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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/31/2012 3:32:11 AM
Hi Miguel,

About the Pharma drugs. I would not take those pills,shots for all the tea in China. The only thing they are good for is to put money in the Pharma pocket. When you look at all the side effects it makes you sicker then the disease itself. Excuse me, but I will keep on with my Chiropractor, and health food store. I don't have to much faith in doctors, and I feel you should always get a 2nd opinion. I have heard of too many people being told they have the flu, when it is something serious.

I have 2 people I take to the doctors, it makes me sick to see them putting that garbage in their bodies, and having more complains, more pain. They both are taking 6- 8 kinds of meds. They even feel the meds are making them feel worse, but their doctor told them to take it, and they think he knows what is best for them. HAHA.

I read Dr Mercola on a daily basis. The other day he was talking about sugar being the big cause of heart problems, not salt. Another doctor said use the pink salt, the Himalayan salt, it has the trace minerals, which we are lacking. Do you ever get leg or arm cramps, it is lack of trace minerals. You can find them too at the health food store.

Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Truth tellers
10/31/2012 4:20:02 AM
Breaking News Alert! Dr. Mercola Attacked by Biotech Bullies

By Dr. Mercola

We all know that labeling genetically engineered foods is a common sense right that is enjoyed by over 50 other countries, including China, India, and Russia.

But for Americans, that right has been taken away from us. The chemical companies and the junk food companies have done everything possible to hide the truth from Americans for the sake of their profits.

I knew going into this battle, that it would be a significant challenge and risk to me personally. You see, when you fight against major chemical companies like Monsanto, you're sure to get a little dirty along the way.

The processed food and chemical companies have paid over $40 million to hide the science experiment that has secretly ended up on the dinner plates of hundreds of millions of unknowing Americans. These multinational corporations are worried, and will do anything to keep you in the dark.

Keep in mind that the top six funders of "No on 37" are also the six largest pesticide companies in the world! That alone should tell you that their stance has nothing to do with your health and well-being.

This was just one of the ads that Monsanto & company have been sending voters to discredit me with lies. This is no surprise, considering how many people - inlcuding farmers, Monsanto has attacked in the past.

Prop 37's Sponsors Stand to Profit

False Claims and Misrepresentations Used to Mislead Voters


Helen Elias

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RE: Truth tellers
10/31/2012 10:34:07 AM

Bravo, Myrna!

Hi Miguel,

About the Pharma drugs. I would not take those pills,shots for all the tea in China. The only thing they are good for is to put money in the Pharma pocket. When you look at all the side effects it makes you sicker then the disease itself. Excuse me, but I will keep on with my Chiropractor, and health food store. I don't have to much faith in doctors, and I feel you should always get a 2nd opinion. I have heard of too many people being told they have the flu, when it is something serious.

I have 2 people I take to the doctors, it makes me sick to see them putting that garbage in their bodies, and having more complains, more pain. They both are taking 6- 8 kinds of meds. They even feel the meds are making them feel worse, but their doctor told them to take it, and they think he knows what is best for them. HAHA.

I read Dr Mercola on a daily basis. The other day he was talking about sugar being the big cause of heart problems, not salt. Another doctor said use the pink salt, the Himalayan salt, it has the trace minerals, which we are lacking. Do you ever get leg or arm cramps, it is lack of trace minerals. You can find them too at the health food store.

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Helen Elias

1370 Posts
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RE: Truth tellers
10/31/2012 10:59:11 AM

Hello Miguel

Do you realize that the drug companies don't want us to die?

They just want us to be sick as long as possible.

Mike Adams writes and presents some really good articles.


Hi Myrna,

Here is yet another article on big pharma's lies and false claims.



Blood pressure meds are totally worthless

Sunday, October 28, 2012 by: Craig Stellpflug

(NaturalNews) There are some 68 million people in the U.S. who are diagnosed with either high blood pressure or mild - stage 1 hypertension. The blood pressure numbers used to diagnose these two conditions are systolic (top number) value of 140-159 and diastolic (bottom number) value of 90-99. This latest review conducted by the Cochrane Collaboration, which provides independent analyses of medical data, suggests that many patients with stage 1 hypertension are over-treated and subjected to the possible harms of drug treatment without any benefit. They even found that close to nine percent of patients treated with blood pressure meds discontinued treatment due to adverse effects.

A very recent study is now turning 30 years of medical dogma along with the associated drugging on its head. The latest independent experts now report that blood pressure drugs used to treat mild cases of high blood pressure not only do not reduce heart attacks, strokes, or overall deaths, but that they come with a litany of nasty "side effects" from loss of libido to sudden pain, urinary infections, asthma symptoms, insomnia, depression, coughing, rashes, dizziness, drowsiness, constipation, diarrhea and on and on. One of the "side effects" of these unnecessary medications is death. (There are no such thing as "side effects," they are ALL EFFECTS)

Treatment without benefit

For decades, doctors have been liberally prescribing blood pressure medications to anyone stumbling near the mark of 140 in systolic blood pressure. Big Pharma has also managed to officially get the blood pressure rate limits artificially lowered so as to include more patients in the medication range, which has proven to be far more injurious than helpful. But don't expect Big Pharma to act like they've done anything wrong or change their money-mongering ways.

Many medical doctors simply assumed that treatment of stage 1 hypertension helped the patient without even questioning if there would be any benefits. In most clinical trials, patients with any rate of hypertension from mild to severe were simply lumped together, thereby missing critical information. The fact remains that in reviewing thousands of mild hypertension cases, the Cochrane Collaboration found that no benefit was detected in the use of drugs to treat mild hypertension along with the possibility that the drugs cause net harm. Furthermore, there was also a non-significant trend toward more heart attacks among medicated patients.

Big Pharma drugs do not make cures, they make repeat customers

The best way to assure that a patient comes down with a disease is to treat with drugs before it is a problem. There is an actual medical term out there called "disease creep." Disease creep happens when patients with risk factors for a condition or even just a mild case of a disease are treated and drugged with the same medications and treatments as patients with severe cases. In these cases, it is easy for deleterious drug effects to overwhelm any benefit. Jay Siwek, editor of the journal American Family Physician, notes that disease creep can be seen in the recently created concept of "predisease" - such as "prehypertension" or "prediabetes."

Big Pharma loves their profits. Starting people on a medication when they only have a risk factor and there is no evidence of actual disease multiplies Big Pharma profits by getting more people on even more medications for far longer periods of time.

Find the cause and fix it

All symptoms of disease are just - symptoms. Symptoms have causes and only treating symptoms is like trying to bail out your basement while broken pipes are still running water. Finding the causes of symptoms unfortunately involves sincere diet and lifestyle changes - not just popping a pill. There are a lot of more effective, evidence-based approaches to treating high blood pressure, such as exercise, smoking cessation, following a Mediterranean diet, going gluten free, avoiding environmental toxins, removing heavy metals (like dental amalgams) along with targeted nutritional supplements.

Sources for this article

About the author:
Craig Stellpflug is a Cancer Nutrition Specialist, Lifestyle Coach and Neuro Development Consultant at Healing Pathways Medical Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ. With 17 years of clinical experience working with both brain disorders and cancer, Craig has seen first-hand the devastating effects of vaccines and pharmaceuticals on the human body and has come to the conclusion that a natural lifestyle and natural remedies are the true answers to health and vibrant living. You can find his daily health blog at and his articles and radio show archives at

Learn more:

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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Truth tellers
11/4/2012 11:05:59 AM
Hi Myrna,

I am afraid our histories are similar. I stopped taking all pills supposed to lower my blood pressure more than ten years ago since it became clear to me they were causing more harm than benefit to my health. I also realized several friends and relatives, my mother among them, who had taken those pills and even most expensive ones for years on end, had not been prevented from suffering heart attacks or strokes and ultimately died from one or the other. The only pills I take now are aspirin to keep my blood fluid and some vitamin B.



Hi Miguel,

About the Pharma drugs. I would not take those pills,shots for all the tea in China. The only thing they are good for is to put money in the Pharma pocket. When you look at all the side effects it makes you sicker then the disease itself. Excuse me, but I will keep on with my Chiropractor, and health food store. I don't have to much faith in doctors, and I feel you should always get a 2nd opinion. I have heard of too many people being told they have the flu, when it is something serious.

I have 2 people I take to the doctors, it makes me sick to see them putting that garbage in their bodies, and having more complains, more pain. They both are taking 6- 8 kinds of meds. They even feel the meds are making them feel worse, but their doctor told them to take it, and they think he knows what is best for them. HAHA.

I read Dr Mercola on a daily basis. The other day he was talking about sugar being the big cause of heart problems, not salt. Another doctor said use the pink salt, the Himalayan salt, it has the trace minerals, which we are lacking. Do you ever get leg or arm cramps, it is lack of trace minerals. You can find them too at the health food store.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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