its way out.

“This is akin to someone trying to wear shoes that no longer fit. It all works out in the adaptation to new space and time. The horizons are unlimited and bountiful if you follow the path of Light. Your potential is enormous. You will become the full remembrance of your mastery and your purposeful presence.” (4)

Some of the physical parts of our body that are being activated or enhanced include the pineal gland, pituitary gland, thymus gland, and the vagus nerve. While there’s some disagreement about exactly what the changes involve and what they mean, more information about these changes is becoming available all the time.

But one thing is certain: changes are afoot and our bodies are experiencing them, exhibiting symptoms that may or may not make any sense to us. It can be a frightening experience, often feeling like the rug has been pulled out from under us physically, emotionally, or both.

It can be frightening to not know from one moment to the next what the heck is going on, or feeling like something is going wrong.

At the very least, we know that what we’re experiencing is part of a natural evolutionary process, but a process that has been speeded up. A lot. Instead of an evolution that takes centuries or even millennia, we’re living through an evolution that will unfold in a much smaller timeframe – perhaps a few centuries for the full process, perhaps a few decades for significant parts of it.

It all rather depends on how well we integrate the changes, and how willing we are as a group consciousness to welcome these changes rather than fear them or even fight them.

It’s rather challenging, is it not, to see what’s going on with the cleansing process from inside the washing machine? Inside the machine all we know is that we’re being buffeted about, sometimes gently sometimes not so gently. It’s only when we stand outside the machine – examine the process from a different perspective – that we can say “Oh, yes, I see that the clothes are agitating, but I also see that the agitation is getting them clean. Carry on.”

I hope that this discussion will help you to find that different perspective.

About Ascension Symptomsbutterfly09

Many ascension symptoms are simply the body’s way of communicating what it’s experiencing in the only way it knows how. For example, you might physically experience being very tall or giant-like for a few moments or hours. I experienced this off and on over a period of several years. This is the body’s way of interpreting, through physicality, our energetic expansion.

No matter what ascension symptoms you may be experiencing at this time, at some point – through loving yourself, through understanding and through not resisting the process – “this too shall pass”.

And when it does, you, like the beautiful butterfly that you are, will emerge from your human, third/fourth density cocoon and be able to truly spread your wings and fly.

In the meantime, be kind to yourself. Be gentle, be understanding, be compassionate. Be your own best friend and take good care of you. Rest. Relax. Enjoy.

When you’re in the throes of an unwanted experience, find your center, breathe consciously, drink lots of water – energized with your own intent if you’re willing to believe in your own mastery.

Seek help from those who have gone before and those who are going through it with you. Remember that we’re all in this together.

If an experience feels overwhelming, ask your Guides, the Archangels, the Ascended Masters, the Galactics, whoever you’re most comfortable turning to for support, to dial it down, or to help you through it. They can intercede with the energy and help you achieve a balance.

As with everything, your own discretion is paramount. If you feel that your symptoms indicate something more profound, or you are fearful of what you’re experiencing, it makes sense to consult a medical professional. Even if the test results show nothing, at least you’ll feel relieved, and your relief is all important.

(In Part 2 we’ll list some of the more common symptoms of ascension.)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
3/6/2013 2:24:27 AM

Montague Keen, March 3, 2013 . . . so sorry this I’m posting this late, ~Jean

Posted on

It has been a difficult yet interesting week for you, my dear. We shared your excitement as you read through the DECLARATION officially made by the SOVEREIGN PEOPLE OF THE ANCIENT LAND OF EIRE, who no longer give their consent to LEX ROMANA, the Tyrannical System imposed by Rome. The tears you shed as you read of this brave stand by the people of Ireland were tears for all those who suffered throughout the rule of Rome and not just in Ireland. The world suffered, mankind suffered, because of what was put in place nearly 2000 years ago. My dear, we inspired many to research what was hidden. Now, at last, people are beginning to see the big picture, and they refuse to be part of it. Bombs and guns are not needed, just the courage to stand for truth, to refuse to comply with all that is corrupt. When guided by the heart you cannot go wrong. The congratulations of all in spirit go to those who made this Declaration possible. Now let us see how many other countries will take courage and emulate what the Irish people have done.

The organic, natural essence of a human being is not hate, it is LOVE, and it is the eternal life force. If a human being consumes himself with hate, he will destroy his eternal nature. This choice is of critical importance during these evolutionary times as the illusions and deceptions are being exposed. Hate eventually destroys those who hate; it is destructive, it should have no place in your lives. I have reminded you, many times, that love is your weapon of choice. When you can look on your oppressors with love and pity, they will lose all power over you. It will make them and their evil plans feel exposed, naked, and at your mercy. Behave with dignity and honesty and you will succeed beyond your wildest expectations. This is your time to take control of your planet, are you up to it?

There are, at this time, people strategically placed around your world, who are ready and willing to come to the aid of those who need their help and guidance. Their work is to ignite and spread the light of truth. Go to your sacred places, reclaim them, they belong to you. Use the wonderful energy available at them. The energy you will release will bring the light to those places that have yet to wake-up. Check the ley lines. They will guide you to the most sacred places. Look where they cross and experience the wonderful energy for yourselves. Still, so many of you do not understand how your world works. This information was kept from you. Now, I encourage you to find out for yourselves. Enjoy the freedom it brings to you. You will begin to see life in a whole new light.

The propaganda that abounds at this time is laughable. They just cannot accept that you are awake and can see clearly what they are up to. Some people are being used to create a completely false picture of events. Though some appear to be above board, unfortunately, many have become tainted by the lure of the corrupt. Money and fame are used to entice them. They will find that this is short lived and they will regret becoming involved. You all need to be strong and determined to create a future where love and light will remove all that was dark and corrupt. When the jurisdiction of the Vatican is removed forever, then and only then, will you have a just world for all.

You were told, my dear, that when humanity cries out for help, then your friends from other planets will come to your rescue. You see them in your skies. They are ready to land and assist you. They will help you to create free energy for all. Food and shelter will become freely available as never before. Because you have never experienced it, you think it is not possible. Yours is the only planet with such problems, because you are living on a slave planet. You were made to believe that you were the only beings in the universe. What nonsense! You are embarking on the greatest adventure. We are all behind you, encouraging you to take whatever steps are necessary to achieve your goal.

The Dark Cabal has stepped up the attacks on those who try to expose it. This proves just how frightened they are of you. If you were not succeeding they would not be frightened of you. You would not be a threat to them. You are living in the worst war zone since time began. Your enemies hide behind every facade of democracy. Now, you can see them. You know who they are. They are desperate to escape your planet.

Veronica, my dear, everything will happen in divine time. The right people will be at your side. All obstacles will be removed and you will go ahead as planned before your return to Earth. Sometimes it takes a little time for people to come to terms with what they agreed to do, before their return to Earth. Those who have a role to play must complete it before they are allowed to return to spirit. There is no choice, as you, yourself have found, my dear. Such agreements cannot be broken, no matter how many obstacles are placed in the way. The Dark Ones have done everything possible to isolate you but we continue to bring people to you. The more good people come together, the more light is created. It will extinguish the dark. When the 99% come together in love and harmony, they cannot be defeated, and the Dark Ones know this only too well. This is what they fear. Yes, this is what I am saying. They fear YOU, the awakened you. The ball is in your court, your decision matters.

It is time for people to learn about the God of love and remove all memory of the God of vengeance that was forced on you to keep you under control. Those of you who are still locked into the fear of the God of vengeance need to research for yourselves the truth. You were made to fear death, when so many of us return to assure you that death is a beautiful experience. It is a real homecoming. If you have harmed another during your life, then you alone approach that person and ask forgiveness. It is as simple as that. You are reunited with those you have loved. I chose to continue my work with Veronica. It is what we agreed when I was at her side on Earth. We have worked together in many lifetimes and we were together before Earth was created. Our love has survived many lifetimes on Earth and will continue when we are together in Spirit. Our work will go on. In the meantime, I assist her to accomplish what she returned to Earth to do.

Be kind to yourself, my love. Take time to rest. Everything will soon fall into place once more, as everyone takes their place in the team again. All is in hand. Trust me, my dear.

Always, your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
3/6/2013 2:35:42 AM
I watched this 10 hour film on "Remember Who You Are" with David Icke. It is worth every minute of your time. You will be amazed at how this world is run.



The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday

The great Chinese philosopher Confucius (551-479 BC) said: 'Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.' There is a reason for this.

When people speak they are transmitting a vibrating information field generated by the vocal chords. These vibrations are picked up by the ears of the receiver and transmitted electrically to the brain to be decoded into words.

Everything is an information field and so it is with symbols. They are information fields that represent what they are meant to symbolise and they are transmitted to the brain through the visual senses (through which 80 per cent of the information the brain employs to construct reality is sourced).

The difference is that when we hear sound such as words our conscious mind is aware of that, but when the information fields that we call symbols access the brain they do so subconsciously. Even if one or two register with the conscious mind only a few people realise what they represent and are covertly communicating. It is all happening subconsciously.

In short, symbols are a secret gateway to the human mind.

The bloodline families know this and that's why they have their own language of symbolism and why they place their symbols throughout human society.

Either side of Barrack Obama as he made his State of the Union address this week were the symbols of power known as the fasces - the word from which we get the term fascism. This could not be more appropriate given the agenda of those that control this professional liar and fraud and virtually all of those that he has followed.

Fasces comes from the Latin fascis or 'bundle' and it was the power symbol in ancient Rome although it goes back further. They were often decorated with laurel leaves and once again we see this behind Obama. The laurel is another major bloodline symbol and this is why we see it on the logo of the Cabal-controlled United Nations.

The UN symbol is also broken up into the numerologically-significant 33 segments in the gun-sight pointing at the earth - hence the 33 degrees of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. But don’t get me started on symbolism and what it means or we will be here all day and it’s all in my books and the Wembley presentation.

The axe head on the fasces symbolised dictatorship and the magisterial power to impose capital punishment. In the totality of this symbol the rods tied together represent individuality (people and countries) enslaved as one collective unit ruled by a dictatorship - the axe head. I have just described the European Union, by the way, with its structure that mirrors the fascist symbol.

Now why would the 'Land of the Free' have the symbol of fascism, the symbol from which the very term came, at such a prime location in its alleged 'democracy'? And why can the same symbol be found in the following places, among many others?

The Oval Office; the Mace of the United States House of Representatives; the official seal of the United States Senate; the base of the Statue of Freedom on top of the Capitol building; the facade of the United States Supreme Court building; the Lincoln Memorial; either side of the bust of Lincoln commemorating his Gettysburg Address at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania; inside the Washington Monument; the statue of George Washington at the site of his inauguration, now the Federal Hall National Memorial of New York; the official seal of the United States Tax Court; the seal of the National Guard Bureau; US Army Military Police heraldry; Grand Army Plaza, New York; the seal of Brooklyn; the state seal of Colorado beneath the 'All-seeing eye'; emblem of the Knights of Columbus.

Why? Because America is a fascist state masquerading as 'freedom'. It is the new Rome and Washington DC is built on land that was called Rome and the location dictated by the Roman Church. Britain, Australia, the European Union and elsewhere are also fascist entities in (ever-diminishing) disguise.

All the rest is window dressing, cover up and illusion.


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TEN HOURS of unique and uniquely-presented information about the nature of reality; the fake 'Matrix' dreamworld that people believe to be real; the global conspiracy as it plays out today; and how we can take back our collective power and bring an end to the nonsense that sees the tiny few dictating to the very many.
Ten hours of fantastic information to watch as many times as you like until March 26th for just £5. All previous subscribers of course enjoy another two months to watch as often as they like and introduce the information to new people.
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