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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/17/2012 8:00:33 PM
Hello everyone. I love Monty's posts, they always seem to help put things together in the right way, at least they do for me.

Montague Keen, December 16, 2012

What a difficult week it has been for you, my dear. Because you are very sensitive, the changing energies affect you deeply. They bring up emotions long buried in the past. Certain other people have behaved completely out of character recently and are in a confused state of mind. At this time, when you deviate from your pre-ordained path, all sorts of difficulties will arise, to force you back on track. It is a war between good and evil, right and wrong. The Cabal wants you firmly on the materialistic path. They are causing financial problems that seem insurmountable for so many of you. When you have the courage to step off the treadmill and take control of your lives, everything will fall into place and your path will become clear. Take courage, and hold a firm belief and acceptance of the changes that need to happen, to remove you from this dark, miserable, third-dimensional existence, into a future that presently, you can only dream of. You made a commitment when you returned to Earth, that you would willingly bring about these changes. You are now doing what you came on Earth to do. Trust that you will be taken care of, and that you will enjoy the fruits of your effort. Come together, support each other, and encourage those who worry about taking the next step.

This Christmastime, the most important thing that anyone can give, is love. Instead of getting into debt by buying presents, create a loving, sharing experience for those around you. Love and laughter are far more important than material things. The material bandwagon was created to keep you in servitude to the Cabal. For once, ignore the advertisements pressuring you to get into debt. Only the banks win in this situation. Think what freedom you will enjoy when banks are a thing of the past !

Yet again, the old formula was used; namely, insane killings as a means to create new laws and have more control over the many. It works every time. They do not deviate from what always works. When will you wake up to it and refuse to fall for it? Human life, however young and innocent, is of no consequence to them when it can be used to their benefit. There is no justice in your world. More and more control is being placed on your lives. You just accept it without question. What does the Cabal need to do, to enable you to wake up to their plans. They are destroying human life on Earth and you just accept it without question. When will enough be enough? How much more are you going to allow them to do to you and your planet before you take control?

You must understand that the Cabal is terrified of you. You outnumber them. They know that when the majority of you wake up, they are finished. Though many have left already, there are still enough of them in place to create havoc, when necessary, just to keep you in your place. To the Cabal, you are like animals in a zoo: they have no respect whatsoever. Link with your spiritual side, learn to open your hearts to Spirit, and you will be guided.

This is an important time in the life of Man, when he has to accept that all he knew and accepted as true, is in fact, FALSE. It is time to challenge the so-called facts. Share your research and expose this shameless corruption. You need to sweep out all the dross to allow the pure, new energies to come into your lives. Your controllers can never rise above their third dimensional status, and so cannot remain when you enter the fifth dimension. Be prepared to let go of what no longer serves you. Go forward with confidence to the new beginnings that await you and yours. Watch the corrupt structures crumble and fall as the light of truth exposes them for what they actually are. Many of them are so evil and corrupt that only their ashes will remain. Your world needs to be cleansed of this corruption. It will take time as it cannot happen overnight. But happen it will. There is no magic wand that would make it immediately disappear. Just now, the prevention of more war is our top priority. The return of troops to their countries of origin has to commence forthwith. When the 99% demand peace, then peace will be the result. It is time to find your voice.

Trust that things will happen when it is ordained that they should happen. All the plans to assist you in your move to the fifth dimension are in operation and will move forward as we see fit, when the timing is right and not before.

To those who are in fear of losing their material possessions, I say, know that you will lose only that which you no longer require in the fifth dimension. Your path needs to have obstacles removed to enable you to complete your mission. You made this choice before you returned to Earth, so this commitment must be honoured. Life was never meant to be easy in the third dimension. This is a clearing out period. It is never easy, but it is necessary. Be there for each other. Talk your problems through. You will find that together you reach the solutions. The control of the media means that you are not being told about everything that is actually happening at this time. Everything is moving forward as it should.

My dear, when people are hurting, they tend to hurt those closest to them, as these are the ones with whom they feel safest. Understand their dilemma and be there for them when they need to talk. Friendship and trust must be cherished.

You will all survive these rocky times. Adapt to them as best you can, knowing that they are only temporary.

My love surrounds you and supports you through these difficult times. Your adoring, Monty.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/22/2012 8:16:15 PM
Hello Everyone,

Just thought I would have a little song for all.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/31/2012 1:01:53 AM
Portrait, author and activist Naomi Wolf, 10/19/11. (photo: Guardian UK)

Portrait, author and activist Naomi Wolf, 10/19/11. (photo: Guardian UK)

How the FBI Coordinated the Crackdown on Occupy

By Naomi Wolf, Guardian UK

29 December 12

New documents prove what was once dismissed as paranoid fantasy: totally integrated corporate-state repression of dissent

t was more sophisticated than we had imagined: new documents show that the violent crackdown on Occupy last fall - so mystifying at the time - was not just coordinated at the level of the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, and local police. The crackdown, which involved, as you may recall, violent arrests, group disruption, canister missiles to the skulls of protesters, people held in handcuffs so tight they were injured, people held in bondage till they were forced to wet or soil themselves -was coordinated with the big banks themselves.

The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, in a groundbreaking scoop that should once more shame major US media outlets (why are nonprofits now some of the only entities in America left breaking major civil liberties news?), filed this request. The document - reproduced here in an easily searchable format - shows a terrifying network of coordinated DHS, FBI, police, regional fusion center, and private-sector activity so completely merged into one another that the monstrous whole is, in fact, one entity: in some cases, bearing a single name, the Domestic Security Alliance Council. And it reveals this merged entity to have one centrally planned, locally executed mission. The documents, in short, show the cops and DHS working for and with banks to target, arrest, and politically disable peaceful American citizens.

The documents, released after long delay in the week between Christmas and New Year, show a nationwide meta-plot unfolding in city after city in an Orwellian world: six American universities are sites where campus police funneled information about students involved with OWS to the FBI, with the administrations' knowledge (p51); banks sat down with FBI officials to pool information about OWS protesters harvested by private security; plans to crush Occupy events, planned for a month down the road, were made by the FBI - and offered to the representatives of the same organizations that the protests would target; and even threats of the assassination of OWS leaders by sniper fire - by whom? Where? - now remain redacted and undisclosed to those American citizens in danger, contrary to standard FBI practice to inform the person concerned when there is a threat against a political leader (p61).

As Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, executive director of the PCJF, put it, the documents show that from the start, the FBI - though it acknowledges Occupy movement as being, in fact, a peaceful organization - nonetheless designated OWS repeatedly as a "terrorist threat":

"FBI documents just obtained by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund (PCJF) … reveal that from its inception, the FBI treated the Occupy movement as a potential criminal and terrorist threat … The PCJF has obtained heavily redacted documents showing that FBI offices and agents around the country were in high gear conducting surveillance against the movement even as early as August 2011, a month prior to the establishment of the OWS encampment in Zuccotti Park and other Occupy actions around the country."

Verheyden-Hilliard points out the close partnering of banks, the New York Stock Exchange and at least one local Federal Reserve with the FBI and DHS, and calls it "police-statism":

"This production [of documents], which we believe is just the tip of the iceberg, is a window into the nationwide scope of the FBI's surveillance, monitoring, and reporting on peaceful protestors organizing with the Occupy movement … These documents also show these federal agencies functioning as a de facto intelligence arm of Wall Street and Corporate America."

The documents show stunning range: in Denver, Colorado, that branch of the FBI and a "Bank Fraud Working Group" met in November 2011 - during the Occupy protests - to surveil the group. The Federal Reserve of Richmond, Virginia had its own private security surveilling Occupy Tampa and Tampa Veterans for Peace and passing privately-collected information on activists back to the Richmond FBI, which, in turn, categorized OWS activities under its "domestic terrorism" unit. The Anchorage, Alaska "terrorism task force" was watching Occupy Anchorage. The Jackson, Michigan "joint terrorism task force" was issuing a "counterterrorism preparedness alert" about the ill-organized grandmas and college sophomores in Occupy there. Also in Jackson, Michigan, the FBI and the "Bank Security Group" - multiple private banks - met to discuss the reaction to "National Bad Bank Sit-in Day" (the response was violent, as you may recall). The Virginia FBI sent that state's Occupy members' details to the Virginia terrorism fusion center. The Memphis FBI tracked OWS under its "joint terrorism task force" aegis, too. And so on, for over 100 pages.

Jason Leopold, at, who has sought similar documents for more than a year, reported that the FBI falsely asserted in response to his own FOIA requests that no documents related to its infiltration of Occupy Wall Street existed at all. But the release may be strategic: if you are an Occupy activist and see how your information is being sent to terrorism task forces and fusion centers, not to mention the "longterm plans" of some redacted group to shoot you, this document is quite the deterrent.

There is a new twist: the merger of the private sector, DHS and the FBI means that any of us can become WikiLeaks, a point that Julian Assange was trying to make in explaining the argument behind his recent book. The fusion of the tracking of money and the suppression of dissent means that a huge area of vulnerability in civil society - people's income streams and financial records - is now firmly in the hands of the banks, which are, in turn, now in the business of tracking your dissent.

Remember that only 10% of the money donated to WikiLeaks can be processed - because of financial sector and DHS-sponsored targeting of PayPal data. With this merger, that crushing of one's personal or business financial freedom can happen to any of us. How messy, criminalizing and prosecuting dissent. How simple, by contrast, just to label an entity a "terrorist organization" and choke off, disrupt or indict its sources of financing.

Why the huge push for counterterrorism "fusion centers", the DHS militarizing of police departments, and so on? It was never really about "the terrorists". It was not even about civil unrest. It was always about this moment, when vast crimes might be uncovered by citizens - it was always, that is to say, meant to be about you.

Helen Elias

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RE: Truth tellers
12/31/2012 11:36:55 AM
Hello Myrna

It took me a while to get back here but finally.....

That was a great video!


Hello Everyone,

Just thought I would have a little song for all.

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
12/31/2012 6:11:05 PM

So many of you are hurting, whether it is through illness, emotional, or financial problems, you are being bombarded by dark energies and you are finding it difficult to rise above them. It will not last. It is being done to try to prevent you waking up, and seeing all the information that has been suppressed for years. Do not allow yourselves to be distracted, no matter how bad you feel. Because you are hurting, it does not give you permission to lash out and hurt others, whose intentions are honorable. You are all in this battle together; all fighting on the same side, with one goal in sight – the removal of the Dark Cabal. The Cabal uses the same formula every time in order to achieve its aims. Do you not see that by killing your children, they hope to remove your rights, so that they can make laws that would leave you at their mercy. Think carefully on this one, as you have everything to lose. Infiltrators are positioned to appeal to the masses, to make it seem that you do not care if you do not do as they demand. Learn from these terrible tragedies. Recognise the formula and look for the real culprits. They do not give up easily. You need to be awake and alert to look behind the official story. Knee jerk reactions lead to disastrous decisions. You are not being told the truth. Stand firm. Do not be pushed into agreeing to something that you will most certainly regret. The truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. Those in the Cabal are laughing at you. They play games with you. They actually show you, in advance, what they intend to do, and you still do not see it. They feel they do not need to hide their plans. They are confident that you are sufficiently asleep that you will not notice them. How they relish the fact that they have got away with so much for so long. It is up to all of you, now, to read all that was hidden from sight. Brave people are now coming forward with it, to enable you to understand the real truth.

You saw, my dear, that the portals to Inner Earth were revealed. You asked, “Who created the NO FLY ZONES?” [over the north and south poles]. Why was it so important to them to prevent you from knowing about them? There is so much more for you to learn about your planet. You need to know why your world is in the state it is today, and why the control is in so few hands. Religions have done more to control the masses than anything else, yet people still cling to them because of the fear they have instilled in people about places that do not exist.

Go forward into 2013 with eyes wide open and with love in your hearts, in the sure knowledge that you are on the right path, where truth is paramount. There is sufficient information out there in the public domain, to convince you that you have been constantly lied to, by those who make the decisions. Stop being victims. It takes courage to stop being the helpless victim but you must step into your own power. Ancient history has all the answers. Yes, you do need to go back that far in order to understand why the world is in such chaos now. That is when the big take-over began. You have been lied to and controlled like sheep, ever since.

“Love changes everything”. That is so true. When mankind learns to love, instead of fearing each other as you were taught, then the killing will stop and there will be peace for all mankind. The more love you give, the more you will receive. Every creature on Earth needs to be loved and cherished. Send LOVE to situations that seem hopeless, then wait to see the energy change. Let love be your weapon. Use it to bring about the changes that are needed. Many of you do not understand that you must first love and accept yourself before you can love another, or use the power of love to bring about peace and harmony. You are the knights in shining armour who will rescue your planet from the hands of the infidel. Everything will fall into place when the timing is right. You just need to be open to it. Those who only strive for financial gain will be left by the wayside. It is time to reassess your values, as this creates such fear and stress that it takes over your life completely and you fail to see the full picture and your part in it.

Many of you are targeted individuals because of your work for justice and truth. You must recognise this fact and invoke protection and guidance. Take responsibility for your life and well-being. Close all doors to possible attacks and constantly ground yourself and ask for protection. Protection cannot be given unless requested. You learned this fact the hard way, my dear. You assume it is all bad luck, but when your eyes are open, you see clearly that you have been selected for attack, to try to prevent you from carrying out your mission. Once you recognise this fact, you can deal with it. This goes to show the alertness of those in the Cabal: they know who everyone is, and they know their role in bringing about the Transition. Those of the Cabal FEAR YOU and this is why they attack you. They consider your role important, so you must accept THAT IT MUST BE SO. It is up to you, to use every means at your disposal, to protect yourself. You have nothing to fear, except fear itself. Surround yourself with love and light.

Veronica, my dear, life continues to be a struggle for you. Trying to keep everyone on track and protected is not an easy task. You need the support of those around you. You are a team and should act as such. The obstacles and blockages are sent to try you, and indeed they do. Continue to work in the sure knowledge that we will succeed. I walk this lonely path with you, my dear. We have loved each other in many lifetimes. Past love is powerful, it cannot die. It is to be valued as it is priceless. When you find it, treasure it.

Let us go forward, my dear, in love and light.

Your adoring, Monty.

I love the song Love changes Everything. Sung so well by Michael Crawford


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