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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Truth tellers
1/11/2013 3:54:59 PM
Hi Myrna,

I thought you might be interested in the below material however lengthy.

Top 25 Stories of 2012 Subjected to Media Censorship

1. Signs of an Emerging Police State

President George W. Bush is remembered largely for his role in curbing civil liberties in the name of his "war on terror." But it's President Obama who signed the 2012 NDAA, including its clause allowing for indefinite detention without trial for terrorism suspects. Obama promised he would "interpret them to avoid the constitutional conflict" — leaving us adrift if and when the next administration chooses to interpret them otherwise. Another law of concern is the National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order that Obama issued in March 2012. That order authorizes the President, "in the event of a potential threat to the security of the United States, to take actions necessary to ensure the availability of adequate resources and production capability, including services and critical technology, for national defense requirements."

Sources: Spencer Ackerman and Noah Shachtman, “Read the FBI Memo: Agents Can ‘Suspend the Law,’” Wired, March 28, 2012, James Bamford, “The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center,” Wired, March 15, 2012, Chris Hedges, “Why I’m Suing Barack Obama,” Truthdig, January 16, 2012, .

2. Oceans in Peril

The collapse of our oceans could compromise life itself. In a haunting article in Mother Jones reporter Julia Whitty paints a tenuous seascape — overfished, acidified, warming — and describes how the destruction of the ocean's complex ecosystems jeopardizes the entire planet, not just the 70 percent that is water. Whitty compares ocean acidification, caused by global warming, to acidification that was one of the causes of the "Great Dying," a mass extinction 252 million years ago. Life on earth took 30 million years to recover. In a more hopeful story, a study of 14 protected and 18 non-protected ecosystems in the Mediterranean Sea showed dangerous levels of biomass depletion. But it also showed that the marine reserves were well-enforced, with five to 10 times larger fish populations than in unprotected areas. This encourages establishment and maintenance of more reserves.

Sources: Julia Whitty, “The End of a Myth,” OnEarth, February 27, 2012, Richard Gray, “Warming Oceans Cause Largest Movement of Marine Species in Two Million Years,” Telegraph (UK), June 26, 2011, David A. Gabel, “Overfishing the Mediterranean,” Environmental News Network, March 8, 2012.

3. US Deaths From Fukushima Not Reported

A plume of toxic fallout floated to the US after Japan's tragic Fukushima nuclear disaster on March 11, 2011. The US Environmental Protection Agency found radiation levels in air, water, and milk that were hundreds of times higher than normal across the United States. One month later, the EPA announced that radiation levels had declined, and they would cease testing. But after making a Freedom of Information Act request, journalist Lucas Hixson published emails revealing that on March 24, 2011, the task of collecting nuclear data had been handed off from the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission to the Nuclear Energy Institute, a nuclear industry lobbying group. And in one study that got little attention, scientists Joseph Mangano and Janette Sherman found that in the period following the Fukushima meltdowns, 14,000 more deaths than average were reported in the US, mostly among infants.

Source: Joseph Mangano and Janette Sherman, “14,000 U.S. Deaths Tied to Fukushima Reactor Disaster Fallout,” International Journal of Health Services, December 19, 2011, Alex Roslin, “What Are Officials Hiding about Fukushima?” (Vancouver), October 20, 2011, Danny Schechter, “Beyond Fukushima: A World in Denial about Nuclear Risks,” Common Dreams, March 21, 2011.

4. FBI Informants Carried Out Terrorist Plots Under FBI Direction

We know that FBI agents go into communities such as mosques, both undercover and in the guise of building relationships, quietly gathering information about individuals. This is part of an approach to finding what the FBI now considers the most likely kind of terrorists, "lone wolves." Its strategy: "seeking to identify those disgruntled few who might participate in a plot given the means and the opportunity. And then, in case after case, the government provides the plot, the means, and the opportunity," writes Mother Jones journalist Trevor Aaronson. 508 cases classified as terrorism-related have come before the US Department of Justice since the 9/11 terrorist attacks of 2001. In 243 of these cases, an informant was involved; in 49 cases, an informant actually led the plot. And "with three exceptions, all of the high-profile domestic terror plots of the last decade were actually FBI stings."

Sources: Trevor Aronson, “The Informants,” Mother Jones, September/October 2011, FBI Organizes Almost All Terror Plots in the US,”, August 23, 2011

5. Federal Reserve Secretly Loaned Over $1 Trillion to Major Banks

The Federal Reserve, the US's quasi-private central bank, was audited for the first time in its history this year. The audit report states, "From late 2007 through mid-2010, Reserve Banks provided more than a trillion dollars ... in emergency loans to the financial sector." These loans had significantly less interest and fewer conditions than the high-profile TARP bailouts, and were rife with conflicts of internet. The audit was restricted to Federal Reserve lending during the financial crisis. On July 25, 2012, a bill to audit the Fed again, with fewer limitations, authored by Rep. Ron Paul, passed the House of Representatives. HR459 was expected to die in the Senate, but the movement behind Paul and his calls to hold the Fed accountable, or abolish it altogether, seem to be growing.

Source: Matthew Cardinale, “First Federal Reserve Audit Reveals Trillions in Secret Bailout,” Inter Press Service, Common Dreams, August 28, 2011.

6. Small Network of Corporations Run the Global Economy

A landmark study by researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute in Zurich hardly registered a blip on the media radar screen. The Swiss researchers found that, of 43,060 transnational companies, 147 control 40 percent of total global wealth. The researchers also built a model visually demonstrating how the connections between companies — what it calls the "super entity" — works. Some have criticized the study, saying control of assets doesn't equate to ownership. True, but as we clearly saw in the 2008 financial collapse, corporations are capable of mismanaging assets in their control to the detriment of their actual owners. And a largely unregulated super entity like this is vulnerable to global collapse.

Sources: Rob Waugh, “Does One ‘Super Corporation’ Run the Global Economy? Study Claims it Could be Terrifyingly Unstable,” Daily Mail, October 20, 2011, Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder, and Stefano Battiston, “The Network of Global Corporate Control,” Public Library of Science, October 26, 2011.

7. The International Year of the Cooperative

The corporate media barely mentioned the UN declaring 2012 to be the International Year of the Cooperative, based on the coop business model's stunning growth. The UN found that, in 2012, one billion people worldwide are coop member-owners, or one in five adults over the age of 15. The largest is Spain's Mondragon Corporation, with over 80,000 member-owners. The UN predicts that by 2025, worker-owned coops will be the world's fastest growing business model. Worker-owned cooperatives provide for equitable distribution of wealth and, just maybe, a brighter future for our planet.

Sources: Jessica Reeder, “The Year of the Cooperative,” Yes! Magazine, Feb. 1, 2012, Monique Hairston, “American Dream 2.0: Can Worker-Owned Coops End Poverty?Rebuild the Dream, March 9, 2012.

8. NATO War Crimes in Libya

In January 2012, the BBC "revealed" how British Special Forces agents joined and "blended in" with rebels in Libya to help topple dictator Muammar Gadaffi, a story that alternative media sources had reported a year earlier. NATO admits to bombing a pipe factory in the Libyan city of Brega that was key to the water supply system that brought tap water to 70 percent of Libyans, saying that Gadaffi was storing weapons in the factory. Background knowledge and historical context confirming Al-Qaeda and Western involvement in the destabilization of the Gadaffi regime are essential for making sense of corporate news narratives depicting the Libyan operation as a popular "uprising."

Sources: Michael Collins, “NATO War Crimes: The Wanton Destruction of Sirte,” Global Research, October 15, 2011, Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, “NATO War Crime: Libya Water Supply,” Pravda, July 23, 2011, Franklin Lamb, “Where Have Libya’s Children Gone?” Counterpunch, August 8, 2011.

9. Prison Slavery in the US

On its website, the UNICOR manufacturing corporation proudly proclaims that its products are "made in America." That's true, but they're made in places in the US where labor laws don't apply, with workers often paid just 23 cents an hour to be exposed to toxic materials with no legal recourse. These places are US prisons. The majority of products manufactured by inmates are contracted to the Department of Defense. Inmates make complex parts for missile systems, battleship anti-aircraft guns, and landmine sweepers, as well as night-vision goggles, body army, and camouflage uniforms. Of course, this is happening in the context of record high imprisonment in the US, where grossly disproportionate numbers of African Americans and Latinos are imprisoned, and can't vote even after they're freed. This system of slavery, like that which existed in this country before the Civil War, is also racist, as more than 60 percent of US prisoners are people of color.

Sources: Sara Flounders, “The Pentagon and Slave Labor in U.S. Prisons,” Workers World, June 6, 2011, James Ridgeway and Jean Casella, “Cruel and Usual: US Solitary Confinement,” Al Jazeera, Mar. 19, 2011.

10. HR 347 Would Make Many Forms of Nonviolent Protest Illegal

In March 2012, President Obama signed into law HR 347, the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act. The law specifies as criminal offenses the acts of entering or remaining in areas defined as “restricted.” Although pundits have debated to what extent the new law restricts First Amendment rights or criminalizes Occupy protests, it does make it easier for the Secret Service to overuse or misuse existing laws to arrest lawful protesters by lowering the requirement of intent in the prosecution of criminal activity.

Sources: Danny Weil, “Many Forms of Occupy Protests Subjected to New Bill Making Protests Illegal,” TheDaily Censored (blog), March 5, 2012, Oskar Mosquito, “NDAA: Limiting Protesters’ Rights,” Media Roots, March 5, 2012, Brian Doherty, “Bill Passes House,” Reason (blog), March 1, 2012.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
1/14/2013 4:54:01 AM

Montague Keen, January 12, 2013

Posted on

This is a difficult time for so many of you as the dark entities infiltrate wherever they can, to cause disruption and chaos in their desperation to survive. Indeed, someone brought such entities into our home recently. The constant disruption to the electricity supply, which has prevented you from carrying out our work, is an example of this interference. It searches out people who get close to you, in order to disrupt our work and cause disharmony where there should be none. I know it is always difficult to make people understand that they have been infiltrated and that they need help to remove the entity. The entity itself convinces them that this is a ridiculous suggestion, and so it continues to control them. This has gone on throughout history. Soon it will no longer be possible to do this.

Remember my dear, many are called but few are chosen. Be strong, my dear, as you face yet another crisis. You will be assisted in deciding who you can trust and who must withdraw. Those within the Cabal are clever and they appeal to people’s weaknesses and egos, quickly taking control of their minds. So you really do not know who you are dealing with. They attack you and your work. But you, my dear, are made of sterner stuff. You have had to deal with similar situations in the past, and no doubt, there will be more in the future. Deal with the situation with compassion. Try to help those who are overcome, to understand that they are no longer in control of their lives, and in the end they will be destroyed and discarded when no longer of use.

There is a battle going on between the light and the dark, and you are all in the middle of it, struggling to survive. It is disrupting your sleep and making people anxious about the future. It will come to an end, as you know in your hearts and souls, that the light will triumph. It is just a question of being strong and not giving in to the fear that is being created all around you. The weather is being manipulated; food shortages are being created; businesses are being forced to close; all in order to create chaos and hardship. It is all part of their great plan.

The illuminati figures are struggling to hold on, as everything around them changes, and people ask questions and begin to see the light. The propaganda machine is now open to scrutiny. People are seeing through the lies which, not so long ago, they would have accepted as absolute truth. You can now see that before every tragedy or situation occurs, their explanations have, so obviously, been prepared in advance. But these explanations do not fit the situations anymore. In fact, this is adding to their downfall. The light is shining upon their actions, exposing them for what they are. Their great illusion is being exposed. At last, humanity is beginning to see things as they are, not as it was told they are. Once you grasp the reality of it all, you are home and dry.

You: each and everyone of you, is bringing this about. You are taking back your planet from the usurpers. It is difficult to accept that such evil entities have controlled you and your planet and kept you as prisoners and slaves. Be prepared ! Start researching the real truth of who you are, and your true history, which bears no resemblance to what you were taught.

It is time to question everything and everyone. Refuse to be treated like sheep anymore. We are orchestrating everything from this side of life, so we are dealing with the opposition also, by helping you to see the truth. You are fighting for your lives and the future of humanity. You cannot afford to be complacent. It is your duty to expose all the evil that has kept you in darkness, and your planet in isolation. Humanity is crying out for freedom from tyranny and corruption. It is time for them to leave your planet. They appear to those on your planet to be people, but they are NOT. They do not have compassion and they despise you. They want your planet for themselves. They only require a select few of you to serve them as slaves. They look down on you as lesser mortals, seeing themselves as superior; when in fact, nothing is further from the truth.

However, you are winning the war on every level. They waged war against your souls, your minds, and your very existence, and they almost won. You owe a great deal to those who (for years) have faced ridicule and attack because they told the truth and exposed corruption. Let love be your guiding light. The corrupt are not capable of love; for love is giving, and they do not understand the concept of giving. Love survives, creating an imprint on the soul that cannot be erased. You and I are an example of this: not even death can extinguish it.

I am aware, my dear, that it is the ninth anniversary of my passing on the 15th January. Do not mourn me, as I am still with you. I prove to you, every day, that I have never left your energy. That is the power of love. To have love in your life is to have everything.

My love grows stronger with each passing year, nourishing your life and supporting our work. Together, we can move mountains.

Your adoring, Monty.
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
1/18/2013 3:00:49 PM
This is so true

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
1/28/2013 6:06:53 AM

Montague Keen, January 27, 2013

Posted on

With enlightenment, you are experiencing a greater understanding of the illusion that was used to keep you enslaved. You are seeing the Light and with the light comes love, and this love reconnects you with God (All That Is). You are returning to the universal fold. Link with this love energy, as where there is love, there cannot be fear or illness. Learn once more, to look with love on everything, even those you were encouraged to fear. Your love will dissipate their power over you. Love yourself: this is so important, for if you cannot love yourself, you cannot love anyone or anything else.

To change society, start first by changing yourself. You cannot sit back and depend on politicians and the like to change anything. They, after all, are responsible for the chaos all around you. You are the architects of this great change. Create in your minds the world as you would wish it to be, where people love each other and there is no violence and no fear; where peace reigns supreme. You can do it. Everything is in place for this to happen. Everyone has to create it together. Take back your power.

Where there is fear, create joy, and the fear will disappear. Ensure that your thoughts and actions are of pure intent, then there will be no room for suffering or aggression of any sort. You are waking up from a nightmare that you have been living in for centuries. You can heal the world. Remove all barriers created by religion, governments, and race, etc, and you will be free. Those walls were deliberately created to keep you under control. Your world has to change, so these walls have to come down. Your mantra should be, I WANT PEACE NOT WAR. I WANT LOVE. You have become separated from love, yet love is all that is. Accept that you need love and watch your world change for the better. You need each others’ love. The love vibration must be in your heart and soul. Remember that in order to find love, firstly, you must GIVE IT. Where there is love, there is no war, violence, or disease. Love is perfect bliss. All the walls are but an illusion. The lack of love is responsible for all that is wrong in your world. Love is energy, beautiful energy. When you have love in your life, you have everything. Think with your heart and live through your heart. The mind is controlled, it is a matrix. In loving those you fear, you neutralise them. That is real power, THE POWER OF LOVE.

As the light of truth appears, it exposes all that kept you in darkness. Though they use their power to keep you ignorant, they are fighting a losing battle. Each time a soul embraces the truth, there is rejoicing here in the world of spirit. We are with you every step of the way. We ask that you step forward and spread the word. Share your knowledge with all you meet, as to open another mind to truth is very rewarding. You do not need weapons to conquer the world, you need love and truth. You are living through the greatest change your planet has ever known. You have chosen to be the ones to remove the dark and return it to the light. Enjoy the journey, for it is the most exciting one of your lives.

I ask all those who link with spirit to offer protection to those in the front line of this transition. Everyone needs to take part. By sending love and light, you, too, are playing a role. It is the biggest role of your life, so much depends on it.

The corruption that was hidden so successfully for generations is now out in the open, exposed in all its depravity. They can no longer control the flow of exposure. All corruption has to be exposed and removed. There is no place for corruption in a world where love and peace rule. No country will be attacked. No people will ever live in fear of war again. You, all of you, are making this happen by embracing the light.

My dear wife gets many messages of love from around your world. They are all appreciated and they serve to link together in love so many countries. It is the power of love that enables Veronica and I to continue to work together. We are delighted that so many of you are delving back in history to ancient times in order to establish the truth; a time before the takeover by the dark forces. It is time for you to know who you are, and your history.

You ask why the Irish DNA is in so many countries, if what you were told in the corrupt history was true, that they were illiterate, ignorant and uncouth? In fact, they were the teachers of the world, 2000 years ago. They are the ARYAN RACE. The evidence can no longer be kept hidden, it will be exposed for all to see. Truth cannot be denied to you forever. Come together in love and harmony and bring this change about. You have the power to do this.

My love never leaves you. I show you that I am with you at all times.

Your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation
Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Truth tellers
1/28/2013 9:42:29 AM

Hello Myrna

I am curious ...when did "Monty" write this letter and when did he send it? In what year?



Montague Keen, January 12, 2013

Posted on

This is a difficult time for so many of you as the dark entities infiltrate wherever they can, to cause disruption and chaos in their desperation to survive. Indeed, someone brought such entities into our home recently. The constant disruption to the electricity supply, which has prevented you from carrying out our work, is an example of this interference. It searches out people who get close to you, in order to disrupt our work and cause disharmony where there should be none. I know it is always difficult to make people understand that they have been infiltrated and that they need help to remove the entity. The entity itself convinces them that this is a ridiculous suggestion, and so it continues to control them. This has gone on throughout history. Soon it will no longer be possible to do this.

Remember my dear, many are called but few are chosen. Be strong, my dear, as you face yet another crisis. You will be assisted in deciding who you can trust and who must withdraw. Those within the Cabal are clever and they appeal to people’s weaknesses and egos, quickly taking control of their minds. So you really do not know who you are dealing with. They attack you and your work. But you, my dear, are made of sterner stuff. You have had to deal with similar situations in the past, and no doubt, there will be more in the future. Deal with the situation with compassion. Try to help those who are overcome, to understand that they are no longer in control of their lives, and in the end they will be destroyed and discarded when no longer of use.

There is a battle going on between the light and the dark, and you are all in the middle of it, struggling to survive. It is disrupting your sleep and making people anxious about the future. It will come to an end, as you know in your hearts and souls, that the light will triumph. It is just a question of being strong and not giving in to the fear that is being created all around you. The weather is being manipulated; food shortages are being created; businesses are being forced to close; all in order to create chaos and hardship. It is all part of their great plan.

The illuminati figures are struggling to hold on, as everything around them changes, and people ask questions and begin to see the light. The propaganda machine is now open to scrutiny. People are seeing through the lies which, not so long ago, they would have accepted as absolute truth. You can now see that before every tragedy or situation occurs, their explanations have, so obviously, been prepared in advance. But these explanations do not fit the situations anymore. In fact, this is adding to their downfall. The light is shining upon their actions, exposing them for what they are. Their great illusion is being exposed. At last, humanity is beginning to see things as they are, not as it was told they are. Once you grasp the reality of it all, you are home and dry.

You: each and everyone of you, is bringing this about. You are taking back your planet from the usurpers. It is difficult to accept that such evil entities have controlled you and your planet and kept you as prisoners and slaves. Be prepared ! Start researching the real truth of who you are, and your true history, which bears no resemblance to what you were taught.

It is time to question everything and everyone. Refuse to be treated like sheep anymore. We are orchestrating everything from this side of life, so we are dealing with the opposition also, by helping you to see the truth. You are fighting for your lives and the future of humanity. You cannot afford to be complacent. It is your duty to expose all the evil that has kept you in darkness, and your planet in isolation. Humanity is crying out for freedom from tyranny and corruption. It is time for them to leave your planet. They appear to those on your planet to be people, but they are NOT. They do not have compassion and they despise you. They want your planet for themselves. They only require a select few of you to serve them as slaves. They look down on you as lesser mortals, seeing themselves as superior; when in fact, nothing is further from the truth.

However, you are winning the war on every level. They waged war against your souls, your minds, and your very existence, and they almost won. You owe a great deal to those who (for years) have faced ridicule and attack because they told the truth and exposed corruption. Let love be your guiding light. The corrupt are not capable of love; for love is giving, and they do not understand the concept of giving. Love survives, creating an imprint on the soul that cannot be erased. You and I are an example of this: not even death can extinguish it.

I am aware, my dear, that it is the ninth anniversary of my passing on the 15th January. Do not mourn me, as I am still with you. I prove to you, every day, that I have never left your energy. That is the power of love. To have love in your life is to have everything.

My love grows stronger with each passing year, nourishing your life and supporting our work. Together, we can move mountains.

Your adoring, Monty.
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